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Feb 8, 2020 8:37 AM

Jul 2009
God Eater Resurrection (6/10)

Although I enjoyed the combat system, memorable characters, and nice visuals, the game as a whole did not age well. Repetitive mission structure, super cheesy story, and low variety of maps and enemies are some of the notable major issues. The balance is also completely whack, with snipers being so overpowered they can even trivialize the "difficult" postgame enemies. Heard the direct sequel added more quality of life features, which I'm really hoping for if I were to continue with the series.
Feb 8, 2020 8:52 AM

Feb 2011
MujinTengu said:
Slay the Spire - XBOX ONE Game Pass


Pretty harsh score for such a well designed and unique game.
Feb 9, 2020 10:12 AM
Feb 2020
DDLC - 10/10
It was EPIC! Seriously EPIC!
69! 69! 69!
Feb 9, 2020 3:51 PM

May 2011
Legend of Heroes: Trails of Coldsteel 1 (PS3) 9/10

Good RPG. I love thr combat system which is very tactical but at the same time retaining the classic RPG feel.

The story is great but with any japanese rpg there are some anime tropes that make the story too long and the ending is a big cliff hanger and I need the second game. At least it is in PS3 but the rest of the saga isn't. :/
Feb 9, 2020 7:53 PM

Jan 2020
Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout

Personally I loved the game.

10/10 for me.
Feb 9, 2020 8:41 PM
Feb 2020
Gothic 3 - 9/10. IMO Gothic 1 is 10/10.

On Gothic 1, when you start, you barely can swing a weapon properly and your stance and animations changes when you pay for someone to teach one hand fighting. Stone golems takes ZERO damage from non blunt weapons. Magic? The game dosen't just say "magic requires a lot of study", they implement it on gameplay. A magician needs to find someone able and willing to teach you(Corristo only teaches you at mid of chap 2 if you joined his camp and answer his questionnaire correctly). After it, to fully maximize magic, you will need 245 LP (140 LP for circles -> 10+15+20+25+30+40 and 95 for mana) Or 25 levels investing into pure magic to maximize your circles and mana. A warrior in other hands, can maximize his STR with 90 LP and maximize one handed with 30 LP(10 + 20) or with 120 LP. Considering that each LV up require more XP, fully mastery of arcane arts can take more than 3x the time required to master melee arts. And it makes sense. In a penal colony where the strongest magicians are stuck inside, there are exactly ONE guy who managed to learn circle 6(Xardas).

Compare to a modern RPG like. Pillars of Eternity for eg, is a game that explicit says that magic is complicated and most magicians are scholars BUt you can create a low INT wizard. It is not only possible but OPTIMAL depending the spells that you wanna to use. If they wanna low int magery to be possible, they should changed the story of the game to it make sense.

Feb 9, 2020 8:43 PM
Oct 2019
Shin Megami Tensei, Strange Journey Redux


A great RPG, although more forgiving than other games from Atlus. I like the addition of the new endings and the variety of sub-bosses that made me have to reconsider my strategy more than once.

Besides, it actually has some interesting moral dilemmas and when the moment came to choose paths I wasn't that sure of which to choose. Obviously the normal endings were too extreme and worldend-like but the new ones fix it by adding some moderation to your choices to make them more desirable and thus strengthening the dilemma.

Overall, a very solid RPG.
Feb 10, 2020 10:01 AM

Jun 2019
DBZ Kakarot

5/10. Underwhelming as hell.
Feb 10, 2020 10:45 PM
Jul 2018
kingdom hearts dream drop distance 7.5/8 out of 10

kingdom hearts bbs 0.2 9/10
Feb 10, 2020 11:03 PM

Jan 2020
The Walking Dead: Final Season.

7/10 - Follows the "Main character is immortal" trope a bit too much.
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Feb 11, 2020 2:07 AM

Sep 2018
GTA:Vice City

7/10. Couldn't get used to the dated Everything but overall not bad

Feb 11, 2020 12:07 PM

Mar 2010
Game Final Fantasy XIII-2 (PS3) - Main Story + All 160 Fragments
Play Time ~80 Hours

Rating: 8/10

A bit mixed feelings on this game, it's a good complex game like the typical FF but overall I prefered XIII over this one and I felt some parts dragged on for too long, also very long walks and loading screens + many boring missions (Talk to A, Go to B to get Item, Go back to A or variation even go to different time period and bring it back again).
The Plot was decent, however felt a bit chaotic with all the time traveling and similar to XIII I felt SquareEnix wanted to make things just a bit too complicated. Maybe slightly easier but still deep would be a better solution (just my op).

Overall enjoyed the game, they implemented some fresh ideas and the world and atmosphere is typical FF slightly melancholic and a raeson why I love the series. But feel like they potentially could have made even more out of the game per se.

The positives:
+ Monster capturing and development (including Transformations)
+ Very good soundtrack (my fave probably Noels Theme)
+ some good boss fights (but could have been more, especially in the end of the game like the DLC ones but I dont buy extra :P)
+ Historia Crux and the ability to choose location right from a menu
+ NPC Chocolina
+ New creative elements (Live Trigger / Serendipity esp Chocobo Races / Puzzles) - Puzzles maybe a bit too much? Debatable

The negatives:
- Extreme backtracking (to get Items, Fragments, Paradox Endings...) and the game felt stretched due to it
- CPU members seemed sometimes dumb (especially having same roles twice), also healing seemed sometimes hell slowish
- Only two main characters/party members constantly (the monsters helped a little there with variety)
- Too much "Kupo", "Paradox" and "Timeline" talk
- Few plot holes/unanswered questions (also not happy with outcome of Alyssa story)
- Too much Caius and Yeul
- Oerba with 3 time periods stuffed with Puzzles
- Without a guide very hard to play

VoelFeb 11, 2020 12:10 PM
Feb 11, 2020 2:17 PM

Jul 2016
patchworkpants said:
MujinTengu said:
Slay the Spire - XBOX ONE Game Pass


Pretty harsh score for such a well designed and unique game.

Too random and luck based for my taste.
sometimes you stomp everything in your way, other times you cannot get decimated....until the second board the game is pretty simple though.
Also, no multiplayer is a shame in this time of game, even a co-op could be awesome.
I don't think its harsh at all.
🎵MrShabtan | Musician 🎵 Gamer 🎮 Nurse 🏥 Digital and Pencil Artist 🎨 Anime Lover 🎥
Passionate about crafting unique soundscapes, exploring immersive worlds, and bringing creativity to life in music, art, and gaming. Always pushing boundaries and discovering new inspirations!
Feb 11, 2020 2:19 PM

Feb 2020
The game is/was fun and hard at the same time, Levels are pretty complex and It was pretty sweet feeling to see your plan working perfectly.
Feb 11, 2020 2:59 PM

Feb 2011
MujinTengu said:
patchworkpants said:

Pretty harsh score for such a well designed and unique game.

Too random and luck based for my taste.
sometimes you stomp everything in your way, other times you cannot get decimated....until the second board the game is pretty simple though.
Also, no multiplayer is a shame in this time of game, even a co-op could be awesome.
I don't think its harsh at all.

That's what roguelikes are like. FTL: Faster Than Light is exactly the same and it's a masterpiece of game design. I'm not saying Slay the Spire is quite as amazing as that, but it's a pretty amazingly unique game that delivers in every way it's meant to.
Feb 11, 2020 3:37 PM

Feb 2011
I think Red Dead Redemption 2 was the last game that I actually finished.

The multiplayer is really weak but I don't even really count that as the same game. It was released later more like a free DLC and pretty much everybody who bought it bought it for it's incredible single player story.

I absolutely adored the story and the atmosphere. It looked great. The sound design and soundtrack was fantastic. The single player gameplay was the same generic Rockstar autolock on and hide behind things formula that they've been using forever in all of their GTA games. Apparently playing with M&K in first person on PC is much more fun because you're playing the game rather than having the game play itself.

I'd give it an 8.5 just because the story was so ridiculously strong. I loved how alive the camp felt, with characters all wandering around doing their own thing and how much different dialogue there was.

I think it's a case of how games can't really be judged on an analytical tally of their features and should be judged more on the effect they have on you emotionally. And RDR2 made me feel a whole range of emotions.

I could see a justification for going higher or lower.
Feb 12, 2020 2:24 AM

Sep 2019
death stranding about 2 weeks ago & i got the plat for it
Feb 12, 2020 4:33 AM

Jun 2011
I finished Castlevania: Lords of Shadow on PS3 last week. As a hack n slash genre fan, I like it a lot and surprised how underrated it is.

It has pretty satisfying and deep gameplay. Kinda hard at first but when you get the hang of it, it's really good.

Platforming sections and puzzles are good. However, some of them are kinda tedious and not possible to solve without a guide.

Boss battles are generally fun and challenging, just the way I like them. But again, some of the bosses are just boring. For instance, fighting against titans in the first chapters felt a chore. You need to climb their arms and legs and hit their weak spots. That's it.

Story was a bit depressing and enigmatic for my taste. I expect more flashy narrative and characters when I play a hack&slash game but this is a Castlevania game. So it is acceptable to see such an atmosphere. I only wish they would make the protagonist more memorable though.

Anyway, I recommend this game to any hack and slash fans. It totally is worth to check it out, even if you are not familiar with the Castlevania franchise.


Feb 12, 2020 9:16 AM

Jul 2016
patchworkpants said:
MujinTengu said:

Too random and luck based for my taste.
sometimes you stomp everything in your way, other times you cannot get decimated....until the second board the game is pretty simple though.
Also, no multiplayer is a shame in this time of game, even a co-op could be awesome.
I don't think its harsh at all.

That's what roguelikes are like. FTL: Faster Than Light is exactly the same and it's a masterpiece of game design. I'm not saying Slay the Spire is quite as amazing as that, but it's a pretty amazingly unique game that delivers in every way it's meant to.

I will never think of this game as a masterpiece, not even close.
But everyone have a different taste. so yeah...
🎵MrShabtan | Musician 🎵 Gamer 🎮 Nurse 🏥 Digital and Pencil Artist 🎨 Anime Lover 🎥
Passionate about crafting unique soundscapes, exploring immersive worlds, and bringing creativity to life in music, art, and gaming. Always pushing boundaries and discovering new inspirations!
Feb 12, 2020 2:36 PM

Feb 2011
MujinTengu said:
patchworkpants said:

That's what roguelikes are like. FTL: Faster Than Light is exactly the same and it's a masterpiece of game design. I'm not saying Slay the Spire is quite as amazing as that, but it's a pretty amazingly unique game that delivers in every way it's meant to.

I will never think of this game as a masterpiece, not even close.
But everyone have a different taste. so yeah...

I wouldn't think of Slay the Spire as a masterpiece. Just a really clever mix of genres that's never been done before. FTL is though.
Feb 14, 2020 12:04 PM
Jul 2018
The Last of Us - 5/10

Let's be honest, this game is so praised because everyone only cares about the story, but gameplay-wise is soooo boring and basic that I don't even know how I survived the first chapter. Just throw in some realistic graphics and "emotions" and no one will remember what "fun" means.
Sad but true.
removed-userMar 11, 2020 4:15 PM
Feb 14, 2020 3:28 PM

Jun 2011
Starlight said:
The Last of Us - 5/10

Let's be honest, this game is so praised because everyone only cares about the story, but gameplay-wise is soooo boring and basic that I don't even know how I survived the first chapter. Just throw in some realistic graphics and "emotions" and no one will remember what "fun" means.
Sad but true.

Well, that's a bit harsh but I agree that it is overrated. I remember people started to call it the best game on Ps3. No way. And Telltale's first Walking Dead beats this game in terms of emotional aspects.
Feb 15, 2020 8:54 PM

Jul 2009
Control (8/10)

The most unique game I've played in a long time... in both a good and bad way. It has a great female protagonist and one of the most dynamic combat systems for a third-person shooter. The abilities are very fun to use and gives the game a high learning curve; I also love the retro vibes such as not having a full-on cover system and regenerating health. On the other hand, the extremely bizzare, cryptic story just isn't my cup of tea, and the game suffers from some technical issues such as severe framerate drops.

+ Great female protagonist
+ Dynamic combat system
+ Nice visuals
+ Good length, no padding
+ Entire game takes place in a single building
- Bizzare story that relies too much on collectibles
- Severe framerate drops
- Certain postgame bosses
Feb 16, 2020 4:15 AM

Dec 2013
Tales of Vesperia (8/10)

Yuuri is an amazing MC and everything with him and Flynn was great. However, the midpoint climax felt completely random and I hated how

The arc after that was pretty standard JRPG flair. The combat was pretty fun as per usual in Tales of series and dungeons were competently made. All in all it was a good game, but I only wish the other aspects of the story were as good as Yuuri's arc.

The version I played was the Japanese PS3 version, which I believe is mostly the same as the newer definitive edition, so there was also a good amount of extras.

Persona 5 (9/10)

This was my first Persona game and I thought it was great. The characters were all likable and the combat felt satisfying. I was into the more slice of life stuff too.

I suppose I would have liked more times where the game forced you to return to the real world from the dungeons, because as it was, I completed all of the dungeons without taking a single break after the first one. I think this messed up the pacing and I was left feeling quite sick of the dungeons by the time I got to the end. It also meant that I had a gazillion days to spend in the real world while waiting for the end of the arc. Of course, I could have left the dungeons early but the game punishes you for doing that as you lose time. Other than that, I also felt like the villains could have been better and the final section of the game felt like it came out of nowhere.

I realize I complained a lot there, but I really did love the game overall.

Yuuuuuup, I just finished a two massive JRPGS, with Vesperia taking ~100 hours and I almost reached 120 hours with Persona 5... RIP my free time. Oh well, next up is Tales of Berseria (jp).
Feb 19, 2020 3:35 PM
Jul 2018
Telltale's Walking Dead: The Final Season.

7/10. I'm glad that they were able to complete the last season of the series and that there was conclusion to Clementine's story. Still, I wasn't as engaged with the story as much this time around. I found the first three seasons to be more engaging, but season 4 was still satisfying to play.
Feb 22, 2020 10:22 AM

Dec 2017
Danganronpa V3 : Killing Harmony - 8/10

Out of all 3 games,this one has to be a middle,its not bad but alot of things could've been done better,especially the conclusion of the story,I heard that the ending was rushed or something like that by the production but the ending leaves you...confused about lots of things.

The story is classic Danganronpa so nothing special(maybe except for a certain chapter)...most of the characters were enjoyable but there are some who gets character develop through story and there are characters just to be there (Looking at you,Angie) . But most of the cast were likable so hey,that's a plus ig.The design was a improve..kinda proud of that and the voices and music were good as always.

Is great and if you looking for some mystery games,I rec. you try Danganronpa.
Feb 22, 2020 10:46 AM

Feb 2015
Replayed Doom (2016), finishing it on Nightmare difficulty for the first time last week. Having played through the campaign a few times now, I still had about as much fun in my last playthrough as I did on my first run. I think my only major complaint would be the unskippable story sections. There aren't many of them, but the few there are get annoying after the first time. I just wish there was a way to speed them up or skip them somehow after the initial playthrough. They feel very out of place, considering the majority of the game you get to play at your own pace.
Also I guess the numerous arena fights are a bit overdone. It's not a big issue, but it does feel a bit forced at times.

I believe my initial rating was a solid 8/10, and I'm sticking to that. A very good game, only held back by a few fairly minor issues. I'm ready for Doom Eternal now, here's to praying it won't suck.
Feb 22, 2020 12:20 PM
Jul 2018
Fallen Order. 6/10. Personally loved playing 90% of it, but it has problems holding it back from being truly solid. People gave it way too much credit. Definitely more good than bad, but just barely scraping above the mediocre/average line. If even. Decent, okay, or alright.
Feb 26, 2020 10:08 AM

Dec 2018
Doom 1993 Xbox One

That game is still so much fun!!! Very well made port, responsive control's and that fucking music is awesome!! I had more fun then i thought and i really understand why I love that game so much as a kid , and here we are in my 40s and I still love it. Its gory full of secrets and one of the best first person shooter ever made

Easy 10/10 and its on sale right now!! So only around 1 dollar,,Thats the best dollar I have ever spend!!

Feb 26, 2020 11:00 AM

Mar 2018
Bioshock Infinite 10/10

I finished it a few hours ago and I still can't stop thinking about the ending.
Evangelion is shit
Feb 28, 2020 4:45 AM

Mar 2015
Wolfenstein: Youngblood - 9/10

I loved Wolfenstein: Youngblood, I don't understand the hate it gets. It was near perfect, besides a few AI partner hiccups, the biggest issue was it was too damn short! It took a day to complete the main missions. I loved The Blazkowicz Twins, they're hilarious & just so entertaining. A lot of people complain about the dialogue but it's accurate with the era they're in.

For the best experience, I made a playlist of my favourite 80s New Wave & Synth-Pop songs on Spotify. Killing Nazis to "West End Girls" by Pet Shop Boys & "Too Shy" by Kajagoogoo is very very satisfying.

All I have left are finish collecting items, finding the majority of the treasure & a single side quest. It took 3 days to get this far. I really wish it didn't get panned by everyone at release so it would have some DLC by now.

Signature & Avatar Designed By: shirakuzo
Feb 29, 2020 8:50 AM

Sep 2007
Dragon Quest XI PS4 : 8/10
Not a huge fan of the license but I was waiting for this episode regardless. Well the trip of around 125h for me was pleasant and taking I must say. The absence of dubbing goes very quickly to the second plane and the realization is very neat in general. The Toriyama artworks are very neat with some really beautiful female characters (Jade, Mermaid Queen, Miko, Master Pang...). Traveling the world was very pleasant even if the scenario remains fairly with some good emotional scenes and twists here and there. The 50 hours to see the end by rushing seems realistic.
A really good rpg with great characters and enjoyable fighting system.
Feb 29, 2020 10:20 AM
Nov 2019
I recently finished the Tsumihoroboshi chapter in the Higurashi VN. I'd give it an 8/10.
I liked it, but Meakashi still holds up as the best Answer Arc so far. Now onto the Minagoroshi Arc!

Out of the Question Arcs, my favorite is definitely the Tatarigoroshi chapter.
Mar 1, 2020 3:27 PM

Apr 2009
Been hella slacking on completing games since Platinuming River City Girls like 5 months But im back at it now. Bayonetta-PS4 9/10

Gave it a 9/10 back in the day on 360, no reason to change it now. Graphics of course don't really hold up eh but it was never a looker to begin with like all games Platinum makes. It's still fun today, the wooden horse torture attack is just as ridiculous as it was back Beat it on Normal, Hard and Non-Stop Infinte Climax to get the Platinum. Got all the costumes and weapons. Well worth the $40. Now on to Vanquish.
DreddMar 1, 2020 3:53 PM
Mar 1, 2020 3:47 PM

Jan 2017
Grisaia no Meikyuu Visual Novel 9/10 I love this series.
Mar 1, 2020 4:21 PM

Mar 2015
Hyper Knights 7/10

Was a fun and simple game.
Mar 1, 2020 9:53 PM

Aug 2016
Hover (PS4) - 7/10
Blasphemous (Switch) - 9/10
Yakuza 3 (PS4) - 9/10
Secret of Mana (Switch) - 6/10
Azur Lane: Crosswave (PS4) - 5/10
Halo 3: ODST (X1) - 7.5/10
Halo: Reach (X1) - 8.5/10
Mar 2, 2020 5:58 AM

Dec 2018
Doom 2 Xbox One

This is not as good as the first, the music the levels are much worst ,and it doesn't really feel like a new game, Just one new weapon and bigger maps thats it

And most irritating this port dont work as well as the first Doom ,It even starts to fucking lag sometimes!! On a Xbox One!!! That is not ok!!!

Still not a bad game!! But the first is much better!! I give Doom 2 ,,,, 6/10

Mar 2, 2020 7:40 AM

Jul 2016
Zelda: Breath of the Wild - 8.5/10

It's definitely the best open world I have seen in a game. Exploration is amazing, you can experiment with many different strategies and you can even skip a large portion of the game and head straight to the final quest. The dungeons were pretty good, but I would have liked way more of the actual dungeons and less shrines.

If the sequel adds actual dungeons and more interesting environments, more interiors to explore...this can easily be a perfect game. The framework for the game is perfect, they just need to master a few other things and it will be great.
Mar 2, 2020 9:14 AM

Dec 2011
Ori and the Blind Forest, bought it back in 2016 and finally got to sit down and play it through.
I love the design and atmosphere of the game, the main reason it caught my attention back then was the beautiful artwork + level design, the soundtrack is great and fits perfectly into the game. the story is short but really great and sweet.
gameplay is great too except for the fact that the combat can be frustrating for the most part
i just really enjoy the overall aesthetic of the game.

Mar 6, 2020 7:47 PM

Apr 2010
SaGa Scarlet Grace - 8.5/10

Just finished Leonard's story in Saga Scarlet Grace. Saga games are you usually hit or miss with me, but I really enjoyed this one. The battle system is fantastic and exploring the world is pretty fun. I usually don't do well with games with this much freedom, but it got me hooked.
Mar 7, 2020 5:19 AM

Sep 2019
I've finally remembered.
I finished Metro: Exodus on Xbox Live PC. That subscription deal (not Xbox Gold, fuck that thing) to play all those games on the PC for a single buck is rather nice.

Tried to play it before, buy my PC couldn't run it before I've recently upgraded it (Processor, Graphics card, motherboard), and now it's pretty good. Actually got through the whole game, and it was real nice.

I'd say the last two games are a little stronger in terms of gameplay direction, and that when it came to the sandbox, I didn't really bother to look around and scavenge... which I actually did in the last two.

The story was great, and the characters were interesting. Always loved me a transportable HQ like the Aurora (a train). Customising weapons is good fun, but not a fan that they forced players to have a ball-gun (which I've never liked in the last two). Would much rather have a different weapon.
"You know you've reached peak quality when a doujin is better than the actual source series." (Eg. To LOVE-Ru)

Just to list a couple of biases.
Likes: A good story, characters, writing, romance, a good plot twist or something that breaks expectations (In a good way), 'backstory' and justice.
Dislikes: Bad romance, too much fanservice, the harem genre, yuri, yaoi, and bad writing.

Mar 9, 2020 11:58 AM

Jul 2009
Death Stranding (9/10)

Took me a long 97 hours to obtain the platinum trophy, but I didn't mind as I absolutely enjoyed every moment of the game. I understand why opinions on this game are divisive, though it definitely caters to my taste. A slow-burner with an extremely satisfying payoff. Though it's not without plenty of flaws, I would consider it one of my most favorite titles released last year. I'm really looking forward to see what Kojima comes up with next.

+ Superb story with a strong beginning and ending. Complex narrative with many twists and turns.
+ Memorable characters played by great actors. Cliff and Deadman are my absolute favorites.
+ Breathtaking visuals and atmosphere. The post-apocalyptic landscape is truly stunning.
+ Stellar soundtrack. Kojima has S-tier taste in music.
+ Rewarding online system. Unlike most other singleplayer games where going online gives you minor benefits, connecting with other players here can significantly impact your gameplay.
+ New structures and gears are progressively introduced to improve your experience. I think most players who complain about this game being tedious did not utilize them well.

- Boss fights are meh. Only the Cliff encounters are worth mentioning.
- Driving is fairly clunky. The motorcycle is the worst offender.
- The shooting mechanics. Sometimes it's difficult to make Sam fire a gun for whatever reason.
SkittlesMar 14, 2020 9:15 PM
Mar 9, 2020 5:09 PM

Jan 2019
Persona 3 FES - 9/10

Gameplay outdated as hell but better character development/final act than Persona 5. Fantastic OST as ever with Persona
Mar 11, 2020 8:47 AM

Dec 2018
Yakuza 0 on Xbox One

A fun game who gives you that Shenmue feeling!!!Love that world and how its build!! There are a million things to do. Played it for over 50 hours and so for I have only reached 41 percent of the completion list!! So im I not done with this game yet =P

Most negative aspect the text dialog gets overbearing!! Its so fucking much of it!! So it feels kind of nagging sometimes and disrupts the pace!! I just wish I could skip all dialog!! Especially the sub missions!!!

But in the whole a great action game!! With a awesome world that are easy to get dragged into!! And have a lot to offer!!!

I give it 9.5/10

Yuri-CrusaderMar 11, 2020 10:12 AM
Mar 11, 2020 11:39 AM
Mar 2020
Dead Cells.

Even though I managed to complete the game for like 4 times now, I haven't activated any Boss Stem Cell yet, which adds new things to the game with making it harder. Though I plan to.

It's a roguelike game, and it's gameplay is just so satisfying and good. No need to even talk about the variety of weapons, bows, shields and all that.
The best 2-D souls like game I have played recently.

It's at least 9.5/10
Mar 11, 2020 12:31 PM

Dec 2018
Judgement 7.5/10

Finished Judgment recently (the Yakuza spinoff for PS4) and I thought it was pretty good. I don’t think it was as good as any of the main entry series (I’ve only played 0, Kiwami 1, and Kiwami 2 so far) but it’s a pretty decent spinoff.
I think my biggest complaint and the most annoying part of the game was the Kim system. I completed that quest pretty early on so I had deal with the Kim system for most of the game. I wouldn’t mind a sequel to Judgement but that system really needs to be revamped or removed.
Other than that, not all the side cases were very engaging and became repetitive later on, especially all the tailing sections. The side cases have been a complaint I’ve had with all the games though but I think Judgment has one of the worse cases outta the 4 total Yakuza games I’ve played.
All in all, I think the this games concept was pretty fun and the story was interesting. Wouldn’t mind to play a sequel to this spinoff and I’m excited to get into Yakuza 3 when I have time.
NuggeyApr 12, 2020 5:32 PM
Meow meow meow meow and meow shogi, meow meow meow meow and meow shogi.

Taking one step a time, I work and try my best.
Though I'm the weakest of the bunch,
Expect from me a good paw punch!
Meow meow pawn, meow shogi.

Mar 14, 2020 2:48 AM

May 2015
hmm... for Unreal Tournament 1999, I would say a 10/10. This was a blast playing back in the day and it still is today.

Mar 14, 2020 6:32 PM

Jul 2016
last game i played was with veigar but with the wrong runes (fleet footwork) and our jngl didnt exist as always so i would rate it a 0/10
Mar 16, 2020 11:29 AM

Apr 2016
I finished The Last of Us some days ago, I'd say it's an 8 for me.
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