Can You Beat Subnautica Before The Aurora Explodes

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • Jup, I'll be trying to beat subnautica before the aurora explodes.
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    Special thanks to ivory and her amazing songs. You can check her out by looking up her channel: IvorySoundtracks

Комментарии • 462

  • @VorthodWiler
    @VorthodWiler 6 дней назад +710

    "Aurora, it's sunbeam. We're approaching your loca-"
    "Nah man, I got it."

  • @andrei_mihai_ilie1501
    @andrei_mihai_ilie1501 3 дня назад +190

    I am romanian and we dont steal. We just keep things we found

    • @viscerface
      @viscerface  3 дня назад +36

      Nah, you borrow for an undisclosed amount of time. 😀

    • @Albedomikans
      @Albedomikans 3 дня назад

      Nah they borrow until they're dead just like marisa ​@@viscerface

  • @random-w5r3h
    @random-w5r3h 3 дня назад +74

    "The reactor will reach a super critical state in T- 10, 9-"
    "Approaching orbital debris field"

  • @limonya_tarelka
    @limonya_tarelka 7 дней назад +113

    My anxiety when he was crafting the rocket: 📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈

  • @themixa7774
    @themixa7774 7 дней назад +397

    FINALLY, this is the 8th wonder of the world

  • @Doritoes8757
    @Doritoes8757 7 дней назад +208

    37 minutes and 13 seconds of absolute cinematory is about to be witnessed 🙏

    • @ilikelegos092
      @ilikelegos092 7 дней назад +1

      How did you watch it? it was released 25 minutes ago

    • @dodosarecool
      @dodosarecool 7 дней назад +6

      @ilikelegos092 "ABOUT TO BE WITTNESED"

    • @viscerface
      @viscerface  7 дней назад +8


    • @ilikelegos092
      @ilikelegos092 7 дней назад +1

      @ I realized. . . I'm just a bit slow sometimes (always)

    • @lathannichols2499
      @lathannichols2499 7 дней назад

      Mi can't believe that you would spoil the video like that

  • @EvanSmith-b4g
    @EvanSmith-b4g 7 дней назад +211

    He is one of the best Subnautica creators on youtube.

  • @_Nykolaii_
    @_Nykolaii_ 6 дней назад +37

    Man, getting into the aurora pre-explosion reminded me of that old side entrance, I miss it...

  • @Subnautica_Addict
    @Subnautica_Addict 6 дней назад +43

    Speedrunners beating the game under an hour: "Bruh."

    • @viscerface
      @viscerface  3 дня назад +16

      Ye, against a speedrunner, I'm basically trash

  • @kaidenst.dennis6982
    @kaidenst.dennis6982 7 дней назад +36

    18:39 POV: stray dog getting caught by an animal shelter

  • @jaybeeyaysh
    @jaybeeyaysh 7 дней назад +40

    Holy sh*t the effort behind this video, the editing alone must have taken YEARS. It’s been ages since I’ve sat through a whole 40 min video and enjoyed every second. Incredible video 🔥

  • @kevinrichardson63
    @kevinrichardson63 7 дней назад +60

    FINALLY another video.
    Nah but i'm really greatful that another video of this masterpiece of a chanel
    I'll wait for decades to watch this

    • @viscerface
      @viscerface  7 дней назад +6

      Yo thanks my g. Means a lot

  • @AivarkoForLife
    @AivarkoForLife 7 дней назад +237

    Hello after all this time….

    • @viscerface
      @viscerface  7 дней назад +22

      What's good

    • @GrayDwag
      @GrayDwag 7 дней назад +1


    • @MrView882
      @MrView882 7 дней назад +2

      Keep the “Huh” going

    • @GrayDwag
      @GrayDwag 7 дней назад +3

      @AivarkoForLife huh

    • @GavinGamingTV
      @GavinGamingTV 7 дней назад +3

      Huh… it’s been so long

  • @XerShadowTail
    @XerShadowTail 6 дней назад +17

    Gosh, congrats! I was actually half expecting the Aurora to explode once you hit orbit considering how close you were, that would have been quite the timing lol. Apparently the time it explodes might be in the save file, so you might be able to check how much time you had left!

  • @kozmicz2667
    @kozmicz2667 7 дней назад +6

    top 3 most insane videos you've done so far no doubt, this was SO well worth the wait and it more than makes sense why this took a bit HAVING VODKA TO CELEBRATE THIS!!!

  • @macro144p
    @macro144p 3 дня назад +3

    Personally I recommend continuing a speedrun even if you screw up, it allows you to practice later parts of the run without any pressure

  • @nqkzy9
    @nqkzy9 7 дней назад +27

    i once beat it in 47m just cause i was bored

  • @ami0games775
    @ami0games775 6 дней назад +2

    Let's go! Congrats dude! I really love how you never give up and despite all the difficulties you still keep going, to eventually reach your goal. You're amazing. Keep going buddy.

  • @Dude_Goose
    @Dude_Goose 7 дней назад +21

    i am at 6 seconds in the video and i already know its gonna be one of the best i ever watched

  • @AristeaSturmschwinge
    @AristeaSturmschwinge День назад +1

    That one stalker tooth chilling in the bottom right of the screen

  • @loganbreedt2048
    @loganbreedt2048 6 дней назад +15

    Ever wanted to Experience Pain Try beating Subnautica with No water and Beat the game before the Aurora Explodes, that'll give you Real pain to Cry about

  • @PhantomPixel67
    @PhantomPixel67 7 дней назад +44

    0:11 30HOURS?!?!?!? my first playthrough was 14 hours lol

    • @viscerface
      @viscerface  7 дней назад +14

      It depends from person to person. But I just looked it up online lol

    • @Tiagx
      @Tiagx 7 дней назад +9

      it also took me around 30 hours, i usually take a long time in these kinds of game to explore, discover and admire things at my own pace

    • @Bdubdoingstuff
      @Bdubdoingstuff 7 дней назад +1

      Mine was 2 hours. Yes I was in creative, but I swear on my life the weapon island spawned 1000 units from the life pod.

    • @EliBrady-p8c
      @EliBrady-p8c 7 дней назад

      Mine was 12 like 30 who takes 30

    • @LegendVr963
      @LegendVr963 6 дней назад +1

      Ok show off 😒

  • @_Nykolaii_
    @_Nykolaii_ 6 дней назад +1

    Altera watching a man bloodied in an escape rocket they havent sent yet arrive 37min after the Aurora disappeared from their radar:

    • @Xtreme0107
      @Xtreme0107 6 дней назад

      And the guy dying and and just appearing in his base

  • @zip_zip_zi
    @zip_zip_zi 4 дня назад +1

    Viscerface i never beated subnautica but your videos motivated me and im almost beating it :3

    • @WitheredTeaGrounds
      @WitheredTeaGrounds День назад +1

      You should totally keep going on it dude! It is so worth it, I mean you know how it ends and everything but it makes you feel all the crafting and resourcing was worth the experience.

    • @zip_zip_zi
      @zip_zip_zi День назад

      Thx man :D

  • @Gyzella12
    @Gyzella12 7 дней назад

    Thank you for making my day better man, keep up the good work💪

  • @jazminbalazs553
    @jazminbalazs553 7 дней назад +2

    This got sent to me at the best time... before sleeping

  • @zuziakolodziej8235
    @zuziakolodziej8235 7 дней назад +2

    I've wanted to do this so badly 😭 glad you did it

  • @ScpSlGuard
    @ScpSlGuard 7 дней назад +8

    Peak cinema as allways

  • @XavierCat
    @XavierCat 7 дней назад +8

    "My most difficult Subnautica challenge yet"
    Yeah, sorry, man- I really think the head in water in real life run was worse. I mean... how bad could this possibly be?

    • @viscerface
      @viscerface  7 дней назад +4

      Nah, head in water was way easier

  • @DeftBuckle87759
    @DeftBuckle87759 7 дней назад +2

    New idea for challenge for you, I've tried this one and I nearly went insane the game revolves around using a few specific tools very frequently take those away and the game becomes infinitely harder for me I have myself the builder tool, the knife, the scanner every other tool was hands off meaning no repair tool, no seaglid nad many more, I don't recommend this challenge but if you do, try to not commit un alive 👍☺️

  • @gaeldelgadobarraza5724
    @gaeldelgadobarraza5724 7 дней назад

    I was waiting for it, i love your videos 🔥

  • @R.D.e.d.i.t.s
    @R.D.e.d.i.t.s 3 дня назад +1

    bro is just built different

  • @WRRAnimaEJoga
    @WRRAnimaEJoga 7 дней назад +3

    This video was fire🗣🔥

  • @Mc_Kinich1
    @Mc_Kinich1 День назад

    One short of a Gargantuan Leviathan: 10 more shorts: decides to watch a Subnautica video: now wants to play the game,,,,

  • @Breathtaker5000
    @Breathtaker5000 7 дней назад +1

    Nice video! :D

    • @viscerface
      @viscerface  7 дней назад

      Ain't no way. It's the man the myth the legend

  • @Thecringeking5.0
    @Thecringeking5.0 6 дней назад

    nah this challenge is insane cant believe you actually did it loved the vidoe

  • @Mefrius
    @Mefrius 6 дней назад

    I like to come back every 1-3 month to see you keep making ideas out of the same few games :0

  • @supakornlosing1967
    @supakornlosing1967 7 дней назад +1

    wake up at 3am to watch this cinematic masterpiece
    (peak video as always)

  • @EthanNope-e1x
    @EthanNope-e1x 6 дней назад +1

    Just realised you only have 50k subs
    You deserve wayy more 😭

  • @ghostkix4
    @ghostkix4 7 дней назад +1

    I love your content Viscerface it is always funny thank you for being one of my fav youtubers

    • @viscerface
      @viscerface  7 дней назад +1

      YOO, ty my g. much love

  • @Demitcho
    @Demitcho 7 дней назад +1

    This got me more hyped than solo leveling🗣️🗣️🔥🔥

  • @gamingstuffs711
    @gamingstuffs711 7 дней назад +6


  • @guterversuch6337
    @guterversuch6337 4 дня назад

    Thank you for this great introduction to the subautica speedrun

  • @piratelord7301
    @piratelord7301 7 дней назад +1

    finally the ultimate masterpiece

  • @i-like-carrotz
    @i-like-carrotz 7 дней назад +2

    This has to be the hardest subnautica challange ever (thank god that Viscerface did it)

  • @chappy_1342
    @chappy_1342 7 дней назад +1

    This is an absolute MASTERPIECE!

  • @cantcatchfoolz
    @cantcatchfoolz 5 дней назад +2

    At the end of the challenge, I was waiting for
    *Cannot launch rocket with Quarantine Enforcement Platform Active*

  • @Parker-x7b
    @Parker-x7b 7 дней назад +7

    Finally I thought the union would come back before comrade would upload 💀🇷🇺

  • @Bunzao
    @Bunzao 7 дней назад +1


  • @mrlegend1745
    @mrlegend1745 7 дней назад +1

    Your videos are so true, especially the molesting fish fragments. Anyways, good luck on progresing and i really hope you get 1 million subs

    • @viscerface
      @viscerface  7 дней назад +1

      Thank you very much my g. Means a lot

  • @CreditSquid
    @CreditSquid 6 дней назад

    Woah another W video i can watch repeatedly

  • @elpepe-z1w
    @elpepe-z1w 7 дней назад +1

    If we think about it his speedrun could be the most fast speedrun ever

    • @viscerface
      @viscerface  7 дней назад

      Not even close lol. My speedrun was slow asf

  • @rsidle9940
    @rsidle9940 2 дня назад +1

    on my normal playthrough i had max depth prawn seamoth and almost finished rocket and main story before i even managed to get cyclops blueprints it was honestly such a pain

  • @shiverVR-goober
    @shiverVR-goober День назад +1


  • @NightmareGarchomp
    @NightmareGarchomp 7 дней назад

    Finally. About time for a new good Subnautica content!

  • @Dragos-y7n
    @Dragos-y7n 7 дней назад +2

    Yesssss my favorite youtuber

  • @Enxivity09
    @Enxivity09 6 дней назад

    absolute cinema my comrade 🔥🙌

  • @ocean_blue_cat
    @ocean_blue_cat 2 дня назад

    Now I want to watch documentaries about Chernobyl again, thank you 😂😂
    But that was cool, man. You're so cool 👏👏

  • @NotHite
    @NotHite 7 дней назад +2

    Best subnautica player in the freaking world

  • @Indom-y1h
    @Indom-y1h 7 дней назад

    congratulations! love your content man keep it up

  • @Giggleshitter123
    @Giggleshitter123 6 дней назад

    Best Subnautica content creator icl

  • @baweroko
    @baweroko 7 дней назад +3

    yay new viscerface video

  • @baby-plum-Isaac
    @baby-plum-Isaac 5 дней назад +1

    Finally the funny subnautica Russian guy posted😎

  • @ElbatonElgato
    @ElbatonElgato 7 дней назад +2

    Do you feel better comrade?

    • @viscerface
      @viscerface  7 дней назад +1

      INDEED. A lot better, thanks

  • @shashankvithalani4145
    @shashankvithalani4145 5 дней назад

    I love how this just turns into a normal speedrun 😂😂

  • @Michael-g7w5x
    @Michael-g7w5x 7 дней назад +1

    Can u do a video where ur base is in the mountains and u have a mod that spawns extra reaper u also have to beat the game

  • @t26e1-1super-pershing
    @t26e1-1super-pershing 7 дней назад +1

    another absolute banger

  • @FNAFGamer332
    @FNAFGamer332 7 дней назад +1

    I Love your Vids ❤❤

  • @willlaw8233
    @willlaw8233 4 дня назад

    Remember one time you did the subnautica but upside down challenge? There was one glitch where if you go into the alien containment facility and the game still thinks u are swimming, that may help to keep the super sea glide glitch

  • @Austin-z1l
    @Austin-z1l 7 дней назад +1

    I do not have the patience to do anything like this

  • @Smilerode
    @Smilerode 6 дней назад

    absolutely love your content

  • @NobodyNobody-u8y
    @NobodyNobody-u8y 7 дней назад +1


  • @TheNauticat7
    @TheNauticat7 7 дней назад

    Congrats on 50k

  • @LATupacpow
    @LATupacpow 7 дней назад

    This is peak right here people. Also the goat has arrived.

  • @mrbubblyboiii8409
    @mrbubblyboiii8409 7 дней назад +1

    Finally bro... Masterpiece tho ig

  • @GlenTyler-v6m
    @GlenTyler-v6m 6 дней назад

    Thanks for posting bro

  • @Tr._.1cked
    @Tr._.1cked 7 дней назад

    Vischerface really is the funniest subnautica content creator.

  • @Darklink09_
    @Darklink09_ 7 дней назад +1

    30 hours?! it took me 19 hours in hardcore to complete it whole

    • @viscerface
      @viscerface  7 дней назад +1

      A first playthrough a person has is usually 20-30 hours

  • @VTKhaos
    @VTKhaos 6 дней назад

    Been waiting for another video w

  • @Saturogojo-t3e
    @Saturogojo-t3e 7 дней назад +1

    Im a Romanian and u are making me prod

  • @Epicboy099
    @Epicboy099 7 дней назад +1

    Subnautica but everything in the water has a random chance to turn into a crashfish (do this once you decide to bring mods to challenge runs to make them harder)

  • @Pendragon667
    @Pendragon667 5 дней назад

    It's been ages since i last saw the "24" timer.
    Guess it's time to give the show a re-watch.

  • @Rikimaru72
    @Rikimaru72 6 дней назад

    The Skyrim Theme is really helping good luck dragon born

  • @DeepSea_Ventures
    @DeepSea_Ventures 6 дней назад

    Finally,a new viscerface video

  • @Heckre-kv9lb
    @Heckre-kv9lb 6 дней назад

    “Subnautica but i try to escape the planet before aurora commits dna die on me”

  • @EmberTheFlareon3579
    @EmberTheFlareon3579 6 дней назад

    Next time you do this, you should wait until it's about to explode so you take off as it is exploding.

  • @mateuxser
    @mateuxser 7 дней назад +1

    Finally it’s my russian man

  • @Ajdin_1103
    @Ajdin_1103 7 дней назад +1

    You actually did it

  • @The_Wawa69
    @The_Wawa69 6 дней назад

    yayyy NEW VIDEO!!! Keep up dude!!!!

  • @ThePeeperReaper
    @ThePeeperReaper 7 дней назад +1

    ok how would you get the rocket blueprints man

  • @Axxolotl_blu
    @Axxolotl_blu 5 дней назад +1

    Sheesh, I like it. Something new. By the way, I’m not native English speaker and I heard a slight accent in your voice. It’s right or I’m wrong?

  • @ZedProductions1
    @ZedProductions1 6 дней назад


  • @spaceuncharted9781
    @spaceuncharted9781 6 дней назад

    This man is keeping Subnautica alive, please subscribe so I can keep watching my favorite game in ways that don't make any sense :D
    (also to Viscerface, I'd watch you play lots of games, not just Subnautica, so do what you find fun, but I recommend S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 because is gud game, is fun.)
    Okay byeeee!

  • @ArchangelOfKindness
    @ArchangelOfKindness 6 дней назад

    Bro came back from the depths of void to upload this miracle of video

  • @LukaHall-v5i
    @LukaHall-v5i 7 дней назад +1

    Daddy finaly uploaded

  • @Aleks42077
    @Aleks42077 6 дней назад

    Bro is gonna be subnautica legend 👁

  • @AmaZe-123
    @AmaZe-123 7 дней назад

    viscerface the legend with another subnautica drop!!

  • @Pulpomelena
    @Pulpomelena 7 дней назад

    Yeah finally some good stuff to watch all day🎉

  • @Zoid-05
    @Zoid-05 7 дней назад

    Our saviour has returned 🔥🔥

  • @RockinrollRiley1
    @RockinrollRiley1 7 дней назад

    At the very end, you were probably extremely relieved so then you started beating it😂