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Dec 28, 2024 7:15 AM

Nov 2011
Jesus Christ, being tortured and then sentenced to death. What a tough fate.

Novak's plan worked though, at least the part where he got the information out. I don't trust the church on what they're doing but it feels more complicated than it looks. Either way, Novak is a man to be feared psychologically and he's proven it in these recent episodes.
Dec 28, 2024 8:09 AM
Apr 2023
Wow. Just Wow. I don't even have word to describe this episode. Badeni not burning Oczy's texts, the torture scene.

The death scene was just perfect, the sky, the shooting stars, everything. This anime is, imo, extremely underrated, and more people should watch it.
Dec 28, 2024 8:18 AM

Jun 2019
It's crazy how far Rafal's influence goes in this story. What a goated character he was who lasted 3 episodes. Other than that, things are getting harder to watch with all the torture and stuff. Badeni couldn't let Oczy suffer, so he confessed and they both were executed. RIP. Two amazing characters who will affect the story in a big way. They accepted their fate. To them, there last moments were beautiful and they hope that someone after them will bring this chapter to an end.

But, looks like even Jolenta got the brunt of both their deaths but for different reasons from that jealous inquisitor. The nice inquisitor kid helped Jolenta escape for now. Can't wait to see where this goes from here on out. An amazing episode as the whole series has been doing so far.
Dec 28, 2024 8:25 AM

Dec 2021
WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK???? THEY ACTUALLY DIED???? What the hell to do now??? And yeah, Rafal's influence needs to be studied. Dude was twelve and ten year later they stay talking about him. The GOAT.

These two were the goats as well, but man. Now it's all up to Jolenta to finish it. Fuck that one sexist fuck and that group that want to kill Jolenta just so they can get Novak exiled as well.

Dec 28, 2024 9:10 AM

Mar 2020
I could handle the 2 main characters dying, I slightly wished that they would be pardoned last minute. But they got too close to a readable theory for them to keep living.

But the scene with Jolenta being tortured was too much, I felt an acid burn in my throat and had to pause a few times. im glad she escaped by the end. But as someone who broke a tooth once the torture hit too personal.
Dec 28, 2024 9:14 AM
Oct 2020
Ok another 2 dead.
Dec 28, 2024 9:18 AM

Jul 2016
The fact that Badeni had Oczy keep his sight until their collective end makes me so irrationally happy, even moreso than knowing that their legacy will (or rather, if they're lucky, *might*) live on. Rafal would be proud of you guys.

Guess we'll know what actual grudge-motivated torture would look like if the news of Antoni being extra accomodating for Jolenta's brief interrogation room visit reaches Nowak.
Dec 28, 2024 9:26 AM
Jun 2020
No, Oczy, Badeni. I know their fate was sealed from 2 episodes ago, but it still hurts so much. At least Jolenta was saved by the young man. I wonder what Nowak's next move will be?
Dec 28, 2024 9:42 AM
Sep 2015
The story is as dark as its screen brightness.
Dec 28, 2024 9:42 AM

Feb 2019
Anime. Of. The . Year!!!!

Holy shit man this show is awful for my anxiety and blood pressure. What a way to end off the year. We knew Oczy and Badeni deaths were an inevitability since this series is all about the relay race that is scientific advancement, passing it to the next generation, but that doesn’t make what we saw today any easier.

Really thought Badeni would just let them torture Oczy to death, but it seems even for him the eye is a no go. Flashbacks to when his was burned. I’m confused what he burned a couple weeks ago then if it wasn’t the documents.. them learning that Rafal was only 12 and refused to repent or apologise for his actions was so funny though lmao. Badeni felt a little soft for sure. Also confirmation that Rafal did indeed kill himself with the seeds, I was having a debate with someone about that a couple weeks ago, so you win!

Beautiful final scene of them at the “gate to heaven” They might have had their flaws, but I think heaven awaits for those who promote the truth and want to educate people. You’ll both be missed

NOO STAY AWAY FROM JOLENTA. Fuck man that whole sequence had me sick to my stomach. You could tell the head inquisitor just wants to take Nowak’s spot even before he opened his mouth. Luckily she got out with just a missing tooth, but Nowak is not going to be happy about this. It would be funny if he learns of this and then preserves the documents as a fuck you to the church establishment lmao

Also the IRONY of the brown haired apprentice being the only REAL Christian we’ve seen in the Church thus far in the series and he gets mocked as “weak” and “spoiled” by higher ups. It’s amazing how little of the bible so called Christians read. “Turn the other cheek” would be called weak by these idiots.

Great ep
Marinate1016Dec 28, 2024 11:57 AM
Dec 28, 2024 9:45 AM

Mar 2022

I cant fathom how this show is this good.

Dec 28, 2024 9:56 AM
Apr 2018
jolenta torture is to much..

i cannot wait, how novak reacted her daugher is tortured
Dec 28, 2024 10:05 AM

Oct 2024
Excellent end to Badeni's character, rip.
Caveman draw anime girl on cave, Caveman happy. Cityman angry at cave drawing, Caveman throw club at Cityman.

epic candy :
Dec 28, 2024 10:22 AM

Jan 2009
Strange how they censored Oczy's torture while they have no problem going through the Jolenta's one...

Great ep, dont want to spoil too much for anime onlies but these internal cracks and different views inside the church will be important. on another topic, Im thinking at this point the OP will stay the same up until the very end, they will update only new MCs face probably
Dec 28, 2024 10:31 AM

Aug 2018
Wow, this episode left me speechless...
What a way to end the 2024 run of the anime!

The 1st half of the episode focused on the end of Oczy and Badeni. We knew that they weren't going to make it, and so did they. The Oczy torture scenes were just terrifying. And the symbolism when Nowak targeted Oczy's eyes, that were the ones that gave Oczy this whole character development and from which he saw hope for the world (back in episode 9). It was at that moment Badeni couldn't handle anymore. This scene showed that Badeni wasn't the stone-cold hearted person we thought he was. He was clearly suffering from watching his friend being tortured like that. At the end, they ended up burning up all the research they had from the previous researchers (including Rafal).
But Badeni knowing that Rafal, the one that ended up starting this "pass the torch" of heliocentrism, was only 12 years old made him realize that people like Jolenta could continue on the research.
And that's plan B. Badeni believes there's a small chance that someone will pick up Oczy's works, and althought they aren't from a scholar, will make someone feel inspired to continue the research of heliocentrism. My only question is what writing was he referring to, since he burned the book that Oczy wrote.
Anyways, this small chance of someone continuing the research was all that Oczy needed to still have faith in the freedom that he searched for the world. I was surprised to see that Oczy didn't blame Badeni at all for all the suffering he had to endure, and ending up giving up on protecting the research. He perfectly understood Badeni, he was even surprised that he tried to protect the research ( a clear break from what he did back in episode 6), to the point even Badeni was surprised. Oczy's speech in episode 12 really changed Badeni's perspective. It just seems he didn't understand how hard it was for Badeni to see him getting tortured.

The scene where Badeni and Oczy are killed was both sad and peaceful. It's sad that their journeys end here, but at the same time, their suffering also ends, and both ended up dying with ease of mind. It's incredible how well they maintained the narrative of Oczy's character, back from episode 4 when he was worried about death and not going to heaven, since all the people that he killed ended up dying with terrified faces, and how he started all of this because the herectic from episode 4 and his master from the guild both died with a peaceful expression, unlike the other people he saw dying. And now, we have Oczy also dying peacefuly, without worrying if he's going to hell, because he truly believes that both him and Badeni will end up somewhere where they can enjoy seeing, hopefully, the world changing. All of this because he had hope for the world of the living.

RIP Oczy and Badeni. They truly were the GOATs alongside Rafal and Hubert. I loved seeing their character development along these 11 episodes.
I really loved the detail that after Oczy and Badeni died, we could see 2 shooting stars in the sky, showing that Oczy was right, and both ended up in Heaven. It was such a subtle, yet beautiful detail.

And the anime did it again, they killed off their main characters. Only one main character remains: Jolenta.

The thing is Nowak's apprentices were out to get her... It was expected that the inquisitors would be after her, but I had the hope that Nowak somehow was able to hide the fact that Jolenta knew Oczy and Badeni.
The scene were they tell Jolenta that they and her father are inquisitors gave me chills. You could see in her expression how terified she was, and rethink everything that happened, including introducing her father, an inquisitor, to Oczy and Badeni. After that she gets to know that both Badeni and Oczy were judges has herectics, and this must have hurt her, since it was her own father the reason for that to happen.

When that guy appeared and said that the apprentices needed to torture Jolenta, my heart fell to the ground...
Not only that, but I felt there were other motives for this torture too...
And ends up my suspicion was correct, since it seems that guy wants to rise in the hierarchy, and for that he needs Nowak outside of the picture, since this way it whill also affect the bishop, and this was the perfect opportunity.
Both the apprentices were having an hard time torturing Jolenta, but that guy was cold as a stone, and ripped her tooth out, showing he clearly has a goal with that.

The apprentice with the ginger hair heard the plan though... It was really interesting that he was questioning what they were doing, and how contrasting it was with the "faith" that the church was preaching. The other apprentice clearly was the example of the people that just do what they are ordered to do, without questioning the morality behind it.
The ginger hair guy wasn't going to comply with them killing Jolenta because of politics, since it goes against his own faith, the faith that is just understanding how wrong that all felt. It's interesting to see that he believes that faith is just the way you live your life, and not just some abstract concept. And killing a girl to rise in power was not a "way of life".
Thankfuly he helped Jolenta escape (so no Jolenta death this episode, at least), but now I'm worried for him, since they are clearly going to kill him... :(
Maybe Nowak will get there, and save him, since he did save his daughter. I'm also really curious to see what Nowak will do when he gets to know that they were trying to kill his own daughter. It's not going to be pretty, that's for sure.

I'm really curious to see what the next episode brings, since I really don't know what Jolenta will do from now on. Will she be able to rewrite the heliocentrism theory that they had, and pass it on to the next generation? Are they killing Jolenta next episode? I don't know, but I really hope Jolenta will be alright. At least we are getting a more focused episode on Jolenta next time!

They didn't change the opening nor the ending, so I suppose they won't be changing next episode either, since we are still within the same generation. But they might not change it at all. The opening still has a lot of scenes that haven't appeared yet, and the ending has been changed everytime new characters and generations get introduced, so I supposed they'll just do that maybe next episode.

This anime is only getting better and better, and I really think I'm going to end up giving it a 10/10. This episode was probably the best episode so far, even better than the 3rd episode. It was just amazing.
Orb was clearly the best anime I watched in this Fall season (now that it's officially over, I can say this).

Well, see you all next year I suppose. Happy New Year!
Dec 28, 2024 10:32 AM
Jan 2021
Anime of the Season.
Anime of the Year.

That's all there is to it.

Novak acknowledging how incredible Rafal was. The three candles next to Yolenta representing Rafal, Oczy, and Badeni. And now we find out Antoni is even bigger scum than Novak is.

"Tonight the sky is definitely beautiful."
"I can believe in that."

The writing for Orb is truly on another level. No wonder this manga won awards.
Dec 28, 2024 10:40 AM

Aug 2018
Reply to FarCritical
The fact that Badeni had Oczy keep his sight until their collective end makes me so irrationally happy, even moreso than knowing that their legacy will (or rather, if they're lucky, *might*) live on. Rafal would be proud of you guys.

Guess we'll know what actual grudge-motivated torture would look like if the news of Antoni being extra accomodating for Jolenta's brief interrogation room visit reaches Nowak.
FarCritical said:
The fact that Badeni had Oczy keep his sight until their collective end makes me so irrationally happy, even moreso than knowing that their legacy will (or rather, if they're lucky, *might*) live on. Rafal would be proud of you guys.

This! I really enjoyed that writing of Badeni's character. He wasn't able to let them take Oczy's eyesight. This was he was able to die while wathing the (now) beautiful starlight!

FarCritical said:
Guess we'll know what actual grudge-motivated torture would look like if the news of Antoni being extra accomodating for Jolenta's brief interrogation room visit reaches Nowak

Things are going to get ugly, that's for sure!

WhiteTestament said:
Great ep, dont want to spoil too much for anime onlies but these internal cracks and different views inside the church will be important.

Glad to know they aren't brushing off these internal conflicts in the church. I can see these internal conflicts creating the opportunity for heliocentrism theory to make it's much awaited debut.
Dec 28, 2024 10:43 AM
Apr 2022
Tonight's Sky is definitely... Beautiful .
Dec 28, 2024 10:45 AM
Feb 2021
God I am so full of rage when I watch this show. All the women and children throughout history who suffer and die because of the power games of callous pitiless men who "believe they are doing it for the greater good". Yeah, right. And it's still going on every single day...

Amazing show though

Oh well, back to Puniru is a Kawai Slime..
GavinmercerDec 28, 2024 10:58 AM
Dec 28, 2024 10:57 AM
Feb 2017
Reply to Gavinmercer
God I am so full of rage when I watch this show. All the women and children throughout history who suffer and die because of the power games of callous pitiless men who "believe they are doing it for the greater good". Yeah, right. And it's still going on every single day...

Amazing show though

Oh well, back to Puniru is a Kawai Slime..
@Gavinmercer Not just women and children. People suffered because of those in power
Dec 28, 2024 11:00 AM
Feb 2021
Ash_li said:
@Gavinmercer Not just women and children. People suffered because of those in power

Yeah but men are supposed to be there to protect women and children it's kind of their job.
Dec 28, 2024 11:10 AM
Feb 2017
Reply to Gavinmercer
Ash_li said:
@Gavinmercer Not just women and children. People suffered because of those in power

Yeah but men are supposed to be there to protect women and children it's kind of their job.
@Gavinmercer Not a fan of the idea that just because you're a man you're obligated to just sacrifice your health and life otherwise you're a waste of a space. Protecting the weak is definitely a noble thing to do and other than protecting friends and family most people back then were just trying to survive.

Most men in history had very little actual power and at most could only protect their families. Even that was an incredibly difficult task.
Dec 28, 2024 11:12 AM
Jul 2023
Reply to ehimmel
Anime of the Season.
Anime of the Year.

That's all there is to it.

Novak acknowledging how incredible Rafal was. The three candles next to Yolenta representing Rafal, Oczy, and Badeni. And now we find out Antoni is even bigger scum than Novak is.

"Tonight the sky is definitely beautiful."
"I can believe in that."

The writing for Orb is truly on another level. No wonder this manga won awards.
@ehimmel don't forget to vote in the MAL yearbook then. Don't let Solo Leveling or Danda take Orbs rightful crown.
Dec 28, 2024 11:17 AM

Mar 2020
One journey ends in flames, but things got more complicated...

What an intense episode to end off the 2024 run of this anime, with Oczy and Badeni's fate having been sealed. What made this series even more complex beyond just the church being against heretical research, is the idea of the thirst for power. In order for Antoni to get the power he wanted, someone had to suffer, and Jolenta was the person needed for that role. Luckily for her, she was saved, and the life of these inquisitors are going to become even more complicated. Now, I wonder where we go from here. Since the research wasn't really passed down, things might go into a different direction. Will we focus on Jolenta's journey, or someone else's?

As 2024 draws to a close, I'd like to say that this anime has been one of the best of the year for me, even just through fourteen episodes. You don't see stories like these often, so when they come, it feels special. While the visuals could certainly look better, it hasn't taken away from how amazing the storytelling has been so far. Hopefully, the second cour will be just as good.
Dec 28, 2024 11:55 AM

Sep 2013
This anime became a torture porn at this point, still RIP to our main characters,no deus ex machina to save their ass,i thought Jolenta would be safe though but her future is definitely uncertain now, i really hope she survives but sadly doubt it, wonder if we're getting a new visual for the opening next week (with i hope Jolenta)
Deep dark fantasies
Dec 28, 2024 12:06 PM

Mar 2016
And they saw the stars giving them a last goodbye as they entered on its last sleep... Man I'll miss Ocsi and Badeni as much as Rafal. Getting rid of Nowak by targeting off his daughter? Man that's low even by the church's stand... No, you know what, that's pretty much a thing from them.
No tomo malas decisiones, solo me gusta apoyar causas perdidas.
Disfruté Mayoiga, Ou-sama Game, Evil or Live, Mirai Nikki, Big Order, Arifureta, Ex-Arm, Tesla Note, Shuumatsu no Harem y Platinum End
nope les falle con esa, lo siento pero todos tenemos nuestros límites.
Así de jodido es mi gusto en anime, ¡Y estoy pinche orgulloso de ello!

Dec 28, 2024 12:19 PM
May 2022
I love that this anime doesn't pull any punches. Yes, it's hard to watch, but it's what happens and that's it.
Amazing episode.
Dec 28, 2024 1:02 PM
Sep 2024
The way I screamed out when the son of the Bishop decided to torture Jolenta...

I believe that the first half of this episode is a serious contender for one of the best parts of this anime. It is seriously reminiscent of the final moments of Rafal in his cell thinking about the future of the theory. I really appreciated Badeni's decision and pity in the last moments to at least spare Oczy's eye so that he could still see when their moments came. And man... Badeni and Oczy die in the most appropriate setting: under the starry sky. Genuinely tragic but beautiful. We'll miss them greatly.
It is just a shame that Oczy did not manage to catch a glimpse of Venus at the very end

Jolenta is too precious for such treatment and for such a sudden reveal of her father's identity but I suppose that all has to be found out eventually. Luckily for her and heliocentrism, one of the new recruits had enough common sense to free her at the end. This also means that now we'll have to root for Nowak as he'll desperately defend his daughter.

Also, the way that now she is the only one left in the ending sequence looking up at the sky 😭😭😭
Dec 28, 2024 1:12 PM

Aug 2020

i was not really expecting that for them even if i'm not totally surprised...

wow,so they attacked the girl, damnnnn
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Dec 28, 2024 1:35 PM
Nov 2013
Technically the guy who hated Nowak was right. The church was investing too much money on the purpose of "killing" people that wanted to know about heliocentrism because of his obsesion, and thus spending more money on inquisitors.

I hope we eon't see Jolenta as a main character next, her personality wasn't good imo.
Dec 28, 2024 1:39 PM
Apr 2020
It was expected, I mean episode 1 very first seconds. But damn it hurts, and I am sad they died.
Dec 28, 2024 1:51 PM

Nov 2022
Heavy... heavy heavy show man...

The amount of pain and suffering...

Fuck every episode keeps you tense, but wanting more haha.
Dec 28, 2024 1:56 PM
Nov 2018
This episode was insane wtf. I'm sure next week we'll see the nice inquisitor boi get tortured. Show keeps getting better.
Dec 28, 2024 1:59 PM
Dec 2024
This anime is sooooooo underrated no one be talking about it but it’s soooo good. I am low key shipping Badeni and Oczy. Their death was so poetic and beautiful. Very refreshing show so far killing all protagonists. I thought Jolenta was done too but luckily the nice inquisitor let her go.
Dec 28, 2024 2:02 PM
Dec 2024
PokefanPT said:
Wow, this episode left me speechless...
What a way to end the 2024 run of the anime!

The 1st half of the episode focused on the end of Oczy and Badeni. We knew that they weren't going to make it, and so did they. The Oczy torture scenes were just terrifying. And the symbolism when Nowak targeted Oczy's eyes, that were the ones that gave Oczy this whole character development and from which he saw hope for the world (back in episode 9). It was at that moment Badeni couldn't handle anymore. This scene showed that Badeni wasn't the stone-cold hearted person we thought he was. He was clearly suffering from watching his friend being tortured like that. At the end, they ended up burning up all the research they had from the previous researchers (including Rafal).
But Badeni knowing that Rafal, the one that ended up starting this "pass the torch" of heliocentrism, was only 12 years old made him realize that people like Jolenta could continue on the research.
And that's plan B. Badeni believes there's a small chance that someone will pick up Oczy's works, and althought they aren't from a scholar, will make someone feel inspired to continue the research of heliocentrism. My only question is what writing was he referring to, since he burned the book that Oczy wrote.
Anyways, this small chance of someone continuing the research was all that Oczy needed to still have faith in the freedom that he searched for the world. I was surprised to see that Oczy didn't blame Badeni at all for all the suffering he had to endure, and ending up giving up on protecting the research. He perfectly understood Badeni, he was even surprised that he tried to protect the research ( a clear break from what he did back in episode 6), to the point even Badeni was surprised. Oczy's speech in episode 12 really changed Badeni's perspective. It just seems he didn't understand how hard it was for Badeni to see him getting tortured.

The scene where Badeni and Oczy are killed was both sad and peaceful. It's sad that their journeys end here, but at the same time, their suffering also ends, and both ended up dying with ease of mind. It's incredible how well they maintained the narrative of Oczy's character, back from episode 4 when he was worried about death and not going to heaven, since all the people that he killed ended up dying with terrified faces, and how he started all of this because the herectic from episode 4 and his master from the guild both died with a peaceful expression, unlike the other people he saw dying. And now, we have Oczy also dying peacefuly, without worrying if he's going to hell, because he truly believes that both him and Badeni will end up somewhere where they can enjoy seeing, hopefully, the world changing. All of this because he had hope for the world of the living.

RIP Oczy and Badeni. They truly were the GOATs alongside Rafal and Hubert. I loved seeing their character development along these 11 episodes.
I really loved the detail that after Oczy and Badeni died, we could see 2 shooting stars in the sky, showing that Oczy was right, and both ended up in Heaven. It was such a subtle, yet beautiful detail.

And the anime did it again, they killed off their main characters. Only one main character remains: Jolenta.

The thing is Nowak's apprentices were out to get her... It was expected that the inquisitors would be after her, but I had the hope that Nowak somehow was able to hide the fact that Jolenta knew Oczy and Badeni.
The scene were they tell Jolenta that they and her father are inquisitors gave me chills. You could see in her expression how terified she was, and rethink everything that happened, including introducing her father, an inquisitor, to Oczy and Badeni. After that she gets to know that both Badeni and Oczy were judges has herectics, and this must have hurt her, since it was her own father the reason for that to happen.

When that guy appeared and said that the apprentices needed to torture Jolenta, my heart fell to the ground...
Not only that, but I felt there were other motives for this torture too...
And ends up my suspicion was correct, since it seems that guy wants to rise in the hierarchy, and for that he needs Nowak outside of the picture, since this way it whill also affect the bishop, and this was the perfect opportunity.
Both the apprentices were having an hard time torturing Jolenta, but that guy was cold as a stone, and ripped her tooth out, showing he clearly has a goal with that.

The apprentice with the ginger hair heard the plan though... It was really interesting that he was questioning what they were doing, and how contrasting it was with the "faith" that the church was preaching. The other apprentice clearly was the example of the people that just do what they are ordered to do, without questioning the morality behind it.
The ginger hair guy wasn't going to comply with them killing Jolenta because of politics, since it goes against his own faith, the faith that is just understanding how wrong that all felt. It's interesting to see that he believes that faith is just the way you live your life, and not just some abstract concept. And killing a girl to rise in power was not a "way of life".
Thankfuly he helped Jolenta escape (so no Jolenta death this episode, at least), but now I'm worried for him, since they are clearly going to kill him... :(
Maybe Nowak will get there, and save him, since he did save his daughter. I'm also really curious to see what Nowak will do when he gets to know that they were trying to kill his own daughter. It's not going to be pretty, that's for sure.

I'm really curious to see what the next episode brings, since I really don't know what Jolenta will do from now on. Will she be able to rewrite the heliocentrism theory that they had, and pass it on to the next generation? Are they killing Jolenta next episode? I don't know, but I really hope Jolenta will be alright. At least we are getting a more focused episode on Jolenta next time!

They didn't change the opening nor the ending, so I suppose they won't be changing next episode either, since we are still within the same generation. But they might not change it at all. The opening still has a lot of scenes that haven't appeared yet, and the ending has been changed everytime new characters and generations get introduced, so I supposed they'll just do that maybe next episode.

This anime is only getting better and better, and I really think I'm going to end up giving it a 10/10. This episode was probably the best episode so far, even better than the 3rd episode. It was just amazing.
Orb was clearly the best anime I watched in this Fall season (now that it's officially over, I can say this).

Well, see you all next year I suppose. Happy New Year!

Perfect recap. I completely agree!!
Dec 28, 2024 2:04 PM
Jul 2024
i cant see Nowak turning traitor on the church but well see
also yeah wonder if well get new characters following on the footsteps of Oczy (since Badeni research is destroyed)
Dec 28, 2024 2:09 PM

Nov 2022
Orb is definitely the anime of the year for me.

It was foreseeable from the scene in episode 1 that the torture of Oczy would be bad, but it was still very bad to see what Nowak did to him. I was very happy to see that Badeni saved Oczy from losing his sight. He experienced first-hand how painful that is. I think Badeni's character development is so brilliant. He turned from a very arrogant, narcissistic person into a good friend. I really hoped until the end that both would survive, but knowing the show, that won't be the case. I really cried when they were both executed. I really grew to love them over the course of the episodes. the little detail that two shooting stars flew across the sky after the two died shows how they got to heaven and it made me cry even more.

As if all that wasn't emotional enough, I also had to watch Jolenta being tortured. I wanted to jump into my screen and not strangle this Inqusitor myself.

I haven't seen such good historical anime since Vinland Saga Season 2 and Orb can definitely compete with Vinland Saga
Dec 28, 2024 2:21 PM
Feb 2022
Badeni a hard man but with principles and honor in the end, I who thought he would last until the end, what a man, he didn't even denounce Jolenta.
I must admit that at the time I wanted him to do it even if I like Jolenta I would have really liked to see the nowak reaction, spending his life hunting heretics so that his daughter becomes a hérétic what a funny joke.

But when jolenta was tortured I felt very uncomfortable, I only dreamed of one thing, that nowak would come in and clean things up
unfortunately it doesn't happen like that and that's why I really like this anime too haha.

I wonder what decision Nowak will make when he learns that his daughter is a heretic in the eyes of the church
Will he contradict his doctrine, or remain the same zealous fanatic, I don't think he will remain that with what we have seen over the episodes
Dec 28, 2024 2:32 PM
Apr 2016
characters in this show are so impressive; u are always predisposed to the natural mental conclusion that a character won't impress you if they change over and over, yet this show keeps crafting these incredible dudes
Dec 28, 2024 2:33 PM

Nov 2019
Things went out as I expected, except for (likely) the main antagonist being revealed this early. Don't think Jolenta's gonna make it, have a feeling Nowak himself will be waiting for her. Badeni and Oczy were well written characters, though can't really say if their potential was exploited enough. Sometimes, you better quit while you are ahead, I guess.

The pace is currently making this a chore to watch (it wasn't so before when I didn't grasp the pattern of the series), but I have a feeling they are doing this intentionally to reward us at the endgame. Direction is still pretty good, otherwise. I might have applauded this more if it was a novel adaptation.
"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
Dec 28, 2024 2:45 PM
Apr 2022
I don't remember the last time I cried and screamed at screen like that watching anime. Probably never.

I don't want another protag like omg

I didn't want Jolenta to suffer but I want Nowak to go down so badly

I hate and love this anime at the same time
Dec 28, 2024 3:01 PM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
Just as we're a the midst of a new year this series just keeps on giving this time not only with the inevitable death of both Badeni and Oczy but Jolenta's fate. As it turns out the first episode baited us into believing that Oczy would die from torture but instead it happened a bit later after the documents' location revealed to them some information about Rafal. This sparked hope in their eyes as they may pass on but the theory and the ideas would continue to live on as long as someone would question the ways of the world and this time it was one of the apprentices who took charge and rebelled to the upcoming change.

Jolenta may very well die next episode or survive enough to pass the torch. May the second half be on par or even surpass this one.
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Dec 28, 2024 3:10 PM
Nov 2017
Dec 28, 2024 3:39 PM

Mar 2021
Last episode I had hoped they'd come to an understanding that Nowak's daughter would be implicated if he continued the torture, and an inkling of it should've dawned on Nowak then.
Her escape is only going to be seen as being guilty now. Hopefully it's the end of Nowak.

Btw, luckily the contents of the chest (Rafal's) are somewhat outdated, used as a decoy, since Badeni even corrected Piast's findings. I think/hope Badeni had rewritten/improved Oczy's diary and is somewhere safe or hidden. (He could've rewritten each passage the following day after Oczy had written it without him knowing about it).
AV_KantokuDec 28, 2024 3:47 PM
Powered by「アニソン」。

'anison' (ANIme SONg).
RAW and NOT DILUTED (aka NOT REMIXED [there are exceptions])
but...OPs, EDs, INsert Songs, & Character Songs!
Dec 28, 2024 4:11 PM
Jan 2024
They really died like bros
Dec 28, 2024 4:42 PM

Jul 2022
First Rafal, and now Oczy and Bademi, damn it because, I hate you Nowak 😭. Just like Rafal's influence with the heliocentric theory, Oczy's texts will also leave a lasting impact. What a transformation Bademi underwent after meeting Oczy! Instead of destroying Oczy's writings, he decided to preserve them as a legacy for future researchers. And he didn't allow Oczy's eyes to be gouged out just so he can witness Venus in its final phase before his execution. Oczy was also deeply changed, taking one last moment to admire the beauty of the sky before leaving.

I despise Nowak for everything he did to Rafal, Oczy, and Bademi. Even though it's his job as an inquisitor, I'm firmly on the side of the protagonists. However, that other jealous inquisitor who hurts Jolenta makes me hopeful that Nowak is seeking revenge.

What balls that rookie inquisitor puts on, taking on the Church in such a bold way, but decided not to run away. Truly brave! Thanks to him, Jolenta survived, hopefully nothing happens to her. I can't wait to see what happens next, especially how the OP changes now that Oczy is gone. RIP.
Dec 28, 2024 5:30 PM
Sep 2020
The manga only have 62 chapters. will this adaptation cover all of it?
Dec 28, 2024 5:35 PM
Feb 2020
hard to watch but peak
Dec 28, 2024 5:48 PM

Nov 2010
  • history
    The real beauty lies in 'process' even though it doesn't exist anymore.
  • entrance to
    The flashback related to Badeni's phrase for entrance to heaven is anime original, for easy understanding.
  • passion
    Ability without passion gains nothing. But, where there is passion, there is motive as a seed.
  • reciprocity
    Actually, Oczy told the importance of history to Badeni when they stood in front of the box of stone. Oczy said something important would be lost, if they ignore the will of relayers. and they are also relayers who just reached their end. Oczy has evolved through the relation with Badeni, but also vice versa.
  • sight
    Badeni never was able to endure losing the sight of his buddy. Thanks to that deed, Oczy was able to see the last sight full of stars.
  • "What do you think of the essence of faith?"
    The word 'C-ism' in the manga is replaced with 'faith' in the phrase. It seems a proper revision.
kuroneko99Jan 1, 6:35 AM
Dec 28, 2024 5:49 PM
Jun 2007
It's illegal for a show to be this peak for so many episodes, and downright criminal that it only has an 8.3 rating - though I suppose the latter is understandable, as this is still a relatively niche show, and most MAL users only give their rating once the show is over.

Ilhan391 said:
The manga only have 62 chapters. will this adaptation cover all of it?

I took a quick look and apparently this episode adapted almost to the end of chapter 33, out of 62 total.

So yeah, they'll definitely fully adapt the manga by continuing at the same pacing.
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