How to Make French Apple Cake | Food Wishes
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- France is famous for its fabulously fancy pastries and baked goods, but this simple, rustic, easy to make French Apple Cake is so beautiful, and delicious, it just might be my all-time favorite French cake. Enjoy!
French Apple Cake Recipe: www.allrecipes...
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How to Make French Apple Cake | Food Wishes
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Chef John, my wife and I have made so many wonderful recipes, thanks to you. We recently made this French Apple Cake recipe and it turned out perfect and delicious. We didn't have a grid-type griddle to sprinkle the powdered sugar thru but by using a straight, small griddle made it turn out perfect. We just sprinkled the sugar thru once, then turned it and sprinkled powdered sugar to create the grid pattern. It is a DELICIOUS cake. Thanks so much. Oh, we also found the food processor you use and bought that as well. You're our hero!
My grandmother (whose father had been French) used to make this cake quite often - with one difference: She soaked the apple pieces in the rum.
I like that idea, as well as replacing the rum with an apple liqueur or apfelwein
@@synocrat601I used some granny smith apple spirits i had leftover from christmas and it was divine
@@toastedt140 thank you, that bolsters my hunch
Granny Smith apple spirits….that sounds delicious. I don’t know where to get it, but I’ll try the Calvados instead.
Chef John, such a lovely and simple to make cake! I’m definitely making this!
Ohhh those eggs ate beautiful. Nice healthy eggs, bright orange!
“We never let the food win.” I love it.😆
They should put that on a t-shirt. Oh wait! They did! Never mind....
Don’t just look at this cake-MAKE IT! Delicious!
My first try was most excellent. A very moist cake. I substituted pears from the tree in our backyard. Works!
Was just looking to see if anyone subbed pears in this as I got several from a neighbor! Thanks!
It works with quince too 😊
if you liked this cake with pears, try PIE with pears instead of apples--much improved version.
Yes, pear cake is exquisite! I'm using pears. I agree with leaving out the spices to let the fruit shine. What's missing in this video is the amounts used of several major ingredients, like flour & sugar!
So good with Pears!
We've given these cakes to friends at Christmas for the last decade. I tried five or six different apple cakes, but once I found the French Apple Cake, it became the standard!
How lovely! Do you make full size cakes?
@@Particlemoment Yes!! I think I use a standard springform!
We also send along a container of a vanilla pudding-y accompaniment. French vanilla pudding and two cups heavy cream... whipped together until thick and luscious!
How do I become your friend? 😉
Just made this tonight. It was very nice. Husband and I enjoyed it with a lovely cup of tea. Surprisingly it's not heavy or super rich. It is light, moist, and not very sweet. The taste is delicate enough that cinnamon or any spice would really be too much. It's great as is.
Yes, the 3 tablespoons of sugar sprinkled on the top works perfectly. I loved all of Chef's advice it helped tremendously.
Thanks again for another addition to my arsenal of recipes. Love it!
Your technique for making the circular parchment cake pan liner is excellent.
Made this over the weekend and it’s delicious. I used a tablespoon of rum extract instead of rum and it was perfect. I also made some whipped cream with a combination vanilla-cinnamon extract I bought at a farmers market.
I have made this cake 3 times in a week and a half period. It is amazing! The aromas of rum and apples when it is in the oven are intoxicating. It is easy to make, and hard to stop eating. Thank you, chef John! ❤
So delicious. I have made this 5 times since it was posted. Gave 3 away as gifts. You will love it and it's so easy. The 1 thing I did differently is, as one commenter suggested, I soaked the apples in rum. ❤❤❤
I made it once and sprinkled vinegar as shown and it's not the best taste. Next time I'll skip the vinegar and will add cinemon for sure.
This is pure advocation of cake for breakfast, and I'm all in!
Has to be better than most cereals, plus you get some daily fruit serving. 🙂
This looks fantastic! I just printed it! I’m going to make it. I love simple! I love French tarts! And cakes! I went to Cordon Bleu for pastry and I hv some good tart recipes. This is a good one. Just butter, sugar, flour, eggs, vanilla, some liquor as the main ingredients. That’s what we used at Cordon Bleu. We used liquor In everything. I like Chef John a lot. He explains things very well!
Oh my! Looks so tempting! 😍 I also appreciate the tricks that you are always sharing with us, you are definitely the best chef. Thank you for sharing your recipes and talents with us! 🤗
Yay!! That is a BEAUTY!
I usually use the Julia Child method and end up with a very tasty, very rustic looking cake. This fancier presentation is fantastic (and easier to cut and serve).
I served this to an actual French person who came to a dinner at my home. Not only did she recognize the dish....she actually knew it was from Child's book (Mastering The Art of French Cooking).
seems more Patricia Wells-ish
What does Julia Child’s recipe do differently ?
@@javaskull88 if Child offered a recipe for apple cake (gateau aux pommes), the internet doesn't seem to know it.
and most french people don't know who Julia Child is - much less be familiar with her recipes.
@@op3129 You are correct! My recipe actually came out of Rombauer Becker's Joy of Cooking. I confuse the two cuz they are my 'go to' books for good, solid bases.
The French lady seemed very familiar both with Becker and Child. Perhaps you don't give them enough credit.
@@op3129 I was married into a French family - in France - for two decades. French people know who Julia Child is! Especially those over 40... (Young people don't seem to know as much about cooking anymore.)
I made this over the weekend to take to a party and everyone really loved it. Since I didn't have any French rum (have to stay true to the recipe title), I used Brandy instead - very, very good. I also made a whipped cream topping and added Brandy to it. Amazing! Thanks, Chef John, for all of your great recipes and videos.
Happy to see that brandy will work. I don't like rum, or its smell.
Thank you wonderful Chef John. I've lived in France for 40 years and have never heard of this cake (😂) BUT it looks absolutely delish and I'll bé making it soon. Hugs from France
Me neither!!! BUT I have cooked Polish and German versions! You're right, it does look delicious and, like most of CJ's recipes, easy to make.
Yeah that's definitely not a French recipe.
Finally made your ⚜️French apple cake and it was excellent. Made it a second time: Doubled the quantity of super flavored cooking apples, sliced the appels instead of cutting was fabulous and screamed for vanilla ice cream or crème anglaise. 😋. Merci Chef John.
I don’t see the recipe amounts.
@@gailmiller5226 Hello from France. You can find the recipe at 'Allrecipes, Chef John's French Apple Cake.' 😋
I, and everyone I bake for, loves the apple cake recipe Chef John did a few yrs,'s really good, no rum, but lots of buttery, apple flavor!
Since apple desserts are my favorite I decided to listen to you and Im amazed at this great recipe!
I like simple cakes. No oodles of sugar and frosting.
I remember as a kid stumbling upon Chef John’s French toast recipe and I’ve been watching ever since. Love ya
As a kid …?
How many moons ago ?
He got me with his fondant potatoes recipe. The fanciest of potatoes
@@natalyalande 15 years ago, so, if he found the video when he was a 15 year old kid, he could be 30 by now
Love chef John’s sense of humour, not to mention his recipes.
Oh, my goodness, rum whipped cream! That sounds amazing. I love honey crisp apples. They are my absolute favorite.
OMG, chef John this cake I have to make every week. It is out of this world. You are one of the best chefs around. I've make a lot of you receipts, and they are all excellent.
This is so much better than the sum of its parts. I didn't expect so little batter compared with amount of fruit to "cake" so perfectly. I had all the ingredients already and then method is as simple as making pancakes. Simpler cause you stick it in the overn.
Just made this cake! So simple! So delicious! I used Almond extract instead of rum! Only used 2 tablespoons! Used honey crisp apples! Mine were large so I only used 2! Will be making it again! Thank you for the best ever apple cake!
That's a great idea, using almond extract. I may have to do the same as I don't believe I have any rum at hand. Thanks for sharing that tip!
Agree with chef John- best apple cake and one of the best cakes ever. Light and delicate, full of flavor
The most complemented bake i have ever made..thanks x
Perhaps Chef John’s best recipe.
I made this for years for weeknight desserts or a weekend breakfast treat when I was married and my children were still small, except didn't use vinegar or rum and added a little cinnamon and nutmeg. I thought I created the"recipe" (sometimes w/one egg, sometimes two; sometimes with lemon juice or orange juice; sometimes with ginger instead of nutmeg, or part whole wheat pastry flour or oats, and sometimes with maple syrup, but I didn't know that it (minus the spices) was actually a thing! Of course, because it's always delicious.) 👍 Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for all your great recipes Chef. You make it easy and calm.
I soaked some golden raisins in rum and used those instead of just splashing it directly in🎉🎉 also successfully made this with gluten free flour to make it guest friendly and was still just the best cake I ever made. I dont make a lot of cakes but that was so good I'm excited to try more.
I had some apples leftover from my last shopping, didn't want to waste them, i came to your channel and as always no disappointment with your receipts. The french apple cake turned out spectacular... Thanks again for all you do.
Made this three times, it's become my favorite dessert. Easy to make, very good.
Your voice calms me and makes me smile. The recipes are a bonus
This is such an incredible desert - I've made it many times and we love it!!! Thank you for this wonderful recipe.
I made this and I love it and I'm really a pie person. Easy to make, will make again.
this reminds me of a apple coffee cake i used to make for my kids backs in the late 80's , no rum, it was very simple and only a few ingredients. i got the recipe from Sunset Magazine.
This is well known and well loved in Germany, where our mother is from. Our mom was a terrific baker of these home-y & rustic delights 👌
i made this cake last night for thanks giving.turned out great and lots of complements.Thank you
I have NEVER had a Chef John recipe that people didn’t love. And I love making them. Can’t wait to try this. Again and again.
I love apples and I love cake, simple vanilla and rum flavored cake. Together what a knockout idea for a cake that highlights the apple and sweetness of the rum vanilla combination. I especially like the idea that there is no cinnamon, allspice, and ginger to overpower the simple and straightforward flavors of the apple and rum.
I came here for German apple cake. But I like the apples IN the dough, not placed on top of the dough or under it. I like the apples kneaded into the dough. And I gotta say this French apple cake is fantastic.
I have been looking for a French dessert to make for a while that wasn't "fancy" to serve with, ironically enough, your take on coq au vin. This will do!!!! Merci beaucoup!
For anyone who has never made this, DO NOT ADD CINNAMON TO THIS! Let the apple shine on this one. Also, if you can find it, use the apple liqueur calvados in place of rum. More apple goodness!
Another non-fan of cinnamon! Yay!!
@@pipmitchell7059 Lol I do like cinnamon! I just don't think apples, or many desserts in general, always need to be paired with cinnamon.
@@KingBeef726 Cinnamon and chocolate! I don't actually dislike either, but they're both overused. Not everything is better with cinnamon/chocolate.
Definitely DO NOT ADD CINAMON or anything else for that matter. You can skip the sugar on top Chef John added before baking. This cake is so good you can only make it worse by adding things. And don't skim on the rum.
Gotta have my cinnamon, but I'll add less based on your recommendation.
I finally made this today, using Granny Smith apples and brandy because I didn’t have rum. Easy and delicious. Thanks!
I made it many times during the pandemic and had a break. But will make again because it’s really the best apple cake! 🎉🎉🎉
May I use granny greens for this, I wonder…?
Its almost baking season and my oven will be busy this fall/winter. Going to make it a goal to try 12 of chef johns baking desserts. 😋
I’ve never been a big fan of probably in the kitchen!🤣
I absolutely love this guy, and his recipes are so amazing. I love and I’m grateful how easy he makes them to cook.
I made this recipe and it is a delectable crowd pleaser. Thank you for posting it!
This looks absolutely delicious. Also, and I don't know why, I especially enjoyed your commentary this time around. I always do, but there was just something special. Maybe because you love the cake so much ;) Thanks for the recipe, I will definitely try it!
Thank you so much, Chef John 🙏🏼
I made this for my family many times now. Always a hit at my house ❤❤
Not a single recipe I’ve tried has been bad. I’ve tried a few dozen and they’ve all been outstanding. I’m trying this one tomorrow.
Chef John! My fiance just made this from the apples we picked yesterday and WOW. It came together so easily following your steps and it might just be the best apple dessert ive had. Thanks for making this recipe, I understand why you're an internet legend now.
We love you chef John hope you guys are doing well
This cake was AMAZING!! I used Pecan Praline Whiskey in stead of rum. Next level delicious!! 😋 Thanks Chef John!!
Thanks chef John. Did this tonight. My first cake from scratch.
Made this 2 days ago....Deliciously simple, vanilla only. (1 TBS).... 🍎🍐 Making again today because I have some ripe pears and will add one apple. A keeper recipe. Thanks Chef John.
I live in germany and that's the way a simple apfelkuchen is done;) simple, affordable and lecker;)
Chef John’s enthusiasm inspired me to try this & it IS delicious.
This has become my go to quick dessert when people are coming over. Always a success. A scoop of ice cream and coffee or tee, people think I am genius. What a great recipe!!! Thank you..
Chef John's that dude. I've made so many of his recipes over the years and been inspired by even more of them, he really demystified cooking and baking and showed me the joys of cooking as a late 20s male
Actually bug chunks of apple work very well and give it a more rustic effect. I love this recipe and have been making it for years. Thanks!
Looking forward to trying this, Chef John. Will be interesting to try this recipe with calvados.
A friend just gave me a bunch of apples today, so I decided to try this. Very good flavor and a big hit with my family. :)
Oh man I used to make apple cakes for holidays years ago. Apple cake has to be my all-time favorite kind of cake
I'm going to make this recipe for my church new comers as dessert. Looks delicious..hope my cake will come out just as pretty and yummy as Chef John. Thank you~❤
I pretty much pass on apple pies over other desserts 100% of the time, but this looks way better, and I am going to try it soon. Thanks!
That looks absolutely delightful.
If you had left the cooling rack on top of the cake, then sprinkled the powdered sugar, you would've had the powdered sugar AND the provocative marks.
I've seen you do that on another cake recipe a while ago.
This recipe looks amazing :)
Maybe CJ has developed al allergy to washing-up since then. IMO, it would look better without the powdered sugar. He so *nearly* resisted.. and so *nearly* avoided the cinnamon.. but in the end, his inner-American got the better of him.
Just made this but with pears instead of apples and some whiskey instead of rum cos those were all I had. My first cake ever!
Oh! Prepping looks simple. Delicious. Thank you.
One of my favorite cakes to make and one that never has any leftovers when I bring it to potlucks. I prefer bourbon to rum, though I bet Calvados or other apple brandy would also be wonderful.
Wow, that looks so delicious, I will be making this for sure. Just in time for apple season. Thanks for sharing. Stay well and safe.
I love your recipes! I am following you for several years now and all your recipes were successful! Thank you very much!
I've been baking for close to 30 years and never made this before. Decided to try it when this video came up. It took every ounce of strength not to add cinnamon. It felt like blasphemy. But I followed the recipe. It really is a different thing without the cinnamon. This cake was fantastic. I've since also made one with canned pears government pairs And they work great too.
That said, I'm sure that adding cinnamon would also make a really good product and I will try that next time.
Chef John, this looks both delicious and elegant! Thank you for sharing this easy French recipe. I love your recipes and they always turn out beautifully. Thank you also for providing your recipes to print out. Not all food channels do that and that's yet another I love your channel.
Today I had a napolitan Flan and it made me really happy. It reminded me of how much i enjoy trying recepies for desserts, especially when its one i liked from your channel.
Being sick sucks because i like desserts and potatoes and I shouldn't eat them as much
For contrast, check out aeblekage, a Danish apple cake or trifle (both variants of aeblekage are super tasty).
just made this, couldn’t find our vanilla but it still completely blew my mind. the intricacy of the rum with the fluffiness, unreal!!! amazing effort to fanciness ratio. thank you chef!
Not hard to make, but impressively delicious! Just follow his instructions. I love it so much my son is making it for my birthday.
When we make it, apples are sliced thin, then layered between the batter, and placed on top in a circle fashion. It is truly one of the best cakes!
That sounds even better to me.
This is my favorite , have made it before and I like the liquer that is added, gives all the flavor! Very unique
My second favorite! After apple coffee crumble cake!❤Thank you Chef John🙏
i’ve just made this, replaced the butter with coconut oil, rum with almond essence.. it tasted great🩵tq
I just used rosewater instead of the rum… It’s in the oven now… I’m very excited about this cake
Fantastic! We just ate this for dessert. No cinnamon, but perfect. Everything you say it is, Chef John, but better. I can’t think of any dessert I’ve had that was better. Maybe flan. No. This is better than flan.
Thank you for this recipe. Sounds delicious and I have plenty of apples in the garden, so yes let’s give it a shot!🙂 Cheers, Geoffers.
I just made this-- delicious! The recipe is easy to follow along while you bake. Thank you!
Yum! Looks like a great fall cake idea!
Chef, this looks absolutely delicious and impressive.
This was my first visit to this channel - SUBBED! The cake looks fabulous. I like simple desserts that rely on their taste rather than frills.
Thank you. ❤️🐈⬛👍
You will love this channel! And chef John grows on you- he’s like an old friend to me now. And he is a legend among all those in YT cooking channels. None better!
Making this as we type. Thank you Chef John for your rant on NO cinnamon. I love cinnamon but sometimes it's better to let the other flavours prevail. Also, I'm going with Calvados instead of Rum, although I totally get the rum!
Do you think whisky would work too?
I bet a little Boiled Cider, in place of the cider vinegar, would kick it up a notch, too. And thanks, Chef, for reminding us: “We never let the food win.” Priceless! 💚
Boiled cider would be good but never substitute vinegar in a cake just Willy nilly. Its usually there to react and balance with a base of some type and needs to be there
@@sonnieandjacob In this case, it's more to keep the apple slices from browning while doing the rest of the prep. Lemon juice would be another option.
@@sonnieandjacob True, and I certainly would never substitute anything in a CAKE willy-nilly. In this recipe, per Chef John, the addition of cider vinegar is primarily used to add another layer of flavor (and as a bonus, prevent the apples from browning). Given that the recipe uses baking powder, presumably the cider really isn't there to encourage a rise. I'd feel totally comfortable using boiled cider in this recipe.
I made it ! it's amazing how delicious apple pie with such simple ingredients!
I love you, Chef John! Watching you videos always make me so happy.🤗 I’ll definitely be giving this one a try.👍🏻
I looks really good! I have to try making it. I haven't had apple cake in ages, so now is the time.
Love French apple cake
Chef John still going I see. Years ago his ciabatta recipe was what got me into bread baking and all that sourdough stuff.