Custom 2010 Goldwing trike and trailer!
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- One of the nicest goldwings I've ever got to ride. For more info please visit and don't forget to like and subscribe for more!
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Это просто мечта!!!!! Это СВОБОДА!!!!! ВЫ СВОБОДНЫЕ ЛЮДИ!!!Я русский и смотрю на это как на один из СИМВОЛОВ ВАШЕЙ СВОБОДЫ!!!
Very awesome trike. Great design.👍❤
Hi I have a 2001 Goldwing trike with no disks brakes on the rear wheels I have one disk in the middle of the bike like under the passenger seat and it has independent shocks is this legal thank you
Good Lord this guy putting me to sleeeep
_It's been well taken care of; no speck of dirt._
Is that what you call taking care of a bike?
How do you put only 18k miles on a bike like that and then get rid of it? I got my 02 goldwing in march and ive already put almost 7k miles on it.😂
I would love to have a brochure about this piece of trike and the options. Oh, the two passengers are lovely too?😊
Truly beautiful . ..!
I WISH you would keep the bloody video STILL
How does a trike like this do going over speed bumps? With the rake, it seems pretty low.
Amazing. I love it i want it
Where is right here?
What is the price for that?
Don’t know how old this video is but at that price, I would take it in a heartbeat don’t know who to contact if it’s still for sale, which I kind of doubt
Beautiful. Wish there was protection from scorching sun and rain.
That would be a car. A car.
@@ConservativeCalifornian1032 You beat me to this comment!
That is a sweet ride and an awesome deal considering for new you'd be up at the $50k range easy.
I would pick a different shade of yellow though because this one is too loud - something like the Dodge detonator yellow would work better IMO. The new 18+ goldwing trikes are even sexier than this with a ton of tech. That DCT they have now is perfectly suited for a trike.
Man I can't wait to grab a new trike!
Cuanto sale ese triciclo
Milage, how many?
Did this sell? I’m watching this in 01-24-25 and just noticed it is a 7 year old video😅
@@frankgonzalez534 oh yea. It's been gone a long time lmao
I dont know old this ad is.....but...this guy will put the pope asleep.....including
Lmao. Man that was a few years ago. I was still a bit nervous on camera. Look at some of my newer videos. It gets better I promise lol
so good thanks
Your camera work is very jerky. Hard to look at what you're showing. Try (in future) to keep it steady. Beautiful bike though. I like everything about it. :)
Is there any dealer of this type of trike in the philippines
كام سعر هذة الالة وهل يوجد منها فى مصر
Mast bike hai yaar waahhhhhhhhh
Lindíssima e maravilhosa sonho de consumo de qualquer pessoa que tenha bom gosto
Love it
How much?
Was kostet die Good~Wind
what is the price
Does it have the DTS auto trans?
Na. That one was manual
Where are you and is it avalable?
I'm sorry it already sold
How much
You just had the keys in your hand hahaha
And it eats a front tire every 4k miles due to the push of the trike and the weight. Very expensive
Got both
The best
Where is it and how much is it
This one was sold a while back but I bieve they have another trike. Check out
Assalamualaikum WarohmatuAllohi Wabarokatu Cr931 Kita Semuanya*Keren#
Trailer cost almost as much as my first gold wing - was a 1984 cost $5500.
May I know the price of this bike
According to the tags... its $29998
guau o preço pó favor
Cuanto vale la moto de color amarillo
guau o preço da amarela
wish you demonstrated the reverse
E muito legal eu gosto dessas moto e muito Bonita
Quando vem pro Brasil??
É carro?
BEAUTIFUL! Wayyyyyyyy too rich for my blood! But NICE!!!!
COYOTE ADVENTURES Q🌓 🍷🍺🍺🍺🌴🍺🍺🌴🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🌴🇦🇸🇨🇨
Honda gold wing
India may milti hai
To open right hand pocket use the spare key you just had in your hand, hahahahahahahah!!!!!!
Richard Griffin ikhlkhjky I kkkkkkkkkkkkkm,,,, m.
is it still available?
Huntsville Houch unfortunately it's already gone
They do have a black and chrome set up right now tho.
।গুডস, দিস ওয়ান ।
Algún número xfa estoy interesado soy del Perú
Interessante nuomomotociclo fantastico..costruzione io pre,,,l'anarchia meno .pericolosa giuseppe assicura
guau o preço
great trike - worst video production effort ever
Perhaps you should try producing content before judging someone without experience....
My dream bike....but ...
لماذا لا يستوردون هذه الدراجات للعراق لو تجار مال سكراب العراقيين
i lick honda campany prodacts
You know you post all these traits but you never give away a hold of the person that owns it how much it is where we can go to see it in person nothing
headache video.
I want it
Show linda,,,,,,,,,
Где цена хватит травить
Too much talking. Boring without demonstration.
Aida não
Man you dont know how to sell you saying the same thing over and over
Plis praais in india
Send me the Princeton mig
Who made the Video 🙈 Make what ever you want but please no Video.
Considering this video is a few years old and its got over 200k views....i think I'll ignore this comment...
Vor Zurück - Vor Zurück - erstmal Filmen lernen 👎🏻
My brother has one for sale
Very awesome. Such a beautiful beast. Please any contact, email 📩
I'm sorry that bike sold a long time ago
Противный язык фууууу😡