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Jun 12, 2019 2:38 PM

Apr 2019
Short_Circut said:
LuizFelipeNM said:

I agree about Malty's punishment...just think about last week's episode...she was there trying to ruin their lives again by poison the food, so "narratively" speaking there was no break for her...So it kinda looks pointless.

Yea even all the characters trying to call her new name were awkwardly sitting there like "oh yeah right forgot about that." Like if I was Malty I'd literally be jumping for joy especially considering the severity of crimes that were committed, only to get a prepubescent highschooler level of punishment

Exactly, even these little lines weren't well delivered, was like they saying the punishment was just a name-change at all too...
Jun 12, 2019 3:06 PM
Jun 2019
the reason I'm still watching this program is because I like to see raphtalia, damn she is very cute and adorable and too pretty for a waifu, and in this episode she wears WTF swimsuits, my eyes don't blink, what other clothes will she wear? is kimono clothes ?, is it bridal clothes ?, is it maid clothes? maybe the sexy clothes I was hoping to wear, overall 11/10 for raphtalia
Jun 12, 2019 3:08 PM
Jul 2016
This has gone embarrassingly bad. 20episodes of Malty conspiring to the highest counts of treason and kill a royal heir to the throne and NOTHING happens to her. WTF?!

Even that boss fight they had was just jarring. "I'll agro the penguins with mage, the rest of you go for boss'. *everyone begins to watch Shield hero agro and wait till hes done contrary to what he said then they all go for boss* You can tell they don't really care at this point and just throwing scenes and still frames together to wrap it up.
Jun 12, 2019 3:21 PM
Nov 2018
Even more people who despise the Shield Hero - even after the televised trial of the murderous princess and the king, which should have been world news by now.

But they are soon awed by his skills.

They are on a ship with ALL FOUR heroes, but still don't realize that Naofumi is the Shield Hero. Apparently no one tells them that the four heroes are on board. That's gotta be one big ship.

I liked the theme that the Shield Hero gets an undeserved reputation. But it's been 23 episodes now. And EVEN AFTER the trial, it keeps going. And the princess who tried to murder her own sister is right there - in the Spear Hero's team. That's absurd. Nothing ever changes. It's like the writers don't know what else to do.

SSL443 said:
Why is Naofumi still acting like an angsty prick? Jesus they're just milking the emo shit for all they can these last few episodes. Anything to disguise the fact that Naofumi is just another self-insert generic piece of shit.

The first interaction of the episode is more validation of the MC. "The shield hero is a devil, but you're clearly nothing like that!"

The second interaction of the episode is more validation of the MC. Naofumi is the only one who doesn't get seasick. What a badass! And not only that, but the other heroes get the comeuppance for hogging the private cabins. Justice is served!

The third interaction of the episode is more validation of the MC. He's really skilled a jewel crafting! And just like that he's won over another female cast member. Nice, dude!!! Grow that harem.

Oh the curse from when Naofumi had his Emo Period is still affecting him. Well, making him a bit tired at least. Good to know that there are real stakes and dangers to the main characters in this show! Oh it got cured by magic? Uh...

Turns out Naofumi can eat the fantasy-grapes that wine is made from whole! Wow!!! Definitely not more validation of the MC so that the audience can self-insert as him and feel superior to the other limp-dick heroes.

It's really sarcastic. But it's hard to argue with this.
Jun 12, 2019 4:00 PM

Dec 2016
Hegar said:
And the princess who tried to murder her own sister is right there - in the Spear Hero's team. That's absurd. Nothing ever changes. It's like the writers don't know what else to do.

It makes no sense. The author/writers have no clue. Yeah, she's really suffering by getting called "bitch" all the time while otherwise going about her business with no consequences.

But the writers need her there so that she can continue to be an "obstacle" for the MC. Because there is nothing else to this story.

It's really sarcastic. But it's hard to argue with this.

I don't know how they do it, but each episode that comes out escalates with even more gratuitous fanservice and hyping up of the self-insert main character. I mean it's painfully obvious that a good third or half of the runtime of the episode was spent informing the audience of what an amazing, superior specimen Naofumi is. There's no character development, instead it's just nonstop dick-sucking of the MC and by extension the audience.
Jun 12, 2019 4:03 PM
Mar 2016
Decent episode, clearly trying to do some sort of build up for the last 2 episodes, which will likely end on a cliffhanger to inspire hype for an inevitable season 2.

Not going to mention fan-service elements here.

L'Arc doesn't believe Naofumi because many have pretended to be the SH during his journey, although I do believe that this guy isn't an idiot and is likely getting close to Naofumi to judge his character, knowing full-well he actually is the shield hero.
Not at all explained in the episode, but it has to be something along those lines as he wouldn't be that dumb to not realise he's on the same ship as the 4 heroes, especially seeing as the 4 of them were meant to give a "speech" to inspire the crew.

Naofumi not getting sea-sick or drunk from those berries is easy to explain as he does have poison resistance stats on his shield and likely has a high resistance to anything "toxic" to his body. Not said in the episode, but I expect I'm not the only one to realise this. As for Raph and Filo? Can't say for sure, but maybe a party benefit from Naofumi.

We also know that he gained all of his skills by doing them manually, so he can make great potions, jewellery, etc, etc. Hence why he made such a good bracelet.

Going by the fact that Therese speaks a different language and then is a bit awkward when Raph. asks if she's from another country makes me think they aren't from this world at all, but likely from a different world, like Glass was during the wave. Also sort of proven by Therese's magic.

Those 2 characters are also obviously leading Naofumi into a false sense of "oh these guys are nice, they wont wrong me"... yeah, I bet they will and at the last moment they'll be like: "well, if this guy is the shield hero, he's nowhere near as bad as we were told (or that legends said), let's be friends!"

No doubt they'll be against Naofumi at the start, then when he starts saving everyone during the wave, they'll eventually join him and befriend him.


Bit annoyed by the inclusion of Myne again. I thought she was disowned or something; I suppose she is still allowed to adventure and can't really do anything wrong now due to her slave crest. In the last episode she probably snuck in as a maid, rather than waltzing in as the princess.


Note: They stop gaining exp at one point due to the fact that as was explained, they cannot group up to fight as their weapons cancel out the other's exp gain.


Overall, a decent set-up episode for the last 2 episodes of this season.
Jun 12, 2019 4:27 PM

Nov 2018
kfire2kenbob said:
PersiaJuliet23 said:

I have a simple question:

It's L'Arc Berg and Therese a friendly or a foe?? What do you think??

I hope that you comment will be true when the next season comes out
Jun 12, 2019 4:33 PM
Feb 2016
Nice episode for a change. Good to see them relaxing for once and not going through tough shit. I feel this episode had better pacing compared to 17-19 and that's why I think many people feel that Shield Hero has gotten worse which I will agree with to an extent. Those episodes weren't as well executed like in the manga, but the past 4 episodes have been enjoyable again and that makes me hopeful that the next episode (which is the 1 hour one I believe) will be a good way to end the series. I feel the main problem with Shield Hero in all honesty was the pacing and writing for the in between episodes where the show started getting more hate and people trying to call it full on trash.

Now personally, would I want a second season. I don't really know, as I'm 50/50. I feel that if they do continue with it but don't adapt it properly in terms of pacing wise, then I feel the hate for it will just grow even more as I've seen starting since episode 16 on this forum. But if they're able to learn from the faults of this season and improve on next season if there will be a season 2, then I'm all for it. I'm just really worried how a second season would be adapted, since look what happened to OPM 2 and how terrible it is. And coming off an amazing season 1, and it really hurts me to see my boi Saitama being treated like this from the studio and fans.
Jun 12, 2019 4:42 PM
Dec 2018
I still love on how shield hero relates some of the mmos and rpg that ive played. Since naofumi is a tank is only natural that he has high resistence to debuff status like seasick or poison witch i guess makes sence since alcohol could be consider poison. Raph swimsuit was so damm perfect i want a figurine of that.
Jun 12, 2019 4:44 PM
Jun 2019
Supersky said:
Nice episode for a change. Good to see them relaxing for once and not going through tough shit. I feel this episode had better pacing compared to 17-19 and that's why I think many people feel that Shield Hero has gotten worse which I will agree with to an extent. Those episodes weren't as well executed like in the manga, but the past 4 episodes have been enjoyable again and that makes me hopeful that the next episode (which is the 1 hour one I believe) will be a good way to end the series. I feel the main problem with Shield Hero in all honesty was the pacing and writing for the in between episodes where the show started getting more hate and people trying to call it full on trash.

Now personally, would I want a second season. I don't really know, as I'm 50/50. I feel that if they do continue with it but don't adapt it properly in terms of pacing wise, then I feel the hate for it will just grow even more as I've seen starting since episode 16 on this forum. But if they're able to learn from the faults of this season and improve on next season if there will be a season 2, then I'm all for it. I'm just really worried how a second season would be adapted, since look what happened to OPM 2 and how terrible it is. And coming off an amazing season 1, and it really hurts me to see my boi Saitama being treated like this from the studio and fans.
I think, season 2 will not happen, sales are blurred badly, public acceptance is bad, low budget from the studio, the hype is diminishing, especially when AOT S3 this season comes, everyone has forgotten this series
Jun 12, 2019 4:53 PM

May 2014
Give fanboys waifus in swimsuit and they're going to forget about everything else and just call them "bEsT wAiFu!!"

And then they dare to say they are not waifu baits.

"Different from other isekais" my balls.
Rhapsody-Jun 12, 2019 6:40 PM
Jun 12, 2019 5:04 PM

Oct 2015
Naofumi having comrades outside Raphtalia and Filo was a breath of fresh air. But I love Filo though, just saying!

I hope they join his party, which I highly doubt though because the story seems to be concentrated on the three. And I'm glad they didn't dwell too much on the fanservice, otherwise it would've been so tacky and all over the place.

Can't wait for the next wave. For the first I'm looking forward to the next episode from this series.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Jun 12, 2019 5:04 PM

Apr 2019
Raphtaliamal said:
I think, season 2 will not happen, sales are blurred badly, public acceptance is bad, low budget from the studio, the hype is diminishing, especially when AOT S3 this season comes, everyone has forgotten this series

Don't bet the farm on it. This is the 3rd highest ranking show (on MAL), and #1 in terms of viewers that Crunchyroll's production and investment arm has ever done, and it has a cliff-hanger into a 2nd season. Their other hits were "A Place Further Than The Universe", which is moe-blob one shot, and "Yuru Camp△" for which S2 was announced. But that covers only the moe audience. They need action / fantasy as well. Plus, fuck critical acclaim - SH still had more viewers than both moe shows, or any show Crunchyroll ever co-produced.

Given management making the calls is American and not Japanese, and that BD sales is not the main source of $$$ (license fees are), the Crunchyroll charts are more decisive. I'd call the show "GoT clone with PG-13" (yea, hate me for that simplification), it's clearly targeted more at westeners and older viewers more familar with said series than towards the Japanese or international otakus . Anime is a gold rush in the west, the latest since juggernaut Netflix entered the market. SH doesn't really compete with other Japanese series that much, it competes with Archer and Rick & Morty. The western market is still growing, just grab previously unserved audience and you win. Way easier than to compete with 5 other isekais in Japan you have no control over and 20 old ones in JP language in the backlog.

They can at any time throw more money at animation quality, and the source material is called superior by many. If I had to decide it all, I rather went for a 2nd season with stuff which has already a fan base and which can suprise "hardcore" anime fans in a positive way only. E.g. by having actual animation quality and staying closer to the light novel. Which may cost the PG-13 rating, they do not damage the plot for shits and giggles alone. The point is: the US management at any time can up that ante if their figures suggest it. Sex and gore sells. Raphtalia has goddamn garter belts in the manga, and panty shots are trivial with her outfit - see fan art. Crunchyroll-Hero tried everything out in S1, now the data miners will tell the deciders what sold best. And good source material like the LNs is not a dime a dozen, why throw that away?

Another factor is that American anime producers haven't much experience with the format, and for sure want to learn from the Japanese. And you do that easier with the devil you know, why change horses mid race? Hire new voice actors etc. takes ressources too. Dropping something costs money, folks, and loses old investments into character popularity. You think twice about that. SH did not tank hard on mainstream Crunchyroll, who cares for otaku whiners?
inimJun 12, 2019 6:00 PM

Jun 12, 2019 5:08 PM

Apr 2018
Firo and Raphtalia looks great in a swimsuit! L'arc and Therese looks kinda sketchy to me so I'm guessing they're enemies
Jun 12, 2019 5:09 PM

Jun 2013
Oh great, Raphthalia in a bathing suit. Despite the excessive accolades this series gets for not being your run-of-the-mill isekai trash, it still manages to insert an obligatory beach episode. Fuck, they already had an onsen episode with Raphthalia juicing herself over her obsession with Naofumi. Might as well wedge in a beach episode even for a few seconds. I'm sure that scene got the incels that worship this show something to masturbate to since their Raph dakimakuras are probably not enough.

What this show keeps doing is making Naofumi the only "cool" character by making everyone around him fucking losers. Naofumi isn't even that smart, he's simply surrounded by imbeciles which were created to make him stand out. He would be more convincing and likable if there were a few characters around him who were just as clever or more. It's simply justice porn at this point. Even Myne is conveniently used as their instant noodle villain, lazily written and contrived in every way. The author and show producers keep chucking her in the plot to get a rise from the audience.
Jun 12, 2019 5:35 PM

Mar 2014
A little disappointed they didn't include the scene where the other Heroes couldn't read that epigraph that Naofumi used to buff Filo. It was another nice nod to how Naofumi bothered to learn the written language in that world and the other heroes haven't.

Other than that, I really enjoyed this episode. It's so nice that all that rotten air in Melromarc is mostly cleared so now Naofumi can just progress normally

Also, Therese Alexanderite's hair changing color was such an Alexandrite thing to do lol, really surprised me.
Jun 12, 2019 5:43 PM
Jun 2019
Damn I want more time for RAPHTALIA, can the studio make a full episode to discuss the love story rather than having to go back and forth, I'm very thirsty
Jun 12, 2019 5:52 PM

Dec 2014
Drunk Raphtalia and swimsuit Raphtalia in the same episode is not just good civilization but the pinnacle. xD

I quite like the changes to this arc here compared to what it was in WN. Really like Therese and L'arc. Hayami Saori. <3
Hourglass at the end was unexpected.

OrangeJP said:
Swimsuit Raphtalia is good civ

I tried my best.

Your efforts have not gone unnoticed comrade. :)
Jun 12, 2019 6:06 PM
Jun 2019
OrangeJP said:
Swimsuit Raphtalia is good civ

thank you I got it on twitter and finished adding that image to my laptop collection
Jun 12, 2019 7:00 PM

Jan 2019
The frog from when they were grinding looked like the ones from konosuba
Jun 12, 2019 7:37 PM

Aug 2018
Haha, seems like Naofumi found his bro (more like L'arc found his bro actually) ! This Therese seems to be a powerful mage, something that actually missed in Naofumi's party... will they team up against the incoming waves ? I hope so ! However, it seems L'arc dislike the Shield Hero, so it might cause a tiny issue.

There's just one thing that surprises me... how the hell does Malty "Bitch" Melromarc take part of this trip alongside Motoyasu...
Jun 12, 2019 8:02 PM

Apr 2014
lol of course the red haired guy hates the shield hero smh i was right to not like him but who knows what these last few eps will bring not to mention when he stops playing dumb and understands he is the shield hero or maybe he did realize at the end which is why he turned down the party

but anyway was a nice ep
"one step at a time"
Jun 12, 2019 8:25 PM

Sep 2017
God the other heroes it's like they've been downgraded to the same idiotic person. This L'Arc guy kinda annoys me as well. It bugged me that he never believed Naofumi and also never found out. Plus he was always trying to get into Naofumi's business. I feel like there's gotta be more to him.
Jun 12, 2019 8:28 PM
Jan 2016
Pretty chill episode with a lot of interesting and misterious things!

The other three heroes sick xD

We could see more abotu L'Arc Berg and Therese, they dont believe that Naofumi is shield hero, and dont like him either, also Therese is so damn pretty!

They surely made an interesting party, the bracelet naofumi made for Therese gave her a damn boost, but also their magic is kinda awesome and misterious!

Lets see if L'Arc Berg and Therese are friends or foes!

Raphtalia with swimsuit was so Damn beautiful, best moment without doubt!

So there is a Hourglass in that island aswell, two days for next wave!

Jun 12, 2019 8:49 PM

Jul 2009
Mohammadalmannai said:
Why the hell is Myne still there? I am so confused

I think you mean "Why is Slut still there?"
Short_Circut said:
Seriously what was the point of Melty's punishment?

Now now, I think you meant "what was the point of Bitch's punishment"

Jun 12, 2019 9:25 PM

Dec 2014
sad that only two episodes are left...why is myne still in the party baffles me.... still looks great ho the series has changed over the 20 + episodes
Jun 12, 2019 10:06 PM

Nov 2018
OrangeJP said:
Swimsuit Raphtalia is good civ

I tried my best.

This is what true perfection looks like guys
MAL EMOJIS - Get your specially formatted emojis for MAL forums.

Jun 12, 2019 10:52 PM

Feb 2011
Short_Circut said:
Seriously what was the point of Melty's punishment? Like apart from maybe 2 minutes of embarrassment, at the end she keeps her life and still gets to stick by her party like nothing happened, geez lmao that's probably the most anticlimactic conclusion to that whole saga

Liked the island, looked visually appealing. Also liked how they accounted for the speech differences, but if Naofumi's shield translates sound coming in, does it also translate sound coming out (or can Therese understand the default language)?

Funny for how dark the show initially was, still manages to fit an onsen and beach episode, naisu~

The writing has never been stellar in this show... unfortunately i didn't bail out in time :<
Jun 12, 2019 11:02 PM

Feb 2016
Boring episode zzzz
Jun 12, 2019 11:19 PM

Sep 2016
I actually like how Naofumi has opened up to others in this episode, it feels refreshing
Jun 12, 2019 11:41 PM

Dec 2016
Pretty mild and chill episode, but a fun one indeed.
They took long enough to appear, ever since the opening changed, I kept wondering when we would get this muscular looking fella. They look hella strong, maybe stronger or as strong as the heroes. Maybe they when accustomed to the heroes being exclusive to one single kingdom, so they had to improvise? Maybe.
Strange how the mage girl changes hair color when she's on battle mode, or maybe that's because of the jewel that Naofumi crafted?
I never expected we were going to get a beach episode in this series, probably one of the things it was missing, and there were no regrets. Raphtalia'ssuimsuit is one crafty piece of clothing, might as well be the best one I've seen.
Jun 13, 2019 12:42 AM

Jul 2017
It's back to basics with the RPG elements! To XP grinding.

L'Arc and Therese, this duo is no doubt stronger than Naofumi, Raphtalia and Filo, but while there are suspicions about them, the way they hold up with Naofumi means no harm.

And the swimsuit. Filo's and Raphtalia's, the latter holds a strong affection. What nice fabric.

And another Wave? With 2 episodes to go, it can turn out to be the 1-hour finale just like the beginning.
Jun 13, 2019 2:07 AM

Jun 2009
god damn they gained a lot of levels.
Jun 13, 2019 4:55 AM
Feb 2019
The vibe of this arc (after coming off the previous one) is giving me Log Horizon feels, where the largest conflict of the series (1) is settled by the end of episode 21, only to be followed by low-stake shenanigans that set up a conflict 2 seasons down the line (in Log Horizon's case which we never get to see since the author got arrested).
Eleiyas said:

Those 2 characters are also obviously leading Naofumi into a false sense of "oh these guys are nice, they wont wrong me"... yeah, I bet they will and at the last moment they'll be like: "well, if this guy is the shield hero, he's nowhere near as bad as we were told (or that legends said), let's be friends!"

No doubt they'll be against Naofumi at the start, then when he starts saving everyone during the wave, they'll eventually join him and befriend him.

Nah, those characters are totally going to die. Red's definitely in the "too cool to live" territory.
Jun 13, 2019 5:22 AM
Jun 2019
Tyestor said:
god damn they gained a lot of levels.
Whether raising their level has utility, what I know from this program is not very useful, Raphtalia and Filo can even easily defeat Motoyasu, Ren, Itsuki with lower levels than the three of them, so what's the use of the level, I think the focus of this anime story should be it leads to the dramatic death of every character, so this program won't look stupid
Jun 13, 2019 5:22 AM

Nov 2013
everyone talking about swimsuits, but for me nothings beats that look on Raphtalia's face when she got drunk (and doing arm-wrestling) xD

Also seeing Malty in her usual place just pisses me off! So much for a punishment... still pissed about shitty/childish writing there.

Aaaaaand, seeing how Naofumi is the only hero with brains is getting annoying. Naofumis is pretty much Kirito at this point, he's the only competent and insanely op character at this point (from the 4 heroes) also he's the only one who doesn't get seasick, also he doesn't go insta-blackout from that grape-thing or whatever... heh xD at this point it feels like we don't even need the other 3 heroes at all!
Jun 13, 2019 5:27 AM
May 2019
SSL443 said:
Why is Naofumi still acting like an angsty prick? Jesus they're just milking the emo shit for all they can these last few episodes. Anything to disguise the fact that Naofumi is just another self-insert generic piece of shit.

The first interaction of the episode is more validation of the MC. "The shield hero is a devil, but you're clearly nothing like that!"

The second interaction of the episode is more validation of the MC. Naofumi is the only one who doesn't get seasick. What a badass! And not only that, but the other heroes get the comeuppance for hogging the private cabins. Justice is served!

The third interaction of the episode is more validation of the MC. He's really skilled a jewel crafting! And just like that he's won over another female cast member. Nice, dude!!! Grow that harem.

Oh the curse from when Naofumi had his Emo Period is still affecting him. Well, making him a bit tired at least. Good to know that there are real stakes and dangers to the main characters in this show! Oh it got cured by magic? Uh...

Turns out Naofumi can eat the fantasy-grapes that wine is made from whole! Wow!!! Definitely not more validation of the MC so that the audience can self-insert as him and feel superior to the other limp-dick heroes.

I dont see any mention of L'arc, he has potential to be a really fun and good character considering how chill he is compared to the rest of the over the top serious cast
Jun 13, 2019 5:29 AM
Sep 2016
Raphtaliamal said:
I think, season 2 will not happen, sales are blurred badly, public acceptance is bad, low budget from the studio, the hype is diminishing, especially when AOT S3 this season comes, everyone has forgotten this series

Bluray sales are pretty much insignificant in Shield Hero's case. Btw the last preview had more than 1M of views. The series is popular, you can not deny this.
Jun 13, 2019 6:33 AM

Mar 2017
Well damn! Only 2 days to prepare for the next wave?! They better level up fast!

On another note; i really like these two new characters! L'arc seems like the overly friendly, battle loving type and there's definitely something hidden about Therese's power...
Jun 13, 2019 6:33 AM

Feb 2014
This episode felt a lot more chill and relaxing than the one last week. It was nice to see Naofumi getting along with L'arc and Therese as both groups worked together to gain a lot of XP on the multiple Islands of the Archipelago.

L'arc doesn't know about the whole truth of the Shield Hero, so he didn't believe Naofumi when he told him his name. I'm sure he'll find out soon enough. =)

One thing I did approve, though, was the choice of swimwear that Filo and Raphtalia. Filo's bikini is cute and suits her nicely, but Raphtalia's choice was VERY sexy. Her happy reaction when Naofumi replied to her question about her bikini, with "Perfect" being his reply, was adorable . ^_^

The main downside to the episode was that Bitch was still part of Motoyasu's party. It's annoying to see her like this when her father, Trash, hasn't been seen since he got the punishment in episode 21.

Anyway, Naofumi's group underwater was intriguing, as they found a door that led to another hourglass, with 2 days remaining until the next wave appears. The last two episodes should be interesting, I hope. =)
Jun 13, 2019 7:11 AM

Nov 2017
- i like to hear hayami saori voice on this episode
- watching naofumi start to beleiving to trust anybody else beside his pets make me relieved
- L'arc sychte look like legendary weapon that wield by legendary heroes
- on 1 episode naofumi leveling up 49 to 76(?)... this place is great to farming exp
Now Loading.....
Jun 13, 2019 7:19 AM

Apr 2019
I really enjoyed this episode it had just right amount of fanservice for beach episode and the new charracters are nice I wonder how will they end it.
Jun 13, 2019 9:07 AM

Dec 2016
Weebover9000 said:
I dont see any mention of L'arc, he has potential to be a really fun and good character considering how chill he is compared to the rest of the over the top serious cast

lol, dude. We're a couple episodes from the end of the series, he could have all the potential to be the best character ever written and it wouldn't matter. Also, I'm not sure I agree with that assessment, given that he is hasn't done anything in terms of character development. The show is too bent on making him "mysterious", which I assume means that he is going to end up fighting Naofumi for some reason or another, to create more fake tension.
Jun 13, 2019 9:15 AM

Aug 2016
First I thought this will be stupid filler, but change of pace was really nice though... and that ending. Ready for last-two episode.
Jun 13, 2019 9:33 AM

Apr 2019
SSL443 said:
Weebover9000 said:
I dont see any mention of L'arc, he has potential to be a really fun and good character considering how chill he is compared to the rest of the over the top serious cast
We're a couple episodes from the end of the series,
Next episode already is the final. It's a double episode so they count it as 24+25, programming schedules are not 100% clear here. But it would make sense, especially after the breather #23 was. It will end in the bang a wave is.

Jun 13, 2019 10:45 AM

Dec 2018
Have the feeling that new couple will fight Naofumi, i hope it does not turn Dark. Filo steals the show with her Innocence and Rahptalia was good in the swimsuit, i specially enjoyed her Arm wrestling with the knight captain she had a fight with.
Jun 13, 2019 11:24 AM

Apr 2019
Hegar said:
(...) even after the televised trial of the murderous princess and the king, which should have been world news by now.
They are on a ship with ALL FOUR heroes, but still don't realize that Naofumi is the Shield Hero. Apparently no one tells them (...)

"Drama is life with the dull parts cut out of it." (Alfred Hitchcock, director, 1899-1980). We hardly ever see protagonists doing their hair, taking a dump, or having diner. But biologically speaking, we are certain they do that. And yea, we can safely assume the royal family (M[e|a]lty) and the VIPs the heros are had staffers, media advisors, bodyguards, and servants today. They are all fucking millionairs and celebrities.

A lot of extremely good anime just do the consequential thing and do not show random crowds in the streets at all. E.g. the Monogatari Series has a world empty except for the protagonists, and Sarazamai shows them as gray dummies without face. Nearly all teens in teenage drama have absent parents and the disposeable funds of a working adult. SH decides to do the dummies a little more colorfully, but they are of course just part of the backdrop of the drama. Shrug.

Also, this is the medieval era without mass communication, FOX news hate preachers, and daily newspapers. There is no internet either. Communication is at rumor speed and accuracy, and the best pictures you have are hand drawn sketches, if at all.

Long story short: This vanilla accusation will apply to many other protagonists of many other anime as well. Nothing SH would stand out with, and nothing that influences the quality of the story telling.
inimJun 13, 2019 11:36 AM

Jun 13, 2019 11:39 AM
Jul 2018
Spectacular episode, bravo, bravo. So good. This series is cutting edge. Nothing can top its perfection.

10/10 It's so unlike any other Isekai.
100% Beautiful, well crafted. A testiment to the authors genius
10/10 See this! it redifines the genre.


Lets not oversell guys.
removed-userJun 13, 2019 11:47 AM
Jun 13, 2019 12:14 PM

Jun 2015
MegaManBK7 said:
Shingster said:
So the grinding spots are only active for only one party at a time then huh.

Early on in the show it was stated that the 4 heroes can't grind together as their weapon's growth is stunted while they are nearby.

Ah is that so.
Thanks must have missed that lol.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 13, 2019 1:22 PM

Dec 2016
inim said:
Also, this is the medieval era without mass communication, FOX news hate preachers, and daily newspapers. There is no internet either. Communication is at rumor speed and accuracy, and the best pictures you have are hand drawn sketches, if at all.

Wrong. Are we even watching the same show? What is the world coming to when a fanboy is so wrapped up in trying to defend a show that they forget the details of the show itself in the process!

Long story short: This vanilla accusation will apply to many other protagonists of many other anime as well. Nothing SH would stand out with, and nothing that influences the quality of the story telling.

Except it does, because it's a stupid and lazy device; in the moment, to validate the MC ("SH is a devil, you're nothing like that"), and no doubt to set up some dumb scenario in the final episode.

inim said:
Next episode already is the final. It's a double episode so they count it as 24+25, programming schedules are not 100% clear here. But it would make sense, especially after the breather #23 was. It will end in the bang a wave is.

The waves haven't been "bangs", they've been poorly animated and directed jokes. No tension or stakes, and no lasting impact on the world or characters.
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