Genshin Fan Reacts to Wuthering Waves Characters & Trailers (Part 3)

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
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    Genshin Fan Reacts to Wuthering Waves Characters & Trailers (Part 3)
    Chocolate Kieran
    #wutheringwaves #wuwa #wutheringwavesgameplay

Комментарии • 119

  • @ChocolateKieran
    @ChocolateKieran  25 дней назад +18

    1000 Likes for more Wuwa on the main channel! I'll be streaming more of the game on Twitch and you can watch the VODs over on mt stream channel, so make sure to go subscribe:

  • @KereRizz
    @KereRizz 25 дней назад +116

    Personally, as someone who plays it on mobile, It runs really well. There's no obstruction that prevents me from having fun.

    • @keizuna1097
      @keizuna1097 25 дней назад +15

      Same here...using mid spec phone yet still can play 60 fps with max graphic 👍

    • @tonyblairs1888
      @tonyblairs1888 25 дней назад

      @@keizuna1097 i could do that but i more prefer performance

    • @C4ptainoodles
      @C4ptainoodles 25 дней назад +1

      Ironically, in my time playing wuwa, I've actually had less trouble playing on my phone than on my new laptop.

    • @ChocolateKieran
      @ChocolateKieran  25 дней назад +3

      Somebody mentioned playing with controller on mobile, are you doing that or is it just in game UI?

    • @ChocolateKieran
      @ChocolateKieran  25 дней назад

      That's crazy 😭

  • @LazeC014
    @LazeC014 25 дней назад +16

    23:28 in lore she basically can manipulate crystals turning it into guns but her real ability is deconstruction. Things that gets hit by her crystals will deconstruct hence the shattered mirror effects that you see when she attacks.

  • @Arzus22
    @Arzus22 25 дней назад +71

    Genshin player getting into wuwa is one of the most enjoyable contents to watch rn, for me at least xD

    • @ChocolateKieran
      @ChocolateKieran  25 дней назад +10

      The character designs are so fire! 😭 Glad you're enjoying this

    • @gabrielsingal209
      @gabrielsingal209 25 дней назад

      @@ChocolateKieran parry and dodge well yea all chars can do that. but every chars has their own moveset so be prepared to remember and how to use their moveset effectively.

    • @christdarrenamistoso442
      @christdarrenamistoso442 25 дней назад +1

      playing genshin impact is a torture so yeah I feel relieve seeing genshin player getting taste what real fun is.

  • @tigermk3554
    @tigermk3554 25 дней назад +37

    The 1.0 launch trailer also has 2 anime openings with "Saving Light" and "Waking of a world"

    • @ChocolateKieran
      @ChocolateKieran  25 дней назад +7

      Ah thank you, it's been so long I must hvae forgot about that! So it is consistent for a .0 trailer to have an anime opening, nice!

    • @Ferdy_Yuugitsune1040
      @Ferdy_Yuugitsune1040 25 дней назад +1

      @@ChocolateKieran "Saving Light" and "Waking of a world" are both great.

  • @qeinz
    @qeinz 25 дней назад +26

    im surprised no one mention it in the chat but Carlotta's English VA is the same as Shadowheart from BG3. the best voice performance so far in the game.

    • @FahallaRa
      @FahallaRa 9 дней назад

      or her Japanese VA is Kana Ueda who did Rin from fate/stay night

  • @0x64bit
    @0x64bit 25 дней назад +42

    wuwa release 200 to 300 mb update every 2 to 3 day on my android.
    now wuwa is most smoother game on my android and no heating issues so far
    i personally think wuwa is not for mobile but they are working hard for it

    • @ChocolateKieran
      @ChocolateKieran  25 дней назад

      Okay that's good! Glad it's a decent experience over there then, I might download it on my phone for dailies 😁 Thank you

    • @0x64bit
      @0x64bit 25 дней назад

      ​@@ChocolateKieran btw 33:43 those are echoes ( Artifact) we kill them daily for ATK% mainstate 😂😂 but FeeBee loves them and they are her friends

    • @0x64bit
      @0x64bit 25 дней назад

      ​@@ChocolateKieran 37:41 wuwa has a hard-core story going on. follow some lore channel to understand.

    • @0x64bit
      @0x64bit 25 дней назад

      ​​@@ChocolateKieran 37:57 enjoy your journey 😅😅

  • @4rch0711
    @4rch0711 25 дней назад +8

    Carlotta is Jennifer English (Shadowheart in baldurs gate 3)
    Phoebe is Rebecca LaChance (Sena in Xenoblade 3)
    I play mobile for the reason people say 'wuwa sucks in mobile'. I use specifically my old Helio G90T unit which is lower than recommended to prove a point, 60fps medium settings. 30/30 ToA, complete hologram except sentry cos skill issue, maxed out whimpering waves n 100% everything except.vault area cos new n haven't had time yet.
    Mobile is fine + u can play anywhere.

  • @YoshiroPoh
    @YoshiroPoh 25 дней назад +28

    for another funny fact, in japanese, sakura's original card before the star card, was called Kurou Card due to the original's owner Clow Card but pronunounced in Japanese.
    Wuwa is by Kuro Games, so it's a joke that she uses Kuro u Cards...
    It's a very Japanese joke lol.

    • @ChocolateKieran
      @ChocolateKieran  25 дней назад +4

      Kuro like black but Clow becoming Kurou in due to romanization or the Japanese pronounciation, that's actually quite clever 😂

  • @archamtracovich8783
    @archamtracovich8783 25 дней назад +2

    13:46 Prerelease trailers also had 2 trailers with song. Saving Light and Waking the world

  • @Isid0nis
    @Isid0nis 24 дня назад +3

    39:00 Wuwa cards are the new thing. Brant have also something else in new trailer.

  • @Masachiika-kun
    @Masachiika-kun 24 дня назад +6

    13:00 Mobile player here.
    I play on full max graphics. At launch time there were some issue but they fixed it pretty quickly and now it runs smooth as hell. Graphics and sceneries are very good compared (even in mobile but not as much as PC version) to all gachas I've played and the combat is my favorite since it's very engaging. I used to be a 3-Finger player in other multiplayer competitive game so fast paced combat is pretty alright for me.

    • @oo4292
      @oo4292 23 дня назад +1

      @Masachiika-kun It's like if you're used to playing game genres like moba, wuwa is very easy on mobile

    • @Masachiika-kun
      @Masachiika-kun 22 дня назад

      ​@@oo4292 I'm not sure about moba but I used to play games like COD, PUBG and FF etc 2-3yrs ago, but I lost interest in that genre.

  • @noinoir
    @noinoir 24 дня назад +1

    21:36 that move is a reference to Dmc, I’m not completely sure about Billy but I remember someone talking about a reference too even with the name of his guns, I highly recommend you to watch some Dmc combos if you like stylish combat ✨

    • @ChocolateKieran
      @ChocolateKieran  24 дня назад +1

      funnily enough, I’ll be streaming DMC in the next few weeks! I wanna make some videos on it for this channel while I play for the first time 😁

    • @noinoir
      @noinoir 24 дня назад

      @ glad to know!! I’ll try to be there to watch☺️ the game is quite popular thanks to the music, characters and moves, I’m sure you will recognize that one
      Kuro is also a big fan of the franchise, they have lots of references in wuwa and there is even a future collab for PGR!

  • @archamtracovich8783
    @archamtracovich8783 25 дней назад +1

    14:14 all humanoid (except Lingyang as he transformed due to his resonnace awakening) are humans, their horns, elf ears and etc. are part of their resonator's mutations

  • @weertangel7231
    @weertangel7231 25 дней назад +8

    2.0 was a real gamechanger, the new region Rinacita looks SO much better and yes! u can just fly anywhere now!
    The characters have evolved as well and are alot more fun to play, Carlotta for example is the new take on gun characters of being very mobile and not fearing getting close.
    Btw, there is also a teaser trailer out where they show the names of upcoming patches and some new characters, its worth looking into.

  • @naeginosora96
    @naeginosora96 25 дней назад +4

    37:15 I watch the trailer in jp dub and this line is really pretty much same with cardcaptor sakura when she collecting the cards 😊

  • @dislikebutton8979
    @dislikebutton8979 25 дней назад +1

    I'm excited to see you play again. The story gets so good

  • @LahssXandrius
    @LahssXandrius 25 дней назад +4

    Vikala mention! ngl when Lumi dropped, she literally felt like Vikala at home~

    • @ChocolateKieran
      @ChocolateKieran  24 дня назад

      okay I’m glad I’m not the only one that felt the similarities 😂

    • @LahssXandrius
      @LahssXandrius 24 дня назад

      @ChocolateKieran if Lumi removes the ears can she go into Yintopian mode 🤔 kidding aside she's really fun to play with~

  • @jvasyeet5818
    @jvasyeet5818 25 дней назад +1

    14:07 if i remember correctly why Some character have Animal like feature
    All the playble character in WuWa is called Resonator because they Resanote with Different Creature (Echos) / Sentinel (same like Archon In genshin) But When they Resonate They Body kinda Mutated so some Character Have like Scale some have horns and Feature Of the Echo they Resonate with (Some time they don't have mutation like some of the 2.0 Character because they kinda live peace with The Echos)
    Correct me if im wrong

  • @LucarioDoT
    @LucarioDoT 11 дней назад

    I hold the opinion that "only just begun" should have had more pauses between words

  • @Masachiika-kun
    @Masachiika-kun 24 дня назад +4

    More Wuwa Playthrough and reactions please.

  • @Kn94052frz
    @Kn94052frz 25 дней назад +15

    Wow cool reaction

    • @ChocolateKieran
      @ChocolateKieran  25 дней назад +1

      WAit, the vidoe JUST dropped! 😂 Thank you though, also your PFP is making me wanna watch DBH

    • @Kn94052frz
      @Kn94052frz 25 дней назад +1

      Thank your

  • @jaycee1631
    @jaycee1631 24 дня назад +2

    You missed the second 2.0 trailer that would've gave you the story intrigue that you were craving for lol.

  • @fatimaoubejja6431
    @fatimaoubejja6431 23 дня назад +1

    He definitely should react to the preview.

  • @shyytiny
    @shyytiny 25 дней назад +7

    I play on my iPad and I have hella storage on it and I’ve never found an issue with it lol 😂

    • @ChocolateKieran
      @ChocolateKieran  25 дней назад

      I might download it on mine and see then! Thank you

  • @alexmercer6730
    @alexmercer6730 25 дней назад +7

    Bro ain't gonna be ready for arknights lore if he is suprised at girls not breaking after falling off of a building

    • @katsura2605
      @katsura2605 20 дней назад

      Could you be so nice to give me one example of their leg game over there

    • @alexmercer6730
      @alexmercer6730 20 дней назад +1

      @katsura2605 there is an entire race based on horses (called kuranta) or literal gods in arknights, as u might expect kurantas are really fast and has a bunch of stamina much like a horse added to the fact that the normal people of the world in arknights are all way stronger than the average male in real life so u could also say that most if not all of the inhabitants of ak could survive that fall
      Source: arknights rainbow six siege Collab and the races lore video by terrastorian

  • @guillermogerrycabrera7625
    @guillermogerrycabrera7625 25 дней назад +1

    12:50 im playing on mobile since day 1. Using ps4 controller using the mantis gamepad app.
    Playing mobile on release is nightmare to say the least.(of course this is also due to my phone specs, and im still using same phone now)
    Starting up loading is too long with the compiling shaders being done each time. Now, it only does this one time after patching.
    The camera sometimes fly into either facing directly top or directly bottom.
    Textures being unable to be load.
    And experiencing lag.
    (i say again, this is specifically my experience, specifically my phone. idk about others.)
    Now, all are now improved upon and just more easy and smooth. And there is an official controller usage on mobile without using other apps.

  • @sarielgrace
    @sarielgrace 25 дней назад +2

    Mobile has controller support, for both apple and Android which is remappable for most of the buttons

  • @o.o4692
    @o.o4692 24 дня назад +1

    They optimize the game so good that my low budget phone was able to play on high settings with a stable 50fps 😭

  • @mayuuu89
    @mayuuu89 25 дней назад +1

    I played on mobile since launch because it's more convenient for me. It was clunky in the beginning but, it definitely gets better with the optimisations through each update patches.

  • @wyspreegamings
    @wyspreegamings 25 дней назад +4

    I play Wuthering Waves mostly on mobile. Runs smoother than my laptop.

    • @ChocolateKieran
      @ChocolateKieran  25 дней назад +3

      You're the second person to say this! that's so wild to me hahaha, that's good news then but is it comofortable? Its hard to imagine playing without controller

    • @wyspreegamings
      @wyspreegamings 25 дней назад

      @ChocolateKieran The buttons are very small, so I sometimes miss the commands. I tried increasing their size, but it looked off. I have it on default controls right now.

  • @retr0188
    @retr0188 25 дней назад +12

    You missed 1 more trailer, which was at the end of stream 2.1видео.html

    • @Krymms
      @Krymms 25 дней назад +4

      Probably for the better considering it's spoilers for 2.0 story.

  • @obrians-brown1307
    @obrians-brown1307 25 дней назад +1

    Thats the buff being a Resonator gives you. Strong Knees.

    • @cry-o1436
      @cry-o1436 25 дней назад

      So what you're saying is, she can kneel longer.

    • @obrians-brown1307
      @obrians-brown1307 25 дней назад

      @cry-o1436 you naughty naughty

  • @Etherwinter
    @Etherwinter 23 дня назад

    We had a banger anime opening for 1.0 but people forgot it lol.

  • @Raddenstein23
    @Raddenstein23 23 дня назад

    Don't worry the HR isnt that Scary
    The Hr :

  • @archamtracovich8783
    @archamtracovich8783 25 дней назад +1

    So well u missed As Fate has decreed trailer in all parts

  • @robbyndcdc
    @robbyndcdc 22 дня назад

    2.0 Absolute Cinema 🔥

  • @m0rxna
    @m0rxna 22 дня назад +1

    brant's showcase is out! ⚓

  • @ChronoEclipse
    @ChronoEclipse 24 дня назад

    Carlotta is known as the Executioner (or I think Executor), but she's basically... the Gun of the Montelli family, Roccia is a good girl and Phoebe is a precious Bean also yes, Rinacista is based off of Italy and the majority of the cast for Rinacista is Italian, British, possibly Welsh, Scottish and Irish, but it makes more sense vs Jinzhou's cast which is mainly supposed of Asian cultures

  • @frisko1121
    @frisko1121 22 дня назад

    I appreciate your reactions to the version trailers, not only resonator showcase.
    pls watch the phoebe song

  • @saheemshafi
    @saheemshafi 25 дней назад +1

    There is an official what you can call an anime opening too. It's only available over the Japanese official channel and was released during 1.3.видео.html

  • @dela19900
    @dela19900 18 дней назад

    Carlottas VA is the same as Shadowheart from Baldurs Gate 3 ❤

  • @Techno_World4837
    @Techno_World4837 23 дня назад

    This man really needs to play the game cause my god

    • @ChocolateKieran
      @ChocolateKieran  23 дня назад

      I have, more this week too! check the intro ☺️

  • @samyakbaniya2652
    @samyakbaniya2652 3 дня назад

    also carlotta is the head and the executioner

  • @Darkimakura
    @Darkimakura 25 дней назад

    Nice reaction, bro

  • @frisko1121
    @frisko1121 22 дня назад

    I was a whale for 6 months, 100 dollars every month but now i just do the events but i can get every character with his weapons, its luck after all
    english isn't my first language

  • @hyacinthwilliams6079
    @hyacinthwilliams6079 24 дня назад

    For Camellia, she fits the same archetype as Hisoka from Hunter X Hunter if you've seen that. She just wants to fight strong people.

  • @Krymms
    @Krymms 25 дней назад +1

    Mobile is fine if you play with controller, though mobile controller support is limited to some Xbox and PS controllers, but 3rd party ones with same control schemes should work.

  • @johnnydeez6953
    @johnnydeez6953 25 дней назад +1

    I play on mobile but my device has 8 gigs of ram so it runs fine, if ur device is old it will prob have issues.

  • @eduardomattos7850
    @eduardomattos7850 25 дней назад

    finally my man!

  • @ahri-kipay
    @ahri-kipay 25 дней назад

    Phoebe's voice reminds me of Lux from league of legends.

  • @saquael
    @saquael 8 дней назад

    Roccia partner is Mimic? You know chest monster? I think roccia friend with mimic

  • @stepgaming3696
    @stepgaming3696 24 дня назад

    31:01 card captor sakura actually

  • @101rsb
    @101rsb 19 дней назад

    I play on mobile and PC, mobile is decently good now, but launch was glitching really baaadd, I use a google pixel 7.

  • @mrid6545
    @mrid6545 25 дней назад

    It's on mobile but that's really not recommended if that's gonna be the main device you play on

  • @camiifu
    @camiifu 25 дней назад

    camellya n carlotta 🙏

  • @kayyam9959
    @kayyam9959 25 дней назад

    why phoebe has cards? because card captor sakura reference that's why.. tho it's a given younger people won't know that

    • @ChocolateKieran
      @ChocolateKieran  25 дней назад

      I'm flattered you think I'm so young but I watched it as a kid, it was on Nickelodeon in the UK for some reason LOL

  • @mites7
    @mites7 25 дней назад +1

    Act 1-3 are pretty slow, but the game gets extremely good after the last parts of 1.0
    1.1-1.4 were significant quality jumps, and 2.0 was basically a reset of the game
    Highly recommend going through it
    And yes flying is flying and a gadget
    Every character can do it

  • @r0ckkyNAH
    @r0ckkyNAH 24 дня назад

    Nah man! I was waiting for part 2 of your gameplay, and even crossed the like goal. But you didn't continue playing it.

    • @ChocolateKieran
      @ChocolateKieran  24 дня назад +1

      did you skip the intro? playing this week! it’s still coming, other games and my health got in the way

    • @r0ckkyNAH
      @r0ckkyNAH 11 дней назад

      @ChocolateKieran Hope you are doing well. And looking forward to the uploads.

  • @yenahh6954
    @yenahh6954 25 дней назад +2

    She's like Astra Yao?, Not a SINGLE thing resembles her at all 😅

    • @ChocolateKieran
      @ChocolateKieran  25 дней назад

      I said specifically the magic beam attacks, they both resemble Aerith in FF7 Rebirth's combat in that attack animation. All three are mage type characters, so it's not that surprising.

  • @Toxic_MF911
    @Toxic_MF911 25 дней назад +1

    when u gonna play it?

    • @ChocolateKieran
      @ChocolateKieran  25 дней назад

      Did you skip the intro?! 👀 We have our first time playing up on the channel already too if you missed it

    • @Toxic_MF911
      @Toxic_MF911 25 дней назад +2

      @@ChocolateKieran oh i meant continue, last one was 3 months ago :(

    • @cry-o1436
      @cry-o1436 25 дней назад

      Pretty sure he said next week in the video as well

    • @Toxic_MF911
      @Toxic_MF911 25 дней назад

      @cry-o1436 wait when?

    • @cry-o1436
      @cry-o1436 25 дней назад

      @@Toxic_MF911 literally within a minute of the video lol

  • @Freetimee-o
    @Freetimee-o 24 дня назад

    I ply on mobile ipad

  • @justf1822
    @justf1822 25 дней назад

    React to solaris stage

  • @breannahendry3693
    @breannahendry3693 23 дня назад

    time for you to re-visit apex legends with all the recent changes in the last couple of seasons ;)

  • @Fake_Legendary
    @Fake_Legendary 24 дня назад +1

    Yeah like Zenless Zone Zero

  • @katsura2605
    @katsura2605 20 дней назад +1

    You know damn well what exactly is wrong with gacha player😂