Qiang Liu, Xinyu Peng, Qingmiao Liu, Qiao Li
Publication date
International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making
World Scientific Publishing Company
Decision-making is an important management activity. This study evaluates the reliability of group decision-making (GDM) and multi-attribute GDM (MAGDM) mechanisms for a class of 0–1 binary decision-making problem. We define the reliability of GDM and MAGDM, use the weighted voting system to model the GDM and MAGDM mechanisms, and propose two algorithms to evaluate the reliability of GDM and MAGDM considering the participation of general or professional decision makers. Additionally, the influence of some system parameters, such as the number of decision makers or attributes, cognitive accuracy of decision makers, and threshold of weighted majority voting rule, on the reliability of GDM and MAGDM was analyzed using random simulation experiments. The results of the random experiment show that: increasing the number of decision makers or attributes could improve the decision accuracy …
Scholar articles
Q Liu, X Peng, Q Liu, Q Li - International Journal of Information Technology & …, 2024