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Archive for the Bella Thorne Category




Bella Thorne Bikini of the Day

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Bella Thorne asks a very important question:

WHY is she on set in a bikini?

The answer is because the only thing she’s actually good at, the only thing she’s worthy of, the only reason people follow her and buy into her bullshit, is because she’s marketed herself as being hot, half naked, willing to get naked, wild and out of control…and to not have her in a bikini would be a total disservice to their budgets and her skillset..you know maximize them tits…on TV, in Movies, on Social Media…


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Bikini Ass of the Day

Bella Thorne Ass and TIts in a Pink Thong Bikini

Bella Thorne is in a bikini on a boat, or was in a bikini on a boat, and unfortunately a shark didn’t eat her, rip her apart, and put her out of her misery that she doesn’t really realize is coming because she’s young and too distracted by all the attention and money she’s making from Social Media, where her and her crackwhore party girl sister, who are both damaged, and basically like children of a cult, raised by an eager stage mom to make them famous, don’t know how useless they are…they are just getting all this love they never got growing up…for being what they think is being themselves…and eventually…I don’t know when…but probably when people are onto someone else…the downward spiral will hit..

I am excited for those dark times, not because I am negative, or wish bad things on terrible people, and not that I think a slutty half naked Bella Thorne is a terrible person…I mean she posts up half nakedness all the time and we like that…it’s a great time…young tits, tight bod….if you can handle how annoying she is…

I also like reset buttons when things get too hype and amazing for a person to let them remember it’s all nonsense that is fleeting and they can stop trying to upset their estranged stage parent mother…which I assume is the source of all this ridiculousness…for social media…a MEME really…

A MeME in a bikini….

Bella Thorne Tits in a Pink Bikini

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Brought the Titties Out of the Day

Bella Thorne is such garbage…but she brought out the tits and we can fuck with that strategy.

Girl is getting paid heavy from social media, her fans are retards who use their mom’s credit cards to buy into all her shit…while this one sits back and thinks she’s killing it, because she is, but not because she’s a genius, but because Disney and her mom were geniuses to make her whatever kind of celeb she is..

I only know her as an it girl, who isn’t that hot, but who puts up half naked pics of herself for attention, which is really all I’m interested in knowing about her, because even with that I find her garbage…but I still look…and hate her…they aren’t mutually exclusive…most hot girls or tits I want to jerk off to are on women I hate…it’s just the way it is.

Here’s some dancing from one of her groupies…she’s got a lot of those…

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Bella Thorne Pussy Dance of the Day

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Bella Thorne, in all her ride her Disney Fame to the net level social media fame glory, has launched a clothing line where kids everywhere are stealing their parent’s credit card to buy, and is making a shit ton of money off of exploiting them, at insane prices, because she can….reminding you that kids are idiots, that Bella Thorne is exploitative, because she’s making money doing her acting bullshit and doesn’t need more money and instead of sharing the wealth, she’s fucking taking advantage on all fronts..

But in her continued shameless self promotion, that isn’t even that hot, but that is half naked, she’s decided to sell panties that look like men’s underwear, probably for a lot of money, and in order to get people to notice, she’s doing a dance in her panties…

The sad thing in all this is that she hasn’t had a drug overdose yet, and that she’s on the rise, but that rise will come crashing down eventually…and in the meantime, her hustle includes panty videos….which I guess isn’t terrible especially if it encourages other girls to post up panty videos of their own…

Bella Thorne Topless in Pink Tight Panties showing Tits 45

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne’s Tranny Face Dressed Like a Slutty Hilary Clinton of the Day

Bella Thorne is some broken famous fame whore who understands the way to manipulate on social media through being weird, provocative, giving daily glimpses in what feel or seem like her unfiltered life, because that’s how you manipulate the audience, engage with the audience, make them feel part of your movement, part of your fan club, and make them willing to purchase whatever the fuck you’re selling, whether TV, clothing, streaming, concerts…it doesn’t matter…get that public in through seduction – and keep them there…

This is pic of her big tranny head in a blazer, tits bolted on, looking like a slutty Hilary Clinton at a business meeting who forgot a shirt and bra – typical of people bella Thorne’s age….

And below is a pic of her mooch boyfriend who is trying hard to be a “weirdo” in an era where “weirdo is compelling”….licking money…while manipulating his powerhouse social media girl to promote him like some kind of fucking mastermind…mooch…K-Fed of today’s genderless generation. Barely fascinating – but it happened.

Here they are, her and her sister, filming a music video:

And here are her big pink nipples in a tiny pink top – its the newest attraction at the BELLA THORNE FREAK SHOW

Bella Thorne Nipples in See Through Pink Shirt


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Cum on her Tongue of the Day

Bella Thorne Cum on her Tongue

Bella Throne posted some boring, but telling instagram story of her crying about her dead father, who I guess died when she was very young, before the mom dated assholes and whored her out to the industry, only to create something that is out there trying to prove some shit about herself, while whoring herself out to industry getting paid, but clearly still empty broken person…

Obviously, her existence is pretty tansparant, she’s just a broken girl, an identity crisis with good tits, and she is unstable and will end up dead prematurely…as that is what happens in these situations…and I don’t find it a sad story, cuz she’s milking it, getting paid and I’ve seen enough of her tits, ready for the next set of tits to take over…

This may not be a pic of her tits, but we can assume it’s her mouth filled with her gay boyfriend who looks like he gave her AIDS sperm…cuz she’s edgy like that…#PORNGENERATION

Posted in:Bella Thorne




Bella Thorne Boring Bikini of the Day

Bella Thorne Big Tits in a Pink Bikini

Bella Thorne is making a lot of money, because she’s the new “It” girl, whatever the fuck that means, I assume it’s got something to do with being relevant to the masses of her generation, like a Vine star, so that when the idiots who follow her because they find her fun, edgy, interesting, unpredictable, or even “REAL” despite having no soul, not being real, or authentic, but rather just a trained puppet by disney to manipulate the retards to buy her bullshit…

But the good news is that in the process she’s got a young fit body and some tits…all while having a good time being as ridiculous as she can because why not, that’s what instagram likes..and likes on instagram means fame, fortune, and success for what would otherwise be some broken disney kid on the outs…

HERE SHE IS WITH HER DOG…named Tampon….call Animal Rescue…

Here she is TONGUING some TRICK who lets her because MOOCH off what is famous and successful…it’s key to yourself being famous and successful all without being whored out by the parents at a young age…


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne and Demi Lovato Dyke it Down at the Stripclub of the Day

Bella Thorne and Demi Lovato Dyke It Down at the Strip Club

Demi Lovato is this famous for who the fuck knows why, but we can assume it has to do with Disney exploiting her at a young age…

While Bella Thorne is famous for pretty much the same reason, two stage parented, wild and crazy Disney Kids, who were coddled, made money, aimed to please their families, before having some mental lapse or rebellion….

Two peas in the same exploitative pod…

And they continue the scandal, the hype, the attention seeking you’d expect from two Disney Kids, by going to what I guess is a strip club togehter…

You know, BFF each other, be weird together, be LESBIANS and GENDER NEUTRAL cuz it’s hype and in together…and MOOCH MOOCH MOOCH the paparazzi and fans who will buy into you and your bullshit together…

This is some straight manipulative scamming that I only want to see when there is more scissoring…

Lesbianism, especially when pop, is so boring…

Bella Thorne Dyke It Down in Sheer Dress and Fishnets


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Pussy Dance of the Day

Bella Thorne Big Tits Dyke it Down for Snapchat in a bikini

Bella Thorne is annoying and here’s her pussy dance…to distract you from how annoying she is…

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The Disney Kid, who leveraged her Disney Kid fame, that she can thank her estranged mother who prostituted her to the media and execs at Disney for setting her up with a future of success of being a clickbait, social media, half naked, vine star without VINE, despite being what all the Vine Stars aspired to be, Disney Kids, and she’s created a small little empire based on that alone..

It’s the social media star who posts slutty content – who was already a maintream star and was able to use that to be the social media star – and who still get mainstream jobs like a mainstream star – despite being a social media star – the lesser quality if star…

The whole thing is weird, but she wore a see through outfit to Coachella and I’m ok with that..

Bella Thorne White Bra and Panties Showing Tits in Sheer White Dress


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Slutty at Coachella of the Day

Bella Thorne was at Coachella, obviously, she’s a Disney kid, fully designed by the team at Disney to be as commercial and lame yet relevant by speaking to the demographic she’s chosen to speak to, using whatever tactics she can, from slutty photos, to becoming a DJ, to going to Raves, to releasing some product line that is printing her money, because the people of the internet are really easy to manipulate and win over, I mean so many people out there with access to credit cards who have no taste…and fall into these celebs and buy whatever they tell them to buy…

I don’t think it needs to be expanded on, she’s gross, but people think she’s hot, and here it is.

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Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW