The Cat That Broke The Internet: Down-Bad Art History

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025

Комментарии • 2,9 тыс.

  • @FrankieFey
    @FrankieFey  Месяц назад +732

    (CORRECTION BELOW🚨) Stop leaving yourself vulnerable to data breaches. Go to to get a 14-day free trial and see if your data has been exposed.
    🚨CORRECTION: Zone is a man & I've edited the video down slightly for clarity! When conducting research, all articles/resources I used regarding Zone referred to him as “she”, likely due to conflating Zone-tan (mascot) with Zone himself. Thank you to everyone who pointed me in the right direction, especially user @purple7filth ! I always try to be as thorough as I can in my research but I am only one person, not a team, and I made a minor mistake in my research but hopefully not one that impacts the viewing experience overall. I hope you can enjoy the video regardless :)

    • @Rain-p2o
      @Rain-p2o Месяц назад +18

      ty for the video 🙏

    • @musicsheep9816
      @musicsheep9816 Месяц назад +104

      Just so you know, Minus8 also admitted that he never did anything with kids and that he hated that he had those feelings. He had to go to therapy for it and eventually left the internet for mental health reasons.

    • @JollyWally12349
      @JollyWally12349 Месяц назад +1

      ​@@musicsheep9816 At least he seeked help, unlike most creeps.

    • @ok-up2id
      @ok-up2id Месяц назад +2

      Y are you cosplaying her

    • @FrankieFey
      @FrankieFey  Месяц назад +79

      @@musicsheep9816womp womp

  • @davidci
    @davidci Месяц назад +5063

    Went from dissecting Animal Crossing gooning to debating whether women exist on the internet

    • @NoPegs
      @NoPegs Месяц назад +267

      Prior to 2006, they did not.

    • @FrankieFey
      @FrankieFey  Месяц назад +783

      @@davidci the kind of youtube video you need a cigarette after

    • @waltuh11121
      @waltuh11121 Месяц назад

      There are not women on the internet, Frankie is def. a dude

    • @ElWasHere
      @ElWasHere Месяц назад

      @@NoPegs sad news, they did. I know- I'm so sorry. Female infestation.

    • @dutchchairman
      @dutchchairman Месяц назад +155

      Ah yes, the G.I.R.L. or Guy In Real Life.

  • @sillygoobers13
    @sillygoobers13 Месяц назад +1975

    you're telling me... that cat wasn't dancing?

    • @Oof_Trooper21
      @Oof_Trooper21 Месяц назад +100

      yeah, the cat wasn't.

    • @markathkbo760
      @markathkbo760 Месяц назад +70

      I mean, the horizontal mambo, but..
      .. but she was vertical so--

    • @ryohei9027
      @ryohei9027 Месяц назад +31

      She was pole dancing.

    • @genrali
      @genrali Месяц назад +63

      ​@ryohei9027 but the pole was on the inside

    • @Kagezawa
      @Kagezawa Месяц назад +4

      I mean wlthat cat really does dancing... But not only

  • @AvaS-q9u
    @AvaS-q9u Месяц назад +1974

    Something you absolutely NEED to cover is the story of Cristali, it was SUPER big drama in the animation meme community that I was actually there to witness in real time (when I was like 10 or 11). It's a pretty long story, but TLDR; a bunch of 12 to 15-year-olds were mad that their favorite animator's art was being traced, and their anger resulted in a Guatemalan pedophile posing as an American teenage girl getting doxed and arrested. This was literally Drake vs. everyone before Drake vs. everyone
    Edit: fixed details I initially got wrong

    • @hygrifkrrshinavask949
      @hygrifkrrshinavask949 Месяц назад +209

      CRISTALI????? i havent heard that name since like 2019..... 🚬

    • @sniffxy
      @sniffxy Месяц назад +94

      Bro... ever since cristali happened the amc has never been the same (as in theres been so many gr00mers since)

    • @liamneedsauniquehandle
      @liamneedsauniquehandle Месяц назад +44

      @@sniffxy there were before, you just didn't see them

    • @MemoriesGamer612
      @MemoriesGamer612 Месяц назад

      ​@hygrifkrrshinavask949 same it was major drama of animation meme community i not explain it long

    • @illyanesterenko8930
      @illyanesterenko8930 Месяц назад +9

      Who`s crystali?

  • @xooiid
    @xooiid 26 дней назад +45

    One other neat fact is that ZONE's work in SWF and other animation has legit led to changes in how animation is made, especially for sprite work in video games. The techniques they developed for tweening smaller movements have been used in a lot of modern 2D spritework and animated games, and ZONE themselves was an inbetween animator on Skullgirls, specifically for Big Band, Valentine and Squiggly. Zone even got a reference color for Squiggly in SG, and a guest spot in Indivisible.
    The work on Newgrounds has changed the cultural landscape. It's similar to how modern 3D animation relies on a ton of tricks developed by a dude who wanted to make Bioshock: Infinite Porn.

    • @Smoothbrainium
      @Smoothbrainium 15 дней назад +3

      I was like wait that sounds lik- then you mentioned at the end lmao

    • @metronicmagician1816
      @metronicmagician1816 6 дней назад +7

      @@Smoothbrainium Sadly that wasn’t actually a thing. As much as it’s fun to think bioshock caused 3D porn advancements it didn’t do anything that wasn’t already done before, and didn’t actually have as much of an impact on the landscape compared to any other major game. It did help set some stones for styles of 3D art, but that’s basically all its impact sadly. Honestly though the history of SFM porn art it incredibly interesting even if this one event didn’t happen.

  • @AlligatorDundee-t5k
    @AlligatorDundee-t5k Месяц назад +233

    "Spiderman backshots" is something i never needed or wanted.

  • @cthululuu
    @cthululuu Месяц назад +3966

    It’s actually really sad because ankha is such a cool design and is one of my favorite characters in animal crossing and you just can’t say that to people without them thinking you’re a gooner. I just like my cute animal game

    • @niceguy4441
      @niceguy4441 Месяц назад +205

      Idk if you tell me who your favorite character is and you don't make this face after you say it 😏 I believe you uncomplicatedly

    • @panqueque445
      @panqueque445 Месяц назад +311

      "What's your favorite pokemon?"
      "Vaporeon, HOLD ON NOT LIKE THAT"

    • @HeruruMeruru
      @HeruruMeruru Месяц назад +71

      One of my favorite Digimon is Renamon. :(

    • @rubykagamine
      @rubykagamine Месяц назад +133

      That reminds me of how Alpharad said he's cursed to have favourite characters that coincidentally are gooner bait

    • @SecuR0M
      @SecuR0M Месяц назад +9

      ​@@panqueque445 I know a guy who has a friend exactly like this.

  • @precascer8221
    @precascer8221 Месяц назад +477

    The woman on internet debate reminded me of that picture of a woman laid down on a bed with the "when you see you'll shit bricks" caption. People theorized that this girl was dead and someone took a photo of her corpse, but only YEARS later an actual woman saw the pic and said she was on her period by the spot on her underwear. That was the thing that makes you shit bricks.
    In conclusion, there really were no woman on the internet.

    • @purple7filth
      @purple7filth Месяц назад +12

      I saw that video too

    • @joelbaldry
      @joelbaldry Месяц назад +1


    • @purple7filth
      @purple7filth Месяц назад +13

      Justin Wang vid

    • @joelbaldry
      @joelbaldry Месяц назад

      @ oh ok

    • @manuele.floresc
      @manuele.floresc Месяц назад +1

      Oh nice, I never heard that reveal. I'm glad she wasn't actually dead.

  • @thatguy00271
    @thatguy00271 Месяц назад +1033

    proud to be a part of the Leshawna Ball Nation

  • @Tabocat2
    @Tabocat2 29 дней назад +260

    5:14 i googled myself and i saw a man who during the late 1800 fought against the ottoman empire to free Bulgaria

    • @elcatrinc1996
      @elcatrinc1996 28 дней назад +5


    • @PeterPeter-rl9vn
      @PeterPeter-rl9vn 27 дней назад +9

      I’m either a pumpkin eater or a musician

    • @Mr_NotTZG
      @Mr_NotTZG 27 дней назад +4

      I cannot say what showed up for me. Just don't search my username and go to videos or images for your own sanity. Please.

    • @Radonium
      @Radonium 26 дней назад +3

      i googled myself and saw a man who looks like grigori the monk

    • @Ashie690
      @Ashie690 25 дней назад +4

      i got some random girl from japan, i was born in colombia 😭

  • @mikenikefrombrazil3348
    @mikenikefrombrazil3348 Месяц назад +102

    my innocent soul thought newgrounds just had flash games

  • @cloudykid7278
    @cloudykid7278 Месяц назад +1281

    I think you're probably one of the first to cover the story behind Ankha zone instead of just talking about how cursed the animation itself was

    • @terdragontra8900
      @terdragontra8900 Месяц назад +221

      The animation really isn’t cursed though? Compared to all the other stuff this channel covers.

    • @coconutshampoo9025
      @coconutshampoo9025 Месяц назад +233

      @@terdragontra8900yeah I never got why people were freaking out over it and saying it was so crazy and cursed when it’s pretty standard. It’s actually pretty well made from a technical/artistic standpoint. The only problem was how common and easy it was to get access to, and it was heavily pushed onto literal children. I don’t find adult content funny, especially when the joke is to sexually harass people, including strangers and children.

    • @ville-c4u
      @ville-c4u Месяц назад +4

      No one is reading all of that

    • @FlickyLicky_uwu
      @FlickyLicky_uwu Месяц назад +135

      The animation is top notch, actually. The artist is very talented, and it's not their fault it became so viral that it ended up pushed onto the wrong eyes. That can happen to anything.

    • @Kirstenkriskat
      @Kirstenkriskat Месяц назад +105

      @@terdragontra8900yeah it’s honestly really tame for r34 standards. Both characters are adults (yes she’s a cat but she’s anthro) and consenting. I guess the meme factor came from the “innocence” of it, to where when you crop it, it appears more innocent to those who aren’t aware of the original source material.

  • @ickky666
    @ickky666 Месяц назад +1131

    The no girl's on the internet rule was more of a safety rule back in the day. It was really common to get catfished/scammed in those early days.

    • @DrScrubbington
      @DrScrubbington Месяц назад +322

      Maybe in some cases, but I think it mostly came from the stereotype about users on sites like Newgrounds being young men, interested in video games and other entertainment, who probably didn't talk to women in their lives that much, and assumed girls couldn't possibly share those interests

    • @purple7filth
      @purple7filth Месяц назад +272

      @@DrScrubbington there were plenty of women on Newgrounds. Some of them drew, others did voice acting for other artists. The "no women on the Internet" thing came from 4chan & other message boards/forums & videogames where men would get catfished, hence the "all women are men, & all children are FBI agents".

    • @ville-c4u
      @ville-c4u Месяц назад +9

      No one is reading all of that

    • @FrankieFey
      @FrankieFey  Месяц назад +156

      @@DrScrubbington agree; to me this seemed incredibly straightforward

    • @stuckonaslide
      @stuckonaslide Месяц назад

      @@ville-c4u its 2 fucking sentences

  • @Ghalta_The_Unknowable
    @Ghalta_The_Unknowable Месяц назад +501

    "gay 9/11 shrek pregnancy fanart" is not a thing I expected to be spoken in my ears yet here we are

    • @CalvaryProductions1
      @CalvaryProductions1 Месяц назад

      A second sperm has hit the ogre!

    • @Ibisian
      @Ibisian Месяц назад +17

      the Internet is a beautiful, insane place.

    • @ville-c4u
      @ville-c4u Месяц назад

      No one is reading all of that

    • @DrScrubbington
      @DrScrubbington Месяц назад

      New sentence unlocked

    • @Crocogator
      @Crocogator Месяц назад +1

      onions can't melt steel beams?

  • @donvoltonus8898
    @donvoltonus8898 Месяц назад +607

    Gonna be honest calling this "bad art" is a crime. Like it or not, it's nicely animated.

    • @Angie-fr6so
      @Angie-fr6so 27 дней назад +27

      Porn, not even art. End of the conversation.

    • @8l1XN
      @8l1XN 27 дней назад +120

      @@Angie-fr6sosomeone still worked hard on it

    • @baraka629
      @baraka629 26 дней назад

      ​@@Angie-fr6soWhat's the difference?

    • @joshjo9405
      @joshjo9405 26 дней назад +95

      @@Angie-fr6so That statement is false. porn is either horrendously bad, a bit mid, or somehow the best thing you've seen. so it counts as art.
      Also there's one artist that has a whole comic series that has been going on since probably before the 2000's, the guy is called Fred Perry and he's the same dude who animated the 'you are a pirate' animation that has been reuploaded here on youtube.

    • @decom707
      @decom707 26 дней назад

      @@Angie-fr6so It is art. Does not matter if its porn. End of conversation.

  • @KyleHarrisonRedacted
    @KyleHarrisonRedacted 23 дня назад +40

    Having been part of Newgrounds since before the portal opened up to public submissions, the groundswell that site had was crazy powerful, but it DIDNT GO UNCHECKED. Something kinda neglected to mention is that there WAS moderation, community flagging and whistleblowing, and of course the administration and community had the ability to “Blam” a video out of the website. Tom and especially his brother Wade spent a GINORMOUS amount of their young adult lives moderating the content. Not everything that should have been removed got removed but it was a manual process to watch the depraved shit people would post every single day, some even openly admitted it was Wade-Bait to push his limits. They’ve integrated a lot of the same rules and regulations that RUclips follows (no more copywrite music or clips) and hides all the adult content under an “A” filter to turn off and on at your personal discretion, which also hides all the adult ads too when turned off.
    What I’m saying is, it’s not that Tom was a “no fucks given” kind of guy, though he was certainly a guy that liked to step over the edge a lot, he always cared DEEPLY about fostering his community of creatives and creating a platform that, unlike RUclips, the common users can actually voice their opinion and be heard and visibly acknowledged. Shit, I’m a nobody and Tom Fulp himself liked my latest post on the site (something I hadn’t done in like 6 years) and communicates ALL the time on the forum, engaging positively even with harsh criticism.

    • @kathorsees
      @kathorsees 11 дней назад +1

      Sounds like a decent, upstanding guy. Thanks for sharing this!

  • @TuberoseKisser
    @TuberoseKisser Месяц назад +963

    Ahnka cat introduced me to Camel by Camel which is a banger

    • @OfficialAshePenndale
      @OfficialAshePenndale Месяц назад +87

      Same, how do the most cursed videos have the best music? Funky Town, Meatspin, this?

    • @GlowingCottonCreator
      @GlowingCottonCreator Месяц назад

      ​@@OfficialAshePenndalethe ankha video isn't even bad compared to those

    • @tinyclover3849
      @tinyclover3849 Месяц назад +42

      A banger you say? Only fitting

    • @JustANormalGamerr
      @JustANormalGamerr Месяц назад +18

      @@OfficialAshePenndalehide away

    • @dotdot5906
      @dotdot5906 Месяц назад +14

      THE MEMORIES 🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥

  • @a.s.raiyan2003-4
    @a.s.raiyan2003-4 Месяц назад +400

    The problem was that it came into the notice of the Tiktok dance groups and the trolls who post cut r34 content for baiting. Next you know it's being watched by kids on Yt shorts.

    • @kamikeserpentail3778
      @kamikeserpentail3778 Месяц назад +36

      That last part is the real problem.
      People don't think about who can see what.
      No respect for keeping things in their proper places.
      Though also, bit of the parents fault too if the kids are younger than 13.
      Not supposed to have a youtube account before then.
      And hell, I didn't have access to the internet outside my mom's vision until like 16.

    • @mayoraeryn
      @mayoraeryn 29 дней назад

      kamikeserpentail3778 I got monitored access to the internet when I was 11 myself. Back then all I used it for was coolmath and poptropica. Good times. 100% though, parents need to keep an eye on what their kids are doing online. Or better yet, they should just actually spend time with their kids for once instead of letting the ipad be the parent

    • @cantsleep463
      @cantsleep463 29 дней назад +1

      You are so mad omg, I'm glad most parents don't make their child go through what you want them too.

    • @D.rewman
      @D.rewman 28 дней назад +15

      ​@cantsleep463 I think while their example is a little extreme, I still think that's better than just letting a kid do whatever online. Mostly because there are far worse things that happen to kids who use the internet unsupervised than accidentally seeing adult content.
      in the end, the principle is that parents should know (and care) about what their younger kids are up to online, and that doesn't necessarily need to manifest as watching over their shoulder 24/7. It's a trust thing that's going to be different depending on the personalities and dynamics of the parents and kids.

  • @maxvolume7652
    @maxvolume7652 Месяц назад +1027

    My best friend dressed as Anka back in high school for Halloween and got catcalled like crazy… poor thing, 2021 was an insane time.

    • @albnoel
      @albnoel Месяц назад +73

      Oh no. The consequences of my decisions. Womp womp

    • @anthropomorphicpeanut6160
      @anthropomorphicpeanut6160 Месяц назад +455

      ​@@albnoelmen blaming high school girls for getting harassed, more news at 11

    • @sunwukong2
      @sunwukong2 Месяц назад

      ​@@albnoelbeing transphobic in youtube comments as if youre convincing anyone AND being a chomo? pick a struggle

    • @binderr3
      @binderr3 Месяц назад

      ​@@albnoelmisogyny on a womans channel like, dawg you lost???

    • @hallysis5439
      @hallysis5439 Месяц назад +207

      @@albnoel pdf vibes

  • @VegaArchAngel
    @VegaArchAngel Месяц назад +69

    Your use of the word 'torpedo' is such a perfectly encapsulated double entendre, I wish I was smart enough to come up with that.

  • @6abriel-P9K
    @6abriel-P9K 29 дней назад +156

    i thought ralph broke the internet

    • @HANKSANDY69420
      @HANKSANDY69420 29 дней назад +7

      *Him too.*

    • @AmberTheSeal
      @AmberTheSeal 27 дней назад +15

      We shall never speak of that monster again. There is only one Wreck-it Ralph movie.

  • @armedmage
    @armedmage Месяц назад +995

    Frankie needs to do a whole episode explaining fluffy pony abuse. That's some of the most fucked up shit I've been cursed with seeing on the internet.

    • @felsiccanis
      @felsiccanis Месяц назад +60

      Yes. Its awful and not enough people expose it

    • @FeenieVonKarma
      @FeenieVonKarma Месяц назад +39

      Yeah I remember falling down that rabbit hole (pony hole?) once, many years ago. It's.. fucking odd, that's for sure.

    • @AoiUsagiOtoko
      @AoiUsagiOtoko Месяц назад +64

      what i find really interesting is there's also a part of that fanbase that just draws wholesome happy stuff-- not everyone is into the violent/abuse art some people just seem to enjoy drawing dumb little horse creatures lol

    • @jimbob6519
      @jimbob6519 Месяц назад +21

      At least that sick mess got mostly neutered after the booru website got taken down.

    • @Homodemon
      @Homodemon Месяц назад

      I hate that it is just the western version of touhou's Yukkuri abuse, but at least yukkuris are kind of entitled, mouthy little turds and sometimes drawn super ugly so the violence comes as comeuppance to being considered literal vermin in universe, fluffies on the other hand are often drawn as inofensive and saccharine dumb babies and apparently that's enough to want to kill

  • @weird_squid
    @weird_squid Месяц назад +311

    how to forget the time where you couldnt say ankha was your favorite animal crossing character

    • @numbuh1507
      @numbuh1507 Месяц назад +5

      I prefer Tom Nook

    • @ville-c4u
      @ville-c4u Месяц назад

      No one is reading all of that

    • @leshommesdupilly
      @leshommesdupilly Месяц назад +3

      She's my favorite Rimworld character :D
      I think I might be obsessed with her :D

    • @L1nk2002
      @L1nk2002 Месяц назад +13

      I understand that. One of my absolute favourite Pokémon is Vaporeon.

    • @weird_squid
      @weird_squid Месяц назад +7

      @@L1nk2002 im sorry for your loss

  • @CountGremlin
    @CountGremlin Месяц назад +229

    I remember when my aunt sent Ankha's "innocent" dancing gif on the family whatsapp chat... It was hilarious and terrifying 😂

  • @sk8ersteve
    @sk8ersteve Месяц назад +16

    I think it should be noted minus8 never glorified pdfilia and only acknowledged it as a sickness he wanted to get over. No one should be demonized for admitting they have a problem especially if they never went as far as actually hurting anyone, and he’s gotten a lot of hate for his statements quite unjustly if you ask me.

    • @Floobism
      @Floobism 19 дней назад +2

      internet users when staying on the internet actually makes their problems worse (shocker)

  • @asumiluna9066
    @asumiluna9066 26 дней назад +33

    Had to do my own research on the whole Viacom claiming zone's nsfw animation.....
    basically, Viacom made that particular parody cannon by copyright claiming it, and now i cannot unthink that monstrosity of reality.

  • @cloudshifter
    @cloudshifter Месяц назад +284

    If I learned anything from the internet, it would be 3 things:
    1. Porn of any kind, anywhere, anytime ALWAYS sells.
    2. People have fetishes you couldn't fathom and you're fortunate everyday that you don't know them, so don't go looking for them.
    3. Banger music will always make something blow up in the internet.

    • @DissedRedEngie
      @DissedRedEngie Месяц назад +16

      oh, I long for the days when Brazilian fart porn was the weirdest thing I knew.
      If this was early 00's I'd end this with a "not in that way" joke.

    • @pengwin_
      @pengwin_ Месяц назад +18

      what gets me about the whole "OMG! Other peoples weird fetishes!" pearl clutching is the person typing or saying or thinking that most definitely has a weird fetish too.

    • @Matt1337c
      @Matt1337c Месяц назад

      Lets put our face features in mud and used shaving foam, then proceed to mummification and shove up our cheeks pens and markers🤤

    • @spacebassist
      @spacebassist Месяц назад

      @@pengwin_ "no, i DON'T get funny feelings from clutching my pearls to the point i slightly choke myself, focus on _those_ freaks!"

    • @kamikeserpentail3778
      @kamikeserpentail3778 Месяц назад +6

      1. It shouldn't be everywhere, because kids need safe places on the internet too. But for adults, as long as it doesn't involve hurting the non-consenting.
      2. I don't know how the rest of you handle curiosity, but it's made me far more resilient. The more repulsed you are by something, the more it gets burned in memory, so just leave and don't really thinking about it.
      3. Good music makes most things better. Videogames become more memorable.

  • @AntMG6819
    @AntMG6819 Месяц назад +713

    i hate this meme because it exposed my little siblings to pornographic content at a young age due to how widespread it was

    • @Baddaby
      @Baddaby Месяц назад +70

      Eh they would be exposed to something sooner or later, at least it was this bland thing

    • @SecuR0M
      @SecuR0M Месяц назад +344

      ​@@Baddaby Insane take.

    • @Baddaby
      @Baddaby Месяц назад +68

      @@SecuR0M literally one of the most bland animated prons out there, considering today's internet, they could've stumbled into so soooo much worse

    • @Rosewood11-f9w
      @Rosewood11-f9w Месяц назад +16

      That's the problem with this. I wanted to make a meme out of another sus animation but... the presence of kids is gonna ruin it for me.

    • @JakurtyKulgin
      @JakurtyKulgin Месяц назад

      Pornography in general is problematic as hell and it's too normalized,so much that people barely talks about how harmful it's for our brain,not to mention it's making hard for SA/R*pe survivors,and even then there can be blind morons that will denying hard truth about it by "it's fiction or she give consent for that!"

  • @TuberoseKisser
    @TuberoseKisser Месяц назад +419

    Been a long time user of Tumblr, Tumblr was one of the very few safe spaces for adult content since users were directly uploading there and links were always displayed first so the risks of viruses was very slim, it was also big on SexEd, the banning of nsfw really fucking hurt the site and it's popularity.

    • @arronbenit5660
      @arronbenit5660 Месяц назад

      Yea they purged it to be able to work with more banks to grow the site. And ironically it's worse iff now then ever before

    • @anglosaxiphone8246
      @anglosaxiphone8246 Месяц назад

      ​@LuznoLindoBlame the credit card companies and tumblrs moderation. Tumblr unfortunately made news with exploitive content found their. Giving tumblr such a bad rep that it made Mastercard threaten to pull out unless 18+ content was completely purged and tags became broken. Shame since I was an artist on their.

    • @damian9303
      @damian9303 Месяц назад +31

      It was removed over CSAM not necessarily because of malicious spam, I can see where they were coming from seeing all the lolicon MAPs that migrated to Twitter

    • @EagleTimberWolf
      @EagleTimberWolf Месяц назад +38

      @ The problem is people had been reporting that type of content for ages and Tumblr refused to do anything about it until the app got removed due to said content. And even then, their "solution" was essentially to burn the whole crop just to avoid having to pick the weeds. (Sorry for the repost, YT likes to auto-delete over nothing)

    • @omnitone
      @omnitone Месяц назад

      wait, was it really big on sexed? i ask because i hope for the world to he less sexually retarded but im afraid its gotten worse.

  • @connordlthegamer2980
    @connordlthegamer2980 Месяц назад +394

    You can tell this person's information can be trusted, due to them using the funny blue site instead of the funny green site in this part

    • @xboxbrocko
      @xboxbrocko Месяц назад +5

      I just put a comment about that lol

    • @QTwoSix
      @QTwoSix Месяц назад +1

      >If you use this pornography website and not that pornography website you are le good or something along those coom lines

    • @EyyyIsme
      @EyyyIsme Месяц назад +63

      @MonkeyBoy9614 it's the furry version, more reliable cuz it has a ton of moderation and no reposts or AI stuff are allowed

    • @user-vi4xy1jw7e
      @user-vi4xy1jw7e Месяц назад +1

      What is the green site

    • @sanderkiki
      @sanderkiki Месяц назад +31

      @@EyyyIsme its surprisingly good even if you are not a furry tbf, very well done site

  • @squiddle5193
    @squiddle5193 Месяц назад +23

    Rule 37 means that, as everyone is anonymous, no one is going to treat you differently just because you're a girl. For better or for worse.

  • @Lone_Coyote
    @Lone_Coyote Месяц назад +208

    At least they brought a forgotten '80s song back into the spotlight for a while.

    • @nickrustyson8124
      @nickrustyson8124 Месяц назад +13

      Also the SFW one brought back another great song Living on the Ceiling by Blancmange, anyone who played Vice City Stories might remember it

    • @Lone_Coyote
      @Lone_Coyote Месяц назад +1

      @@nickrustyson8124 Oh yeah! I loved that game. Played it back in the late 2000s early 2010s. That song was featured on Flash FM. I Still listen Vice City and VCS' soundtrack often.

    • @gaijinhoney64
      @gaijinhoney64 Месяц назад +5

      Yes the song is actually good!! I’m from Croatia and I met Sandy Marton’s cousin once! ;) (no but like I’m serious)

    • @Lone_Coyote
      @Lone_Coyote Месяц назад +2

      @@gaijinhoney64 That's cool, was it before 2021? If not, it would have been cool if you had asked him if his cousin knew about the song's resurgence thanks to "The Dancing Cat." Lol

    • @gaijinhoney64
      @gaijinhoney64 Месяц назад +2

      @@Lone_Coyote oh haha it was after 2021, but like… I was even TOO AFRAID to ask him about that- 😭😭

  • @loganmiller7827
    @loganmiller7827 Месяц назад +177

    This is truly the first one of these videos where I was fully aware of the source material before watching the video. I don't know what to think about that

    • @Domi_inks
      @Domi_inks Месяц назад +11

      Thats something to be Proud of mr Miller

    • @OtherlingQueen
      @OtherlingQueen Месяц назад


    • @ville-c4u
      @ville-c4u Месяц назад

      No one is reading all of that

    • @eugene4786
      @eugene4786 Месяц назад

      I proud, you proud, we proud!

  • @DynamicLemons
    @DynamicLemons Месяц назад +148

    insert that clip of jacob alpharad talking about how the internet ruined several girls he liked

    • @moezfoez
      @moezfoez Месяц назад +16

      Alpharad mentioned

    • @king_poyo64
      @king_poyo64 Месяц назад +1

      Pokemon too
      Or really anything he likes for that matter.

    • @marlonhoek-po7gw
      @marlonhoek-po7gw Месяц назад +7

      @@king_poyo64 let me think how many pokemon the internet ruined:
      -Vaporeon (especially this one)
      -Typhlosion (though it's case was different)
      yeah that's 4 already.
      combining this with the "there are no laws against the pokemon, Batman" meme makes me worried the Pokemon fandom could be stereotyped as a bunch of furry gooners a la Sonic/MLP

  • @joshjo9405
    @joshjo9405 26 дней назад +11

    The whole minus8 situation was more about him getting flak for admitting that he had concerns that he was almost becoming a PDF file cause of some urges that was becoming a bit too much to handle, so he kinda went offline for a couple months to take therapy. He came back sometime last year and it seems like he's better now since he recently posted a collection of some SFW girlified mario party reaction sticker animations and posts the occasional NSFW art piece and even more uncommon animation.

  • @karlmannvoigt7546
    @karlmannvoigt7546 Месяц назад +110

    14:18 mad respect for bringing this up since this is something even the mod staff of the youtube wiki have gone out of their way to try and sweep under the rug.
    In accordance with the rules of the internet, I hereby award you the title of honourary man (thus fulfilling the 37th rule).

  • @wallaceprower
    @wallaceprower Месяц назад +164

    man, every intro you come up with is just straight BARS

    • @FrankieFey
      @FrankieFey  Месяц назад +23

      Thank you :’) ily

    • @UngreasedAxle45
      @UngreasedAxle45 Месяц назад +2

      ​@@FrankieFey the chip da ripper of the cursed internet

  • @llamaxrider
    @llamaxrider Месяц назад +55

    I remember thinking “this is a cute looking cat I’ll use this as my steam profile picture” horrible DMs

  • @peoplecalledmepicklerick
    @peoplecalledmepicklerick Месяц назад +81

    imagine what the guy who designed ankha felt when he saw this random character he designed spiral out of control into merely nothing but a rather suggestive meme of the week, and keep in mind that this very meme is all ankha is known for now.

    • @philipmelaas317
      @philipmelaas317 Месяц назад +18

      Ankha, Bowser, Kass, ToTK Rauru. My instincts tell me the character designers at Nintendo are used to it by now, if not intentionally instigating it...

    • @peoplecalledmepicklerick
      @peoplecalledmepicklerick Месяц назад +4

      @@philipmelaas317 there's probably a parrarel unuverse where instead of nintendo losing their shit over fan games made by their fans they go absolutely apeshit over the weird and suggestive side of fan art that their characters get
      but this is the internet we're talking about so what do i know

    • @immediateegret2120
      @immediateegret2120 25 дней назад

      Ever since reading about Disney's smut vault I assume most character designers draw smut of their own characters...

    • @peoplecalledmepicklerick
      @peoplecalledmepicklerick 25 дней назад

      @@immediateegret2120 jesus christ i didn't know disney had a smut vault

  • @diamonddj3754
    @diamonddj3754 29 дней назад +20

    As a wise man once said: "Welcome to the Internet", and that explains everything you need to know. The internet is best described as the human imagination of everyone who has ever lived and will live, regardless of what you think.

    • @hobobill3361
      @hobobill3361 26 дней назад +4

      In our lifetimes, we will have only seen 0.0001% of the whole thing. It's truly remarkable how much information and creative works are on the internet.

  • @kadaverklown
    @kadaverklown Месяц назад +132

    boy im gonna need a cigarette for this one (i have never smoked once in my life)

    • @W1LD_and_the_voices
      @W1LD_and_the_voices Месяц назад +14

      I'm gonna need a whole bottle of alcohol and I don't even know what it tastes like.

    • @Anarcho_Ingsoc
      @Anarcho_Ingsoc Месяц назад +10

      are you gonna smoke a... Camel cigarette?

    • @ThePhantomSafetyPin
      @ThePhantomSafetyPin Месяц назад +4

      @@Anarcho_Ingsoc Anka got you in that zone fr fr.

    • @Mattbat64
      @Mattbat64 9 дней назад +1


    • @Mattbat64
      @Mattbat64 9 дней назад

      @W1LD_and_the_voices depends what you like though. I wouldn't recommend drinking a bottle of one as I suggest you should ease your way into become an alcoholic. I would start off with Mocktails as that mimics the flavours and textures of classic cocktails without alcohol. Or if your feeling drunk from eating water I suggest eating a glass of Moscow Mules with the copper mug that's served with it.

  • @DarkButz
    @DarkButz Месяц назад +57

    The most shocking thing in this video is learning that the SWF extension is pronounced "swiff".

    • @FrankieFey
      @FrankieFey  Месяц назад +16

      I actually don’t know if it is but that’s how I always said it hehehe

    • @DarkButz
      @DarkButz Месяц назад +3

      @@FrankieFey I mean, it makes sense, when "gif" is pronounced "jiff".
      And now, let the shitstorm begin.

    • @pengwin_
      @pengwin_ Месяц назад +5

      it isnt

    • @64siskat96
      @64siskat96 29 дней назад +3

      @@DarkButznope the 'g' stands for graphics, so its pronounced like gift without the t

    • @DarkButz
      @DarkButz 29 дней назад

      @@64siskat96 I know, I just hoped to start a shitstorm here. Although I believe the creator of the format said it's pronounced "jiff".
      I pronounce it "gif" because that's how it's normally pronounced in my country.

  • @valdemarramirez6015
    @valdemarramirez6015 Месяц назад +22

    Speaking about internet rules, my personal favorite is rule ⑨ (not to be confused with the other rule 9): which states, "If it exists, there will be a Touhou version of it."

  • @ryszakowy
    @ryszakowy 29 дней назад +84

    one cat girl shaked her hips
    and internet broke
    that's internet's problem

    • @OceansPacific
      @OceansPacific 29 дней назад +10

      does he know? 🕵

    • @SomeOne-ph1gw
      @SomeOne-ph1gw 29 дней назад +2


    • @mah7294
      @mah7294 29 дней назад

      Ummm.... want clarification..?

    • @sarcasm-83
      @sarcasm-83 29 дней назад +5

      Almost a Haiku

    • @protalukoriginal4560
      @protalukoriginal4560 14 дней назад

      Triplicated the furry population on the process 💀

  • @WillShackAttack
    @WillShackAttack Месяц назад +66

    I remember in one of Zone Sama's Twitch streams, she said that she made Ankha Zone as a goodbye to Adobe Flash before it shut down in 2021.
    She didn't expect it to become a meme. Of course, who ever expects their creations to become memes?

    • @Floobism
      @Floobism 19 дней назад +1

      zone... sama...? this dudes an elite tier gooner

    • @WillShackAttack
      @WillShackAttack 19 дней назад

      @realfloob That or Zone Sama is her username.

    • @comedordetraps7337
      @comedordetraps7337 4 дня назад

      ​@@Floobism it's one of the many ways to call this artists, though if we are talking about the streamer self... It's Zone Tron

  • @mercuryredstone2235
    @mercuryredstone2235 Месяц назад +102

    Look up the album cover for Camel By Camel by Sandy Marton, he's smirking on the cover cause he could see what the future was going to bring.

    • @glorbojibbins2485
      @glorbojibbins2485 Месяц назад +8

      That's a surprise tool that can help us later

  • @justinweber4977
    @justinweber4977 Месяц назад +34

    My understanding of "There are no girls on the internet:" has always been
    "When you post online, your sex is irrelevant" and then the internet culture just progressed from there.

    • @vertonimal
      @vertonimal 22 дня назад +5

      Rule 29:
      "In the internet all girls are men and all kids are undercover FBI agents."
      Strangely followed by a reiteration with rule 30:
      "There are no girls on the Internet."
      I always took 29 as. "You use your anonymity to be yourself. They use theirs to get their kicks, don't be an idiot."

  • @Zjackel17
    @Zjackel17 Месяц назад +90

    10:13 I'm so glad, 'We're Back A Dinosaur Story' R34 is back. Jabroni Mike sure is an influence.

    • @MrHypoglycaemic
      @MrHypoglycaemic Месяц назад +5

      Thought the same and went into the comments to look it up.
      Also, look at the number of entries posted here... There's more than one!

    • @jonal5126
      @jonal5126 Месяц назад +4

      Why tf skibidi has that amount of posts????

    • @KichiMiangra
      @KichiMiangra Месяц назад +3

      I did not know to seek out r34 of We're Back but now I know and can search it

    • @FeenieVonKarma
      @FeenieVonKarma Месяц назад +2

      Same here, the little reference gave me a good laugh.

    • @TylerNovakYT
      @TylerNovakYT 11 дней назад

      Fun fact: There were only 50 entries before the Thats My Streamer episode. There are like 55 now. Jabroni Mike's influence is very bad (or I guess very good) for the gooner community.

  • @iHeartStereos
    @iHeartStereos 23 дня назад +3

    Derpixon is proof women do exist online 🗿
    And we love them for it

  • @juhokuusisto9339
    @juhokuusisto9339 Месяц назад +9

    This felt more Internet Historian than Internet Historian these days.
    On the rules of the internet; those are real. But people should remember, that the internet is not serious business. Or at least it wasn't back then...

    • @DixyRae
      @DixyRae 24 дня назад +1

      Well I'm sure he's cooking one up now that there's something to plagiarize

    • @goldenfiberwheat238
      @goldenfiberwheat238 7 дней назад +1

      Hate that he just posts irl stuff now

  • @yourhope5410
    @yourhope5410 Месяц назад +83

    I don’t know much about Zone but I do remember her saying that she feels bad when her work is shown to minors since that is not and has never been her target audience.
    Also, one time she left a comment on one of my Ankha cosplay videos lmao.

    • @MagnumJohnson
      @MagnumJohnson Месяц назад +31

      they made art of underaged characters, so, yeah, miss me with that.

    • @yotpaulski6196
      @yotpaulski6196 Месяц назад +16

      Her? That's a paid voice actress, the artist real name is Peter Murray Hill

    • @Rprot_traveler
      @Rprot_traveler Месяц назад +5

      ​@@MagnumJohnsonyea but but those are cartoons also unless the caracter is striaigth kid looking i dont see the problem.
      Charcaters like starfire could easily be 21 and you wouldn't question it.

    • @sirhenrymorgan1187
      @sirhenrymorgan1187 27 дней назад +3

      Yeah, but Zone has used voice clips from shows where the characters are voiced by actual children (see: Zone's Toph animation). So...
      Just seems a wee bit hypocritical 🤷.

  • @himigimi
    @himigimi 25 дней назад +6

    the actual unbelievable thing about Ankha zone was ppl pretending furries didnt exist in the animal crossing fandom.

  • @cookiegal7340
    @cookiegal7340 Месяц назад +16

    I vividly remember when the video blue up on tiktok. Someone posted the video with text covering Anka's body where they were complaining about school and I vividly remember the comment section being about Anka. And overnight, I saw it everywhere

  • @Anonymous-73
    @Anonymous-73 28 дней назад +5

    The best part is that one of the lines mentions something about a “Camel dance” which isn’t too far from a “Cat dance”.

  • @BroBurg445
    @BroBurg445 29 дней назад +10

    3:01 Yikes, that was creepily accurate. Idk if I should be proud or start unpacking the trauma.

  • @snowbunnie1113
    @snowbunnie1113 Месяц назад +25

    Funny how the internet went from edgy “take no prisoners and give no f*cks” content by and for its users, to a totally sanitised “safe space” for everyone, with a huge corporate presence….

    • @MasterMemo
      @MasterMemo Месяц назад +2

      I mean, it's alluded to in the video. It's more sustainable unless you have a bunch of money. Almost everything needs ad revenue, sadly.

    • @DeltaEntropy
      @DeltaEntropy 24 дня назад +1

      That’s the natural progression of everything from first invention Wild West to moderated cultural acceptance.
      Everything from newspapers to music has gone through similar evolutions at various times in various places.

    • @bcj842
      @bcj842 22 дня назад +4

      It was primarily distribution of pomography that brought the Internet and file sharing to where it is today. Incredibly fast and in endless supply. This sort of content snakes its way into every social media platform and ultimately leads to the Hub and like sites. We were cooked from the start.

    • @Floobism
      @Floobism 19 дней назад


  • @IceGuadian
    @IceGuadian Месяц назад +16

    i wish the internet was still splintered like back in the day where we would have more than just this single website to upload our videos to
    shoutout to zonetan for wishing me a happy birthday in my twitter DMs one time too

    • @Floobism
      @Floobism 19 дней назад +1

      if we as a country regulated our monopolies, physical and digital, the internet could be magic again :(

  • @Renigma1000
    @Renigma1000 Месяц назад +134

    the minus8 controversy is prob its own can of worms one could make a video on. guy has problems and the internet just made it worse

    • @Lassie23
      @Lassie23 Месяц назад +20

      I feel really sorry for him, he can't get help for his problems because if anyone found out what he does, he'd get arrested

    • @jeffreycramm2783
      @jeffreycramm2783 Месяц назад +19

      @@Lassie23 yea that shit is illegal in Korea. i think he did get get help though

    • @BinglesP
      @BinglesP Месяц назад +16

      Surprised she didn't also mention Zone-Tan is in trouble about that too, considering Starfire, Raven and Jenny(+ many other characters in the animations) are teenagers

    • @Skonris
      @Skonris Месяц назад

      ​@@BinglesPWho are they in trouble with? Twitter?

    • @DaBoy2187
      @DaBoy2187 Месяц назад +8

      also, he renamed his YT channel to "bnbnghghbnbnghgh" and calls himself "메모지 또는 memoji" trying to come back secretly like TooncriticY2K/Zackywuckers/ect

  • @Daiyurunning
    @Daiyurunning Месяц назад +16

    Can’t stop thinking about how zone-tan got added into skullgirls….(as a squiggly variant)

    • @ultraspinalki11
      @ultraspinalki11 Месяц назад +2

      Zone-Tan herself is also in the background of one of the stages.

    • @Kagezawa
      @Kagezawa Месяц назад

      Wait, really? I only know Zone-tan made game with skullgirls characters

    • @KaitouKaiju
      @KaitouKaiju 25 дней назад

      She did some of the art iirc

  • @monkeibusiness
    @monkeibusiness 29 дней назад +18

    In the spirit of Newgrounds: RIP Ed, you are still missed.

    • @hesstarr2
      @hesstarr2 29 дней назад +2

      I miss him dearly

  • @ryanvaros8827
    @ryanvaros8827 Месяц назад +5

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again the spirit of cleopatrea is desperately trying to manifest itself back into this world.

  • @Lime_Glazed_Terracotta
    @Lime_Glazed_Terracotta Месяц назад +15

    Fun fact: In the original version the song used was not Camel by Camel, but power tower pokey theme from Paper Mario: Sticker Star. (I think)

    • @mmgvii8076
      @mmgvii8076 22 дня назад

      the song that would play on the original peach videos?

  • @viogieviogie
    @viogieviogie Месяц назад +55

    I remember absolutely everyone loosing their minds over this only for it to be oh so very vanilla 💀

  • @Bug_Bait
    @Bug_Bait 24 дня назад +5

    I miss when internet nerd stuff was considered niche subculture. It's cringe to watch the masses try to appropriate it.

  • @laylaalder2251
    @laylaalder2251 24 дня назад +1

    Mad props for giving -8 his due! A lot of people forget that Zone's creation was a tribute.

  • @Hexagon22
    @Hexagon22 Месяц назад +247

    The song is actually fire, I hate how people have ruined it for me :[
    EDIT: My mom would play this song pretty often when I was younger, so it kinda spoils that childhood memory

    • @glorbojibbins2485
      @glorbojibbins2485 Месяц назад +7

      Not me lol

    • @illford
      @illford Месяц назад +31

      I wouldn't have heard it without the video so honestly I'm happy. Weird way for people to find it doe

    • @GrayD_Fox
      @GrayD_Fox Месяц назад +6

      It didn’t ruin anything

    • @Hexagon22
      @Hexagon22 Месяц назад +10

      @@illford I understand, my mom would listen to that song alot back when I was younger, so it spoils that memory of my childhood

    • @Wolf-sh9ze
      @Wolf-sh9ze Месяц назад


  • @sd1gaming
    @sd1gaming Месяц назад +10

    Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back

    • @Snozzlewop
      @Snozzlewop Месяц назад +1

      Absolute bars 🔥🔥🔥

  • @MemekeyCubes01
    @MemekeyCubes01 Месяц назад +5

    I remember finding the animation before the meme took off, I was always confused why it got so popular. Great video!

  • @aralndinozordunyas720
    @aralndinozordunyas720 9 дней назад +1

    Imagine you are an ordinary citizen living in ancient Egypt, and you love cats, but 5000 years later someone combines your culture with the animal you find sacred and makes it do an obscene dance, isn't it scary?

  • @Natsukashii1111
    @Natsukashii1111 20 дней назад +1

    I feel so bad sharing this animation to a friend fan of animal crossing. I knew it had some mature source but didn't know the full gist of it. With how she reacted, I think she knew full well and wasn't happy about it.

  • @lucylu3342
    @lucylu3342 Месяц назад +10

    The internet went downhill after everyone started using "Goon" for literally everything

    • @delphicdescant
      @delphicdescant 6 дней назад

      The internet always goes downhill. It's like water.

    • @comedordetraps7337
      @comedordetraps7337 4 дня назад

      Sigma = Chad was one of the worst, totally ruined the Chad meaning

  • @V1-ultrakill-u6b
    @V1-ultrakill-u6b Месяц назад +6

    You see, the problem with the internet is that animation, fanfic writing, and simple browsing can be done with one hand.

  • @joncooke158
    @joncooke158 Месяц назад +6

    Newgrounds was the only valid successor to Albinoblacksheep.

    • @Floobism
      @Floobism 19 дней назад +2

      this right here is a LEGACY web user

  • @slyfoxfan0799
    @slyfoxfan0799 8 дней назад +1

    The interesting thing about -8 is that he returned at one point in time 10-ish years later still seemingly mentally unstable BUT having moved 100 miles away from any idea of CP so even if that's not good enough it's still facinating to me :v Because from what I know the guy Seems incredibly anxious at all times :v

  • @acatisfinetoo3018
    @acatisfinetoo3018 Месяц назад +14

    I can honestly say the best thing to come out of the ankha zone meme is that banger of a song camel by camel...trouble is my brain automatically assoicates it with that animation🗿

  • @Leadvest
    @Leadvest Месяц назад +4

    The idea that the 34th rule was the first published is so bizarre.

  • @psyberfunk
    @psyberfunk Месяц назад +8

    Immediately recognized a ghost's pumpkin soup the moment it started playing. FUCK YEAH SONIC ADVENTURE 2

  • @Vividvivisection
    @Vividvivisection Месяц назад +36

    7:03 OH MY GOD THE ARTIST ON THE TOP FAR RIGHT IS ONE OF MY MUTUALS!! They make a lot of cool and silly Parappa art lol

  • @sedivh0
    @sedivh0 14 дней назад +2

    so sad that minus8's version was just forgotten to the populace

  • @PhrickingRaygan
    @PhrickingRaygan 7 дней назад +1

    12:39 bro I was making Kandi bracelets and the mention of fluffy ponies ACTUALLY made me freeze up. I used to show videos of these things being absolutely TORTURED to my friends as a shock thing lol

  • @AlexKeyes299
    @AlexKeyes299 Месяц назад +19

    17:48 "Royalties looking, oh wow actually pretty good this month, OH REALLY GOOD THIS MONTH. What's this about a cat? OH DEAR GOD, OH DEAR LORD!" - morton probably

  • @Pink_Marshy
    @Pink_Marshy Месяц назад +10

    honestly surprised myself knowing all of this

  • @AshhFann
    @AshhFann Месяц назад +94

    the earliest ive even been to one of the best videos ever

    • @moonylime
      @moonylime Месяц назад

      Same, i clicked on this video without realizing it was a new upload

  • @blastygamez
    @blastygamez Месяц назад +19

    There are only 2 rules of the internet. 1: The internet is chaos and you will basically find anything from things you would love to things you would hate. 2: Almost everything posted to the internet will not be able to be fully removed.

    • @neo-didact9285
      @neo-didact9285 Месяц назад +6

      I wish 2 was actually true. There is so much content I remember as a teen that I wish I could go back and see, but they've vanished into nothingness. So many videos I liked on RUclips dont exist anymore.

    • @blastygamez
      @blastygamez Месяц назад +1

      @ I mean I did say almost but ye I’m sorry for u at least u still remember those ^o^

    • @neo-didact9285
      @neo-didact9285 Месяц назад +2

      @blastygamez There was a fanfic of Pokemon I read that I loved so much when I was in early high school, I remember reading it using my DSi's wifi feature. It was called "Adventures of Fluffy Love" or something, and had only female Pokemon trainers. It's gone forever. I still remember some parts of it.

  • @TheNakedRamen
    @TheNakedRamen 28 дней назад +5

    The universal lust over one cat is unimaginable.

  • @skipskip342
    @skipskip342 Месяц назад +8

    The cat is in fact, not dancing

  • @ZeallustImmortal
    @ZeallustImmortal Месяц назад +47

    Oh god not the fluffy pony stuff, I havent even thought about the fact that those existed since 2014 omg why must you remind me

    • @ZeallustImmortal
      @ZeallustImmortal Месяц назад +12

      I had legitimately forgotten about them, and I was happier having forgotten.

    • @shirleymaemattthews4862
      @shirleymaemattthews4862 Месяц назад

      Didn't Japanese started it wuth yukkuri?

  • @MillyKKitty
    @MillyKKitty Месяц назад +56

    One huge criticism I have to condemn the animator of the NSFW Ankha video was making a safe version of it.
    Whether intentionally or not, that made it way easier to share it, specifically be creepy adults. The dread I feel whenever I saw people doing the Ankha dance was the same as seeing them do the MEMEMe dance.

    • @pengwin_
      @pengwin_ Месяц назад +3

      thats how art works. For a lot of people the song is "Forget you" because they saw it on GLEE. They are not being secretly exposed to the more adult one, what a silly thing to say.

    • @spacebassist
      @spacebassist Месяц назад +4

      @@pengwin_ the comments would clue you in very fast that there's an nsfw version, or a "secret alternative version". at that point it's up to your curiosity and there's a million stories of kids discovering that stuff because they were curious about something or other

    • @pengwin_
      @pengwin_ Месяц назад +4

      @@spacebassist thats true, and thats also been a thing for as long as prnography has existed.

    • @bane2201
      @bane2201 10 дней назад +1

      Zone made it _after_ it had already started blowing up, probably so that people could share a SFW version rather than a NSFW one.
      How is making a SFW alternative to a viral NSFW video a _bad_ thing? If anything, it protects minors from seeing NSFW content.

  • @gabriellavedier9650
    @gabriellavedier9650 Месяц назад +14

    Oh, how things have changed. I know multiple women who do goon art. For the last several years all of my commissions have been from women. Clean ones too, but yes, NSFW too. Know who does prolific peril art with piles of women? A woman.
    I also love watching normies react to content made for or alongside a valid niche. I've been a furry foe more of my life than not, I was born one. Nothing is more natural to me. Seeing a normie react to something with the performative disgust of Eric Cartman railing against Jews or gingers is hilarious. I love it at this point. You aren't CSI or Vanity Fair. This is a vacation.

  • @Iqnlol
    @Iqnlol Месяц назад +7

    we are yet to reach max potential for gooning, we arent even at 10%.

    • @Flesh_Wizard
      @Flesh_Wizard 29 дней назад

      We're about to go Super Strokin' 3

  • @nikilindstrom9746
    @nikilindstrom9746 Месяц назад +4

    i completely forgot about this until now

  • @hugoc.m.7727
    @hugoc.m.7727 Месяц назад +8

    We need to spread the new Rule 49, let everyone know the accidental cognito dangers of searching your favorite character.

  • @Hirotara
    @Hirotara Месяц назад +99

    Glad that people in the comments are also making sure others are informed that some of these animators are not very good people. And side-note, did people actually believe the rule that Women don't use the Internet? I thought that was satire or sarcasm??

    • @tornadot2025
      @tornadot2025 Месяц назад +1

      It was more of a cautionary thing. The internet was far more toxic toward women back then than it is today. Women were practically forced to hide the fact that they were women online because they would constantly get bombarded with ungodly amounts of inappropriate nonsense. So, the rule became to assume that anybody who openly tells you that they are a woman is actually a man who is trying to mess with you and scam you, because the actual women go out of their way to hide the fact that they are women so that they won't get harassed.

    • @suga1180
      @suga1180 Месяц назад +12

      Me when I spread misinformation on the internet🤭

    • @jesusramirezromo2037
      @jesusramirezromo2037 Месяц назад

      Usually, People making and consuming hentai are men

    • @Dartingleopard
      @Dartingleopard Месяц назад +21

      The "rule" was a joke, but some people believed it.
      Women used the internet for as long as it has existed, but men typically had specific interests (such as liking comic books or anime).
      When someone who claimed to be female and had such interests the other users would be suspicious because of the anonymity of the early internet, which meant you could lie about who you were back then, so users joked about it.

    • @BinglesP
      @BinglesP Месяц назад +5

      I remember for a long time on old servers people didn't respect my identity as female(and I'm not even trans or anything, at least I wasn't back then) because they thought I was telling them that for attention, when really I just wanted them to treat me as an equal and just respect my pronouns
      (Also ended up being the same group who group-harassed me for weeks on end, especially after finding out how young I was)
      Yes, unfortunately

  • @kiravatheargonian
    @kiravatheargonian Месяц назад +7

    15:51 for some reason I imagined the tank guy posting this and then a week later just *”WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK”* on the top of his lungs 😂

  • @mistercopadam1653
    @mistercopadam1653 29 дней назад +11

    11/10 culture explosion video literally 11/10

  • @RurouniKalainGaming
    @RurouniKalainGaming Месяц назад +4

    Soildly put together! Thanks for the history lesson.

  • @Lilithpad
    @Lilithpad Месяц назад +19

    i made an unofficial remix of camel by camel a bit after the peak of the meme, and it's currently standing at over 150k views. was probably one of the only times i ever enjoyed following a trend.
    great video! a very thorough refresher on just how inescapable the animation was. it feels like ages since i last remembered the rules of the internet. peak ankha popularity was definitely an interesting time. i used to think it ended up influencing the memescape to be hornier, but, of course, the internet has always been like that, and the only thing that's changed is how many people are online now. i loved this video, thank you !!

  • @Gluemp
    @Gluemp Месяц назад +20


  • @CÜ3IE.89
    @CÜ3IE.89 Месяц назад +27

    As a smut artist on Newgrounds Ankha, and Zone's animation opened my doors as a career, NO JOKE!!!
    Idk why, but I have always been fascinated with NSFW art since I got out of high school. Outta the blue, I said screw it; why not join them...

    • @kamikeserpentail3778
      @kamikeserpentail3778 Месяц назад +5

      I should just make that leap.
      Been far too long since I should have.

    • @problem3412
      @problem3412 Месяц назад +3

      turn back 🙏🙏

    • @CÜ3IE.89
      @CÜ3IE.89 Месяц назад

      Fuck no

    • @Floobism
      @Floobism 19 дней назад

      you did NOT have to admit this but- whats your socials? asking for a friend

  • @SakuraStardust
    @SakuraStardust 6 дней назад +2

    Camel by Camel is a banger. Still listen to it regularly lmao