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Bound2Burst Female Desperation
Bound2Burst Female Desperation
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The Wettest Link Remastered - Part 2 (WMV HD)

4/15/15 7:02 AM52 min1545 MBwmv720p
Price17.99 EUR


Features Jasmine, Scarlett, Candle, Dixie, Constance, Shauna, Paige, Becky & Kylee

In The Wettest Link, 8 models battle it out answering multiple-choice questions to win a cash prize, with the penalty of being asked to drink an 8-ounce bottle of water each time they answer a question incorrectly. The girls all needed to pee to some extent before starting. The entire game is like a real quiz show with the added component of having a lot of women all desperate to pee as they try to concentrate on the questions being posed. Inevitably, there are a number of wrong answers as concentration drifts which results in a lot of water being consumed (some 30 pints altogether) and a lot of squirming and fidgeting. Most of the girls are vocal about the state of their filling bladders, and standing still as they drink the next bottle becomes more and more of a challenge as the game unfolds. The ways in which the models cope with their mounting discomfort are many and varied, with some happy to overtly show how badly they need to pee, while others present a cool facade as if nothing is wrong. The girls have a wonderful time despite experiencing full bladder discomfort and humour abounds.

The original video has been reprocessed at a bitrate of 4 Mbps (over the original 2.1), with colour, brightness and sound all enhanced to create a more vibrant picture. To enable release of this higher quality version, the clip has been split into two parts owing to file size limitations. Part 1 shows the build up as the girls get desperate to pee while part 2 includes all the peeing accidents, plus three of the girls who manage to hold out for the entire quiz and end up using the toilet.color="red">

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