C Cutie Jan 9, 2010 #3 If she was the spokesperson for the noodles, they would go out of business by tomorrow.
F feller469 Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL. Jan 9, 2010 #6 homeless guys, right now, are spitting out their free Ramen noodles because of these pictures
~~whimsy~~ Jan 11, 2010 #12 She should be more into looking good before photos like these are ever taken!
hillhopper Jan 11, 2010 #14 There is a shortage of "I'd hit it" signs and messages on this thread. I find it somewhat sad that after all the weight she gained, she didn't even end up with bigger boobs...some people just can't win.
There is a shortage of "I'd hit it" signs and messages on this thread. I find it somewhat sad that after all the weight she gained, she didn't even end up with bigger boobs...some people just can't win.
G GregCentauro Banned Jan 11, 2010 #16 The Grasshopper said: That photo is relatively new... Click to expand... 1mck probably took it himself. (self timer?)
The Grasshopper said: That photo is relatively new... Click to expand... 1mck probably took it himself. (self timer?)
PirateKing █▀█▀█ █ █ Jan 11, 2010 #17 Maruchan noodles just lost all their sponsors.
tittenman Jan 11, 2010 #18 Agree way too much into noodles, perhaps shes trying to make an edible string bikini.
StanScratch My Penis Is Dancing! Jan 11, 2010 #19 Mother fuck, and I just bought some stock in Ramen Noodles.
C Cutie Jan 12, 2010 #20 StanScratch said: Mother fuck, and I just bought some stock in Ramen Noodles. Click to expand... I would sell it fast! Hurry up before she makes it worth 1 penny.. :rofl:
StanScratch said: Mother fuck, and I just bought some stock in Ramen Noodles. Click to expand... I would sell it fast! Hurry up before she makes it worth 1 penny.. :rofl: