Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

It looks like the MOTW thread is now closed except to only those in the "old boy" network, per certain moderators.

I wonder what would happen if we just started our own little contest for the regular posters here? :dunno:
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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I agree. That is why I basically only post in a few places anymore.
There are way too many, "We are better than you, because we __________".
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Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

The MOTW thread isn't actually closed to anyone. Some evidently took exception to discussions that were taking place in this thread regarding who we were going to nominate & to some extent that jitna actually won last week....but that's the extent of it.

God knows there are far more important things in the universe to worry about & we are all far wealthier than most in that we genuinely share a stong bond and friendship amongst us! That being said, it's still open to all members.

Anyway, have an excellent remainder of your weekends....I'm going to bed!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I did not mean that it was physically closed to us. Only that it was pretty obvious that we were not wanted over there because we are not part of their "good ole boy" network.

As far as I am concerned they can "take their ball and go home". They can have each other and their pathetic little faux friendships.

After all we have Nikki, and I think it is pretty obvious just who the real winners are!


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Ok I have no idea what you guys are talking about because I have been busy with work and stuff but try to lighten up. If you want we can start a member of the week here on my thread and you guys can vote on whomever you wish if that makes you feel better. In all reality though I think life has enough stuff to get upset about and this is very small. Who cares? really. I would like to propose something.

1). Name something you are happy about in your life.
2). Name something you are grateful for.
3). Name something you like about freeones

Nikki Nova
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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I did not mean that it was physically closed to us. Only that it was pretty obvious that we were not wanted over there because we are not part of their "good ole boy" network.

As far as I am concerned they can "take their ball and go home". They can have each other and their pathetic little faux friendships.

After all we have Nikki, and I think it is pretty obvious just who the real winners are!

You openly tried to rig the contest to favour the little band you have here. The simple fact that you post here and have friends who are willing to vote for you does not earn you the MOTW status. Those who are nominated are done so on the merits of how they contribute to the board.

You don't like it? I don't have to care.

You want to start a Nikki Member of the Week contest right here? Do it. It will be equally as fruitless as the MOTW you tried to hijack.

Remember a couple of things though.

This thread is open to the whole board - You dont own it, dont moderate it and certainly cannot monopolies what goes on in here.

Everyone can read your posts. Members and Mods, so congrats on being discrete with slagging pretty much every long standing member with your disgruntled remarks about a contest you care so little about.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

1). Name something you are happy about in your life.
2). Name something you are grateful for.
3). Name something you like about freeones

Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter
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official thread

1). Ill let you know when their is something happy to report
2). Even tho i 100% hate my job, its still better then sitting at home mooching off the government
3). Nikki Nova,
4). This is my 100th post, Wooooo
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Ok I have no idea what you guys are talking about because I have been busy with work and stuff but try to lighten up. If you want we can start a member of the week here on my thread and you guys can vote on whomever you wish if that makes you feel better. In all reality though I think life has enough stuff to get upset about and this is very small. Who cares? really. I would like to propose something.

1). Name something you are happy about in your life.
2). Name something you are grateful for.
3). Name something you like about freeones

Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter
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official thread

1). Nikki Nova ;)
2). my family
3). whats not to like about freeones lol

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

1). Name something you are happy about in your life.
2). Name something you are grateful for.
3). Name something you like about freeones

1) I guess, given what I have been through since October, I would have to say the very fact that I am still alive, and that my heart attack wasn't as bad as it could have been. I still have my moments, but it really put things into perspective for me...though I lose that perspective at times (though I'm working on that too), but was a scare for me...BUT, things can always be a helluva lot worse & there are a lot of people who have it far worse that I do. So yeah, the fact that I even have a life is what I am happiest about.

2) I would have to say that I am grateful for the fact that I have some really good friends (don't sell yourselves short guys...I actually appreciate you guys too) & people who genuinely care about me. A lot of people, even those with loads of money, can't say, to be honest, I actually feel all the richer for it. It's no secret that something really bad happened to me in October, and I am still stuck with the blockage that caused it, but even some good rose from something bad. If not for that "event," I never would have met you Nikki, and a very special friendship would not have been born. I guess what they say about a dark cloud having a silver lining rings did in my case anyway. I TRULY consider myself FORTUNATE that you genuinely took an interest in my "plight" (because that is the kind of person you REALLY are) AND I am truly grateful for your friendship as well! You always tell me the way things REALLY are, as opposed to what I want to hear (as many people do), and though I'm still a work in progress (as everyone really is), you have helped me be a better person & continue to want to do so. You really are a fine human being, and I am fortunate and grateful that I'm able to honestly call you a friend!:)

3) I like the ability to freely express myself about things in general, and the fact that some friendships have been born of a silly little contest on a "porn board". Who would have thunk it possible...and yet it happened.:)
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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Ok I have no idea what you guys are talking about because I have been busy with work and stuff but try to lighten up. If you want we can start a member of the week here on my thread and you guys can vote on whomever you wish if that makes you feel better. In all reality though I think life has enough stuff to get upset about and this is very small. Who cares? really. I would like to propose something.

1). Name something you are happy about in your life.
2). Name something you are grateful for.
3). Name something you like about freeones

Nikki Nova
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official thread

1) That I'm able to enjoy and live my life to the extent of what I want
2) I'm grateful for having the opportunity to live my dream (I'm currently studying to be an advocate)
3) The OCSMs like Nikki Nova and Miss Hybrid. I have yet to meet one who is not loving and caring towards a fan.


I'm watching some specialist videos
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

1) I'm happy to be alive and healthy with a loving family.
2) Today I'm, grateful for the rain that will be watering my newly laid lawn. I was getting a little worried that it was not going to get enough water.
3) Being able to interact with some of the ladies on here is the best thing about FreeOnes. Pictures of naked/semi naked ladies, posing, masturbating and fucking comes a close second.