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Jun 3, 2007 2:45 PM

May 2007
Well since Otani told Risa that he only likes her as a friend and can't see her more than that as they've been friends (and All Hanshin-Kyojin) this whole time, what's Risa gonna do now? (note that it's a rhetorical question as it was the only thing that I could think of to start of the topic with, or rather continue from where episode 8 stopped. :3)


Redeclaration of love!
Jun 3, 2007 8:03 PM

Apr 2007
Although it had its funny moments, too much of this episode was spent with Risa moping around. The whole one-sided love she has for Otani is getting a bit annoying since he's so stupid.

...even a saint needs a soldier to do the dirty work.
Jun 6, 2007 7:39 PM
Apr 2007
i have the opposite feeling of tainteddonut...i liked this episode...risa re-declaring her love for otani makes me feel like she's trying her hardest and fighting for her true feelings, showing that she's a strong willed be honest, i was actually a little disappointed when she told otani to forget everything she said cause i interpreted it as her giving up on him...thank god she met umibozu's wife at the end of this ep to find inspiration to continue chasing otani (although i don't exactly like otani's character)...

i also feel pretty conflicted right now...i don't know whether or not i'll end up likeing otani's character or hating it...he redeems himself a little in this episode...granted, i still dislike him, but i have to admit that the scenes with him and risa make them look like a really cute couple, so i'd be okay with a otani x risa pairing...otani doing umibozu's pose was priceless and another rickshaw ride ftw! it's great to see otani and risa's realtionship back to normal since previous episodes were a little depressing...i'm also very excited about the next ep since the title for it makes it seem hilarious i know i will be rooting for risa all the way...
Jun 10, 2007 2:46 PM

Apr 2007
I don't see how Risa is stupid. As if being rejected wasn't enough, she can't even bring herself to stop liking him, because he isn't a bad guy at all. Have you ever had a friend confess to you? Being confessed to isn't easy, nor it is to confess. And that just becomes ten times worse when it's a friend.

I give Risa some points for being able to talk to Otani normally. Something similar happened to me, but it was an online friend. We only continued to be friends because it wasn't a face to face confession. It's not easy, I tell you.

And if you think that's drama, LC is far from it lol. Try Nana.

I'm curious as to how Otani will accept her feelings. Must be a ridiculous way... Yay for the Otani way of life.
Jun 10, 2007 3:19 PM

Apr 2007
It's not Risa who is stupid, Otani is the dumb one. It wouldn't have bothered me as much if he'd have recognized the blatantly obvious signs and decided to reject her early on. Things just sink into his head far too slowly making it annoying how many times Risa and co. had to repeat themselves to get through to him.

...even a saint needs a soldier to do the dirty work.
Jun 10, 2007 3:22 PM

Apr 2007
Still, even if he had noticed it earlier, his answer would still be the same. And to be frank, I'm afraid I'd be just as confused if it happened to me. Especially if it was a close friend, like Koizumi.
Jun 10, 2007 3:45 PM

Jan 2007
i found this episode to be alright. I mostly enjoyed the second half of the episode. It was hilarious when Otani did that pose on the bridge and when they met Umibouzu. Just loved how they went from a scary face to a smile. Anyways, looking forward to the next episode.
Jun 11, 2007 2:44 AM

May 2007
I like both Otani and Risa. It's not all that frustrating to watch Risa crying and Otani being stupid. It helps when Risa regains her resolve and will to go for it again.

As for Otani, haven't you guys noticed that he may find her attractive. I mean there are scenes that show him looking at Risa and they cloud the image to make it seem he's seeing the girl of his dreams. It's happened in a few episodes now.

I think it's one of those things where he isn't sure yet. He just needs time and it sort of shows as he continues to hang out with her. He is sort of feeling out the situation. Also, it can be a bit hard for him since they are such good friends. That's not always the case, but it may be for Otani.

Still, both of them always seem to forget about that bit of tension between them whenever there's a rickshaw around or Umibozou is mentioned.
Jun 11, 2007 5:43 AM

Mar 2007
weee! Another episode!

At first, I was still feeling really bad for poor Risa. Now I'm happy that she's not giving up.

The scenes in this episode were funnier in the manga. Especially when they were with Umibozo.
Jun 11, 2007 9:09 AM

Oct 2006
well it was an ok episode for me.. I didn't really laugh, except when Otani made the Umibouzu pose.

Riza's goomyness and Otani's thinkness have been getting me pretty annoyed in the last episodes. Fortunately it seems the next ep. will go back to the old comedy. Looking foward to that
Jun 29, 2007 5:36 AM

Jun 2007
Aw.. I liked this episode I thought Risa was going to give up for sure! Glad she took back that whole "Let's pretend nothing happened"

I was getting frustrated a little! lol, I liked when they saw umibouzu, it was so funny!

Oct 3, 2008 3:29 AM
Jul 2018
LOL xD they always take center stage when they're together <3
Mar 21, 2009 11:22 PM

May 2008
wolfsrainXD said:
LOL xD they always take center stage when they're together <3
May 31, 2009 12:59 AM

Jan 2009
Great series. Gotta love Risa's determination.

Nov 16, 2009 8:32 AM

Jul 2009
Shitsurei said:
LOL xD they always take center stage when they're together <3

yeah, always XD
Nov 17, 2009 3:40 PM

Feb 2009
Otani is such a lucky bastard for having a girl not given up on him after he made her cry her head off!
Nov 22, 2009 10:28 PM

Nov 2009
AngelLily said:
I don't see how Risa is stupid. As if being rejected wasn't enough, she can't even bring herself to stop liking him, because he isn't a bad guy at all. Have you ever had a friend confess to you? Being confessed to isn't easy, nor it is to confess. And that just becomes ten times worse when it's a friend.

I give Risa some points for being able to talk to Otani normally. Something similar happened to me, but it was an online friend. We only continued to be friends because it wasn't a face to face confession. It's not easy, I tell you.

And if you think that's drama, LC is far from it lol. Try Nana.

I'm curious as to how Otani will accept her feelings. Must be a ridiculous way... Yay for the Otani way of life.
i agree with this entirely >:T

sadly, i don't even associate with my friend who confessed (i sound like a bitch)
but, in my defense, i've been in love with this guy for so long, i'm chasing him just like Risa....

--well, can't wait for moar ^o^
Jan 17, 2010 8:58 PM
Dec 2009
The whole things where it had the pickles and then the crab was so random that it was funny even after playing that part over and over. Good episode all in all.
Feb 28, 2010 3:13 PM

Jan 2010
I felt really bad for Risa, but also for Otani.
He's a nice guy, and being confessed to is not an easy thing, especially when it's from a good friend. Even though he told Risa he couldn't just start seeing her as a girlfriend, you can see he's still thinking about her confession and making sure of his own feelings. I think he's giving serious thought about dating her (in his own airheaded way).
Feb 5, 2012 4:01 AM

Jan 2012
Ohhh..I hope everything will be OK
Feb 7, 2012 1:49 AM

Sep 2011
Glad everything is okay again! Looking forward to the next episode! :D
Feb 21, 2012 2:23 AM

Nov 2011
Yep.This was just fine.Umibouzu and his family was great :D
May 19, 2012 9:07 PM

Jul 2010
This episode dragged on a bit for me. I was waiting for a better reconciliation, but it wasn't as good as I wanted.
Jul 10, 2012 10:47 AM

May 2012
Great episode now hopefully it won't take until the last episode we'll see some progress :p
Aug 11, 2012 3:59 PM

Jan 2010
This is how relationships should work. Risa needs to really understand Otani. She went on a whim and declared her love to him and he just didn't think it's time, which I respect him for that. We learn from our mistakes.

We have to build up these relationships. Build the memories. If we just started dating others on a whim and get married within a year how will you truly get to know your partner.

This is what I got from this episode. Loved it.
Aug 28, 2012 7:39 PM

Jun 2008
It was UMIBOUZU that had to fix what SHE broke!!
FifthAveSenseiAug 28, 2012 7:56 PM
Too Much ANIME......Not enough LIFETIME!!!!!!
Feb 7, 2013 1:26 AM

Aug 2010
I confessed to a guy friend of mine once who used a very similar analogy to the pickles and crabs as to why he couldn't date me because we had been friends for so long. It was just as awkward as in the show.
May 16, 2013 3:25 AM

Apr 2013
Good episode. But at this rate it will take a while until their relationship starts building up.
Jun 21, 2013 3:37 AM

Dec 2012
I have a distinct feeling Umibouzo's wife only let him out of the friendzone because he got rich.
I am important. I have a girlfriend. Check out my podcast
Aug 9, 2013 12:38 PM

Jul 2011
Yakub said:
I have a distinct feeling Umibouzo's wife only let him out of the friendzone because he got rich.

LOOOOOL. But Umibouzu looks like such an awesome guy! When he grinned at them I was a fan. That flashback to his highschool confession was cute too. XD
Aug 22, 2013 11:39 PM

Jan 2011
I think you have to cut Otani a little bit of slack--he is a sixteen year old after all, and males of that age are often not necessarily that mature about their feelings (if they can figure out what they are in the first place). The other point is he did have a girlfriend back in middle-school who dumped him. He's got some scar tissue to cut through first before he's likely to make himself vulnerable again (speaking from bitter experience there...).
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Sep 23, 2013 8:43 PM

Mar 2012
Teldara said:
This is how relationships should work. Risa needs to really understand Otani. She went on a whim and declared her love to him and he just didn't think it's time, which I respect him for that. We learn from our mistakes.

We have to build up these relationships. Build the memories. If we just started dating others on a whim and get married within a year how will you truly get to know your partner.

This is what I got from this episode. Loved it.

EXACTLY. This is EXACTLY my point. They'd been friends for years, a comedy duo. Sure he finds her attractive, sure he can talk to her, sure he likes her. But to suddenly go out cause she confessed? It's not so easy. You don't just start dating from being friends, that ends in disaster. Also, what has Risa done to show that she likes him? Other than hit him, get angry at him, call him an idiot and leave him in the dark. Talk is cheap, and your actions should reflect your words. She has to show more affection beyond just crying all the time, be sweet on him, not in a cheesy way, but in a way that actually shows that she has romantic feelings for him. So far it's been nothing but jealously and moping around. Feelings are formed from experiences, and she was silly for thinking a confession just makes things work. It's easy to take her side in this and just say he's slow, but NO ONE has considered his feelings or his side of things. I mean, is he just supposed to be a robot, give up his quest for finding a girlfriend and just say 'ok, i'll go out with you cause you confessed' despite not having previous romantic feelings for her? The friendzone works both ways. You can't just fall for someone who's been your friend this whole time. And people say that Otani's dense :p
JusticeSoulTunaSep 23, 2013 8:46 PM
Twitter: @JusticeSoulTuna
Wordpress: JusticeSoulTuna
Youtube: JusticeSoulTuna
I'm literally JST everywhere
Jan 4, 2014 1:34 AM

Jan 2009
people here who keep saying otani is still thick-headed need to realize that he already KNOWS that Risa likes him since Risa confessed to him from Episode 7. so for episode 8 & 9, he knows how Risa feels about him.

the problem is that he can't see her as a girlfriend cuz they are just a comedy duo. he even had a hard time seeing pickled radishes as crabs.

well, hopefully, if otani x risa keep hanging out & spending more time together, maybe she can finally help him to really see pickled radishes as crabs.
Feb 12, 2014 3:21 AM

Feb 2013
2366 heart.....
Mar 18, 2014 7:51 PM

Aug 2013
Can a vinegar radish really become a crab? :P
Ootani, you're so dumb x)

It's weird to think that its due to Umibuzou wife that Risa regain confidence in herself. Who would have thought?

I'm glad to see that she directly told him that she won't abandon so easily. And Ootani response... xD
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Jun 12, 2014 9:29 AM

Jul 2012
The Umibozu part was so good!

Overall another good episode/
Jun 17, 2014 11:30 AM

Sep 2011
I don't think neither Koizumi and Otani are at fault. They are teenagers and at very specific circumstance. While Otani is hopelessly dense, I could understand where he comes from. On the other hand, I was expecting an apology from Nobu for awhile because she was the one giving Koizumi the lead and pushing her to confess.

While their chemistry is perfect, relationship is totally a different matter. I don't really think Otani is ready for any romantic relationship anyway. I would be happy if they just maintain their status quo as manzai duo, it'd be great but I always fear for the worst in romcom like this.
No way to recall
What it was that you had said to me
Like I care at all
But it was so loud
And you sure could yell
You took a stand on every little thing
And it was so loud
Jun 29, 2014 4:21 AM

Dec 2013
Dat Bosu child
Jul 17, 2014 10:15 PM

May 2014
Oh, melodramatic. This girl cries so many times a day lol. So, what I 've learned was that a girl in "love" apparently cries alot?
Well, that umbourizo guy was pretty chill. I wish I met a celebrity that chill, but that's unrealistic. Celebrities nowadays are surrounded by 4 bodyguards and stuff...
Alright episode 4/5
Aug 1, 2014 8:53 AM

Jan 2014
They'll be okay. Even now everything's okay since no one is really hurt :)
Nov 19, 2014 11:18 AM

May 2010
Pickled radishes can't become crabs. That was a funny analogy but yeah, that's how are things going on for now. Enjoyable episode btw.
Sep 5, 2015 7:44 AM
Dec 2009
The pickle & crab analogy was really cute, and I think Risa right now it's worth waiting. They're still in high school and have their whole lives ahead of them. If she spends a year or two waiting for him and it doesn't work out, she can move on quickly. Otani has also been very vague with her about his feelings-- I don't think he knows how he feels yet either.

As someone in their late 20s watching this show though... man, to be young. I'm older and jaded now and don't have the time to wait around to see if pickles can become crabs anymore :(
Oct 5, 2015 11:08 AM
May 2012
JusticeSoulTuna said:
Teldara said:
This is how relationships should work. Risa needs to really understand Otani. She went on a whim and declared her love to him and he just didn't think it's time, which I respect him for that. We learn from our mistakes.

We have to build up these relationships. Build the memories. If we just started dating others on a whim and get married within a year how will you truly get to know your partner.

This is what I got from this episode. Loved it.

EXACTLY. This is EXACTLY my point. They'd been friends for years, a comedy duo. Sure he finds her attractive, sure he can talk to her, sure he likes her. But to suddenly go out cause she confessed? It's not so easy. You don't just start dating from being friends, that ends in disaster. Also, what has Risa done to show that she likes him? Other than hit him, get angry at him, call him an idiot and leave him in the dark. Talk is cheap, and your actions should reflect your words. She has to show more affection beyond just crying all the time, be sweet on him, not in a cheesy way, but in a way that actually shows that she has romantic feelings for him. So far it's been nothing but jealously and moping around. Feelings are formed from experiences, and she was silly for thinking a confession just makes things work. It's easy to take her side in this and just say he's slow, but NO ONE has considered his feelings or his side of things. I mean, is he just supposed to be a robot, give up his quest for finding a girlfriend and just say 'ok, i'll go out with you cause you confessed' despite not having previous romantic feelings for her? The friendzone works both ways. You can't just fall for someone who's been your friend this whole time. And people say that Otani's dense :p

Exactly. Don't know why people hate and find Ohtani annoying.
Umibozou is awesome. Nice family.
Dec 16, 2015 5:01 PM

Feb 2015
Kan_Biiru said:
This is how relationships should work. Risa needs to really understand Otani. She went on a whim and declared her love to him and he just didn't think it's time, which I respect him for that. We learn from our mistakes.

We have to build up these relationships. Build the memories. If we just started dating others on a whim and get married within a year how will you truly get to know your partner.

This is what I got from this episode. Loved it.

tonari no kabutsu kun in your profile pic! :D

rodac said:
I think you have to cut Otani a little bit of slack--he is a sixteen year old after all, and males of that age are often not necessarily that mature about their feelings (if they can figure out what they are in the first place). The other point is he did have a girlfriend back in middle-school who dumped him. He's got some scar tissue to cut through first before he's likely to make himself vulnerable again (speaking from bitter experience there...).

very true.

JusticeSoulTuna said:

EXACTLY. This is EXACTLY my point. They'd been friends for years, a comedy duo. Sure he finds her attractive, sure he can talk to her, sure he likes her. But to suddenly go out cause she confessed? It's not so easy. You don't just start dating from being friends, that ends in disaster. Also, what has Risa done to show that she likes him? Other than hit him, get angry at him, call him an idiot and leave him in the dark. Talk is cheap, and your actions should reflect your words. She has to show more affection beyond just crying all the time, be sweet on him, not in a cheesy way, but in a way that actually shows that she has romantic feelings for him. So far it's been nothing but jealously and moping around. Feelings are formed from experiences, and she was silly for thinking a confession just makes things work. It's easy to take her side in this and just say he's slow, but NO ONE has considered his feelings or his side of things. I mean, is he just supposed to be a robot, give up his quest for finding a girlfriend and just say 'ok, i'll go out with you cause you confessed' despite not having previous romantic feelings for her? The friendzone works both ways. You can't just fall for someone who's been your friend this whole time. And people say that Otani's dense :p

even more true :) i really wish more people would see otani's side like you do.

nice episode. i like how she was like "I'll forget about it" and she was thinking about it the whole episode tho lol

so that's why things seemed rushed in the beginning. it was so rushed even otani thought so! lol

so the rest is about seeing if he will accept her or not. let's see how this turns out. nice that the friendship, budding, love, confession, heartbreak, and healing all happen in 9 episodes. now we can focus on more things.
Apr 27, 2016 3:15 AM

Mar 2015
I see. Risa decision to stick with Ootani until he likes her will be a great idea.
Marriage is a good thing after all.

Jul 28, 2016 1:42 AM

Oct 2013
Wow there are some pretty good posts here. Yeah I think it's good that they're not dating; they definitely need to spend a lot more time with each other.
Jun 9, 2017 6:40 AM

Jun 2017
Risa should be commended. Many would have given up by now.

great episode btw :)
Apr 17, 2018 7:07 AM

Aug 2017
Otani is really an idiot. He should have already accepted Risa .
Dec 26, 2018 7:31 AM
Apr 2016
I mean, I can see why Otani declined Risa, it's hard to change your view on someone...
Feb 6, 2019 6:32 PM

Jul 2014
How very convenient that Umibouzu just so happened to find Risa's wallet, and that his relationship with his wife just so happens to mirror Risa's relationship with Otani.
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