I have really high appreciation to the Royal Family not reacting to all of Meghan's lies except for the famous "Recollections may vary". By not reacting they did not let Meghan drag them into her mud.
Exactly they did the right thing Tom was wrong saying they should have retaliated they have been quiet.y dignified that was the best way to go ..always.
@@RikkiKupperman Exactly! The Royals got great advice and took it...unlike Harry! That's what narcs want! They attack hoping you will attack back so they can then look like the victim. It is called reactive abuse.
A agent of poison is so accurate name for MM. I totally agree! MM is all for herself no matter what she does. “What’s in it for me?” is all she breathe and live on.
Thomas Markle Jnr said that MM demanded her father cut all ties to him and to Samantha, her half-sister, or he would not be invited to the wedding. Tom Snr refused to cut off his other children, so MM just cut him completely out of her life. Poor man. He couldn't win whatever he did.
@@coyoluo She can go live her life we don't care just tell her to go away and live quietly away from everyone so her spite doesn't affect another human being
What lens are u watching thur their is Happy loving life after being royals no weapons form against Harry and Megan wii prosper their positions are available pls apply karma doesn't loose your address UK media and royals are some solicit opinionated arrogant fools
While maniac Meg instigated her husband to disassociate with his family...the issues that Hazbeen documented in his book were his words. He had built up such resentment as was apparent in his book. He is equal to blame.
Don't get me wrong Harry must take his share of the blame but I think that from the off set Meghan played on all Harry's mental health issues and fears and worked on them until she got Harry so worked up he blew things all out of proportion. That was exactly what she had planned, first she thought she could just walk into the Royal Family and be the Queen, when she realised that wasn't going to happen, she thought she would destroy the Royal Family and use Harry to do it. Most of what was in the book was the version that Meghan had convinced Harry was they way things happpened. I think Harry is seriously mentally ill and nearing a crisis, I think he finally realises what he has lost, his family, his country and his friends, he has lost everything, he knows there is no way back if it includes her.
@@cindyfaulkner5725 I agree with this assessment of the situation, however I’m not sure she had a mind to destroy the RF. Seeing them squirm, getting money off them, using them for power perhaps, but with no RF there would be no title and the title is essential to her. I think she is setting Harry up for a fall, and encouraged him to include things in the book which damage him and which she can use later. Not sure how that will pan out though as everyone knows she is a liar.
I agree. It’s also brought new fans to TRF from around the world and outside of the commonwealth. I’m American and have followed TRF and the history of the British monarchy all of my life. The way TRF handled Meghan’s BS w/ “recollections may vary” was so badass. Meghan hoped to tear that institution down but she had the opposite effect-she drew attention to the beauty and grace of Princess Catherine and everyone loves her. ❤
It’s been said the Late Queen asked Meghan to send help to Thomas etc but she said NO, she had no intention of the Markle family being there, he simply fell into her trap & the late Queen asked many time even to get him medical help after the wedding & she still said NO ! Allegedly
The queen told her to write him a note. She did and he gave it to the press. I don’t blame her for not trusting him or allowing access to her kids. He keeps selling himself for money from media outlets that hate her daily.
The Royal Family could only get involved with Meghan's Father/Family, as far as Harry and Meghan would allow! They couldn't bypass the 2 of them or there again that would have added even More fuel to Her sense of Control!! She must keep a tight grip of control on everything/everyone around her!
My narcissistic father never had anything to do with his mother, then Wife 2 realised that maybe I was a bit close to my Grandmother and was informed that it wasn't my right to contact her, I had never stopped my involvement in her life, they made my Grandmother laugh at their behaviour, even forgetting that my grandmother had 5 other children and off course another 20 grandchildren who most were adults by that time!!! Meghan believes she is the most important person in her father's life.
@El.Cid17 So true. It is a demanding job which removes a lot of personal choices in exchange for duty. Catherine is perfect in the role, Meghan doesn't have the moral fibre.
Which relations? Step mom and dad,? Or busy brother and Kate,? You can't desert your wife for childhood friends. Meghan got cold welcome. All negative stories were planted about her to tarnish her image like Sara Ferguson and andrew before her
Agree! My Ex-husband tried to alienate me from my family and friends. I DID NOT LET THAT HAPPEN! What happened is I permanently alienated myself from him❗️
Thomas Markle would have a lot more retirement money if he hadn't spoiled Megan. She should have her father in a flat on her property. Shame on her. It's so gross.
@robertworrall. What, I wonder, is the reason for Markle’s compulsive wickedness. It’s been like-long. She reminds me of the character Iago in Shakespeare’s Othello - a puzzle to everyone since he first appeared on stage. All we know is that he devoted himself to the secret destruction of other people’s happiness . Beyond all apparent reason.
The Traitor is far more dangerous than the Treacherous liar he has l like Tom Bower but he is wrong about King Charles he has never liked him his books say it King Charles is a brilliant King.
Maybe staying away from her father is best. The megsi he would see is not the one he raised. He would be sorely disappointed in her. He would be best to keep the memories than have to find out how she really is.
Poor man would have to be blind to not see what kind of person his daughter has turned out to be!! There is a stark lesson there for all of us - he treated her like a Princess and she grew up thinking [and insisting] she should always be treated as one!!
@@margaretfraser3023My mother's siblings don't know where my mother arrived at the idea she was the most important child in her family, when she was number 5 of 8 children. Her siblings now realise she has NPD.
Im sorry he created the narcissist. Spoilt her. Made her think she was special. Have you seen the footage of her behaving horribly at a kids party. Making it all about her. You have to pull your kids up when they start to behave like they are above others. Even Thomas knows he's screwed up by spoiling her. She never had to make her own luck, her own way. Through hard work and her own achievements. I even think he called her Princess as a kid, probably told her she was the most special, beautiful etc etc. A mistake, we are all equal.
@@margaretfraser3023 He must have known what she was like after glueing her classmates eyes closed oh he knew she should have been put into therapy then it might have helped her or not but at least he would have tried, We do not change as we get older . (all we do is get old,)
It was a Cash Deal already set up In England.......MM overplayed her hand and let's face it her Ego thought she could take down the RF of England 🏴 What an igeet 😂
Interesting how she has never made a move to challenge his verbal or written views in a British Court where the laws on slander or libel are very strict.
It saddens me the way this toxic couple have tried to bring down the Monarchy. I love the British Royal family but now absolutely despise Harry and Meghan.
@pamelakerr405. King Charles3 cousin, Christina Oxenbery, was quoted saying that the" RF treatment of Meghan Markle was treasonous." Kehinde Andrews was quoted saying that:"Racism is as British as a cup of tea. " The vitriol expressed against a couple that has left this place over 4 years ago is toxic. They seem to be living their lives and bringing light wherever they go.
Hazbeen has married someone who has no moral compass. She brought out the worst of him. She has too much of jealousy, greed, insecurities and has been living on lies. Too many skeletons in the closet that Hazbeen should have known before he married her. He married in rush and now he is trapped in this miserable and toxic marriage. Just look at the way she has treated her own father, extended family, friends, staff even abandoning her pet dog. She is willing to do anything, everything to get whatever she wants. It doesn’t matter whom she hurt as long it benefited her. She has no intention to invite her father from the get go. The only reason why she’s clinging on her mother because she is using race to her advantage and to excuse her appalling behaviour. She is not quiet, she loves Hazbeen and other people to do the dirty works for her. That’s how she play and manipulate and orchestrated the situation.
Look how she treated her ex husband Trevor she was nasty to him too .. she drove him to rock bottom then she dumped him over text message and sent her wedding ring back to him in the post in an envelope 😮...bet he was glad to get rid of her ..Trevor is happy now with a proper wife and family of his own.
Don't give Megan Farkle any outs. She is selfish and bad. The only thing she has is being pretty. And in 5 years that will start to go away. She should have taken this opportunity to work on the secret person of the heart , her character. She can not go back now. She has poisoned her reputation and image. Poisoned.
Karma is following Megan. She has almost been black listed from Hollywood which was her dream. Eventually she be shut out of every A Listers friendship. Thats Karma in itself. Does she understand that its her behaviour has done all this.
I think you mean crow's feet has been "white" listed from Hollywood - remember how upset she was at being "treated like a black woman" in the UK! The word "black" is like a red rag to a bull for chicken legs - marching in front of veterans? She's a head case!!!
She is jealous of Catherine's looks, grace and natural dignity. She is literally consumed with envy of anyone who is more highly evolved, better behaved and morally superior to herself.
She won't bring out her autobiography until her sick dad and sick sister have died. Then everyone that could sue her has disappeared. They're just waiting for that, biding their time.
Harry will probably do something similar when the King dies. After all he released Spare just a few months after the Late Queen died that blasted almost everyone in the Royal Family. Meghan, in my opinion , did not want the then Prince of Wales, Charles, escorting her down the last part of her walk down the aisle because it took away some of her limelight.
@@monicawarner4091Megatrash will use that lie as soon as that poor man dies to play the victim again. She's mentally disturbed and she needs to be in a mental facility to stop her hate and attacks on the families and Catherine before her rat squad does something that she's pushing them to do. Thomas Jr has said if something happens to him that people should know that she's behind it with her rat squad. He said his been harassed and threatened and being hacked to not allow him to speak his truth to defend his sick father and sister.
The Carparkels agenda “” You scratch my back I’ll scratch yours “” Then they get what they want and then it’s Bye Felicia!!!! THEY are USERS and ABUSERS 🥴🥴
Banish the thought that Meghan is not talking to her dad because she cannot forgive him for what he did. THERE IS NOTHING TO FORGIVE. The reason Meghan is not talking to her dad is that she is ASHAMED of him because he is not in the league of the rich royals (which means MOST MORTALS). She is not the type of person who will fight for her family or parents. This is how she treats the person who she owes her life. Imagine how she would treat anyone less.
Exactly , she' imagines she's above her father and her half siblings now she's managed to hook a dim prince , the photos was just a excuse to dump her father she's ashamed of , if I was him I'd be ashamed of her and how she's turned out her dad's better off without her , jumped up nobody that she is imo .
@@zoefree3950 If only the two previous husbands would reveal all. That would put an end to her lying & Cheating, surely H must now realise What she is! There must be something seriously wrong with H, to know that Andrew has has had her ( along with so many others) Where is his self respect?! What a dreadful thing to do to the RF. But, he has shown what a spiteful vindictive person he is. I hope he will get his comeuppance 😡
Honestly... Tom Bower unfortunately use his own opinion as facts... So I don't know if he is telling The truth or not... He will do anything to, talk bad about The Royal family... Just listen!!! The Royal family, was ignoring Thomas!!! He can't help himself.. If he can say something that puts King Charles in a bad light, he will do that!!!
Thomas Markle had a successful career! What has she to be ashamed of? He may not have much money now, but his worst problem is his vile, heartless daughter!
He shouldn't accept her back in his life if she tried, whether by phone, letter or visit. Thomas Markel's health is too fragile as much as he would want to. She's highly toxic and would only call, write or visit for attention because she's an extreme malignant narcissist and needs good publicity.
I wonder what she will do once he passes away ?. She had better not go to his Funeral,or, announce that he raped her , she could lie about anything about him, he definitely produced a Monster child when spoiling her too much !. Maybe a warning to All Parents of a child, DO NOT SPOIL YOUR OFFSPRING in any shape or form !.
@anneharton5013 I agree with you. Harry and Meghan thought that when they told Queen Elizabeth they are leaving the monarchy, especially Meghan was sure Queen Elizabeth was going to beg them to stay, and voila guess what? she said ok you can leave but you cannot longer be working royals, and felt pity for these 🤡🤡🥚🥚 by letting them keep their titles taking advantage of them for their personal gain.
You cannot know what HARRY thinks nor how he feels. HOW incredibly empathic of you toward Harry-a person who simply thinks the manipulator he married actually loves him! Were you that empathic toward his Mother's obvious confusion & pain?
Yes, you're spot on! I think he also believed that he'd keep the status of "internationally protected person" and all that came with it. That must have been a massive, and expensive, loss for him.
She made sure both sides of family were dumped as she didn’t want her truths revealed and now monarchy was Markled but she now realised how much she needs those titles
Thomas Markle Sr probably did TOO much for Rachel Markle and we are seeing it in her personality now. Dunno if Rachel is a good writer, as Tom Bower says. She throws out words, never ending, that don't make any sense.
She uses woke language to take the moral high ground. she was given a great deal of financial support and opportunities others could never achieve. She’s one mean and cruel woman. Sadly the Prince is emotionally and intellectually challenged, so he didn’t see the manipulating woman coming…
I almost agree with with Tom’s assessment of Meghan, but I do not agree that the Royal Family should have address her accusations. You don’t fight with a Narcissist as Meghan is. They look for fights and reactions, best way to defeat a narcissist is silence and ignorance. She ruined herself by those accusations , by giving her silence , she is defeated.
I've ALWAYS stood up for Harry, ALWAYS! HOWEVER, of late I've decided that he has ALLOWED that Markle woman to "wear the pants." He is a cowardly prince, which his mother NEVER WAS!! Harry... pack your bags and call it a moving day!!
I certainly wouldn't call the Princess of Wales' photo of her family "a tragedy" and "self-inflicted wound". Her photo editing is such a common practice and the press (especially AP) blew it all out of proportion.
@@Kis-met megh ... photoshopper with her illegal children who haven’t valid birth certificates... and christenings. Worst than a tragedy, it’s megh’s criminal lie
We are all in danger!! We must lock all our doors and have CCTV!!! We aren't safe at all!!! We must call all our family and friends, tell everyone on our streets to do the same!!! We must keep ourselves and all children safe!!! She's evil!!! We must call the police if she comes anywhere near us!!!
He’s lived his life that way. They say he was getting help, and he and William were mending their fences. Then Megan showed up, and he’s back where he began. He’s all anger and resentment and Megan is the match that started that fire up again.
Harry destroyed the relationship with Harry's family. He's an adult, who lived a gifted life. And wasn't capable of providing for himself without trading on the royal heritage.
I don't agree with Tom Bower that the Palace has handled H&M badly. At the time I thought they weren't doing enough either but their policy of 'Never complain, never explain' has proved successful and 'Recollections may vary' a brilliant phrase to use. They've come out of it as dignified and respected rather than sinking to the same level. Damage has been done and there are things the King should do that the late Queen didn't but so far their behaviour has worked well.
The Palace does not seem to think ahead. Way back-- When Prince Charles was dating Diana's older sister: Sarah Spencer granted an interview. Then Charles dumped her (btw: her personality was very completable with Charles' personality -- Her personality is very similar to Camilla's personality) You would think, after that, the Palace would have some sort of protocol for advising those women whom Charles had taken a liking to -- (more than 1, 2, 3 dates, etc.) The media is worse now than it was back in the 1970's. Also some sort of informational session regarding what is expected of a potential royal. THUS giving both A royal prince/princess and their somewhat "serious" girl/boy friends a graceful way to get out if the relationship does not progress. Also, this advice/aid should be given to the children of the other siblings and cousins/ niece/nephew of the PoW (or the monarch) such as (in the future) Lady Louise, James, Earl of Wessex, etc.. Even those on the margin of the BRF might be called upon to aid the sovereign.
Agree with you, @AlligatorWood!! Can't imagine the Palace stooping to their level. What would be the point? (Sure, TOW would love nothing better than a good roll in the muck, but everyone knows you don't mud wrestle a pig. Lol - the pig loves it and you both get dirty.)
She has overplayed her hand. She can put the deepest lies in a book and I would not believe her. I do not think most people would. She has shown herself to be a vile opportunist. The ironic thing is she has severed relationships especially with the royal family that she really needs for future success.
Give it up, Meghan's worked with that photographer before & after those pictures. She planned it. The Palace handled it as bedt they could with the furor that Meghan knew would happen. If the media had fone its due diligence & fact checked immediately, that would be blunted.
Agree 100% …. Lady C has explained this episode at length. The photographer made her father look bad… this was all planned. Meghan worked with the same photographer both before and after that episode!!!
Sorry to say, when Mr markel passes away, Megan will release her lies in her book accusing me markel of some abuse. I can't say what I think, but mark my words she will. That's her excuse for not wanting him at her wedding. King Charles gave plenty of money to Doria , Doria was quick to take his money. Her mother didn't pay towards her 32 million pounds wedding. At least princess Catherine parents gave towards her wedding which didn't cost as much as the money grabber. Fact
They hurt the prestige of the BRF.... Just as Diana did when she went on the warpath about Charles. There is a turning point as Meghan and Harry expose themselves!
@@maureenchallener1529 I am not worried about Meghan's or Harry's safety from others .... I am worried about Harry's mental state because of a form of Stockholm syndrome -- He stays with Meghan. In addition to abusing the BRF and her own family; she has abused Harry.
But they could have cut off the money. They gave them millions on their way out of the RF, besides what he got from Diana. He probably still gets money from them.
@@gusgrizzel8397 He’ll be getting money from American organizations/charities/wealthy people, with an agenda and who find a use for Harry. The RF won’t be assisting financially.
It’s interesting and very hypocritical of Harry and Meghan to ask, one can say demand, apology from the BRF, and yet not able to “forgive” Meghan’s father for what he’s done, which in my opinion nothing compared to what Meghan done.
Isn’t it refreshing to have a Guest on this show that ‘tells it like it is’, instead of of the usual sycophants they have on. ‘Oh William should make amends & get in touch with Harry”, or ‘Harry can’t help it, it’s ALL Megan’s fault’.
Harry is just a puppet, she pulls the strings, wears the trousers, controls him and calls the shots.. He was besotted with her when he first met her. She has put a spell on him!
Absolutely, Doria, the ex con attended that 'specular ' wedding and amongst celebrities who probably did not have a clue of Meghan. Meghan is full of s... When she said she did not knew about the royals.
I personally think they should have released Megan’s background check to the public and told Harry if he still intended to marry Megan that it would be at city hall.
She was mean to everyone. Cut infront of the Queen, to get in a car first. She was terriblep. An pushed sneaked in the Jewelry room an stole some jewelry. She wouldn't give it back.
A few years ago I read that Meghan's mother served time in prison for theft of very "high-end" jewelry where she worked. I haven't seen a word about since! Has anyone else read about that?
@@karenleavitt7241 Yes our heroine MM will face terrible torments with jealous actresses, cruel Directors and malicious members of the Royal family .It will just be one tear jerking encounter after another and hopefully it will be just as successful as her other literary endeavours.
@@annewalden3795 lol...and don'f forget how, every wealthy fabulous actor and director is so in love with her, and their wives are all jealous, and set out to destroy her career. Even Brad Pitt and Gal Gadot's husband cannot resist her mememe "charms". 🤭😝🤮🤮🤮
Mr. Thomas M. We wish you the Best. We don't hold nothing against you. Truely Unforgiveable what shes done. Please take care yourself. Hold your Headup. Ty for being a good Father❤ God Bless You Sir🙏🇺🇲
@@mickmchale1 Of course she doesn't know who I am!!! As a "Mature Adult" I don't waste LIFE being consumed with Hate and Racism towards 1 woman living in America 🇺🇸 who I have personally never met!!! Haters just want to Hate!!!🧟 Get the point, Sweetie???🙃🤓
Your wrong Tom, if the RF had rebutted the ridiculous claims, it would have continued into a whole gutter fight. Our late Queen had it exactly right, as always.
Given how insignificant they are there is a very large following of haters that can’t stop talking about them. You give them the very oxygen they need to thrive. Not very smart!
No, Thomas does not deserve any of the blame. No one helped him through the initial engagement/wedding scenarios. Harry never met his father-in-law before they were married. Megan could have cared less because she now had Doria. If you’re gonna feel sorry for somebody it is not Meghan Markle.
The Queen wanted them to help Thomas Snr and Meghan said no. The Queen couldn't understand why she wouldn't send help for her father and the royal family couldn't overstep their boundaries. Meghan is truly despicable for what she's done to her father.
@@marifeely1694Oh !! Do not tempt the devil ducks, one must stay politeeeee, know what I mean like. " Did you remember to put the rubbish out......" 😅😅😅
I find it funny that her dad talks about her and Markle takes offence but she can destroy other people and be happy about it.she is such a vile person.
The only things she’s achieved have been on her back. She has used men to crawl her way up from man to man, leaving a wide swathe of pain and destruction in her wake. Harry was a fool!
@@lorriemerrell5929She could only be an embarrassment as a caring human being & high achieving, kind women if she actually WAS any of these things - SHE'S NOT!!!🤷
Probably, I think she’ll use the contents as blackmail to make William let Hadnoballs keep his titles and one foot in the family albeit a distant foot.
The king Charles could claim the children and keep them in the United Kingdom. He could do it. That's why Megan would never leave the so called children come to the United Kingdom. Fact
@user-or4fe2sk3vBut not the press. They make money off of this. Until the money dries up for the press, they will be talked about. People still profit off Diana. Riddle me that.
I don’t agree with Tom Bower about how RF handled the H&M scandal. I think ‘recollections may vary’ was ver classy. Phillip was dying, the Queen very ill added to a world pandemic. circumstances dictated their response
Mm is a very evil person , just what she have down to her father Dorian was a very good techer to Mm because Dorian is a master of manipulation , she was and stil is just a user a claimer is that Doria did't have a good father like Mr Markle that support Mm , and eas avable to meet poor Unstable Harry . Those 2 women are a disgrace.
William & Catherine who are currently gping through a LOT (partly caused by sussex sugar VILE attacks) , will have to PAY THE PRICE for weak charles,' ^ LONG GAME" 😂😂😂
She wasn’t betrayed about the photos of Mr. Markle before the wedding. She set him up. It was her photographer that went to see him with the idea and he fell for it.
That's what is megan s dad wasn't attractive enough for her,, she was not going to look ordinary she was using anything she could make look good on her ,;she is evil
And yet when the queen cautioned her about speaking about dating Harry, when she was being interviewed by Vanity Fair, nope. It was for her well being, because the queen knew the press would be all over her. She didn't realize that was what she was after.
Yes when that was revealed I realized how cruel it was for a daughter to instigate this set-up. I remember thinking at the time how nasty it was of the daughter to tell her photographer to approach Mr Markle - the photographer was well aware what would happen. But Mr Markle was not aware how it would work out. The hurt that Mr Markle felt must have have been so heart breaking to realize he had been deliberately set up.
At last, I agree with Bower. Meghan's damage is everlasting. She has successfully created a barricade for anyone of her background (male/female) to be welcomed into UK and the Royal Family. The barndoor is sealed.
Becoming acclimated to becoming a royal is tough enough for anyone raised in the old-money upper class; let alone someone who comes from a "normal" middle class (or even upper-middle class) family.* *Even if that family is stable like Catherine Middleton's and Sophie Rhys-Jones's families. Diana had the pedigree, but not the stability of a loving home. Diana may also have had some sort of mental disorder (inherited) -- The Spencer's (De Spencer's) are known for their violent tempers (since medieval times). Both her father and paternal grandfather were abusive wife-beaters (it is rumored as is her brother) Depression/suicide runs in her mother's family. Meghan had neither the stability of a solid family life OR "old-money" class conscious, stiff-upper lip upbringing to restrain her behavior ("go along to get along" -- Conform! Is the norm in those circles)
I disagree, the future of any Royal Family is by marrying "commoners", as evidenced by Queen Mary of Denmark who hailed from Australia and our own Princes Edward and William. Money is not the issue here but previous National culture and general upbringing. It was Lady Colin Campbell who mused several years ago, " why didn't Harry not just marry a nice African girl from say Botswana etc" as there are plenty of educated African Royal girls who would have known both "Family values" instinctively and also how to "Behave in Public", and wouldn't have given us the grief Ms Markle has given us over the last 5+ years. The only barndoor to be sealed is a No.3 ever being allowed to marrying into the Royal Family.
Well, the RF had information on her, before they married. Certainly she was investigated, and they had to know about the yacht thing, knowing Andrew, and grifting, and they still let him marry her. They should have refused to pay for a wedding, too. It was their job to keep this stuff out of their family, and they just went along with it to be woke.
Tom Bower pegged the duo PERFECTLY. The worst is how Meghan treated and continues to treat her father. It is so cruel and heartless. I can't get over that. I will never be a fan.
The grifters are repugnant even worse than the Hitler loving king Edward VIII, who was known as a traitor, at least they lived their privileged lives and left the RF alone, pretty much anyway.
🇬🇧 Apparently, the Palace offered to help with her Father prior to the wedding, but apparently, the Palace offered to help, but meghan said that she was sorting it out .
She had something to hide and destroyed her father in the process of harboring her dark secrets.. Example: if someone were to bring up the concept of having children..?? Oh Megan had a hysterectomy at 28.. information about past relationships?? … these things would have destroyed her grand plans..
Like Harry mentioning the first flight class flight she'd booked and paid for, for her dad. The airline he specified said they don't even offer a first class flight from/to the locations Harry said. Meghan probably told Harry she had got dad a ticket but she was lying. Like usual.
Megan is where she is today because of her father … yet she completely trashed him and set him up so he couldn’t make it to the wedding… it was normal for Megan because she was 40+ years old.. 3 times divorced… so she was an expert who didn’t care about her family… she set Thomas up with that photographer.. she also tried to set Thomas up again with the backgridd guy .. Megan the dial a pap …as long as Megan and doria secured their meal ticket 🤣
She hasn’t said anything bad about him 😂 she only asked that he stop talking to the press. Even in the documentary she didn’t say anything bad about him. She called and he never answered.
@@Maraquinn lies … lies .. lies … she is the one who set him up with the photographer…. What Megan accused her father of doing… she’s done to everyone else….
He’s a great guest - so measured and balanced in his opinions. I’m so enjoying his book. I’ll be reading the others when I finish this one. He has keen insightful observations based on solid research as well as his own intellectual analysis where it’s clear he understands people and their behaviour without bias and hype. I hope to hear more from Tom. He’s got a keen mind and knows what he’s talking about. Knows the truth and sees through the subterfuge - I mean about all the RF and other public high profile people. I’m def a fan - as if it’s not obvious ;)
Mother in law, Meg and Harry are three of a kind
All in it for the money, period!!!!!
I have really high appreciation to the Royal Family not reacting to all of Meghan's lies except for the famous "Recollections may vary". By not reacting they did not let Meghan drag them into her mud.
There already in deep themselves
Exactly they did the right thing Tom was wrong saying they should have retaliated they have been quiet.y dignified that was the best way to go ..always.
Always, just as you said, @@margueritahancock5472
@@RikkiKupperman Exactly! The Royals got great advice and took it...unlike Harry! That's what narcs want! They attack hoping you will attack back so they can then look like the victim. It is called reactive abuse.
A agent of poison is so accurate name for MM. I totally agree! MM is all for herself no matter what she does. “What’s in it for me?” is all she breathe and live on.
Yes, perfectly stated!
She can't understand normal thinking...
How she can ghost her own father who was very good to her is atrocious to me.
Thomas Markle Jnr said that MM demanded her father cut all ties to him and to Samantha, her half-sister, or he would not be invited to the wedding. Tom Snr refused to cut off his other children, so MM just cut him completely out of her life. Poor man. He couldn't win whatever he did.
It’s evil
I believe she did that because she couldn’t afford for Harry to meet him and discover what a cheap gold digger she is.
@janetdelarosa2472 i agree 100 percent
The palace saw right through her. Meghan markle is diabolical
Meghan hasn't been quiet, who do you think puts out all those puff pieces?
She is not supposed to live her life?
@@coyoluo She can go live her life we don't care just tell her to go away and live quietly away from everyone so her spite doesn't affect another human being
@@paulinetill1043 Go away where, does she contact you on a regular basis that you want her to be quiet?
@coyoluo She's despised worldwide.. No come back from that.. & she can thank her sewer squatters for that.
@@coyoluo FGS wake up. You're as ignorant as Megs is!
The RF are now doing very well without the toxic Harkles.
In fact I think they are more better now..more people love the royals now
What lens are u watching thur their is Happy loving life after being royals no weapons form against Harry and Megan wii prosper their positions are available pls apply karma doesn't loose your address UK media and royals are some solicit opinionated arrogant fools
@@jackiegage7088keep dreaming your nightmares will be over soon
A sugar?
While maniac Meg instigated her husband to disassociate with his family...the issues that Hazbeen documented in his book were his words. He had built up such resentment as was apparent in his book. He is equal to blame.
Yes the maid said meghaliar was following the author around trying to get him to write what she wanted
Don't get me wrong Harry must take his share of the blame but I think that from the off set Meghan played on all Harry's mental health issues and fears and worked on them until she got Harry so worked up he blew things all out of proportion.
That was exactly what she had planned, first she thought she could just walk into the Royal Family and be the Queen, when she realised that wasn't going to happen, she thought she would destroy the Royal Family and use Harry to do it.
Most of what was in the book was the version that Meghan had convinced Harry was they way things happpened.
I think Harry is seriously mentally ill and nearing a crisis, I think he finally realises what he has lost, his family, his country and his friends, he has lost everything, he knows there is no way back if it includes her.
@@cindyfaulkner5725 Harry is worse than his loathsome wife.
@@cindyfaulkner5725 I agree with this assessment of the situation, however I’m not sure she had a mind to destroy the RF. Seeing them squirm, getting money off them, using them for power perhaps, but with no RF there would be no title and the title is essential to her.
I think she is setting Harry up for a fall, and encouraged him to include things in the book which damage him and which she can use later. Not sure how that will pan out though as everyone knows she is a liar.
I think people now see this couple for what they are, in my opinion the RF have gone up in people’s esteem for not responding to this tantrum.
Their popularity has grown across we small commonwealth countries 💕🇳🇿
There's nothing to say really. Meghan has no manners. It's embarrassing.
They hadled that with class!
I agree. It’s also brought new fans to TRF from around the world and outside of the commonwealth. I’m American and have followed TRF and the history of the British monarchy all of my life.
The way TRF handled Meghan’s BS w/ “recollections may vary” was so badass. Meghan hoped to tear that institution down but she had the opposite effect-she drew attention to the beauty and grace of Princess Catherine and everyone loves her. ❤
It’s been said the Late Queen asked Meghan to send help to Thomas etc but she said NO, she had no intention of the Markle family being there, he simply fell into her trap & the late Queen asked many time even to get him medical help after the wedding & she still said NO !
The queen told her to write him a note. She did and he gave it to the press. I don’t blame her for not trusting him or allowing access to her kids. He keeps selling himself for money from media outlets that hate her daily.
The Royal Family could only get involved with Meghan's Father/Family, as far as Harry and Meghan would allow! They couldn't bypass the 2 of them or there again that would have added even More fuel to Her sense of Control!! She must keep a tight grip of control on everything/everyone around her!
What a disgusting daughter you had MR Markle just forget her shes evil🎉@@ajune583
Yes, I read that and that The late Queen just could not understand why she wouldn't help her Father.
My narcissistic father never had anything to do with his mother, then Wife 2 realised that maybe I was a bit close to my Grandmother and was informed that it wasn't my right to contact her, I had never stopped my involvement in her life, they made my Grandmother laugh at their behaviour, even forgetting that my grandmother had 5 other children and off course another 20 grandchildren who most were adults by that time!!!
Meghan believes she is the most important person in her father's life.
Meghan was not “here” in the RF for three years. She bolted 18 months after her wedding.
Exactly she can only tell twisted versions of what Harry has told her 😂
She couldn't do the job.
@El.Cid17 So true. It is a demanding job which removes a lot of personal choices in exchange for duty. Catherine is perfect in the role, Meghan doesn't have the moral fibre.
And she had 6 months maternity leave during that period. That means she worked for a year.
6 months of which she was on maternity leave.
Harry has ALLOWED Meghan to destroy all his relationships. That is one of his biggest character flaws.
The first danger sign of things to come, was how she alienated all his childhood friends.
Totally agree !!!
yes that is true but he must have wanted to go a long with what rachel wanted he must be madly in love or she as put a spell on him or Doria ❤️🇬🇧
Which relations? Step mom and dad,? Or busy brother and Kate,? You can't desert your wife for childhood friends. Meghan got cold welcome. All negative stories were planted about her to tarnish her image like Sara Ferguson and andrew before her
Agree! My Ex-husband tried to alienate me from my family and friends. I DID NOT LET THAT HAPPEN! What happened is I permanently alienated myself from him❗️
Thomas Markle would have a lot more retirement money if he hadn't spoiled Megan. She should have her father in a flat on her property. Shame on her. It's so gross.
I sure wouldn’t want her taking care of me!!!
You couldn't be more right! Despicable
Meghan has not been quiet, who do you think puts out all those puff pieces, Meghan. She never shuts up!
You are the one who needs to keep your mouth closed about person you never meet.
Exactly. She is driven by the desperate need get attention. It's pathological and she should seek some treatment.l
@@sandiehollis5138 you know it is called freedom of speech and my own personal opinion! So stuff it!
@@sandiehollis5138 Why don't you keep YOUR mouth shut! She's allowed to give her opinion.
the RF is fine ..the majority of people KNOW what harry and meghan are ...
Agent of lies , poison , hate and envy
She’s an evil witch!
Dang what a video title! The Sun are not playing around recently. I love it! 👏 👏 👏 She certainly is!
Demon Spawn , both of them .
@@borysko3826 do you?
@@borysko3826that has been Meghan since she came on the scene.
Extremely dangerous
@robertworrall. What, I wonder, is the reason for Markle’s compulsive wickedness. It’s been like-long. She reminds me of the character Iago in Shakespeare’s Othello - a puzzle to everyone since he first appeared on stage. All we know is that he devoted himself to the secret destruction of other people’s happiness . Beyond all apparent reason.
Abd what evil did she do to you just shut up mind your own business,get off your band wagon ,fool ?n@@rr1163
The Traitor is far more dangerous than the Treacherous liar he has l like Tom Bower but he is wrong about King Charles he has never liked him his books say it King Charles is a brilliant King.
I agree! I wouldn't be surprised if she murdered Harry for publicity!
Maybe staying away from her father is best. The megsi he would see is not the one he raised. He would be sorely disappointed in her. He would be best to keep the memories than have to find out how she really is.
Yes as Haznobrains mother would be disappointed as well. ❤
Poor man would have to be blind to not see what kind of person his daughter has turned out to be!! There is a stark lesson there for all of us - he treated her like a Princess and she grew up thinking [and insisting] she should always be treated as one!!
@@margaretfraser3023My mother's siblings don't know where my mother arrived at the idea she was the most important child in her family, when she was number 5 of 8 children. Her siblings now realise she has NPD.
Im sorry he created the narcissist. Spoilt her. Made her think she was special. Have you seen the footage of her behaving horribly at a kids party. Making it all about her. You have to pull your kids up when they start to behave like they are above others. Even Thomas knows he's screwed up by spoiling her. She never had to make her own luck, her own way. Through hard work and her own achievements. I even think he called her Princess as a kid, probably told her she was the most special, beautiful etc etc. A mistake, we are all equal.
He must have known what she was like after glueing her classmates eyes closed oh he knew she should have been put into therapy then it might have helped her or not but at least he would have tried, We do not change as we get older .
(all we do is get old,)
She wanted fame but got notoriety
She just thrives on anything 🤮💩
She wanted fame and received hatred due to her evil shallow soul.
Shes got infamy
The Winfrey interview showed the world how bad a journalist she is. No fact check at all. How lazy Mr. Winfrey is. Cannot understand her success.
Wintered was never a journalist!! Girls school south africa!! Hawaii fires , Harvey W!! And the list goes on!!!
There was no fact checking done because it was a set up job! Collusion between the interviewer and the subject!
Maybe ask Weinstein who has been in jail since !
It was a Cash Deal already set up
In England.......MM overplayed her hand and let's face it her Ego thought she could take down the RF of England 🏴
What an igeet 😂
Oprah is evil. Just like her friends.
Love hearing Tom Bower speaking the truth about those two, especially Megain. His words should be front page on all the papers.
Liars go to HELL, remember that!
@@titabsierras Rachel is already there. There is a reason everything fails what she does.
@@titabsierraswhere they will certainly see Harry and MeAgainMarkle
So true Tom. I wouldn't be surprised if she killed Harry.
@a.lovell2141 Well said.
This Tom Bower certainly has the measure of Meghan Markle
Interesting how she has never made a move to challenge his verbal or written views in a British Court where the laws on slander or libel are very strict.
@@stuartmccall5474it’s because he only prints the truth. No one can sue him for telling the truth
Bower is a barrister.
@@sergioalmasy8722 Thank you, I am well aware of that
It saddens me the way this toxic couple have tried to bring down the Monarchy. I love the British Royal family but now absolutely despise Harry and Meghan.
Harry and Meghan arent part if the royal family. They are outcasts
@pamelakerr405. King Charles3 cousin, Christina Oxenbery, was quoted saying that the" RF treatment of Meghan Markle was treasonous." Kehinde Andrews was quoted saying that:"Racism is as British as a cup of tea. " The vitriol expressed against a couple that has left this place over 4 years ago is toxic. They seem to be living their lives and bringing light wherever they go.
@@rhondacollier9869Well Said 👏👏👏👏
@@rhondacollier9869very true.
Hazbeen has married someone who has no moral compass. She brought out the worst of him.
She has too much of jealousy, greed, insecurities and has been living on lies. Too many skeletons in the closet that Hazbeen should have known before he married her. He married in rush and now he is trapped in this miserable and toxic marriage.
Just look at the way she has treated her own father, extended family, friends, staff even abandoning her pet dog. She is willing to do anything, everything to get whatever she wants. It doesn’t matter whom she hurt as long it benefited her.
She has no intention to invite her father from the get go. The only reason why she’s clinging on her mother because she is using race to her advantage and to excuse her appalling behaviour. She is not quiet, she loves Hazbeen and other people to do the dirty works for her. That’s how she play and manipulate and orchestrated the situation.
Look how she treated her ex husband Trevor she was nasty to him too .. she drove him to rock bottom then she dumped him over text message and sent her wedding ring back to him in the post in an envelope 😮...bet he was glad to get rid of her ..Trevor is happy now with a proper wife and family of his own.
Spot on!!!👏👏👏👏
Don't give Megan Farkle any outs. She is selfish and bad. The only thing she has is being pretty. And in 5 years that will start to go away. She should have taken this opportunity to work on the secret person of the heart , her character. She can not go back now. She has poisoned her reputation and image. Poisoned.
She isn't pretty, beauty starts from within. She is definitely poisonous throughout.
Karma is following Megan. She has almost been black listed from Hollywood which was her dream. Eventually she be shut out of every A Listers friendship. Thats Karma in itself. Does she understand that its her behaviour has done all this.
I think you mean crow's feet has been "white" listed from Hollywood - remember how upset she was at being "treated like a black woman" in the UK! The word "black" is like a red rag to a bull for chicken legs - marching in front of veterans? She's a head case!!!
It's very hot and dark where Meghan is going to in the end. What a horrible and evil person she is.
Yes, all the RF need do is watch. 😊
Probably Not !
She is jealous of Catherine's looks, grace and natural dignity. She is literally consumed with envy of anyone who is more highly evolved, better behaved and morally superior to herself.
Thats a lot of people
Which is to say nearly everyone.
Yes she can not over shadow our Catharine NEVER NEVER NEVER ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
@@KarenG.-qs7wc That is a matter of taste
She won't bring out her autobiography until her sick dad and sick sister have died. Then everyone that could sue her has disappeared. They're just waiting for that, biding their time.
When Tom passes, I think she'll accuse him of s**ually abusing her when she was a child. He won't be here to fight back. 😢
@monicawashe already tried!! Check out lady C..rner4091
Harry will probably do something similar when the King dies. After all he released Spare just a few months after the Late Queen died that blasted almost everyone in the Royal Family. Meghan, in my opinion , did not want the then Prince of Wales, Charles, escorting her down the last part of her walk down the aisle because it took away some of her limelight.
@@monicawarner4091Megatrash will use that lie as soon as that poor man dies to play the victim again. She's mentally disturbed and she needs to be in a mental facility to stop her hate and attacks on the families and Catherine before her rat squad does something that she's pushing them to do. Thomas Jr has said if something happens to him that people should know that she's behind it with her rat squad. He said his been harassed and threatened and being hacked to not allow him to speak his truth to defend his sick father and sister.
@@monicawarner4091 That's exactly what I'm thinking and expecting
God save the king,I will never forgive them for the way they treated my Queen 😢
They did not say a word about the Queen other than she was kind to them. But sending them away was her choice. Harry had to protect his family.
What a fantastic life Harry could have had. It’s a complete waste
Caused by Rachel Ragland
So true! If only he could have met the right woman.
@@sandyhesse4698The 'right' woman...Chelsy... didn't want to marry him.
He couldn't have chosen a worse wife. Vile woman
He couldn't have picked a worst wife. She is vile
AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOM BOWER IS ABSOLUTELY CORRECT ABOUT BOTH OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Carparkels agenda “” You scratch my back I’ll scratch yours “” Then they get what they want and then it’s Bye Felicia!!!! THEY are USERS and ABUSERS 🥴🥴
But "Demanding money" is not nice.
Spot on
That's up for debate - insulted pat Tillmans Mum , John Travolta , and many others , male and female .
In my opinion, the Harkles will never stop gaslighting and grifting
Banish the thought that Meghan is not talking to her dad because she cannot forgive him for what he did. THERE IS NOTHING TO FORGIVE. The reason Meghan is not talking to her dad is that she is ASHAMED of him because he is not in the league of the rich royals (which means MOST MORTALS). She is not the type of person who will fight for her family or parents. This is how she treats the person who she owes her life. Imagine how she would treat anyone less.
we can see how she treats harry let’s hope one day he will wake up and see the light ❤️🇬🇧
I’m X
There's a go fund me for Thomas' birthday to help raise money for his medical bills.
I couldn't have said it better! Well done!
Exactly , she' imagines she's above her father and her half siblings now she's managed to hook a dim prince , the photos was just a excuse to dump her father she's ashamed of , if I was him I'd be ashamed of her and how she's turned out her dad's better off without her , jumped up nobody that she is imo .
Let’s not forget her ex Trevor, she literally posted the ring back…she used him then threw him away when she’d got what she wanted from him 🤷♀️
Don't leave out she took out the real diamonds before she sent the rings back
@@zoefree3950 If only the two previous husbands would reveal all.
That would put an end to her lying &
Cheating, surely H must now realise
What she is! There must be something seriously wrong with H, to know that Andrew has has had her ( along with so many others) Where is his self respect?! What a dreadful thing to do to the RF. But, he has shown what a spiteful vindictive person he is.
I hope he will get his comeuppance 😡
@@gloglo121ist das wirklich wahr ??? Oh mein Gott 😮
He's caring for their daughter. Megan didn't want her own child with him. Good thing.
Meghan is a good writer???!!!! Her words salad is more that embarrassment is a slap on her face!!!!
I would refer to her as being infamous, Not, definitely not "Famous".
At last! A gentleman telling it like it is! Truths of the grifting menace duo: the "Harkles" revealed.
Tom Bower unfortunately use his own opinion as facts...
So I don't know if he is telling The truth or not...
He will do anything to, talk bad about The Royal family...
Just listen!!!
The Royal family, was ignoring Thomas!!!
He can't help himself..
If he can say something that puts King Charles in a bad light, he will do that!!!
Thomas Markle had a successful career! What has she to be ashamed of? He may not have much money now, but his worst problem is his vile, heartless daughter!
He shouldn't accept her back in his life if she tried, whether by phone, letter or visit. Thomas Markel's health is too fragile as much as he would want to.
She's highly toxic and would only call, write or visit for attention because she's an extreme malignant narcissist and needs good publicity.
And he's loved, respected for his work and friendship in the Hollywood lighting world
And his truly awful ex wife, Doris.
Her father was far more successful than those two lying failures
I wonder what she will do once he passes away ?. She had better not go to his Funeral,or, announce that he raped her , she could lie about anything about him, he definitely produced a Monster child when spoiling her too much !. Maybe a warning to All Parents of a child, DO NOT SPOIL YOUR OFFSPRING in any shape or form !.
Harry left, thinking that his family will run after him and pacify him. Not anymore. He crossed the line.
I agree. With you...
@anneharton5013 I agree with you. Harry and Meghan thought that when they told Queen Elizabeth they are leaving the monarchy, especially Meghan was sure Queen Elizabeth was going to beg them to stay, and voila guess what? she said ok you can leave but you cannot longer be working royals, and felt pity for these 🤡🤡🥚🥚 by letting them keep their titles taking advantage of them for their personal gain.
You cannot know what HARRY thinks nor how he feels. HOW incredibly empathic of you toward Harry-a person who simply thinks the manipulator he married actually loves him! Were you that empathic toward his Mother's obvious confusion & pain?
Yes, you're spot on! I think he also believed that he'd keep the status of "internationally protected person" and all that came with it. That must have been a massive, and expensive, loss for him.
Tom Bower is the ultimate expert! Bravo!
She made sure both sides of family were dumped as she didn’t want her truths revealed and now monarchy was Markled but she now realised how much she needs those titles
Well said
That sounds like that's the way you are about your own family too
Grow up, Megan. @@BeautifullyMixed72
She didnt want anyone in the way
Thomas Markle Sr probably did TOO much for Rachel Markle and we are seeing it in her personality now. Dunno if Rachel is a good writer, as Tom Bower says. She throws out words, never ending, that don't make any sense.
Yep. I thought that too!
She uses woke language to take the moral high ground. she was given a great deal of financial support and opportunities others could never achieve. She’s one mean and cruel woman. Sadly the Prince is emotionally and intellectually challenged, so he didn’t see the manipulating woman coming…
yep agree shes a spoilt brat
She reminds me of Kamala Harris. Lots of words with no meaning.
I believe you are correct. Harry was raised poorly, as well He was never disciplined and is why he is such a man-baby
I almost agree with with Tom’s assessment of Meghan, but I do not agree that the Royal Family should have address her accusations. You don’t fight with a Narcissist as Meghan is. They look for fights and reactions, best way to defeat a narcissist is silence
and ignorance.
She ruined herself by those accusations , by giving her silence , she is defeated.
Very true!
I've ALWAYS stood up for Harry, ALWAYS! HOWEVER, of late I've decided that he has ALLOWED that Markle woman to "wear the pants." He is a cowardly prince, which his mother NEVER WAS!! Harry... pack your bags and call it a moving day!!
I certainly wouldn't call the Princess of Wales' photo of her family "a tragedy" and "self-inflicted wound". Her photo editing is such a common practice and the press (especially AP) blew it all out of proportion.
I thought it was done so that those two twonks couldn’t photoshop anymore of their photo’s..
@@Kis-met megh ... photoshopper with her illegal children who haven’t valid birth certificates... and christenings. Worst than a tragedy, it’s megh’s criminal lie
I completely agree, Bowers is divisive!
@@carolball5764 If that were the case, somebody ought to tell whoever keeps giving Henry a full head of hair.
The Wales’ handled the situation well by no longer releasing photos to the press first, but now post on social media. Natural consequences.
Tom Bower spittin' straight facts
Oh but is he?? I think he’s being mischievous about the Royal Family!
@@NessieTHe's spot on about Nutmeg and Hazbeen. And yes the RF could have done something for Mr. Markle Sr.
I'd go so far as to call her evil. What adult bullies a 3 year old.....?
Much wed and much divorced and then that Bloody white wedding gown, Bad omen and indeed they said "It wont end well"
We are all in danger!! We must lock all our doors and have CCTV!!! We aren't safe at all!!! We must call all our family and friends, tell everyone on our streets to do the same!!! We must keep ourselves and all children safe!!! She's evil!!! We must call the police if she comes anywhere near us!!!
A narcissist
@@meilingflesa8140 meiling, lock your doors!!!! And tell everyone you know to do the same.. We're all in danger!!!!
They dont like England yet wont give up their titles and uses the titles..pair of them make me sick
Harry behaves like he was never taught any manners or educated.
Well Wallace it looks like they took my answer off before I could finish. It all.
Is he educated?
He was Educated but he never Learn’t anything
because he was never
Very Intelligent.
Some People never
Learn in Life and Harry
Is one of them.
He’s lived his life that way. They say he was getting help, and he and William were mending their fences. Then Megan showed up, and he’s back where he began. He’s all anger and resentment and Megan is the match that started that fire up again.
He is just a petty. jealous, greedy little man child. If the children are real they are to be pittied.
Harry destroyed the relationship with Harry's family. He's an adult, who lived a gifted life. And wasn't capable of providing for himself without trading on the royal heritage.
I disagree with Tom Bower, the royal did the right thing by not responding, they let them dig their own grave
Exactly! The Royal policy of no comment is brilliant in my view.
👌Never wrestle with a pig.
The narcisists want attention ! She doesn't like the silence of the Royal Family !
I completely agree with you, Eileen! ♥️🇺🇲
IMO the biggest bomb against the devious duo is when they UNCOVER the "legitimacy" of those 2 children under Royal Rules.
I totally agree with you 💯 per cent ❤
Meghan is not a good writer. It’s all word salad.
Him saying that will only encourage her to pen a book of lies,TOM SHUTUP
Fooling the gullible.
Exactly. Good writer? What are you talking about ?
She reminds me of Kamela Harris in that respect. Wordsalad indeed 👍
she steals the contents all the time
I don't agree with Tom Bower that the Palace has handled H&M badly. At the time I thought they weren't doing enough either but their policy of 'Never complain, never explain' has proved successful and 'Recollections may vary' a brilliant phrase to use. They've come out of it as dignified and respected rather than sinking to the same level. Damage has been done and there are things the King should do that the late Queen didn't but so far their behaviour has worked well.
Totally agree with you. My exact thoughts when I was listening to Tom Bower. He has always been critical of the Palace. Thank you for saying this.
The Palace does not seem
to think ahead. Way back--
When Prince Charles was
dating Diana's older sister:
Sarah Spencer granted an
interview. Then Charles
dumped her (btw: her
personality was very
completable with Charles'
personality -- Her
personality is very similar
to Camilla's personality)
You would think, after that,
the Palace would have
some sort of protocol
for advising those women
whom Charles had taken
a liking to -- (more than
1, 2, 3 dates, etc.) The
media is worse now than
it was back in the 1970's.
Also some sort of
informational session
regarding what is
expected of a potential
royal. THUS giving both
A royal prince/princess
and their somewhat
"serious" girl/boy friends
a graceful way to get
out if the relationship
does not progress.
Also, this advice/aid
should be given to the
children of the other
siblings and cousins/
niece/nephew of the
PoW (or the monarch)
such as (in the future)
Lady Louise, James,
Earl of Wessex, etc..
Even those on the margin
of the BRF might be
called upon to aid the
Agree with you, @AlligatorWood!! Can't imagine the Palace stooping to their level. What would be the point? (Sure, TOW would love nothing better than a good roll in the muck, but everyone knows you don't mud wrestle a pig. Lol - the pig loves it and you both get dirty.)
Never wrestle with a pig.
Good comment, I agree 100%
She can write her book, but their credibility has been tarnished.
Has she ever been credible?
She has overplayed her hand. She can put the deepest lies in a book and I would not believe her. I do not think most people would. She has shown herself to be a vile opportunist. The ironic thing is she has severed relationships especially with the royal family that she really needs for future success.
No one in their right mind would believe anything she claims in a book. She's a proven liar
I agree rj, who on earth would believe a word she says!
I believe she already tried shopping something around but no publishers wanted anything to do with it.
This couple should be STRIPPED OUT of their TITLES and any FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE !!!
And stripped out of history to live as the nonentities they are.
Don’t forget, Megan is a self made black woman. She was rich before she even met Harry classy lady
@@lalethiawilliams689 yes 6 k
@lalethiawilliams689 really I don't care nothing about Harry and Megan ...are none rest Royal. Family. Sense Queen pass
Give it up, Meghan's worked with that photographer before & after those pictures. She planned it. The Palace handled it as bedt they could with the furor that Meghan knew would happen. If the media had fone its due diligence & fact checked immediately, that would be blunted.
100% agree with you. She planned her Father’s downfall she is despicable
I think the same.
She planned everything so can it fit in the black woman narrative.
@@jbabble The way you plan your father's
Agree 100% …. Lady C has explained this episode at length. The photographer made her father look bad… this was all planned. Meghan worked with the same photographer both before and after that episode!!!
Sorry to say, when Mr markel passes away, Megan will release her lies in her book accusing me markel of some abuse. I can't say what I think, but mark my words she will. That's her excuse for not wanting him at her wedding. King Charles gave plenty of money to Doria , Doria was quick to take his money. Her mother didn't pay towards her 32 million pounds wedding. At least princess Catherine parents gave towards her wedding which didn't cost as much as the money grabber. Fact
Tom gived Harry and Meghan to much credit
They have damage then selfs not the royal family.
I’m worried for there safety
They hurt the prestige
of the BRF.... Just as
Diana did when she
went on the warpath
about Charles.
There is a turning point
as Meghan and Harry
expose themselves!
I am not worried about
Meghan's or Harry's safety
from others ....
I am worried about Harry's
mental state because of
a form of Stockholm
syndrome -- He stays with
Meghan. In addition to
abusing the BRF and her
own family; she has
abused Harry.
@@maureenchallener1529 Haznobrains and his handler have made their bed, they can lie in it!
I don’t think the RF should get into a media war with the Harkles
They have wisely never crawled into the mudpit with her
The RF have better things to do then waste their valuable time with a media war 🥴🥴
But they could have cut off the money. They gave them millions on their way out of the RF, besides what he got from Diana. He probably still gets money from them.
The RF has done the one thing markle hates as narcissist. IGNORES HER. Giving her own treatment back to her
@@gusgrizzel8397 He’ll be getting money from American organizations/charities/wealthy people, with an agenda and who find a use for Harry. The RF won’t be assisting financially.
It’s interesting and very hypocritical of Harry and Meghan to ask, one can say demand, apology from the BRF, and yet not able to “forgive” Meghan’s father for what he’s done, which in my opinion nothing compared to what Meghan done.
Migan is heartless and Harry doesnt have a clue.
He is malicious
Isn’t it refreshing to have a Guest on this show that ‘tells it like it is’, instead of of the usual sycophants they have on. ‘Oh William should make amends & get in touch with Harry”, or ‘Harry can’t help it, it’s ALL Megan’s fault’.
Worse than clueless!
Harry is just a puppet, she pulls the strings, wears the trousers, controls him and calls the shots.. He was besotted with her when he first met her. She has put a spell on him!
They both are absolutely despised in the US with few exceptions!
And in England esp by me
And agreed from usa
They aren’t welcome in Canada, either.
King never abandoned Harry. Harry went away.
He,threw him out. He didnt stop him leaving . He didn't reassure him. He pushed Harry put
Henry was and still brainwashed...
Absolutely, Doria, the ex con attended that 'specular ' wedding and amongst celebrities who probably did not have a clue of Meghan. Meghan is full of s... When she said she did not knew about the royals.
How can one marry and not meet the inlaws? Did Megnuts missed Ben Stiller's classic movie, 'Meet the Parents'?
@@induchopra3014 big grown-up boy needed reassurance - smh
I thoroughly enjoyed this program!! Great job to everyone involved !!❤️❤️
I personally think they should have released Megan’s background check to the public and told Harry if he still intended to marry Megan that it would be at city hall.
I love it when you have Tom Bower as a guest. He is a straight shooter and doesnt spout the sycophantic nonsense of so many other royal commentators.
Well, He was a barrister!!!!!!!!
She was mean to everyone. Cut infront of the Queen, to get in a car first. She was terriblep. An pushed sneaked in the Jewelry room an stole some jewelry. She wouldn't give it back.
A few years ago I read that Meghan's mother served time in prison for theft of very "high-end" jewelry where she worked. I haven't seen a word about since! Has anyone else read about that?
Poop o p pop @@patriciaberry8936
If she is penning an autobiography, NO ONE WILL BELIEVE A WORD SHE SAYS!
Except her karen sugars😂 Naturally, they see a LOT of themselves in meghan.🤭
@@karenleavitt7241 Yes our heroine MM will face terrible torments with jealous actresses, cruel Directors and malicious members of the Royal family .It will just be one tear jerking encounter after another and hopefully it will be just as successful as her other literary endeavours.
@@annewalden3795 lol...and don'f forget how, every wealthy fabulous actor and director is so in love with her, and their wives are all jealous, and set out to destroy her career. Even Brad Pitt and Gal Gadot's husband cannot resist her mememe "charms". 🤭😝🤮🤮🤮
No, not one person will believe it. She's a total fraud and Harry is a big dumbell.
@@karenleavitt7241 It would be full of self praise 🥱
Mr. Thomas M.
We wish you the Best. We don't hold nothing against you. Truely Unforgiveable what shes done.
Please take care yourself. Hold your Headup. Ty for being a good Father❤ God Bless You Sir🙏🇺🇲
My sentiments exactly.
I couldn’t agree more! This woman is beyond contempt.
@@ednasalseira123 Meghan doesn't know who you are, and she definitely doesn't care what you think or say!!!🙃🙃🤓
@@Stella-bw9fm Does she know who you are??? I bet my bottom dollar she sure does. Does she care what you have to post? Oh, Yes !!!
@@mickmchale1 Of course she doesn't know who I am!!!
As a "Mature Adult" I don't waste LIFE being consumed with Hate and Racism towards 1 woman living in America 🇺🇸
who I have personally never met!!!
Haters just want to Hate!!!🧟
Get the point, Sweetie???🙃🤓
Thank you!@@Stella-bw9fm
@Stella-bThats exactly what you didw9fm
Your wrong Tom, if the RF had rebutted the ridiculous claims, it would have continued into a whole gutter fight. Our late Queen had it exactly right, as always.
You are correct! They did not deserve any acknowledgement of their lies.
Agree 100%
The Queen, summed Megan up perfectly when she called her evil. I don’t think Megan is capable of loving any body except herself.
The Nigeria visit just highlighted how tacky and inadequate they are..and showed how little they could bring to the Royal Family
It was blantant show of how they arent royalty amd they need to grow up
And WONDERFUL that those strong Nigerian women have called out MMs inappropriate behaviour and dressing.
When Meg wandered around in her underwear.
Given how insignificant they are there is a very large following of haters that can’t stop talking about them. You give them the very oxygen they need to thrive. Not very smart!
@@sandyno1089looking for gifts!!
King Charles has such emotional depth, and I love that. He has grown and changed and deserves recognition. Thank you Mr Bower, for doing that.
King Charles has not changed at all. He has alwa6s been a lovely man.
No, Thomas does not deserve any of the blame. No one helped him through the initial engagement/wedding scenarios. Harry never met his father-in-law before they were married. Megan could have cared less because she now had Doria. If you’re gonna feel sorry for somebody it is not Meghan Markle.
And nobody knows the BS sob stories she probably told the Royal Family about her dad/family. She is a manipulative liar.
And the only reason Doria was pulled out of the box was to give her a Get Out of Jail Free Race Card.
Harry should have insisted he met Meghans Father.
@justnancy3 its common courtesy, generally to at least meet them.
The Queen wanted them to help Thomas Snr and Meghan said no. The Queen couldn't understand why she wouldn't send help for her father and the royal family couldn't overstep their boundaries. Meghan is truly despicable for what she's done to her father.
Isn’t Mr. Markle an Emmy Award winner? A bigger winner than the prince or his daughter by any measure for sure!
Yes he worked on "Married with Children" as lighting director and a few other well know shows
2 time Emmy Award Winner!
And he didn't even have to buy it! His talent merited these awards, a trait Rachel didn't inherit from her father.
And the taste of this winner was the black frog rodea??? Of all the simple beauties around him????@@labrujitajane9512
@@bonnielangille7563 she still had the cheek to look down on him!
The Queen said it......."That wicked, wicked girl"
I bet Prince Philip said worse 😂😂
She said that about Diana too before she made Charles divorce her. So Harry is right, his wife is exactly like his mother.
Love listening to a honest man!
While still no DNA verification on either so called children from her so called body. This MUST BE UNCOVERED....love to see her jailed...
Agree 💯 👍 🙆♂️ 💯 👍
“so called body”? What else would you call it?
@@marifeely1694Oh !! Do not tempt the devil ducks, one must stay politeeeee, know what I mean like. " Did you remember to put the rubbish out......" 😅😅😅
Oh get real you know that these two faux royals are dreadful people.
Stop giving them your time Regurgitated Rubbish Every Day 3/4 years get it right.
No Kid's
Meg is a professional CON ARTIST & BLACKMAILER. WOW MATT
She learned from her mama
@@deborahharrison7348The royals work for there country. A full time job. Mghan is to lazy to work for her country. Thats why she didnt want to stay
With her own words
I'm such a Fraud and that's putting it nicely..
She and he are Vile and Evil
Love Tom Bower because he stands by his research and it’s not afraid to stand up for himself and speak the truth.
They’ll not be married in 10 years time ... I’ll give them another 12 months and they’ll be divorced
I find it funny that her dad talks about her and Markle takes offence but she can destroy other people and be happy about it.she is such a vile person.
The late queen said she was an evil woman
I’m really disappointed in Meghan. She is an embarrassment to high achieving kind American women.
She is an embarrassment as a caring human being!
The only things she’s achieved have been on her back. She has used men to crawl her way up from man to man, leaving a wide swathe of pain and destruction in her wake. Harry was a fool!
@@lorriemerrell5929She could only be an embarrassment as a caring human being & high achieving, kind women if she actually WAS any of these things - SHE'S NOT!!!🤷
What did she achieve?
@@f.h4909she achieved being a classic mean girl 😒
Megan's book won't come out until William is king
Probably on Coronation Day 😂
All credibility has gone, I doubt if the majority will believe a word she writes.
Probably, I think she’ll use the contents as blackmail to make William let Hadnoballs keep his titles and one foot in the family albeit a distant foot.
Or for blackmail after Hazno divorces her. She’s a calculating schemer and a narcissist ( allegedly).
She will not give up trying to bring down the monarchy ever. Harrys wife can never be trusted
Harry if you’re watching this secretly in a chicken coop. Leave this gold digger now and the bought kids reunite with your family.
The king Charles could claim the children and keep them in the United Kingdom. He could do it. That's why Megan would never leave the so called children come to the United Kingdom. Fact
I love Tom Bower he does not shy away from criticising the Sussexes.
Or any other royal
@@MaryBransfield He as made a lot of money criticising the Royal Family especially the Sussexes
Same here! I totally believe him when he says something about them.
Mm is a BAD seed!
En un principio cuando saco e primer libro el estaba enamorado de ela
How this woman and now this couple has any appeal at all is beyond me. They are truly gross.
They don't, they just have their PR machine running 24/ 7. Which everyone SEES 😮.
Don't know about you, but it's registering as a train wreck to my eyes. 🤣
@user-or4fe2sk3vBut not the press. They make money off of this. Until the money dries up for the press, they will be talked about. People still profit off Diana. Riddle me that.
Agree 💯 👍 🙆♂️ 💯
@@christinalock9937 And all the PR in the world can't make us like them.
The day Engelson, Cory Vitello or any of this woman lovers write their own book thats going to be a best seller 😂
They dodged the bullet… “H” … not so lucky
I suspect they are quiet as they are thrilled to be rid of her and concerned she’d make terrible accusations.
It’s a good job that you’re so ‘easy on the eye’ sir, that’s for sure!! 🌟
I don’t agree with Tom Bower about how RF handled the H&M scandal. I think ‘recollections may vary’ was ver classy. Phillip was dying, the Queen very ill added to a world pandemic. circumstances dictated their response
Mm is a very evil person , just what she have down to her father Dorian was a very good techer to Mm because Dorian is a master of manipulation , she was and stil is just a user a claimer is that Doria did't have a good father like Mr Markle that support Mm , and eas avable to meet poor Unstable Harry . Those 2 women are a disgrace.
William & Catherine who are currently gping through a LOT (partly caused by sussex sugar VILE attacks) , will have to PAY THE PRICE for weak charles,' ^ LONG GAME" 😂😂😂
She wasn’t betrayed about the photos of Mr. Markle before the wedding. She set him up. It was her photographer that went to see him with the idea and he fell for it.
That's what is megan s dad wasn't attractive enough for her,, she was not going to look ordinary she was using anything she could make look good on her ,;she is evil
And yet when the queen cautioned her about speaking about dating Harry, when she was being interviewed by Vanity Fair, nope. It was for her well being, because the queen knew the press would be all over her. She didn't realize that was what she was after.
Don't make claims sans proof.
@@almondhastingshaha-there is proof-wake up.
Yes when that was revealed I realized how cruel it was for a daughter to instigate this set-up. I remember thinking at the time how nasty it was of the daughter to tell her photographer to approach Mr Markle - the photographer was well aware what would happen. But Mr Markle was not aware how it would work out. The hurt that Mr Markle felt must have have been so heart breaking to realize he had been deliberately set up.
At last, I agree with Bower. Meghan's damage is everlasting. She has successfully created a barricade for anyone of her background (male/female) to be welcomed into UK and the Royal Family. The barndoor is sealed.
Becoming acclimated to
becoming a royal is tough
enough for anyone raised
in the old-money upper
class; let alone someone
who comes from a
"normal" middle class
(or even upper-middle
class) family.*
*Even if that family is stable
like Catherine Middleton's
and Sophie Rhys-Jones's
Diana had the pedigree, but
not the stability of a loving
Diana may also have had
some sort of mental disorder
(inherited) -- The Spencer's
(De Spencer's) are known for
their violent tempers (since
medieval times). Both her
father and paternal grandfather
were abusive wife-beaters
(it is rumored as is her brother)
Depression/suicide runs in her
mother's family.
Meghan had neither the
stability of a solid family
life OR "old-money" class
conscious, stiff-upper lip
upbringing to restrain her
behavior ("go along to
get along" -- Conform!
Is the norm in those circles)
Agreed, Locked and double bolted!
I disagree, the future of any Royal Family is by marrying "commoners", as evidenced by Queen Mary of Denmark who hailed from Australia and our own Princes Edward and William. Money is not the issue here but previous National culture and general upbringing. It was Lady Colin Campbell who mused several years ago, " why didn't Harry not just marry a nice African girl from say Botswana etc" as there are plenty of educated African Royal girls who would have known both "Family values" instinctively and also how to "Behave in Public", and wouldn't have given us the grief Ms Markle has given us over the last 5+ years.
The only barndoor to be sealed is a No.3 ever being allowed to marrying into the Royal Family.
I wonder why she doesn't go to see her dad?? She could send one of her body doubles....
Well, the RF had information on her, before they married. Certainly she was investigated, and they had to know about the yacht thing, knowing Andrew, and grifting, and they still let him marry her. They should have refused to pay for a wedding, too. It was their job to keep this stuff out of their family, and they just went along with it to be woke.
It is a sad situation, where do love and respect for family come in?
Tom Bower pegged the duo PERFECTLY. The worst is how Meghan treated and continues to treat her father. It is so cruel and heartless. I can't get over that. I will never be a fan.
Jill I think Queen Elizabeth summed up MM perfectly in one word.
Tom bower needs to stop slaggi G off King Charles
The grifters are repugnant even worse than the Hitler loving king Edward VIII, who was known as a traitor, at least they lived their privileged lives and left the RF alone, pretty much anyway.
She's evil through and through
I agree with you!
🇬🇧 Apparently, the Palace offered to help with her Father prior to the wedding, but apparently, the Palace offered to help, but meghan said that she was sorting it out .
She had something to hide and destroyed her father in the process of harboring her dark secrets..
Example: if someone were to bring up the concept of having children..?? Oh Megan had a hysterectomy at 28..
information about past relationships?? … these things would have destroyed her grand plans..
Like Harry mentioning the first flight class flight she'd booked and paid for, for her dad. The airline he specified said they don't even offer a first class flight from/to the locations Harry said. Meghan probably told Harry she had got dad a ticket but she was lying. Like usual.
Megan is where she is today because of her father … yet she completely trashed him and set him up so he couldn’t make it to the wedding… it was normal for Megan because she was 40+ years old.. 3 times divorced… so she was an expert who didn’t care about her family… she set Thomas up with that photographer.. she also tried to set Thomas up again with the backgridd guy .. Megan the dial a pap …as long as Megan and doria secured their meal ticket 🤣
She hasn’t said anything bad about him 😂 she only asked that he stop talking to the press. Even in the documentary she didn’t say anything bad about him. She called and he never answered.
@@Maraquinn lies … lies .. lies … she is the one who set him up with the photographer…. What Megan accused her father of doing… she’s done to everyone else….
@Maraquinn And you believed everything said by a well-known liar. That do make a lot of sense
3 times divorced? No.
Yes once Harry wises up and admits he made a huge mistake marrying Nutmeg @@hadrianwall-r7h
I have really enjoyed this. I love Tom Bower. Thanks for a great show.
She was sent packing by the late queen.
Agree no megxit chucked out and they all know it she leaked megxit story before anyone found out truth
And that's why she is obsessed with getting revenge.
Yes , she definitely was sent packing 😂😂
I’m convinced that is what happened.
The Markles know the whole truth about her.
So do Royal family they will know everything there is a media ban that's why they skirt around stories never come out with the truth
🤣🤣🤣another $$$ troll full of BS 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thank you, I have not laughed so loud since the last troll commented 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Thats why they were not invited to the wedding
As do the whole of the royal family...
And the previous husbands 😡
Hazbeen doesn’t want to hear the truths that the Markle’s would tell him about his wife
He’s a great guest - so measured and balanced in his opinions. I’m so enjoying his book. I’ll be reading the others when I finish this one. He has keen insightful observations based on solid research as well as his own intellectual analysis where it’s clear he understands people and their behaviour without bias and hype. I hope to hear more from Tom. He’s got a keen mind and knows what he’s talking about. Knows the truth and sees through the subterfuge - I mean about all the RF and other public high profile people. I’m def a fan - as if it’s not obvious ;)