**CAN'T SLEEP?** These Sleep Sounds Should Do the Trick! | Crystal Singing Bowls Just for Sleep
- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
- If you're having trouble sleeping, know that you're not alone and, what's more, you've ended up exactly where you're supposed to be 🥰
I've made this gentle sound bath for just such a situation. You're sleepless night will soon be over. I wish you a weightless night of blissful dreams and a well-rested feeling in the morning 💜
As always...
🏮 The low lighting dims slowly over the course of the first 30 minutes so that you will fall asleep fast and stay asleep.
🛌 The gentlest strikes of the singing bowls will serve to ease the mind and stimulate the types of thoughts that will soon become your dreams.
🚫 There are no commercials for the entire 12 hours.
I hope you achieve deep, pure sleep and awake feeling rested, healthy, and energized. If you like the video please subscribe for more.
Best for insomnia, anxiety, tension, and getting a full night's rest.
My Spotify ➡ open.spotify.c...
More Links ➡ linktr.ee/Heal...
Did you know I have other sound bath channels?
#bedtime #sleepmeditation #sleepbetter #soundhealing #asmrsleep
I wish you the deepest, most nourishing sleep tonight. Sleep well Vibe Tribe 🙏💜
Btw, I've got a special singing bowl announcement that I'll only be sending to my email followers. You can add your name here if you're interested in owning some 😊healingvibrationsmedia.com/giveaway/
It’s amazing to think that while I listen to this music, someone else on the other side of the world is too. Whether you’re smiling, crying, studying, or resting, know that we are connected in this moment. Wishing you peace and happiness, my friend!
Ditto ❤
Blessed goodnight wishes to you as well dear soul✨️🙏✨️
Listening from the Netherlands 🌷
Thank you I'm in England where are you?
Thanks from Mississippi
Thank you friend!
These videos remind that there is a beautiful world still out there filled with some very wonderful people - may the universe bless you all with love and joy. Thank you!
That's very kind of you to say, Clare. I wish so much love and joy right back to you ✨💜✨
i really want to thank you for this. i’m currently admitted in the ER for a small pneumothorax (partial lung collapse) and i couldn’t sleep because I was so uncomfortable. Also, nurses kept coming in every hour, so i continued waking up through the night. But this video was the only thing that help me drift back to sleep throughout the night. really appreciate you for making this ❤
I wish you all the best for recovery ❤❤
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Sending you healing thoughts & lots of love to speed up your recovery. P!ease look into BINURAL BEATS which is frequency sounds(music or just beats and different than the bowls) that actually help HEAL PHYSICAL problems. There are tons of free ones on YT and u use headphones with them. Type in the search engine what you want to heal as each part of body has a different hrz/frequency.I healed myself of auto immune diseases (several) using them daily. Hope your feeling better🙏. 💕😘🤗2u😇
10 days later, you're in my thoughts. I know you're okay, take it slow ❤
Warm green 💚💚💚💚 healing out to you.
Awoke with cramps in both legs. I got up and went to the most comfortable chair, put my feet up and played this on my phone. Slept well and didn’t have any more cramps.
Many many thanks! 👍😺🌸
Oh my heavens!! This tune worked! I woke up at 435am with a terrible headache, found this faithful channel and selected this one. Was a quick decision but was the best decision!! ❤ Slept until 7 ✨️
Yay! I'm happy to hear that this worked for you! It works like magic for me too. 💜🙏😴
Also water helps - 🍄🤍
Listening while in prodromal labour with an irritable uterus at 37+2 weeks pregnant. I can't sleep and labour is not progressing enough to warrant waking my partner and children at almost 4am so I need to just relax and wait. Thankyou for the beautiful calming sounds to help me keep relaxed and try to get as much rest as possible ❤ 🙏
God bless everyone and have a wonderful day ❤🙏
Blessings to you
I love this happy comment section I love everything and everyone sleep well ❤😊
The comments in this space are truly something special. Thanks for being a part of this. 💜💜💜
This knocked me OUT! Saved it! Thank you! I’ve been struggling to sleep.
I mean, I COULD sleep, but it's so much better while listening to this
Thanks. I have a flight in the early morning, about 4:30 or so, and I need some extra rest, but my body wants to stay up late. I am now very close to sleep, getting sleepier and sleepier by the minute.
My body always 😢wakes me up at night to go....I love listening too the bowl vibrations, helps me drift back to sleep. NAMASTE
Pure Serenity~ Thank You for what you do to help others.
Please do more with warm colors like these!! they're better at protecting from screens and also green colors are calming like bamboo leaves blowing in the wind
They offset frequencies within the same note sprung me into remembering my childhood places. Remembering every door nock and cranny in the house I grew up in. every crack in the road that I went to school with as I walked. Every classroom even the tile on the floor. This took me on a time travel journey of remembrance. This was back in the mid 60s and early 70s
Thank you Travis 🤗 I was asleep in less than 10 minutes 😴😁🥰
Sending 💕 and gratitude to you for sharing your amazing gift with all of us🙏. Its 4:45 am and I've been up since 3:15. Hoping your magic will put me back to sleep. Beautiful!!!💜😘🤗2all😇
❤ thanks for sharing your beautiful gift with us ❤
Ive got terrible ptsd and titinus this got me to sleep well thank-you ive been so stressed uk x
My heart goes out to you, Carla. I struggle with ptsd, as well. God's got you.❤
You are not alone, we are all connected in more ways than what we will ever know. I am sending you lots of positive vibrations with a lovely embrace❤
It must be great actually feeling the bowls vibrate
Your body tingles afterwards. 😊
It is!!!
I have 3....love the feelings/sounds/vibrations!!Now...imagine 7 bowls!!!
I had an astral projection experience five times in two hours while listening to this. Every time I wake up, I go back to sleep and live it again. It was a wonderful experience. I was flying in the sky and above the sea. I saw an ancient civilization. 1:54:44
Good night ! ❤ thank you
It is absolutely beautiful and I am so glad I have found your channel
This is wonderful and exactly what I was looking for to help ease my anxiety. Thank you! 🙏
Helped a whole lot🙏🏽
People around the world, such as in Australia, are waking up and starting their day right now 🤍🤍
The nighttime and dark is only local where you’re at
You are so incredibly gifted🙏✨️your sound baths are so spiritually powerful and magical.. I have had amazing sleep this week..wondering if you have considered infusing your sound baths with your intentions for manifesting desires, relieving depression, increasing self esteem and healing PTSD..you are so appreciated ✨️ thank you!
Thank you for your loving words. I'm honored my music can hold a special place in your life. I actually have all of the infused sound baths you mentioned spread out through my 3 channels. Healing Vibrations would have the most and Chakra Vibrations has some of what you've listed as well 💜🙏☺️
Namaste 🙏
Good night my sweeties hope ur all sleep well tonight
Beautiful!!! Thank you!! ❤❤
Thank you 🙏🏼
Wow! ❤ sleeping is approaching, and the sound vibration of different frequencies enters my ears. Soothing subtle energy rocks me to sleep.
Thank you so much,, for your magic touch.
needed this at 10:52 pm
i just took a lung hurting hit and am ready SLEEEEP
Every time I’ve listened to these I’ve had a long dream about my lovely sister who died.
Thank you !!!! ❤
❤ Thank you for helping us sleep sending love and light out to all who read this sleep well my ❤❤❤
Thank you so much! ❤
It does a pretty decent job of getting me to sleep. It’s not an easy task for me to sleep!
Thank you so much. God bless you
Grazie 🙏
Mine is his voice. Works everytime. The best sleep. Stay on the other side. Him obsessed.
Also i am not afraid of these other entity things stuff whatever lol. If you trying to telling me that. Also i can sleep very well. Dont need any of these. You should listen him too if you have that problem. His voice tone is amazing. Wth lol. Other suggestion find yourself something else to spent time.
If it is not the case ignore. Lol.
Hasan when i see you you will/can not believe what i tell you ajajajjaa life is WEIRDDD omg lool. My life is a joke i swear i am in awe. Cant waittt ❤❤❤
How is this guy not sleeping
Amazing! Had a great night’s sleep. Thank you. ✨🪬✨🪬✨
These sounds massage my brain
Thanks Beautiful Soul 😊
Thank you so much this channel helps calm my nerves
Bro you are creative, thank you ❤
Is this a specific frequency for healing too?
God bless you all sleep well🙏 ❤
Rn I'm SUPER TIRED (srry idk how 2 spell apparently) bu once i saw dis i clicked it SOO FAST😭😃
Here it is 1:10am and I am listening to this, can’t sleep at all but this is very relaxing, great work! Was this played for 12hr straight?
It’s on a loop
Tks man :D
Hello, here hearing from Spain.
Thank you 💜🪷
🙏 thank you
I never have seen and listen before 😮
It's amazing 🎉😮❤
A couple of the sounds remind me of bells that are pressed at work when someone is getting impatient so I woke up at 424 😔 but otherwise nice
So relax and enjoy it all enjoy😴😪😌
What are the frequencies here?
Hello everyone please reply with your location date and time... And then i can understand that we connected with every part of this world... Im in coimbatore india... Its 27th here 😊
Haha, hi. I'm from Ph and it's January 28. 1:30 am in here😅 funny how time works.
Please what is a fréquence a 15:02, dark sound ?
Czy mozna,wiedziec jakie to misy ?
I've always wondered how something intended to aid you in getting sleep is 12 hours long?
I must be the exception. These don't work for me. Tried every "cure Insomia" video on here 💁♀️
Okay. Maybe do a rain and thunder video or white noise. I hope you find a solution. ✨🪬✨
Try- get sleepy. I am the same way and have to alternate depending on my level of anxiety or outside distractions/discomfort
Have you tried listening to healing music as opposed to specific sleep. I found that helps a bit.
I combined this with vervain tea and a lavender or peppermint diffuser. Also I take a 20 minute walk before 3:00pm and get some sunshine.
It’s still hard sometimes
How did you know??
unga bunga
It’s not working on me
Why so dark ?????????????
Please tell a narrative story while doing this. 😶🌫️
jente que palhacada isso nem funciona nada mds cria vergonha toca um tambor maioR
Bro be quiet the world dose not revol you, it may not work for most people but for more people it dose so be quiet and don't talk bad about this
@fnaflorefans-xn5ob Sorry, i should have thought this way before commenting
Zzzzzzz .......
Thank you ❤
Thank you!!!
Thank you ❤