I FORCED My Friends To Do A Couple's Gameshow | Mind Meld

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • Mind Meld Season 1 Episode 1 is OFFICIALLY HERE! Hope you all enjoy my gameshow I created where I put my friends against eachother to see who knew eachother best! Hope you all enjoy Grizzy, Pezzy, Bigpuffer, Droid, Kruzadar, Maazz and I all having a hilarious time on the gameshow!
    If you did enjoy, be sure to drop a like and sub!
    USE CODE "REC" FOR 10% OFF GLITCH ENERGY!► glitchenergy.c...
    Follow my socials:
    LIVE later on Twitch► / rectrixx
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    Friends in the Video:
    Team 1 - Bean Team
    ‪@Bigpuffer‬ (Blue)
    ‪@ElasticDroid‬ (Maroon)
    Team 2 - Pookie Pals
    ‪@Grizzy‬ (Orange)
    ‪@Pezzy‬ (Light Pink)
    Team 3 - Leash Kids
    ‪@Kruzadar‬ (Red)
    ‪@Maazz_yt‬ (Purple)
    Outro Song (Made by @ItsNarwal )
    Music In The Video► www.epidemicsou...
    #rectrixx #funny #reaction

Комментарии • 671

  • @Rectrixx
    @Rectrixx  Год назад +690

    WHO SHOULD BE ON EPISODE 2👀Also make sure to join the Discord and follow the Twitch to be apart of the next one when it happens!!

    • @madlion410
      @madlion410 Год назад +183

      you need to have droid and pezzy, then puffer and grizzy, then Blarg and Smi7y on teams that would be the most chaos thing ever.

    • @RoadToAesthetics
      @RoadToAesthetics Год назад +8

      you got a haircut? damn, nice man

    • @cursedcape54000
      @cursedcape54000 Год назад +10

      You need to have narrator the Banzai Bros junkyard mg4r ( Greg)

    • @aname8106
      @aname8106 Год назад

      TRUEEEEEE ​@@madlion410

    • @TheRedValor
      @TheRedValor Год назад +61

      Smii7y and blarg the Canadian duo please

  • @thegamingdoge2000
    @thegamingdoge2000 Год назад +598

    Pezzy’s ADHD comment is way too relatable man

  • @manjuu5283
    @manjuu5283 Год назад +718

    As much as we all love Bean Team and Pookie Pals, we all know that Kruz and Maz were the real winners with chat as a whole collective make them accept their team name as Leash Kids 😂

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +60

      leash kids representing fr

  • @OhItsGhostie
    @OhItsGhostie Год назад +358

    I love how puffer defended grizzy with the fat moments comment. Even if it was a joke, it was wholesome

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +81

      LMAO roommate wars turned to lovers

    • @OhItsGhostie
      @OhItsGhostie Год назад +5

      It's adorable lmao@@Rectrixx

    • @Rand0sh1tßc1dk
      @Rand0sh1tßc1dk 10 месяцев назад +7

      @@Rectrixxand they were roommates

    • @alauriseflyn
      @alauriseflyn 9 месяцев назад +5

      ​@@Rand0sh1tßc1dk Oh my god, they were roommates.

  • @GJames-Legend101
    @GJames-Legend101 Год назад +1386

    The beginning of Rectrixx’s career as a show host 😅😂🤣.

    • @sergeantjoe
      @sergeantjoe Год назад +64

      If he ever gets a full blown gameshow I hope he still wears a suit with no pants.

    • @PhoenyxVoldaren
      @PhoenyxVoldaren Год назад +14

      That day will be glorious! 😂

    • @davecrupel2817
      @davecrupel2817 Год назад +6

      Cant see him doing it without the suit now! Bro absolutely rocks it!

    • @spicetea5489
      @spicetea5489 Год назад +1

      wdym he's did the gauntlets

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +109

      This is some of my fav content to make ahaha I would love to host an in person one with the homies one day

  • @bumblebeebridgett
    @bumblebeebridgett Год назад +1410

    This was hilarious!! I feel like Smii7y and Kryoz as a team would be PEAK content 😂

    • @spacejesus6581
      @spacejesus6581 Год назад +205

      True but a more fair one would be SMii7Y and Blarg since they’ve known each other since middle school if not longer

    • @holy.water.
      @holy.water. Год назад +143

      @@spacejesus6581that wouldn’t be fair at all they’re practically brothers ☠️ no team would be able to beat them lmao it’d be a clean sweep

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +199

      Imma do my best

    • @holy.water.
      @holy.water. Год назад +27

      @@Rectrixx brother, I respect the drive, but good luck getting smii7y 😭 he does NOT do anything that won’t make him money

    • @Ink4
      @Ink4 Год назад +72

      @@holy.water...he plays and does plenty of things that don’t make him money? he’s joined puffer’s streams before, he’s been in other people’s vlogs etc. no money for him with those! it’s just about him needing to put effort into things, which he hasn’t had a lot of lately

  • @Anobluu
    @Anobluu Год назад +154

    30:13 - Droid: "Whenever I talk, you always say 'shut up', dude..."
    It's said with love, Droid, you don't get it 🙄...

  • @shoelacebellringer
    @shoelacebellringer Год назад +366

    So good, definitely having either Smii7y, Kryoz, Blarg, Puffer, Pezzy,, Droid, Grizzy, Aches would be hype for a potential season 2

    • @toddelmsworth640
      @toddelmsworth640 Год назад +20

      Aw man Chat would ship Aches and Grizzy to Hell and back lol

    • @Taystee
      @Taystee Год назад +15

      omg smii7y and Kryoz would be awesome

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +75

      dont want any repeat guests cause I wanna do a finale with the winners but I will keep some of these names in mind

    • @topaz_talon
      @topaz_talon Год назад +10

      ​@@Rectrixxyou should get Soup and Ethan on, that would be peak ngl

    • @kayagorzan
      @kayagorzan 9 месяцев назад

      @@topaz_talonThat’d be awesome

  • @comicalace
    @comicalace Год назад +121

    bro i love the chemistry of these guys lmao when they're together they share one brain cell

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +27

      dont matter how many of us there are, one brain cell will always be shared

  • @jaynight15
    @jaynight15 Год назад +237

    I can't wait for episode 2. Hopefully you take Grizzy in his offer and get him to Co-Host when he isnt a contestant. The commentary would be fire

    • @azakranos8100
      @azakranos8100 Год назад +34

      Kinda just want to see if Grizzy gets a suit.

    • @jaynight15
      @jaynight15 Год назад +20

      @@azakranos8100 yo why you snitching on me?

    • @azakranos8100
      @azakranos8100 Год назад +7

      @@jaynight15 Because it's funny.

    • @ikram2512
      @ikram2512 Год назад +1


    • @Anobluu
      @Anobluu Год назад +3

      @@azakranos8100 Definitely not, homie would pull up in a hoodie (/t-shirt) and sweatpants 😂

  • @ItsKeelz43
    @ItsKeelz43 11 месяцев назад +9

    22:49 coming back and watching this after puffer hit one mil AND it's been a month is crazy

  • @Anobluu
    @Anobluu Год назад +46

    42:15 - Grizzy: "Lemme be a co-host on- on part 2."
    Brother, we're not tryna end friendships here, okay? We're here to have fun 😂...

  • @giankmore
    @giankmore Год назад +70

    Honestly this stream is what made me realize that a huge group of us know a LOT about Pezzy 😭

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +26

      he is a yapper on stream for a reason, we're bound to learn a lot

  • @t0xin
    @t0xin Год назад +166

    I knew the pookie pals was gonna win from the start

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +22

      smh no belief in leash kids or bean team

  • @LovelyxNovaa
    @LovelyxNovaa Год назад +102

    The half commitment with the suit then posting it was gold😂

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +16

      LMAO had to show everyone what I was rocking

  • @maren-eliza
    @maren-eliza Год назад +157

    no shot you called my little pony, my little unicorn 😂😂

    • @SterlingRaven37
      @SterlingRaven37 Год назад +21

      Wasn't sure if anyone else heard that, glad I'm not alone

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +38

      i fumbled so hard

  • @Sonusmfx
    @Sonusmfx Год назад +98

    Honestly one of the best video ideas since puffer’s gauntlet series, 10/10. Ty for the laughs man

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +17

      really means a lot

  • @giotte4643
    @giotte4643 Год назад +38

    36:05 Droid is getting a Vietnam flashback of his purchase 😂

    • @honey_gal_lyric
      @honey_gal_lyric Год назад +1

      For real, the Bean team deserved the point for real life accuracy and PTSD trauma 🫡

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +4


  • @Anobluu
    @Anobluu Год назад +24

    29:32 - Rec: "He might be writing like a love story after, cause he feels bad for writing it."
    Feels about right 😂...

  • @lastnarrator
    @lastnarrator 11 месяцев назад +27

    31:50 Grizzy's is tax fraud, reasoning? that one warzone episode where he forgot to do his taxes cause he was too busy watching anime

    • @lastnarrator
      @lastnarrator 11 месяцев назад +8

      1:03:00 Grizzy's first response being "if you take their suggestion I'll murder you"... seems like Pezzy was right on what Grizzy is goin to jail for XD

  • @caniacrl
    @caniacrl Год назад +12

    The fact that grizzy and pezzy have talked about all of this on a live stream before but were drunk is funny asf

  • @zombieguts
    @zombieguts Год назад +24

    The team names are amazing LMAO I loved Leash kids especially 🤣 Would totally love more of this!

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +7

      episode 2 was just announced!

  • @OriginalMomo
    @OriginalMomo Год назад +41

    Rectrixx went almost full Winnie the Pooh in a suit top… 🤣😂🤣

  • @nathantodd8951
    @nathantodd8951 Год назад +27

    this was absolutely a vibe, ive never been so locked in on a video over an hour long that isnt about any video games. congrats to all the participants, cant wait for ep 2 to come out😂😂🔥🔥👌

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +2

      Ep 2 just got announced and I appreciate you watching the whole thing!

  • @CausticSalsa
    @CausticSalsa Год назад +8

    This was AMAZIINNNNNGGGG. Omg one with Grizzy + Aches, Pezzy + Droid, and Puffer + Megan would be soooo sick.

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +2

      trying not to reinvite any guests so i can have a finale! But you are cooking with these teams

    • @madlion410
      @madlion410 Год назад +1

      thats a fire team ideas i love this

  • @EclipsedEquinox
    @EclipsedEquinox Год назад +29

    My stomach was in the best kind of pain while watching this..
    damn near pissed myself too.

  • @sans_aus8078
    @sans_aus8078 Год назад +12

    38:30 I loved this when he said insecurity I instantly thought of it 😂

  • @nowayneon
    @nowayneon Год назад +31

    Ok this feels like it’s gonna be a big Series. Love to see it I’m here for it 😎

  • @Squeakygeek
    @Squeakygeek 11 месяцев назад +2

    59:00 Love that mazz said party rocking had no lyrics, I was like huh?! 😂

  • @Anobluu
    @Anobluu Год назад +5

    11:59 - Rec: "You even got the wrong pizza chain wrong-"
    I didn't even notice this little mistake during the stream bro 😂...

  • @angeldash3566
    @angeldash3566 Год назад +9

    Not gonna lie, this episode is wild and entertaining. Good job rectrixx. Applaud to you. Cannot wait to see more.

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад

      Episode 2 just got announced, we got more on the way!

  • @Oliebol85
    @Oliebol85 9 месяцев назад +4

    4:14 he sounded so happy😂

  • @flame7871
    @flame7871 Год назад +4

    18:19 the way it just zoomed in on droid has me dying

  • @camryn54_138
    @camryn54_138 Год назад +6

    4:37 “My little Unicorn”😭😭

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +2

      Im cooked, i meant my little pony LMAOOO

  • @Max-ek4dn
    @Max-ek4dn Год назад +18

    Like im sure its hard to do many high effort vids, but damm this is enjoyable. Also just happy to have over 1h retrix. But yeah if you like making these pls make more

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +1

      Holding myself to try and upload one of these vids a month! So we're attempting to cook

    • @Max-ek4dn
      @Max-ek4dn Год назад

      @@Rectrixx gawd damm man is cheffin it up

  • @CrazyCakez
    @CrazyCakez Год назад +19

    Mind Meld gotta be my new favorite gameshow.

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +1

      Gonna go down in history

  • @DiamondBatToons
    @DiamondBatToons Год назад +6

    PLEASE do an Episode 2! This was way too fun to watch!

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +1

      Episode 2 just got announced on my twitter and in my Discord (both in description)

  • @JamesRhed935
    @JamesRhed935 Год назад +5

    38:30 I rewatched the truth or drink video and was laughing my ass off at that

  • @unkownbridge7965
    @unkownbridge7965 Год назад +9

    2024 content is starting out so strong. Very excited to see what's next and very happy I found your channel :)

  • @BlamefulWorm435
    @BlamefulWorm435 Год назад +6

    my cheeks hurt from laughing and smiling at this video. so good I love this group

  • @nicholassandling4276
    @nicholassandling4276 Год назад +2

    I'm obviously late, but this was one of the most entertaining ideas I've seen in a long time. Great execution, man. This was amazing

  • @MessoremMortem
    @MessoremMortem Год назад +8

    Great video! I was pleasantly surprised by the length of it! Keep up the good work and great pacing in this video!

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад

      Did it feel to drawn out? Or perfect length?

    • @MessoremMortem
      @MessoremMortem Год назад

      @@Rectrixx the length was absolutely perfect in my opinion. The way that it was edited constantly had me entertained. This is my favorite video of yours with friends so far.

  • @1x.1001
    @1x.1001 Год назад +3

    Kruz is so relatable i love lime, and i add salt a tajin

  • @AlexLikesSpace2
    @AlexLikesSpace2 2 месяца назад

    "October 29 :3" lmao [ 6:21 ]
    I never thought I would cheer so much [ 57:52 ]

  • @farruqd
    @farruqd Год назад +7

    This mad entertaining bro, maybe the Goons can come for Season 2

  • @imnotreal3213
    @imnotreal3213 Год назад +3

    4:40 John mullaney "Group 2" moment

  • @Devourer6594
    @Devourer6594 4 месяца назад +2

    44:41 In hindsight, they were probably busy with setting up the podcast

  • @LXD091
    @LXD091 Год назад +3

    This is so underrated man W gameshow, I hope this stays as a yearly thing (or monthly?)

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +2

      season 1 will have 3 episodes and a finale! All will be uploaded so keep posted! (after that I'll probably try to cook up a new idea but we shall see)

  • @HillsideKrayec
    @HillsideKrayec Год назад +9

    Nah for me at 57:04 the song id sing perfectly is “My Mother told me” in old Norse

  • @Shift_Hollow
    @Shift_Hollow Год назад +8

    33:59 best no context clip ever.

  • @toddelmsworth640
    @toddelmsworth640 Год назад +19

    17:38 Here’s a nice still of everyone’s reactions to the period question

  • @Ninapaligsa
    @Ninapaligsa Год назад +4

    let's be honest, we all knew pezzy and grizzy were gonna win this one😂

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +2

      honestly I didnt expect leash kids to do as bad LMAO

  • @Tr33s643
    @Tr33s643 Год назад +1

    Yumi & Grizzy VS Kroz & Smitty VS Droid and Pezzy would be cool

  • @Silverfur01
    @Silverfur01 Год назад +6

    I enjoyed this so much lol id love to see smi77y and blarg in here. maybe with kryoz and byze? (not sure how many others you might know, but a lot of streamer groups seem to overlap at times). if you could get nogla and terroriser too, that would be cool :)

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +3

      Would love to try and get some of em in! I'll see wht I can do

  • @CainEverest
    @CainEverest Год назад +3

    This is actually one of the most brilliant things I've seen. Rectrixx, you're great as a game show host!
    Now if only you could get decent game show contestants 😂

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +1

      LMAO they were trying their best

  • @roobeedooo
    @roobeedooo Год назад +2

    1:01:54 the way pezzy says mr beast is so soft and hopeful LMAO

  • @darrenweekes9992
    @darrenweekes9992 Год назад +1

    “Brothers bugging, I was just lying” 😭😭😭

  • @metallic_overdose2670
    @metallic_overdose2670 Год назад +3

    Ay mate, we’re gonna need more of this in the future, that was actual fire content

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +1

      Episode 2 just got announced ahaha

  • @LastCelestials
    @LastCelestials Год назад

    honestly while Grizz and Pezzy's win was well deserved like can we just admit how awesome it is Kruz and Maaz still got things wrong but were laughing at the fact that answer fit them as well?

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад

      it was definitely a fun time overall for everyone!

  • @nathanatkins950
    @nathanatkins950 Год назад +21

    59:03 had me dying

  • @pointman3672
    @pointman3672 Год назад +1

    Update, puffer definitely at a million now 😂

  • @trottinboots
    @trottinboots Год назад +1

    ok but rectrixx acts like he was BORN to be a show host

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +1

      fr? I was mad nervous for this but I lowkey had a blast

  • @mcstevieboy
    @mcstevieboy Год назад +7

    yo rectrixx, get kryoz and smii7y as a team on this lmao

  • @marcussantos8879
    @marcussantos8879 Год назад +1

    Thank you for the video Rectrixx!! This was so good, eagerly awaiting for episode 2, lots moments had me dying!

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +1

      Ep 2 just got announced

  • @TheSpiltMilk
    @TheSpiltMilk Год назад +4

    Pookie pals low key cooked

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +1

      they came prepared

  • @generallystyxx
    @generallystyxx Год назад +93

    oh my god this is so silly, I was giggling the entire time, I totally forgot maazz gets up at 5am too like what 😭 fucking banger of a video brother, you've absolutely been evolving

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +9

      glad you enjoyed gamer

  • @SardonicPoly
    @SardonicPoly Год назад +1

    The split or steal aspect was soo good! It really cements if they think alike 👍

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +1

      its the true test if money splits them up or not ahaha

  • @YinNegative
    @YinNegative Год назад +5

    Holy shit Rec this was fuckin amazing. Im loving this style of content from you, hope we get a second one. And i saw someone say Kryox and Smi7y, and i agree it'd be hilarious, plus you could maybe bring Grizzy back with Aches as his partner? For a third i think Heavenly and Herbo would be a goated group set 🤷🏾‍♂️ 😂👌🏾

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад

      glad you enjoyed gamer

  • @treherzog
    @treherzog Год назад

    Pezzy top bucket list is going to see the northern lights with air pods in listening to his favorite music

  • @jkbutterfly3142
    @jkbutterfly3142 Год назад

    17:34 Everybody's look of utter disbelief is sending me

  • @IssacMan_YT
    @IssacMan_YT 10 месяцев назад

    Puffer:Dude, it’s so random.No ones gonna get this shit
    Droid:Puffer,there’s one person who watching me and you all the time.That might have a good understanding.
    Puffer:All right, you can pick, you pick
    Grizzy: This is literally unfair!
    This shit got me rolling on the damn floor😂😂😂😂

  • @Mondaymadness-2025
    @Mondaymadness-2025 8 месяцев назад

    😂37:31 I like how I got a ad when Pezzy was talking

  • @firewolf905
    @firewolf905 Год назад

    This was one of the most entertaining game show I’ve seen in a minute. This was GREAT.

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад

      really appreciate it

  • @APRILtheCowardlyGamer
    @APRILtheCowardlyGamer Год назад

    Looking forward to episode 2. This was super fun to watch. Already knew at the start Pookie Pals would take the trophy. 😂🎉❤

  • @Lantis-vr9mt
    @Lantis-vr9mt Год назад +1

    It’s been so long since I saw Droid without glasses

  • @Quincly_underscore
    @Quincly_underscore 10 месяцев назад +1

    Im totally not late to comment on this vid but i found this guy a bit ago and ive been binge watching all his vids

  • @moon-doodle-lau
    @moon-doodle-lau Год назад

    This was funny as hell and definitely one of my new favorites of yours!! This was a great idea thanks man :))

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад

      glad you enjoyed it as much as I did making it

  • @Ruth_3005
    @Ruth_3005 6 месяцев назад

    Yooooo, this has been some of the most entertaining stuff I have seen in the year, love the video 😂🤙

  • @gingersnap23
    @gingersnap23 Год назад

    The funny part is: the Bean Team would’ve won if Droid didn’t intentionally throw the game

  • @RievexMay
    @RievexMay Год назад

    I watched this at work and I could not stop laughing while closing 😂

  • @TheSpiralSpiderWeb
    @TheSpiralSpiderWeb 10 месяцев назад

    Re-watching this, I genuinely am wondering who is Juice World for Grizzy to be that upset that Pezzy got that question wrong XD

  • @BraysonLenko
    @BraysonLenko Год назад

    As a Louisianian when I heard Pezzy say he thought Gumbo was a show, I immediately got pissed 😂

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад

      LMAO dont worry everyone did

  • @jordashion907
    @jordashion907 Год назад +1

    That was such a great video! I can't wait for the next one! Keep up the great content 😁

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +1

      Episode 2 was just announced

  • @aname8106
    @aname8106 Год назад +42

    1:02:25 man grizzy so fucking valid

  • @R34B
    @R34B Год назад +2

    i've been looking forward to this video for a WHILE LETSGOOOO

  • @jacobwhitlock217
    @jacobwhitlock217 Год назад

    Stop everyone 😂 17:42

  • @ZonkedCT
    @ZonkedCT Год назад

    Bro this men is a great host. I can’t wait to see is who the next contested

  • @Squeakygeek
    @Squeakygeek 11 месяцев назад

    38:28 I live for pezzy’s green goblin impression

  • @nathanielmalcolm6623
    @nathanielmalcolm6623 Год назад

    When this was announced by you Rec, I was SO pumped to watch this certified chaotic mess pf a gameshow go down live on Twitch.
    Unfortunately, *Covid-19 decided to pay me a visit the day before* and on the day, I was waaaaay to sick to watch, much less even get on my phone.
    Thus, watching this perfectly edited take from the stream was 100% worth it + seeing who were the winners was a big no-brainer to me.
    Also, *love how you stood on official business to wear a suit for this event Rec.*
    Can't wait for Mind Meld episode 2! 😂❤

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад

      ah man I'm sorry to hear that, hopefully you feel better now

    • @nathanielmalcolm6623
      @nathanielmalcolm6623 Год назад

      @@Rectrixx oh I plan to. Already see the line-up for Episode 2 so can't wait. 😆😝

  • @evandale2197
    @evandale2197 Год назад +1

    I would love to see more of this one with more messed up questions

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +2

      Might have y'all submit some questions to spice it up

    • @evandale2197
      @evandale2197 Год назад

      @@RectrixxWe have a lot if grizzy and aches is a team for the next one

  • @SpiroVill
    @SpiroVill 10 месяцев назад

    Rectrixx is like me, not the funniest but a good person to be around

  • @tenshi7960
    @tenshi7960 Год назад

    help i enjyed ths wayyy too much i lost count of how many times i laughed 😭😭😭😭😭😭

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад

      thats exactly what i strive for with the videos!

  • @dezzym7150
    @dezzym7150 Год назад

    not only did i fumble kruz's girl dinner i also got my name butchered. great vid rec 😂

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад


  • @LadyVader
    @LadyVader Год назад +1

    This was an awesome idea. I knew who would win as soon as I saw the teams 😂

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад +2

      damn no faith in the others ahaha

    • @LadyVader
      @LadyVader Год назад

      @Rectrixx Grizzy and Pezzy literally share a brain, how could they lose? 🤣

  • @LaFush033
    @LaFush033 Год назад +3

    Pezzy and droid, Grizzy and Aches, Softwilly and Issacwhy for season 2

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад

      Episode 2 just got announced! Avoiding repeats cause I wanna do a finale

    • @LaFush033
      @LaFush033 Год назад

      @@Rectrixx that’s fair

  • @TeamHusky
    @TeamHusky 9 месяцев назад

    Minute in and I almost fell out of my chair laughing 💀

  • @coffeetree_
    @coffeetree_ Год назад

    of course grizzy still does the math wrong counting points 😭 19 + 5 man they’re one behind

  • @g3intel
    @g3intel Год назад

    Straight up hit them with the Prisoner's Dilemma on the game show what the hell

    • @Rectrixx
      @Rectrixx  Год назад

      LOL had to keep it spicy

  • @YourLocalGP8
    @YourLocalGP8 Год назад +1

    SEASON 2!!!11!1!!

  • @emmagatti9368
    @emmagatti9368 8 месяцев назад

    This was amazing, loved it