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May 9, 2017 8:22 AM

Aug 2016
Other than the obvious huge rating discrepancies I have with some of MAL's ratings,

I'll go with Akame ga Kill ending is a great ending. I haven't read the manga, but too much people shit on AgK's original (going by word of mouth) ending. I see nothing wrong with it.
May 9, 2017 8:24 AM

Dec 2015
Konosuba and Boku no Hero are painfully average and everyone rates them way too highly.
oh, and Noragami sucks too.
May 9, 2017 8:30 AM

May 2016
The intelligence of all Death Note characters is molded exclusively for plot convenience. While it does have its peaks, every time a stalemate is reached a "smart" character does something retarded. Therefore, as a strategy anime it fails. But, it is nonethess fairly entertaining.
May 9, 2017 8:31 AM

Jan 2017
Dragon Ball Super is better than Legend Of the Galactic Heroes.
Fairy Tail is better than Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.
Sword Art Online is better than Berserk.
Bleach is better than Cowboy Bebop.

May 9, 2017 8:38 AM

Mar 2017
I'm pretty sure the majority still agree that Re:Zero is great so it's not a consensus that it's "shit". Heck, there's going to be an event on Maple Story for it soon.

As for my unpopular opinion, I think SAO is bland and boring.
May 9, 2017 8:40 AM
Apr 2014
Index/Raildex series are kind of boring, i only managed to finish them because of Accelerator, the rest was meh.
May 9, 2017 8:56 AM

Jul 2015
Elitists anime are more boring than my grandmother

The majority of anime in this medium are below average

Tsunderes are disgusting creatures
May 9, 2017 8:57 AM
Jul 2018
eh I don't know...

- Bakemonogatari is the worst entry in the franchise.
- 99% someone says it gets better.... it doe not.
- There phrase "rating/judging ecchi because of the story is stupid, this is not what it is about" is wrong, story is one of the elements and should be judged and ecchi is a western invention, the Japs do not differentiate between anime with a lot fanservice and not to begin with.
- Fanservice is not bad.
- oh yeah this^ reminded me, elitists are 99% of the time just an imagination of insecure anime fans.

Prob something more... I dunno
May 9, 2017 8:59 AM

Jul 2016
Deus Ex Invisible War is the best anime of them all, yet everyone's always hating on it.
May 9, 2017 9:01 AM

Mar 2012
- FMA is better than FMAB
- I could never get into Hunter x Hunter(2011), found it so boring that I ended up sleeping while watching it quite some times.
- I don't consider Yuri on Ice to be the best from any angle. I could understand Yuri's side of things but I never understood Victor. Some of the songs were really annoying.

Always the same… Every age, every generation.
Human beings are infinitely more cruel and selfish than any demon in hell

~Dantalion (Makai Ouji)
May 9, 2017 9:20 AM

Jul 2014
-Having symbolism is not synonymous with being well-written. Saying "you just don't like (insert 2deep anime here) because you don't UNDERSTAND it" is an intellectually lazy statement, and only serves to disprove the person who's saying it.

-90% of comedy anime, especially in recent years, is extremely unfunny. I don't know how people don't get tired of seeing the same 5 jokes being repeated over and over in every episode.

-Reference humor is very lazy.
May 9, 2017 9:29 AM

Oct 2015
5 Centimeters per Second was disappointing.
May 9, 2017 10:01 AM

Jul 2016
80's and 90's low budget horror and dirty comedy OVAs are all "great," no matter how bad they actually are.
May 9, 2017 10:10 AM

Apr 2014
Death Parade is boring and it's OP sucks.

May 9, 2017 10:14 AM

Nov 2012
The average harem is more realistic than School Days.

Being dense and beta doesn't make a bad protagonist.
May 9, 2017 10:24 AM

May 2016
The first season of Code Geass is way better than R2, and the ending of R2 wasn't nearly as good as the one in first season.
May 9, 2017 10:27 AM

Oct 2010
I enjoy, defend and am proud as a fan of the existence of the Endless Eight.
May 9, 2017 10:28 AM

Apr 2016
(Don't tell anyone)

~ I don't like Gurren Lagann. It is just ... silly in a bad way;

~ Spice and Wolf, as it is (without another season) is a waste of time;

~ Bungou Stray Dogs is the only anime I've dropped, so far, because the comedy is incredibly bad;

~ and about Sakamichi no Apollon (or Kids on the Slope): the melodrama is quite disturbing, the quality is really low and boring and expected and obvious [insert synonyms here].

That's all for now.
Greetings From Portugal

May 9, 2017 10:43 AM

Jun 2013
- Code Geass is mediocre at best and Lelouch is a boring, shallow protagonist.

- Senjougahara is not best girl. Not even top three.
May 9, 2017 10:46 AM

Nov 2014
Samune said:

- Senjougahara is not best girl. Not even top three.

Blasphemy! Bring out torches and pitchforks people!
May 9, 2017 10:47 AM

Jun 2015
Psycho-Pass 2 is the worst anime sequel ever. Yes, worse than Haruhi season 2.

Lol, it was so disappointing. I hated it so much that I dropped it. Too painful.
May 9, 2017 10:47 AM
Dec 2016
romagia said:
Mirai Nikki, Elfen Lied and Danganronpa are some of the best anime out there.
wow someone actually has my opinions :3

Also I think of deadman wonderland as really just average. Nothing special. Maybe I hate aboit it how incompetent the mc is at the beginning. I actually find bakugan great....yeah....dont ask why.....
Also I never ended watching deathonte for some reason even I dont know. Probably jost binged too much.
And wow did you expect for someone to hate one piece? Apparently I watched about 30 episodes or so and dropped it because...I felt like it has no real story whatsoever. The characters just go from island to island and maybe sometimes get stronger. It doesnt change at all and I dont wanna skip any episodes so I just dropped it the same with dragon ball but I actually didnt want to watch it because Im pretty much into the new drawing style of characters.
do_not_replyMay 9, 2017 10:54 AM
May 9, 2017 11:00 AM

Sep 2013
guys check me out im trying to be cool
re zero is shit
erased is shit
relive is shit
edgy anime is shit
harems are awesome
hot babes are awesome
good plots are awesome
miyazaki is shit, all ghibli movies are trash
neon genesis is shit
yaoi and yuri is shit, along with sjw culture makes straights like myself look bad
clannad give me 0 feels deep in my feels

i also dont like overpowered characters, unless the enemy is also overpowered
i dont like weebs, otakus, neets or any characters like that
CGDCT is cancer
and lastly lolis are never best girls.
May 9, 2017 11:02 AM

Jul 2014
- I reckon FMA does a lot of things better than FMAB and vice versa. Nevertheless, they're both 10/10s in my book.
- RahXephon does enough on its own to avoid being called an Eva clone
- Shinji Ikari is a genuinely great character
- Hellsing 2001 has one of the best soundtracks in anime.
- Yu Yu Hakusho's English dub isn't as good as a lot of people say it is.
LoveLikeBloodMay 9, 2017 11:05 AM
Take care of yourself

May 9, 2017 11:04 AM

Jun 2015
Concrete Revolutio and K both make sense from start.
Concrete Revolutio's timeline also isn't confusing.
Myriad Colours Phantom World is a solid 5/10, no more no less
"I have respect for those who have lived a full life."
- Decim (Death Parade)
"I want to deliver your eulogy."

- Otshepagetse

May 9, 2017 11:07 AM

Mar 2012


May 9, 2017 11:08 AM

Jun 2016
One Piece is underrated
May 9, 2017 11:14 AM

Apr 2015
Black Bullet is worse than Sword Art Online.

Konosuba is a fun show, but it wasn't even funny imo.

I don't think Howl's Moving Castle is that great.

(Idk is this is unpopular but oh well) Btooom!! is absolute trash.
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May 9, 2017 11:16 AM

Jun 2016
Caciulacdlac said:
Kimi no Na wa is the most overrated anime on MAL.

Johnnyd3rp said:
Your Lie in April is absolutely garbage, the author should feel sorry for the trees that have been chopped down to print his manga.
silversaint said:
looks at to 50 anime
Gintama, Clannad, HxH an Monogatari werent good
IcecreamDrew said:
I just don't see the hype on FMA Brotherhood. Watched it and it was okay/alright.. but not that great.

This is exactly what I wanted to say. 100%
Help the industry and buy Blu-rays and DVD's.
Noragami is the best anime ever.
May 9, 2017 11:18 AM

Mar 2013
Re zero is shit
Monogatari series is shit
Mari Okada is cancer
Your name is overrated

May 9, 2017 11:21 AM

Feb 2016
Both FMA(2003) and HxH(1999+ova) are better then their remakes, at least i'm sure about FMA thing since i've seen them both
May 9, 2017 11:39 AM

Jul 2014
inb4 sword art online is complete hot garbage.
Your lie in April has horrible characters.
Charlotte was a train wreck.
All SoL are boring.
May 9, 2017 11:40 AM

Mar 2017
Okay. I must be the bastion of positivity. Second unpopular opinion:

Log Horizon is the king of anime world-building, rich with seemingly random little details that snowball into consequence over and again in ways that you should have seen coming and yet still manages to delightfully catch you off-guard.
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May 9, 2017 11:50 AM

May 2015
I think Future Diary has high artistic value and is rife for analysis. Although a lot love it for its shock value and high energy, I think these aspects which it shares with anime like Tokyo Ghoul aren't as interesting as its characters and the themes.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
May 9, 2017 11:53 AM
Jan 2015
As a whole, I vehemently believe that Kara no Kyoukai is pretty damn bad script-wise.
May 9, 2017 11:54 AM
Apr 2016
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure sucks.
All sports anime suck.
May 9, 2017 12:18 PM

Feb 2012
Oregairu is hot garbage.
I don't get the hype behind Haikyuu, it's nothing spectacular. However, it did have good animation..
May 9, 2017 12:21 PM

Oct 2015
the good:

madoka magica rebellion is a masterpiece and the ending does not take away from it, it actually makes perfect sense considering how the characters have progressed.

kyousougiga and flip flappers are absolute overlooked masterpieces of modern fantasy and it's a shame that people ignore them because they don't have a linear storyline

concrete revolutio is actually a good story. the second season is a bit flawed with all that anti-american propaganda, but it wraps things up pretty neatly. a little more backstory for emi would have been welcome, though. overall, it's a unique take on a popular genre and it could open up possibilities for new ideas. shame people dropped or dismissed it for the non-linear storyline

alien nine is such a heartwarming, yet tragic story about growing up and facing your teen years. it's not "ugly" as some might call it.

ugly aesthetics are actually good and challenging for this community that never wants any change or evolution. different looking does not mean ugly and definitely not bad

tetsuwan birdy decode and decode 02 are the best thing to come out of a-1 pictures and is easily one of the best action/sci-fis to come out in the past 20 years at least.

beyond the boundary is actually a pretty good urban fantasy. it's flawed, but it's good. and it's second movie (the future arc) is an amazing love story/urban fantasy, much better than shinkai movies.

ghost in the shell innocence is not a bad movie, it's a interesting take by oshii.

loving/adoring modern shows does not make you a pleb, casual, lame, stupid, uncultured etc.

loving/adoring retro shows does not make you an elitist, snob, jerk, nerd etc.

you can love and adore both retro and modern anime just as much.

there are still cool people in this community and they are very interesting to talk to. you just gotta be patient and find them

lucky star is actually a good show. the first four episodes suffer from an uninspired egostical director that got subsequently canned from the series.

there's nothing wrong with moe, there's nothing wrong with gar, there's nothing wrong with a bit of pandering, there's nothing wrong with serious, mature stories. there needs to be variety in order for us to truly appreciate the things we love. wanting something to go extinct is redundant and childish.

having a short attention span or attention deficit does not make you a loser, stupid or a pleb. it's actually a pretty common issue we face nowadays given that this is the information era and everything moves at a rapid pacing. add to that that there are various other elements that can contribute to the inability to focus on something that moves slowly or doesn't hold one's interest and you have plenty of arguments why my first statement is valid. i myself deal with a pretty serious case of attention deficit caused my multiple elements. it's a pain to deal with.

having a waifu or being terribly engrossed in the medium is not inherently wrong. there needs to be a line drawn so we do not step into an unhealthy level of escapism, but at the end of the day, any sort of entertainment is still escapism. judging something as being just that is redundant. furthermore, i firmly believe that, considering most of life is misery and suffering, we owe it to ourselves to make it as enjoyable and pleasurable as possible. so go ahead and have your waifus. be happy, do whatever you want.

the bad:

clannad is pretty garbage, though the girls are cute. they are also really dumb. like really, unrealistically dumb. except nagisa, she just sucks overall.

clannad afterstory is absolute trash. lower than 1.

code geass is the lowest tier in the world. its an absolute joke of an anime.

the monogatari franchise is just pretentious dialogue and is overall boring. sure, it looks cool half the time and the girls are cute, but it's way too slow and uninteresting overall.

shows like mushishi, legend of the galactic heroes, monster etc. aren't really that amazing, their pacing is incredibly slow and it makes them dull up to the point of losing interest, mature themes and all - they make no difference if the pacing is poor and the show is unenjoyable. liking them does not make you high class, the same way watching and idolizing ecchi doesn't make you clever and cool either.

fma: brotherhood is no masterpiece. it's just an ok shounen. nothing amazing.

kimi no na wa is trash with cool aesthetics.

oshii is a good director, absolutely, but he's slightly overrated and pretentious too.

mamoru hosoda, makoto shinkai and hayao miyazaki are good, but not amazing, they're heavily overrated.

the second half of gurren lagann is awful. that timeskip ruined the pacing, characters and charm of it, which is a shame because the first half and the end (until the unnecessary middle finger to simon) is an amazing hero's journey.

i love trigger, but inferno cop and ninja slayer are unfunny and uninteresting.

arguing and reviewing bad anime is redundant, because 98% of it is directed strictly towards the japanese market. they don't careabout the west, because we bring a lot of losses to their industry and they also retain that isolated mentality japan has had for hundreds of years.

pretending to somehow be clever, relevant, interesting, intelligent etc. because you criticize an anime is ridiculous. i applaud critical thinking, but you've really made a bad choice in terms of medium the medium to judge. you will also never change anything. you can either pick what you love and stick with it or be bitter for a long time with no other consequence other than harming your own self. yes, some reviews/videos etc are entertaining and discussion is always welcome, as long as it isn't just trying to come off as being superior, but reviewing/crticizing beyond the point of self-importance is ridiculous.

nichijou is alright, but it's not an amazing comedy. it becomes irritating to watch too much at once.

steins;gate is not a masterpiece. it's an ok harem/sci-fi, but that's it. and the first 6-7 episodes are boring and too slow.

judging people based on their preferences is terribly silly and childish.

critical thinking is still a form of relativism.
MZXJMay 9, 2017 1:47 PM
"I came here to sniff Madoka panties and kick witch ass and I am all out 'doka panties" - Homora Akemi
May 9, 2017 12:22 PM
Mar 2017
Another's deaths aren't at all scary and are laughable in comparison to some of the deaths seen in the Final Destination series.
May 9, 2017 12:35 PM
Jul 2018
School Days is an ok anime and does not deserve all the hate simply because people can't realize that not everything needs to have a happy ending.

Clannad is not so good.

Death Note second half is not bad either. Just because

KonoSuba is not nearly as good as people say. Sure, it has its moments, but come on, it really ain't that good.

Yuri on Ice is bad. Just because a bait actually turned out to be a real couple this time doesn't make the anime good.

I also feel that Yosuga no Sora gets too much hate. Sure, it's not the best anime out there, and yes, it is borderline hentai, but why is that a legit reason for hating it, I will never understand.

I love SnK with all my heart, but yeah, I think it is a bit overrated.

Gintama is not that funny either.

Shelter is bad. A music video having an 8,39 score makes no sense. Gorillaz have much better stories in their videos.

Plastic Memories is not sad at all. It was predictable since episode 1 and you simply know what's gonna happen the minute you start watching it.

Kurozoka is one of the best anime out there.

Kabaneri is not bad. It's not a masterpiece, but it's actually quite enjoyable.

And Kimi no Na wa does not deserve to be in the top 500, let alone number 1.

May 9, 2017 12:35 PM

Jan 2016
Spice & Wolf's plot about monetary econmy is plain stupid

Yuyushiki is by far the best school-girl-comedy-show
May 9, 2017 1:21 PM

Jul 2016
Lucy is the only character in Elfen Lied that I actively dislike

FLCL is painful to watch

Assassination Classroom would be a lot better without Karma and Nagisa

Baccano and Welcome to the NHK were alright but disappointing

The Tokyo Ghoul anime wasn't bad
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May 9, 2017 1:29 PM

Dec 2015
Gintama isnt a masterpiece and stopped being funny after season one.
Kimi no Na Wa is shit and the plot is a mess along w the characters.
Your Lie in April isnt sad, fuck Kaori.
Bakemonogatari isnt good and has terrible romance.

RoronoaMay 9, 2017 1:32 PM
May 9, 2017 1:30 PM

Dec 2016
-Hataraku Maou-sama is boring and unfunny.
-Kimi no Na Wa is good, but doesn't deserve #1
-Akame ga Kill has a good ending.
-Fate/Zero season 1 was boring, but not bad overall.
-OreImo's ending (specials) is good.
May 9, 2017 1:36 PM

May 2015
-Senjougahara is vile.
-Gintama, Kill la Kill and TTGL are all painfully boring. (Well the starts of all 3 are anyway, I've not gotten near to finishing any of them so it's probably an unfair judgement. I should give them more of a chance.)
-Nobody in DxD is attractive.
-Naruto should've ended up with Sasuke.
-Crusch > Rem + Emilia
-Kimi no na wa shouldn't be anywhere close to the number 1 spot on this site. Still good, though.
May 9, 2017 1:37 PM

Jun 2016
>Gunslinger Girl 2/Il Teatrino was better than the first one
>Gunslinger Girl 2/Il Teatrion was good
>The Ghost in the Shell franchise is overrated
>Schwarzesmarken was good
>FMA: Brotherhood sucked
>I unironically want a dakimakura
May 9, 2017 1:49 PM
Jul 2018
SAO is alright. Kirito is not too overpowered either(weaker than Heathcliff, only won because of Asuna. Weaker than the skeleton boss before Heathcliff, only won because Heathcliff was tanking. Weaker than Death Gun, only won because of Sinon. Weaker than Yuuki, lost and draw, so it's 1-0 in favor of Yuuki.). The OP moments like breaking Kuradeel's sword is because Kuradeel was pleb and would have been handled by anyone on the Assault Team, and was even whooped by Asuna. Other OP moments like rushing Silica and the Black Cats we're because they were low level characters. Rushing a low-level character is part of how an RPG works, and I'm glad they put it in the story. It was pretty nice with the older brother story for Silica for instance.

Fate s/n [ubw] is slightly better than Zero- sorry but the exposition on who's ideals were better in Zero were not a deep plot. It was so simply, "I'm a bad guy, you're a good guy. We'll never be the same". It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't so dragged out.(like if it were a movie instead.) UBW had Archer's story which actually was a bit deep. Rin and Shiro's rivalry was enjoyable in my opinion.

Mirai Nikki was awesome.
May 9, 2017 1:58 PM

Oct 2010
rvbrick said:
Miyazaki's kid-friendly movies end up being boring and near unwatchable by anyone who's not a child, someone who likes cute things, or someone who's easily impressed.

No problem with your opinions,but since this is not an opinion but rather assumption or speculation I will straight up say that it's utterly false. You can't just say that about a director whose appeal is almost universal and covers from most casual fans to most professional critics.
May 9, 2017 2:32 PM
Jul 2018
- Death Note is boring and overrated.
- I hate Light and L equally.
- I don't understand why many of the top characters on MAL are there.
- Toradora has the most unlikeable female main lead ever.
- FLCL isn't good, nowhere in this universe and in non possible parallel-universe.
- One Punch Man isn't funny.
- I really like Bungou Stray Dogs, but its humor is a pain sometimes. It's like Noragami's humor on crack ... and Noragami's humor is already on crack. XD
- Gintama isn't funny either.
- All kind of fanservice and Ecchi is just cheap pandering.
- Overly cute girls with ridiculous big eyes are really disgusting to look at.
- I couldn't go through Madoka and dropped it after one or two episodes.
- I love slow pacing and bittersweet atmosphere. Many shows are too fast paced for me.
- Episodic anime are great.
- Tsunderes are one of the worst stereotype ever created.
- I like shy, cute girls, who don't fall in the "ridiculous moe"-type tho.
- You can like Boys and Girls Love as well as straight romances. The permanent discussion about it is annoying.
- Fujoshis, who are very into Boys Love, but bitch about straight romances, are a pain in the ass (pun not intended...)
- The art style is actually very important, because the whole medium is visual and based on art.
- Many shounen protagonists are likeable.
- Many protagonists, characters in general, aren't "too whiny". The audience doesn't have enough empathy and basic understanding of human psychology or they just want their badass, emotionless self fullfilment. ^^"
- Most of the badasses are unlikeable.
- There are plenty of mainstream anime, which deserve the hype.
- I LOVE Spirited Away, but Ghibli's best work is Princess Mononoke.
- I love Miyazaki as a director, but I think he has an arrogant point of view towards other anime sometimes.
removed-userMay 9, 2017 4:37 PM
May 9, 2017 4:20 PM

Jan 2016

Not hating on you for pointing this out, but the plural of anime is still anime.
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