hmmm just watched it, personality has changed, more unliekable these days, he’s turned into one of those creepy youtube zombies with weird hand gestures and talking voice... although voice is kinda gay anyway he’s forcing bit of laddish-ness through
if you’ve ever been to a gymnastics centre, the men there are mostly gay, trampolining tumbling not so much, but the gymnasts are deffo more limp in the wrist than most, voice sounds kinda gay-ish with a forced gravel added
most disappointing is he doesn’t realise that he could have got his penthouse without having to sell his soul to management team, just wouldhave taken him longer, but yeah he gets to live in his penthouse at 23, which is way too young.. very immature with the pool table and wall mural, bit tacky isn’t it, and the crushed velvet everywhere, he’s a chav I suppose with no taste..
but the nice guy is in there somewhere, I feel like social media changes people for the worst and gives them a bit conceited big head, when really none of it’s real, nobody cares about his opinions, he’s not got much to say it seems