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I believe he is actually bi and he is waiting for sales to slump before he takes it to the next level in this type of industry. I speak to him on OF quite often when he is trying to sell the same videos over and over.
He won’t do that just yet, he side hustle won’t allow it.
Yeah I saw the new vid, he puts his dick really close to his mouth, and doesn't suck on it. But he does suck on his balls tho, LMAO pretty gay in my opinion and finally someone else other than sexyPT who is a top?Bottom?vers? who tf knows.

Anyway lmao lots of stuff don't add up, like when he shoots on peachy's face... Its A LOT of cum... so i did some digging... hehe

I asked teninch if he fkd him, and all he said was the peachy has his limits on camera... Which is what we ALL KNEW. But didn't confirm or deny anything and said his lips are sealed.

But as a 1000% TOP, i can say this, there's no way in hell im making a vid and only letting a bubble butt bottom just suck me off or just suck on my balls... HELL NAH... even when they say they don't wanna get fucked. I still end up fucking them or at least putting the tip in. Unless teninch has strong control and is able to do that. I think he did fk peachy off camera FOR SURE! LMAO

Here's the end result, is it worth 50$? No! But does it cost that much? Nope. LOL its only like 20 bucks or something. Its a good deal tbh, and i def don't buy any vids with him and sexyPT, those are the biggest let downs. I'm not into the bumping purses they do together.
So you’re into non consensual sex, got it.
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You know, i just realized, Peachy makes a lot of vids with bottoms. which is annoying... nothing ever happens and its mainly fake. But when he does make vids with a top, his hole ends up being very loose in the middle of the vid haha
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