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Guys, don't be too hard on Ashton. The live is obviously new to them and they've got a lot to learn.

But just an advice to the content creators: It's all about managing expectations. You don't have to sustain the energy 24/7 but maybe you can allot certain windows where you do stuff and publish a schedule. That way, your viewers at least know what to expect.

Hope that helps.
I watched the full video now. I'm leaning fake. 80-20.

The coloring does look off. The "stiff" balls that never move or change shape is a red flag. And ofc the towel that is in the way but still doesn't get moved for the best view. It just feels off.

If something feels fake, it's probably because it is.
Unfortunate. I think there is a trend, they all start making fake content, then create their own podcast to laugh at everyone for funding their cash grab. time to move on.
If it’s not fake then he should get the guy to suck him off this time without the towel and send it to everyone that bought the video. Thats the only way to prove it wasn’t. So far the only dick that got sucked was the soft one for 3 seconds.
no, I’m just so sick of people on this site spreading false shit about about my page and my work that i actually put a lot of effort into. i can take criticism when it’s valid but haters making shit up about stuff that’s easily verifiable (vods of past streams etc) is something i’m not just gonna let go. it costs me money when people read it and believe it. this is my job. for some of you it’s a fetish tearing people down and i’m not taking it.

if that were the case you wouldn't be selling content under false pretenses
He uses Sidenty which is a service that is constantly scanning the Internet and having content removed. You can Google the DMCA notices and LPSG is practically always listed. He doesn't do anything..

Regardless -- are you implying people should have just stroked his ego and delivered false praise so he wouldn't storm off? Screw that. When people are paying for content they are rightfully going to have opinions. And if your job is making porn for the Internet you can't be so thin-skinned.
sidenty doesn’t take down lpsg threads. i manually go through them! also i take down the content because it’s supposed to be paid for not free :)
DON"T BUY his new PPV - It says "Trying to sleep naked but my cock keeps slipping out of the sheets.."
It's 3 pictures and an 11 second video with NO cock - MAYBE a slight ball. What a scammer.
This! The kid is a scammer. All of his pictures are like this. Plus, he's charging $250 for the aforementioned 10 minute video, and stupid amounts for clips. I encourage anyone who's bought his stuff to share it. The boy needs to be taught a lesson.
The jerkoff vid is actually kind of boring, he's almost completely expressionless the entire time, even when he cums, he makes no sound at all. there isn't even any background music or anything like you can even hear his family outside his door which is kind of a turnoff. It looks like something he didn't want to make but he was forced to and the only reason it's enjoyable is because you finally get to see full nude with face. Oh and he has a nice ass, I gotta say that
I bought it, it's actually good. Although his shit might be a bit overpriced, atleast he delivers unlike certain influencers etc that just continously scam with misleading titles and shit. *cough* Zach Clayton *cough*

I know Ashton checks the thread tho. Consider lowering your prices a little so you can sell more ;)
These two are gay baiting
On the top of Ashton's OF page it says "Straight Male" and whenever asked in a livestream, he says he is straight. So I don't see this as gay baiting but giving the audience what they keep asking for. But yeah, it comes off as awkward cuz they are straight.
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