How Solidarity Could Have SURVIVED In The LIFE SERIES
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- Solidarity looks back at all of his deaths in the Life Series, and how he could have actually survived them all..
Original Video - • How Solidarity Could'v...
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A montage of each of the life series winners trying to coach Jimmy on surviving that season would be really funny.
I can already picture how much theyre gonna roast him, ESPECIALLY Joel and Grian XD
Scar would be Helpful, and his advice would actually be good because Jimmy's Biggest Weakness is Scar's Biggest Advantage
A life series alliance which are the winners and jimmy
Jesus saves✝️
17:09 I will say this. Grian was smart. He planted TNT minecarts underneath the base to go off instantly with no warning and Jimmy had no reason to suspect that the base was trapped. Only thing he could’ve really done was just not antagonize Grian originally. That seems to be how he always dies to Grian. He antagonizes him, so Grian kills him.
Yeah but that's kinda their sibling-esque relationship
@ But still. Jimmy should know better than to launch a TNT minecart at Grian and Mumbo when they’re trying to test it.
Jesus saves✝️
@@TheRoyalberry Already know, buddy. But thanks for sharing
@@TheRoyalberryWon't save Jimmy in the next Life series. Also, get out of here you bot.
The man roasted Jimmy to hell and beyond
Sometimes you just gotta be a little honest
@ThePrinceOfLego true lol
17:38 then he inflates jimmys head
Jesus saves✝️
Personally, if Jimmy Jiggles was a more calculated player I wouldn't care for him as much. In the Legacy SMP Jimmy starts by stating " I'm not a builder. I'm just a guy who likes to act silly and play minecraft", and he has never disappointed. His recklessness is what sets him apart from the others. Live or die, you're going to have a very good time watching his videos. I only want to see Jimmy win a life series as long as he sticks to his nature
Jesus saves✝️
If I had a nickel for every time I made the nickel joke in this video, I would have 4 nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened quadrice right?
Jokes aside, Thanks for watching this Jim :)
And don't worry, I will make more videos about you.
Good job on the vid! (I didn't even know you made videos!)
@@Keplering Good job showing that you have a channel buddy, I didn't know.
Lego, you gotta stop it with the nickels... smh my head... say, if I had a nickel for every "..." in my comment... I would also have 4 nickels!
@@DeadBedOfficial Which isn't a lot Deadbed but it is kinda weird that it happened quadrice right?
where's real life it was obviously his skill causing his death and really preventable
Third Life was due to chaos of battle, Last Life was lack of situational awareness (both the muted microphone and the better escape options), Double Life was ... avoidable, Limited Life speaks for itself, Secret Life was a slightly harder-to-avoid death than Double Life (you can run away from pretty much every mob in this game, including the Warden), but let's be very clear: Wild Life was unavoidable. TNT minecarts colliding detonate instantly, and even Grian's pre-mortem line didn't tell him *where* the attack was coming from or *what kind* of attack. The only chance is someone who comes to Minecraft *for* PvP, trained to reflexively raise their shield -- and then get lucky.
Fun video Jim. I've rooted for Joel for so long that I need a new underdog champion. Go Solidarity!
The only way he could have survived after he had killed Grian and Mumbo would be to somehow get Grian out of the series before the fateful moment.
The “… avoidable” killed me 😂💀
I still think Jimmy should've ran the same direction as mumbo until he found a better route to escape the warden. I know he may have been disoriented after falling down, but he should've seen where mumbo was running and not run the opposite direction to it.
jim got roasted like every 5 seconds LMAO
If I wanted to, I could have done it every 3 seconds
Jimmy could have survived wilf life by either not making an enemy of grian or by going after grian first.
When grian promised Jimmy that he would be the one to take him out of the series, I just knew one of them would be taking the other out of the series, potentially taking themselves out in the process.
You have to make enemies, that's what the series is about. The real Wild Life survival strategy could have been making the bunker actually secret, instead of letting people know about it and announcing to the entire server whenever you're about to go inside.
@Scypek out of all potential enemies he could of made Grian shouldnt have been one of them, and as a result led to his death.
@@Scypek yea but it's not a dumb idea to not make enemies with someone who would ABSOLUTELY take you out of the series with no hesitation as your first enemy
@@TheScarletBoi Not a dumb idea, just a boring one - even more so than staying away from a Warden. If Jimmy was a coward, maybe he never would've died first.
I thought at the end he would say, I'm the best teacher for Jimmy, and my fee would only be...2 nickels
Underrated comment lmao
17:19 He forgot that Jimmy could have NOT ANTAGONIZED GRAIN.
I mean sure, but everyone already knew that
let's be honest here, antagonizing grian is in jimmy's nature
edit; like how grian can't resist pushing buttons
Jimmy, you asked what the donation was for. The one you noticed a couple videos after we watched this on stream. It was what ThePrinceofLego said at the end. You personality, your humor. Just look at your facial expressions at the end of the video. You said multiple times "I'm just a fool that plays Minecraft." Whether you believe that or not, at the end of the day, you are just an incredible person. One that touches the lives of many in your community. And someone that deserves much more. All you can do is keep improving at the game, because there is no way for you to keep improving as a person; as you are already at the top. 😘
Couldn’t be more true
“I got caught on the ledge!” Proceeds to not get caught on the ledge in Limited Life.😂
Secret life death could have been avoid in 2 ways.
1. You can tell by the way the warden is a waddling it was going for Jimmy and no longer going for mumbo. He had a full row of Hearts and if I was him I would have thrown one of the 10 Ender Pearls in his and that mumbo deal with the consequence.
Losing 4-6 heart is bad. But losing ya life is worse idk abt you.
2. Jimmy is practically running parallel with the warden.
He's running diagonally away going uphill while the warden is going downhill towards him.
If Jimmy had fully committed to going left the warden would not have caught up to win with that blast. Because we can see that it BARELY clipped him.
If you had committed to just running completely left instead of trying to get back up the hill, or going diagonal, is there any would have had a higher chance of escaping
And I'm not throwing shade or anything, loved the video lol
But Jimmy ain't getting off that easy. Bro could have escaped the secret life deaths, even if he was there
Yeah. At 11:28 He stands there watching the warden come towards him for 4 seconds before running. And then after being hit at 11:35 he runs back in the direction of the warden, where it kills him 6 seconds later.
It’s just a matter of bad decisions/bad situational awareness, which makes a lot of sense since minecraft isn’t a game that demands fast reaction times, and it all happened in the heat of the moment.
One thing I notice a lot about the creators I like is even the ones who are actually really good will often compromise their skills or good sense for the sake of a laugh because its a lot funnier to do something silly. If you die its funny, if you pull it off its spectacular.
Only exception I can think of is Technoblade ( o7 ) but the spectacle with him was just how insane he was at literally everything minecraft. And when he did occasionally fail he was so good at playing it off. The rest of us mortals cant rely on that 😂
There's a saying in D&D circles: "A good death is better than bad roleplaying.", and I think it applies to gaming content, too. To be the "best" RUclipsr, and to be the best at playing a game, are very different things. If they weren't, then Tool-Assisted-Speedruns would be the only channels to ever get views: Every frame of motion perfectly calculated, zero errors. But we humans like the human element. We want to hear someone bellow and thunder, to rage, to make dumb errors and just stand up and leave the room. Because it makes the success that happens later all the more meaningful.
If Jimmy won every Life series, when the next one comes out, we'd be "meh, Jimmy wins again, huh? Surprise surprise.", but if he wins it NOW, instead, it'll be mass hype, cheers, because he climbed those obstacles and overcame.
thank you jimmy for saying you liked secret life 🙏 i keep seeing people saying the content creators enjoyed secret life less than the other seasons thank you for disproving it
really? Secret Life was one of my favorite seasons, I'm surprised it wasn't fun for the players to play as much. I loved it.
@@copperbean15 yeah people are saying that but obviously they dont know because jimmy just said he liked it
Secret Life was what got me into the life series! I'd not been watching Minecraft videos for long, and I enjoyed it so much that I went from following/watching a couple of the channels, to all of them. And then I went back and watched all the previous series! So, it may not be my favourite, but I certainly think it's great!
Secret Life was amazing! I don't understand why some people didn't like it!
They added bicycles to Minecraft.
Jimmy: New fear unlocked.
Honestly, with the Limited Life thing, I cut you some slack. You were under a lotta pressure at that point, and then falling, you were panicking! And you pulled out your water bucket, you tried to water clutch! People don't really think about how stressful games are when you're playing them with all that pressure when we are just viewers, yaknow?
I was going to the comment the same thing, with this kind of video I didn't think they've thought of the panic when you're about to die
I remember one time getting caught in lava and was panicking and so I combat logged because I was expecting to die and wasn't wanting to lose my stuff and get it all back so I took time thinking of what to do only to come back the next day and thought to try to and dig off to the side and I was able to get in a little tunnel and block off the lava so I died but nothing got burned
But had I not quit the game and thought of it because of the panic I probably would've tried to go back to land to escape and lost everything because unless you're accustomed to working under pressure most of us kind of have our minds scatter when panicking and that fight, flight, or freeze instinct kicks in
Definitely agree of your points. However, friendly reminder that all this stress could have been avoided if he had just kept shifting and not fallen off in the first place.
@@mylesedgington4229 You speak as if your finger has not slipped off a button before
@@Voidbear_FNaF_and_Undertale I'll be honest, I would mess up just as much, maybe even more than Jimmy in a Life Series scenario. Also I have in fact had my finger slip off buttons or the joystick before while playing platformers. It happens to all of us, just pointing something I find kind of funny out
'I would never drive into a tree'
The last time you reacted to this youtuber, you said that you would never punch an iron golem and die in the life series....
It's worth mentioning that in the moment there are lots of things on his mind, like talking to people and a stressful situation of just being in the life series. If it were me, I'd be failing to complete simple tasks allll the time and I likely would have died in very similar ways to Jimmy, despite having perfect hindsight
Tim, it's could *have*
Oh no, he can't hear me
He has airpods on
Not the airpods!! 😱
after all he did hear you xD
I love how the video is really honest abt all of it even tho they know jimmy would react lol XD
Sometimes the truth is harsh but at the end of the day, it is just a game.
You approached the ladder from the side, not directly head on, which means you were on top of the ladder and never went into the hole
True, should've thought about mentioning that
Mechanics forgotten here: irl panic and adrenaline. Brains dont always work the way you think they should have in hindsight. You can completely forget you have a water bucket, or forget to even use your sheild. Plus, this is a series that has a mild plot. They like to make it interesting, so why would he just run away from someone as a red instead of punching them
Pal, if you skip the end of the same guys video twice in a row, you know what's coming. Say the line, meme producers...
Edit: And everyone who replied only watched until the point where he threatened to as he did watch it to the end.
If I had a nickel…
For every time...
To the end……
Honestly, this was unnecessarily harsh lol. I don’t think the RUclipsr was giving enough thought to how hard a lot of these things can be to do in the heat of the moment. Still, fun watch. o7, Jimmy
I want to clear this out:
I LOVE Secret life, but I just like the others better
I personally think Secret Life was a great way to make viewers want to watch the other POVs
@@Voidbear_FNaF_and_Undertale yeah, it definitely rewarded watching multiple pov's more. But I agree it was a little chaotic with everyone doing something different
Some of them I haven't seen, so I have no idea which ones I like most 😅
Wild Life is definitely one of them at least
12:30 why did jimmy run TOWARDS THE WARDEN after getting hit. i get he was in a ditch but surely looking for a way out in the opposite direction of the warden would be something that seems logical.
only one awnser: Panic
5:13 the last life one is probably the one that actually would’ve worked the most with the mic being unmuted 😭
The biggest issue with the wildlife final death was putting in the chat where they were going. He needs to learn to be more secret I would say...
the nickels jokes are the best and i just rewatched the same scene over and over LOL
jimmster, your mistake with the warden death was that
split away from him, and you would have had left the warden's aggro range; the warden was initially chasing mumbo, until you started running closer toward it after falling down the pit, causing you to take mumbo's place as the warden's target.
Alternate title : Jimmy gets bullied for 21:06
This isn’t said enough Jim thank you genuinely for bringing a smile to so many peoples faces when I am having a bad day you never fail to cheer me up and I can’t imagine what you make others day even better
18:39 awwwwwwww🥺🩷
Thx :)
If I had a nickel for every time Tim’s final death was falling from a high place with a water bucket in his inv, I’d have 2 nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.
6:42 dont let bro play bedrock edition
11:40 atleast you didn’t die to your own fence post.
The ending was so wholesome dudeee we love you Tim
Glad you enjoyed it
Bro, You're the Goat and your personality and skill level are perfect for you. And you should totally get with this guy, make like a small season of episodes with training exercises and going through trials, bring in someone like Zedaph or impulse to help set it up! Invite Skizz, Scar, maybe Etho, other players that get called out for skill issues. Oooh, maybe even make it like a reality show and have people get eliminated!!!!
don’t worry about the secret life take it’s most of the fan bases favourite season
My video froze at exactly 13:40 and I thought it was a pause for like an ad segment for the life merch 💀
Hey Tim, if you ever need water bucket clutch lessons, just go to Scar. You saw what he did in double life. I have seen that clutch from multiple povs, and I still am in shock at how he pulled it off. I don't love the nickel meme, but I also don't hate it. I'm one of those chaotic neutrals when it comes to the 2 nickels. If it's one I find funny then yeah, I'll laugh at it, but if I don't find it funny, I won't laugh
Also, if I had a nickel for every time you saw Doof's voice actor do the nickel meme, I would have 3 nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened thrice.
The way an ad played right after the "no" made my brain momentarily wonder if the timestamp was fake lmao
"YOU JOEL YOU! YOU'RE SO HUMBLE! DO IT!" still my favourite line in all of minecraft history
What was this from? ❤
I was on stream, and I loved watching this video! The end of the video was wholesome.
0:28 yeah he would cycle wonkyly into a tree
The roasting of this guy and Jimmy getting increasingly more triggered is so funny
It seems like the best thing he could do to survive is not antagonize Grian… kept poking the bear and found out in two different series.
The end sounds like the Joker love letter to Batman :P
Dear Batman, I love you.
From me, Joker baby
Jimmy - "I would never cycle straight into a tree."
Also Jimmy a few months ago - "I would never be stupid enough to punch an iron golem."
Edit - I wrote this before I watched beyond the first ten seconds.
I want ranchers 2.0, NOW
Loved watching this both on stream and now! It was so funny but the little wholesome moment was sooo nice!
Jimmy you are a champ at taking digs love you man
Jimmy (and mumbo) could have survived secret life by being sensible like Martyn
Don’t forget Martyn’s cat-like reflexes. For reference, there are real clips on RUclips of cats dodging snake bites with (at most) three inches of room to react and then swatting the snake with their paw.
next life series, jim is gonna win, trust
its gonna be etho. he has been in every finale, and the double life chart matches up.
grian-3rd life - scar-secret life
scott-last life - pearl-double life
martyn-limited life - cleo-real life
joel-wild life - etho-next life
I mean if he adds me to the server, he will :)
Imagine if he's out first again XD
@themineguy yeah etho is def the big fav to win the next life. he rly deserves it too
I hope "Jimmy wins next Life Series" becomes this community's version of "Deltarune tomorrow"
Didn't expect my heart strings to be pulled
7:36 ayoo, what does he mean “blur out”?!? What parts does he have to blur out? lol.
Swearwords, NOTHING ELSE
11:08 ooo please do a tier list ranking the life series🙏
like you can maybe accept jimmys 3rd death in 3rd life, but his 2nd death? the trap at dogwarts. like, just hold shift my guy
The LmL death was horrible because not only he was HOLDING the ender pearl and had a water bucket on hot bar, but also there was at least 3 different blocks of water he could have aimed to AT LEAST TRY to survive
And he could also have hold shift
Sneak = Live
i feel like the prince of lego is actually a secret side channel run by joel in disguise. 😆
I would say there was a fourth thing that could of been done to stop, or rather, prevent that last death in Wild Life, and that was to not of said what was said within earshot of Grian after Mumbo died. You just put a big target on your back.
The ending is so cute
Thanks :)
I really wish I didn't always have stuff on Mondays during Jimmy's stream.
You absolutly could have survived the Warden.
Just sneak, he is blind.
And there was another bait around u, running and jumping.
Wow, Prince of Lego is brutal, lol. You took his input like a champ, and I was glad he ended with genuine compliments. Some sort of collab like he suggested could be cool, if you wanted to =)
11:09 Now, this might be because Secret Life was my first season and what got me back into Grian and Mumbo and helped me find the Lifers/Hermits, but I absolutely adore Secret Life. The interactions were fun/funny and the intense parts were thrilling (*cough* Boogieman curse *cough* Warden VS Wither)! One of my favorites to be honest
Im pretty sure in 3rd life he wasn't wearing his armor
He was, but when he died on his green and yellow life, he didn't have armor
11:33 Bro one thing that could of helped isactually going away from the warden cause after he got shocked by the blue ray thing he went towards the direction of the warden when if he had just went the other path behind him he could have had maybe a better chance of survival
I believe there was no way Jim could escape the wildlife finale death.
He could have prevented it by simply NOT ANTAGONIZING GRAIN.
14:40 omg jimmy you jinxed yourself there
If I would have to guess why the secret life logo is different is because the secrets were written on a piece of paper
I mean, he couldn't have survived, the watchers decided that it was his time to go
In Secret Life, Jimmy got stuck in underground for a second. If he had stayed there, he would've survived the fight against the warden
Poor Jimmy! So roasted it's over done 😅 And aren't we entertained ❤
I would say that I roasted him a lot but balanced it out with facts and heart
@ThePrinceOfLego This was a good vid 💕
@@SiskoMaSu thx :)
My takes on the deaths
3rd life death: Mostly due to the bunker being designed badly. There should've been a better way to get out of firing range than having to deal with ladder mechanics. Outside of that, Jimmy should've moved more, he was a pretty easy target for the bow shots.
Last life death: He should've sought an escape route that doesn't involve jumping off Mumbo's house. Grian in all likelihood wasn't dead set on killing him, and getting a clean path to run out would've probably saved him. There's a pretty clean path into the southlands base to the left on mumbo's roof, he could've either gone there or ran around the house the other way to begin with. Also, the bow shot was unnecessary and slowed him down, and didn't even hit. If it had hit he might've survived, and if he didn't go for the shot at all he might've also survived. There was barely anything to gain from the shot anyways, the bow is unenchanted lol
Double life death: This is actually very hard to survive. He's gonna run out of food, and I don't think you can consistently outrun an enderman without sprint. If he was to seek safety under that specific tree, he would've needed to commit to staying in one safe spot, which I'm pretty sure that tree has in a very small space next to it. He also doesn't have any blocks that could help him, the best he has is dripstone. Emergency spamming the dripstone around the tree could've possibly limited the enderman's reach, but it's a long shot.
Limited life death: Actually kind of hard to survive, even if you successfully bucket or pearl clutch, because there's still a TNT minecart headed for his dome and he would have about half a second to move away after landing. A water bucket placed below the cart would stop it, but that'd take absolutely insane reflexes to pull off. I think the only way he survives this is by throwing a pearl at the base of the clock tower. He actually got off kind of easy dying to the fall, it would've been even sillier if he had pearl clutched it and died to his own minecart anyways.
Secret life death: We don't properly see the context for this death, but judging by the bow he's holding Jimmy has shot the warden, at least once. They gain instant aggro from just one attack you throw their way, he should know the warden is angry at him too. After the first sonic beam, he doesn't properly run away from the warden, and instead runs kind of parallel to him even after looking back for where the warden is. Running towards the cherry base instead of the secret keeper would've just barely got him out of range and saved him.
Wild life death: Not really preventable... I think the best he could've done is have made it clear to Grian that they were allied, because Grian seemed to kind of have missed the memo on that. Afterwards Joel and Gem are even confused why Grian killed 2 of their team's allies lol
Pizza: They killed me Jimmy 😢
I suspected that was the reason, but I was unsure so I didn't put it in, and I was too lazy to check it
On last life how was he muted? On grian's pov and video you can hear Jimmy?
there is a typo in the title D: (could OF)
EDIT: the typo has been fixed! good work everyone :D
I’m pretty sure it’s just another way british people write could’ve, it seems incorrect but some british people I know write it like that as well
@ForestshadeCassidy It's not a British thing haha, it's just a mistake
@ForestshadeCassidyas a british person i can confirm that it is not a british way of writing it is just a common mistake among british people due to our accents making ‘could’ve’ sound like ‘could of’ and therefore we learn ‘could’ve’ as ‘could of’ as children and stick with the habit
@ForestshadeCassidy i feel like this comment is a reference to something but it's also incorrect, jimmy just made a mistake
Sorry, I did in fact mean it as a thing British people often write incorrectly. But thanks for confirming it guys :)
Good things he waited until the end. Lol
10:55 agreed
Avoid death by not being there…. Hey Lego, you’re a genius.
He forgot the holiday Special, Real Life Smp
Maybe the next season of the life series is the one where Jimmy is going to win.
This is Jimmy's purgatory in the void
Not the typo lol
Jimmy has no preservation instincts it’s honestly kinda crazy
Everyone always talks about how Jimmy was the first out of Last Life, but nobody ever talks about how he had the fewest deaths in last life. He was the only player to start on the minimum number of lives, and never be given any extra. If the same players had still died in the same order, but no lives were traded, the first out would have actually been Grian, followed by Cleo, and then Jimmy. Furthermore, if there had been no lives traded, and everyone had started with just two lives, the first out would have been Joel. Then Mumbo, then Grian, then Cleo, then Scar, then Bdubs, then Lizzie, then Scott, then Skizz, then Impulse, and THEN Jimmy. That puts Jimmy in seventh place. (As opposed to seventeenth.)
Of course, this ignores the fact that if either of those conditions had actually been true, the entire series would've played out entirely differently. But it's still a great way of showing how important the number of starting lives really was, and how it's not all just about Jimmy being bad at the game.
Jimmy’s wildlife mistake was not protecting the location of the bam bunker enough. (Also mainly actually angering Grian but I digress.) In only one winner series you never and I mean NEVER tell people or let them know about your plans; especially your last plan. As soon as someone other than Lizzie knew of the bunker he should’ve moved it or made another farther off.
You got it right in the thumbnail, and wrong in the TITLE?
This is what you call helpful trolling
Jimmy your face 😂😂 omg YOUR FACE at the end there it was so red, as red as a rose buddy😂
12:48 and another one! Don’t run near it/towards it! He stopped briefly to look at it then ran near it! He should’ve continued running away from it! Or when he got knocked down into that hole, he could’ve dug down.
How to survive wildlife.
Just don't anger grian
In secret life he ran back towards the warden. I know there was a cliff but he could have stacked up or at least when he got out of the divot he could have turned back around and ran AWAY from the warden
If Jimmy had gained one life for every time nickel joke was made,he still would’ve died stupidest way possible
i think that criticizing jimmy for not ender pearling or water bucketing is harsh because when your in the moment, you dont plan ahead. in normal survival minecraft i cant think enough to water bucket ngl