  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • All New Drugstore Makeup Tested ... what's hot?
    💕 xo's Tati
    🦋 ▸ JOIN the TATI LIST:
    Guess Originals Vintage Triangle Tee
    Odelia Cardigan
    Milani Conceal + Perfect Blur Out Smoothing Primer $15.99
    Maybelline Fit Me Concealer $8.99
    Milani Cheek Kiss Cream Bronzer $12.99 // Hey Honey
    Catrice Bright & Blur Loose Powder $8
    NYX Powder Louder Brow Powder Pencil $8 // Soft Brown
    Essence Brow Lifting Gel Set $5.99 // Transparent
    Dasique Eyeshadow Palette $29 // 24 Muted Nuts
    … couldn’t find link try TT!
    Essence Stay & Play Gel Eyeliner Pot $5.99 // Brown
    Milani Highly Rated Lash Extensions Tubing Mascara $13.99
    Ardell Light as Air False Lash # 521 $6.99
    Revolution Beauty Pout Bomb Plumping Lip Liner $6 // Doll Cool Nude
    Jason Wu Wu Blush $9 // Magnolia
    Jason Wu Opal Powder Highlighter $15 // Prismatic
    Revolution Beauty Pout Bomb Plumping Lip Gloss $7 // Milky
    Instagram glamlifeguru
    TikTok TatiWestbrook
    Snapchat TatiWestbrook
    Twitter glamlifeguru
    ▸ New PR Mailing Address
    TATI, Inc.
    2300 W. 7th St
    Suite 108, Box 211
    Fort Worth, TX 76107
    FTC DISCLAIMER: This video is Not Sponsored, however I sometimes provide affiliate links where I earn a small commission with purchase. Thank you for your support.
    All Rights Reserved © 2024, Tati Westbrook
    Hi I'm Tati Westbrook, thank you for watching, please be sure to check out my collection of new makeup review videos where you'll find my best beauty tips, tricks and favorites on everything from top luxury cosmetics to my favorite drugstore makeup. Whether you're looking for a new product review, tutorials, beauty tips, haul or perhaps even a giveaway, I hope you enjoy watching.

Комментарии • 671

  • @julievanzile2482
    @julievanzile2482 4 месяца назад +248

    Tati knows drugstore. My favorite type of video. Thanks Tati!

    • @Tati
      @Tati  4 месяца назад +27

      You're so welcome!

    • @Jmarie738
      @Jmarie738 4 месяца назад +3

      @@Tatimaybe you could tie the shirt on one side or the other it might look cuter lol ??? Idk just a thought 😊

    • @CarolLogsdon-wz5ro
      @CarolLogsdon-wz5ro 4 месяца назад +1

      1:58 ❤😊

  • @InsomniaticBeauty
    @InsomniaticBeauty 4 месяца назад +111

    i actually love the baggy shirt on you it looks so comfy !! love you tati ❤

  • @amigadecachorros
    @amigadecachorros 4 месяца назад +66

    We all take Milani for granted. She is the loyal best friend in our Romantic Comedy!!

  • @youfoundheidi
    @youfoundheidi 4 месяца назад +63

    The ELF shadows aren't stand alone shadows, they are a "wet look" topper. Once you put it on over another shadow, it transforms to something fabulous. They don't swatch as well without a base underneath. They aren't dupes to glitter shadows at all, they aren't supposed to be. Give them a shot over another shadow, they are actually really good!

    • @andreafries7362
      @andreafries7362 4 месяца назад +4

      Totally agree with you! I think they are beautiful on top of a base shadow!

    • @monicapatton1405
      @monicapatton1405 4 месяца назад +3

      I have all of them. They’re very good. I do think Filthy Rich can stand on its own personally.

    • @Itgirl98-ct7zh
      @Itgirl98-ct7zh 4 месяца назад


    • @susandeschenes79
      @susandeschenes79 4 месяца назад +8

      The issue here is that a big influencer who has very close ties to elf made the comparison, which then went viral and drove ppl to buy the elf shadows either thinking they were getting something similar or to test them out to see if they were similar, but in reality they aren’t the same type of product or comparable because of that.

    • @LeslieFaust-og4rv
      @LeslieFaust-og4rv 4 месяца назад

      I actually LOVED the swatches of the elf shadows! As someone who’s not a metallic/glitter girl, I can’t wait to try them because they’re not as punchy!

  • @celinabond
    @celinabond 4 месяца назад +122

    The elf shadows are toppers ❤ I love them for their sheerness. Refined

    • @jlea5458
      @jlea5458 4 месяца назад +9

      Me too it may swatch on the eye better

    • @sarahaghighi6610
      @sarahaghighi6610 4 месяца назад +10

      That's right. I love them too. They're toppers.

    • @vanessalynn8287
      @vanessalynn8287 4 месяца назад +7

      Yes, thank you! I feel like these are so misunderstood. LOL They are beautiful used as eyeshadow toppers.

    • @hennyhoney44
      @hennyhoney44 4 месяца назад +1

      Meant to be duping the UD Moondust but don’t think they come even close 😣

    • @ChriztineLynn
      @ChriztineLynn 4 месяца назад +1

      Try the elf shadows on your eyes as a topper. I love them!❤

  • @vnizzlesizzle
    @vnizzlesizzle 4 месяца назад +26

    After a decade of watching you I still love you and what you do. Just classic.

    • @Tati
      @Tati  4 месяца назад +3

      Love you ❤️❤️❤️

  • @HollyHum79
    @HollyHum79 4 месяца назад +73

    I LOVE THE SHIRT!!! Total throw back to my teen years, makes mw think of Guess perfume, I loooooooved that perfume! ❤

    • @monicapatton1405
      @monicapatton1405 4 месяца назад +7

      Me too! If it were v neck it would be perfect with some Esprit shorts and Vans or socks with Birks 😂 that was my teen era

  • @angelab.6444
    @angelab.6444 4 месяца назад +62

    Tati is one of the few influencers I really trust. She really puts a lot of effort in what she does.

  • @goodwindvlogs
    @goodwindvlogs 4 месяца назад +38

    I love that you wear what ever. It’s like I am at your home and I don’t feel awkward wearing my pjs 😊

  • @Rea_sunshine
    @Rea_sunshine 4 месяца назад +38

    Tati, I would loveeee a website w the running updated list of what’s good and what’s not of each brand! Sometimes I’m at Ulta or Sephora and I can’t remember what you said was good or eh and I’m in the store so I can’t watch the videos, please!! I’d love somewhere I could check the current faves!

    • @hellurellur
      @hellurellur 4 месяца назад +4

      Yes! This!!!

    • @jurja2211
      @jurja2211 4 месяца назад +4

      That would be amazing to have in Notion 👀

  • @miiaproductions
    @miiaproductions 4 месяца назад +66

    I love shirts like that, especially at home. Comfy, but still a little cute 😊🩷

  • @TracyCampanella
    @TracyCampanella 4 месяца назад +9

    Tati, the shirt looks good. We all want a relaxed, comfy look at times. No one needs to be 100% full-on put together all the time. 😊

  • @PamelaH_HappyVibes
    @PamelaH_HappyVibes 4 месяца назад +19

    I love your shirt, it looks great on you! About Face foundation is a fantastic foundation. The soft brown brow pencil is a great color, normally they lean green in color. The ELF shadows are a dupe for Urban Decay, they weren’t even aware of Patrick Ta’s duos when they made these. 😂

  • @anncollard1742
    @anncollard1742 4 месяца назад +32

    Those elf say Topper on package and they are fabulous (to me😂)

  • @nadiakhurma5954
    @nadiakhurma5954 4 месяца назад +30

    Drugstore!!! I so need this!!❤❤
    Thank you Tati🙏🏻
    Sorry look great in everything😊

    • @Tati
      @Tati  4 месяца назад +7


  • @ChristinePacinda
    @ChristinePacinda 4 месяца назад +8

    I absolutely love that About-Face foundation, and I definitely don't have perfect skin. I'm 54 with LOTS of texture, large pores, oily skin, creases, wrinkles and scars (but only a tiny bit of hyperpigmentation) and this is one of my top three foundations of all time. The way it wears on me is so unique and I actually think it looks better on my skin after I've worn it a few hours.

  • @aprilsavings
    @aprilsavings 4 месяца назад +46

    I love the guess shirt it looks great on you.

  • @JacquelynSteen
    @JacquelynSteen 4 месяца назад +12

    I'm 44 with dry skin and the about face foundation is my holy grail. I love it so much and can't stop wearing it. I'm fair olive and it's the perfect match. It looks perfect from beginning to end of day. It don't feel like I have anything on my skin.

    • @CourageousDreamerAllon4journey
      @CourageousDreamerAllon4journey 4 месяца назад +3

      100% same! I'm 41 and loving it!!🙌

    • @kalishajnz
      @kalishajnz 4 месяца назад +2

      Really. I've had it on my list forever, and the shade range looks great. I just need to get it already, especially if it works well on dry skin. 💜

    • @CourageousDreamerAllon4journey
      @CourageousDreamerAllon4journey 4 месяца назад +1

      @kalishajnz You won't regret it!

  • @heatherbonelli
    @heatherbonelli 4 месяца назад +12

    I still won't buy anything from the drugstore unless Tati had tried and approved of it! Love you and appreciate all your work 💛

    • @Chinajade88
      @Chinajade88 4 месяца назад +1

      Me neither. I keep a Tati list in my phone so I can review my notes lol

    • @heatherbonelli
      @heatherbonelli 4 месяца назад +1

      ​@@Chinajade88 great idea, may need to steal that hack 😉

  • @brigitteryan2863
    @brigitteryan2863 4 месяца назад +52

    IMO, Patrick Ta didn’t do himself any favors by charging sooo much for his new duo. It’s crazy expensive.

    • @donnareidhaar6285
      @donnareidhaar6285 4 месяца назад +14

      Not only that, he has not addressed the mold issues with his palette that a lot of people are having.

    • @nothanksmegan
      @nothanksmegan 4 месяца назад +8

      Ya tbh it’s 2 eyeshadows, he would be sold out if he charged $24 and did a usable quad for $42.

    • @monicapatton1405
      @monicapatton1405 4 месяца назад

      I ordered the Moira glitter shadows and used a code they texted me GLAMOUR25 and saved 25%. They’re so pretty!

    • @brigitteryan2863
      @brigitteryan2863 4 месяца назад +8

      As I said it was my opinion. He’s not as established as say Charlotte Tilbury and so to price it so high is extreme to me.

    • @jordanhasch2544
      @jordanhasch2544 4 месяца назад

      Funny how Mikayla said the Ta was an Elf dupe.

  • @wyline53
    @wyline53 4 месяца назад +4

    I’ve used grande lash for 4 years…after chemo and then again after radiation for another second cancer. It has completely grown my lashes back better than ever! I keep it by my toothbrush so I never forget to use it. My eyes are lighter than yours and no issues, it’s fantastic

  • @prettynsleepy1073
    @prettynsleepy1073 4 месяца назад +5

    Ohhh I saw the blendiful puff. I never got to try it but wishing on all the stars Tati beauty comes back and better then ever.

  • @kazzzzz9121
    @kazzzzz9121 4 месяца назад +4

    Tati you look sooo fabulous in that oversized tee! First thing i thought to myself at the start of the video. We never see you in something like this and you look SO good! ✨️🩷✨️🩷

  • @misty_michelle3034
    @misty_michelle3034 4 месяца назад +7

    I really wish influencers would read the descriptions of products they are talking about before talking about them. The new Elf single shadows are described as toppers, so they are obviously not going to pack as big of a punch as the Patrick Ta ones that are described as eyeshadow.

  • @lottamartin9270
    @lottamartin9270 4 месяца назад +13

    Tati, i just wanna say I love and appreciate your videos 🫶🦋 You truly are my go-to for makeup recs.

    • @Tati
      @Tati  4 месяца назад +3

      This means so much ✨🤗

    • @FashionPassion777
      @FashionPassion777 4 месяца назад +1

      Agreed and me too!!

  • @Dianitzaa
    @Dianitzaa 4 месяца назад +6

    2:07 product intro/video start. Thank you for the drugstore product review Tati.

  • @lorihannah5499
    @lorihannah5499 4 месяца назад +6

    Hey Tati! Milani has new plumping gloss sticks that look so beautiful! I’ve only seen them on Milani website- please review them!

  • @hayleymunn24
    @hayleymunn24 4 месяца назад +14

    I L O V E the about face foundation it's so beautiful, comfortable, and versatile. You can build it up, sheer it out, sooooooo good

    • @PamelaH_HappyVibes
      @PamelaH_HappyVibes 4 месяца назад +3

      It is a fantastic product! I agree.

    • @CourageousDreamerAllon4journey
      @CourageousDreamerAllon4journey 4 месяца назад +2

      ​@@PamelaH_HappyVibesAs do I!

    • @itsellie3
      @itsellie3 4 месяца назад +1

      Idk why but it looks so bad on me 😢 I was super upset too because they have fair olive shades which is so hard to find

    • @hayleymunn24
      @hayleymunn24 4 месяца назад

      @@itsellie3 I'm so sorry! Makeup is so personal, it's funny how it can be on everyone's different skin. I've definitely had experiences like that where I'm like, "how does everyone love this, it looks horrible on me" lol

  • @PaigeMustang
    @PaigeMustang 4 месяца назад +1

    1:34 omg why did it take me 3 times of saying Guess to figure out the joke 😂😂

  • @nicolehill2181
    @nicolehill2181 4 месяца назад +1

    I like the change to only linking only what you like!

  • @j.v.r.1981-
    @j.v.r.1981- 4 месяца назад +3

    I LOVE that t-shirt!

  • @traceedennison6571
    @traceedennison6571 4 месяца назад +17

    I miss the Wednesday hangouts!! 🦋💕

  • @summerflora7518
    @summerflora7518 4 месяца назад +4

    Instant gratification - I was just thinking that I wanted to watch a Tati video and your notification popped up! And it's DRUGSTORE, yes!

  • @jfostreams2095
    @jfostreams2095 4 месяца назад +4

    would love to see a full face one product videos again. they were a trend for awhile but milani would be a good starter :)

  • @zarapoojamaharaj2695
    @zarapoojamaharaj2695 4 месяца назад +3

    To see a new video pop up. It’s aesthetically pleasing. My tea and your video just what I needed. Love from Cape Town Tati. ❤

  • @creightJessBriggs12234
    @creightJessBriggs12234 4 месяца назад +5

    You put a smile on my face every time I watch you! Your simply amazing, Thank-you from Canada 🇨🇦 ❤️

  • @judieloveday1643
    @judieloveday1643 4 месяца назад +4

    I'm pretty sure the elf shadows are toppers, rather than stand-alone shadows. (With a bit more pigment they would make stunning stand-alone shadows.)

  • @Crazylab1616
    @Crazylab1616 3 месяца назад

    James and his dad jokes are the best!!!!❤

  • @shonvision5009
    @shonvision5009 4 месяца назад +5

    The shirts AMAZING and most def will buy so we can twin!🥰 Love drug store goods as well

  • @JacklynBeauty246
    @JacklynBeauty246 4 месяца назад +3

    The elf shadows are just a topper. I originally was so disappointed in them, but I used it on top of another shimmer and it gave it a nice gleam of glitter to finish it off.

    • @JacklynBeauty246
      @JacklynBeauty246 4 месяца назад

      The L’Oréal infallible are actually so soft and I expected Elf to be like those too

  • @michellelloyd7730
    @michellelloyd7730 4 месяца назад


  • @wowmakyaj
    @wowmakyaj 4 месяца назад +6

    Milani is serving 💅🏻

  • @mafedc
    @mafedc 4 месяца назад +11

    I loved the t-shirt when you tucked it in! It looks very comfy and chic

  • @noemimatias3729
    @noemimatias3729 4 месяца назад +8

    I LOVE your drugstore content. ❤👍🏼

  • @MishkaJenkinss
    @MishkaJenkinss 3 месяца назад

    Ive been using that essence brow gel for months now, i love it! Keeps the brows set for the day

  • @kathyjackson3751
    @kathyjackson3751 4 месяца назад +1

    Shirt is fine! It’s what we would wear. James gets all the respect for his helping!

  • @nousummertime9592
    @nousummertime9592 4 месяца назад +17

    Oh come on James!😄😄 We like our slouchy wear every once in a while! Tati I like it! I mean I'd keep it, great colour too!
    Catrice & Essence have saved my wallet & they have so many quality products I love!!!💖

  • @alyssaburrell9866
    @alyssaburrell9866 4 месяца назад +4

    We love you so much Tati. You’re the queen of makeup!

    • @Tati
      @Tati  4 месяца назад +1


  • @jennifermolina4396
    @jennifermolina4396 4 месяца назад

    You do you! Wear what you want! I think it's awesome to be casual. Makes me feel better about me and my fleece pants. Love the drugstore videos.

  • @TheChocotiger
    @TheChocotiger 4 месяца назад +1

    Those bobbi brown shadows are so good!

  • @Ninjamama22
    @Ninjamama22 4 месяца назад +1

    I like the T-shirt. Sometimes you want a relaxed fit shirt, especially if you’re just lounging at home or doing chores. The French tuck is nice if you’re leaving the house, gets rid of the boxiness.

  • @martinashenoda7349
    @martinashenoda7349 4 месяца назад +4

    I absolutely love it and ADMIRE YOU!!

  • @ethanzurickMUSIC
    @ethanzurickMUSIC 4 месяца назад

    Tati!! You should try out Trixie cosmetics!💞💞

  • @christinablanton7813
    @christinablanton7813 4 месяца назад

    I must know about the long chain necklace at the end....o-m-gee!!!! Stunning.

  • @DrDaniOT
    @DrDaniOT 4 месяца назад

    My happiness every time you show that Bobbi Brown shadow (so good) 🥰

  • @carolklein8049
    @carolklein8049 4 месяца назад +8

    The elf shadows would be nice as a topper. I would let my 10yrs old granddaughter play with those. It's subtle and pretty.

    • @monicapatton1405
      @monicapatton1405 4 месяца назад

      I bought them all, some are great, some are ok. They aren’t all the same but not unhappy with the purchase, I do like Moira better.

    • @heidimargaret306
      @heidimargaret306 4 месяца назад

      Hi, their description says they are sheer toppers 😀

  • @josieflores3843
    @josieflores3843 4 месяца назад +1

    I appreciate you trying drugstore makeup. It makes me a better & happy shopper! 💜💄

  • @karlaharvey2623
    @karlaharvey2623 4 месяца назад +1

    Tati, the Steve Madden Cardigan is gorgeous. It really made your green eyes POP. I LOVE EVERYTHING STEVE MADDEN. Thank you for a fun GRWM. 😊

  • @michelerae1641
    @michelerae1641 2 месяца назад

    You make me laugh, your personality is incredible! Looooove all your videos.

  • @jenniferbrown9830
    @jenniferbrown9830 4 месяца назад

    The elf fine as fleck are toppers and they are absolutely gorgeous!! I’m obsessed with them. Put them on your eyes before judging them!’ straight fire is my fav!

  • @julianasaunders5508
    @julianasaunders5508 4 месяца назад

    Love a Tati video. That blush 🥹

  • @irenemoriarty3391
    @irenemoriarty3391 4 месяца назад

    The guess shirt looked cute on you. I really loved the sweater.

  • @cmurph_007
    @cmurph_007 3 месяца назад

    Thank you! All looks amazing! Especially the eyes.

  • @CowGirlKat8691
    @CowGirlKat8691 4 месяца назад +5

    Loved Guess in the 90's!! 🤠

    • @Tati
      @Tati  4 месяца назад

      Same 😎

  • @trulyitellyou5506
    @trulyitellyou5506 Месяц назад

    Tati makes me laugh. Always so good!

  • @amandaford864
    @amandaford864 4 месяца назад

    I’ve been meaning to say thank you for the revolution beauty icon palette recommendation. Sooo so good, couldn’t believe it was $12

  • @kaitlynstallings2807
    @kaitlynstallings2807 3 месяца назад

    Also… Tati I have been watching you since I was 15. I’m 24 now. You are forever my drugstore influencer. You know what you’re talking about ! ❤😂

  • @xoxostaci
    @xoxostaci 4 месяца назад +2

    Definitely need to try the Singe Beauty Blushes

  • @michelmcgregor1684
    @michelmcgregor1684 4 месяца назад

    I absolutely LOVE the AF foundation! My HG and I have tons of dark spots on my cheeks. I think it does a fabulous job and looks amazing!!!

  • @dfue0797
    @dfue0797 4 месяца назад +1

    Tati could you please do a video on your favorite makeup tools I’m in the market for new brushes please & thank you!! Xoxo

  • @amykeep8167
    @amykeep8167 4 месяца назад +7

    Please do a pr unboxing video they are one of my favourites of your videos. ❤

    • @PamelaH_HappyVibes
      @PamelaH_HappyVibes 4 месяца назад +1

      With James’ Dad Jokes. I miss those. lol 😂

  • @angel777B
    @angel777B 4 месяца назад

    Why am I loving this shirt now bc of all your 90's brown on your face lollol... it's coming together lol

  • @ida5695
    @ida5695 4 месяца назад

    The dasique eyeshadows are very good, a lot of makeup artists for kpop stars swear by them :)
    Their lip products are also great!

  • @PatriciaW-qs8rg
    @PatriciaW-qs8rg 4 месяца назад +1

    I love the colour of the shirt and the eyelook together! 🥰
    I think the shirt is nice if you tuck it in. ☺️

  • @seriously.....
    @seriously..... 4 месяца назад

    Your mood today was too much lol I dont know if i can peg it but i just found you too cute and quite funny..also totally exuding confidence!! Lol telling James he could crawl across had me totally cracking me up lolol!! i got such a laugh out of your Vid today, ty so much for sharing!! You definitely in your element here!🩷💜💙

  • @helenoharawhite7704
    @helenoharawhite7704 4 месяца назад +1

    Totally get how u feel when the highlighter makes u feel like a very young face wearer lol. Great on the eyes and popped pink. I think the foundation looked really good but my favourite was the blush. Never heard of Jason Wu here in Scotland. We miss out on a lot 😪 Great video Tati. Love spending time with you ♡♡♡

  • @sammirhorer5664
    @sammirhorer5664 4 месяца назад

    I love the oversized t-shirt; it makes me feel like we are just girlfriends hanging out at home talking about makeup! 💜 the casual vibes

  • @bayleightan
    @bayleightan 4 месяца назад

    Okay I actually LOVE the shirt, I think it's very trendy it just needs to be styled right. Big gold jewelry, tucked slightly with a statement belt-- loveee

  • @gingerbullock8731
    @gingerbullock8731 4 месяца назад +1

    I had Guess t-shirt when they were popular back in the day. LOVED IT!

  • @jeanettefujikawa
    @jeanettefujikawa 4 месяца назад

    Yay for a new word other than obsessed 👊. Love the lashes! The end result of this look is beautiful.

  • @tonifreeman6267
    @tonifreeman6267 4 месяца назад +2

    Elf shadows are supposed to be toppers and they were supposed to be a dupe for urban decay ones. I love them they are so pretty on the eyes :)

  • @jillpotts7472
    @jillpotts7472 4 месяца назад

    love that t shirt!! looks earthy and comfortable

  • @MimiDidi121
    @MimiDidi121 4 месяца назад

    I love that any foundation that matches Tati matches me so I can order online!!

  • @angelablack7946
    @angelablack7946 4 месяца назад

    That eye shadow makes your eyes pop. So beautiful!

  • @shannonwhite7605
    @shannonwhite7605 4 месяца назад +2

    I ABSOLUTELY LOVEEEEE THAT T-shirt!🤎😊 Definitely ordering one!🥰❤️💄💋👑

  • @sureiseeyou
    @sureiseeyou 4 месяца назад

    Love this!! Great review!! I especially loved how honest you are about that elf shadow because most vids ive seen are pumping it up.

  • @CosmeticsComedy
    @CosmeticsComedy 4 месяца назад

    The skin, brows and blush 💓

  • @lauracuevas8948
    @lauracuevas8948 4 месяца назад

    You're always so much fun, Tati! Thank you. There are lots to check out. I think I'm sold on Milani primer, a must purchase!

  • @touchofclass6415
    @touchofclass6415 4 месяца назад

    I LOVE your Guess t-shirt!! xoxo

  • @esmeralda_369
    @esmeralda_369 4 месяца назад

    Tati, you are beautiful in anything you wear. Even if it is “too boxy and oversized”, as long as you “own” it, you can rock anything.

  • @elidasecarey8441
    @elidasecarey8441 4 месяца назад

    I looooove your brows girlie!!!

  • @MiSsHuntah
    @MiSsHuntah 4 месяца назад

    I’m so glad you tested out the elf shadows!! You’re the only one I trust!! Lol ❤

  • @JulieAndrews-kb7lu
    @JulieAndrews-kb7lu 4 месяца назад

    I love the drugstore videos. There hasn't been a pr unboxing in a while. A big plus is James.

  • @deijitaetae2882
    @deijitaetae2882 4 месяца назад

    Fabulous on the eyes! I want it now!

  • @JulieEpping-dx4ci
    @JulieEpping-dx4ci 4 месяца назад

    Keep the shirt and custom cut it along the neckline! Game-changer❤️

  • @helilaaksonen5202
    @helilaaksonen5202 4 месяца назад

    I was sooo excited when I saw you were going to try that Elf shadow and the Essence brow lift!!! What a bummer the Elf one didn't deliver.... I'm so glad I didn't purchase it before seeing your video! Trust you ALWAYS! Xoxox

  • @bibi1949
    @bibi1949 4 месяца назад +1

    Love me some good Drugstore makeup. Thanks Tati, much love ❤️ ❤

  • @aleigha9141
    @aleigha9141 4 месяца назад +1

    I’m a drugstore girlie so I love these kinds of videos. My makeup wishlist just got a little longer 😊 The About Face foundation is one of my favorites! I have very very fair skin with a cool undertone and their lightest shade is a perfect match for me. Sometimes it’s hard to find a shade light enough or cool enough. Or a foundation that doesn’t oxidize. I’m definitely going to try the ELF shadow toppers. They look so pretty! Have a great week! Hugs! 💖

    • @ismanovska
      @ismanovska 4 месяца назад +1

      Is that what she has on the about face foundation? Is that new?

    • @aleigha9141
      @aleigha9141 4 месяца назад

      @ yes it’s from About Face and it’s the Perfomer skin focused foundation. It’s been out for several months. I don’t believe a year yet but I could be wrong.

  • @kellidixon6521
    @kellidixon6521 4 месяца назад +2

    I love you, Tati! I have been with you for years, so please take this as constructive criticism meant to help. The ELF shadows are toppers. There have been several times recently when you have accidentally misrepresented a product, because you were not aware of what the brand meant for them to be. Although I’m not a huge ELF fan I do intend to purchase the shadow toppers after watching another person’s review, because toppers are what I prefer. It’s not the end of the world, but then the alternatives you showed for the ELF (even though they are a different type of product… All three) were VERY high end.
    Again, I love your content and adore you as a person, but it doesn’t seem fair to brands if their products are being misrepresented. Or to consumers, especially if they are looking for lower cost items.

  • @ay9989
    @ay9989 4 месяца назад +3

    I loveeee the boxy shirt