Rest in Peace, Brad Renfro

I saw something on this last night in passing and honestly thought it was some kind of urban legend or joke. He was brilliant in The Client and I thought his star would have risen a lot faster than it did.

He was too short on this earth that's for sure. Safe journey home.
This is such a sad waste of talent. Hard to believe he was so young. I was watching Vertigo last night and there's a line in the film where Jimmy Stewart says to Kim Novak "you were a very apt pupil." That must be where the title of Apt Pupil came from. And Brad Renfro was amazing in that movie. If you haven't seen it, I recommend it highly. Also The Client in which he made his debut, surely one of the finest debuts in the history of film for any child actor. He is also heart-breakingly good in Bullies, altho it is hard to watch.
I can't say I've seen him in anything past "The Client" but I thought he was SO brilliant in that and from what I understood that was his first movie. Looks like fame screwed up his head and he couldn't handle it so he turned to substances:

unknown detox facility Jan-2002
Driving While Intoxicated Jan-2002
Grand Theft tried to steal a 45' yacht in Fort Lauderdale, FL (Aug-2000)
Drug Possession: Cocaine 5-Jun-1998
Drug Possession: Marijuana 5-Jun-1998
Violating Probation 2002
Driving without a License TN (14-Jan-2002)
Drunk in Public TN (14-Jan-2002)
Underage Drinking Florida (16-May-2001)
Drug Possession: Heroin (attempted) Los Angeles, CA (22-Dec-2005)
Inmate: Los Angeles County Jail
(from his NNDB page: Brad Renfro)

So, maybe he'll be at peace finally. Rest in peace, Brad...find happiness!
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These situations are tragic. I suspect that there will be more revelations about the nature of his problems and fame over the years. I did hear that during the Huck Finn filming, he acted rather spoiled, so maybe he was having a hard time with it, but we are all human.

In any event, RIP.
That is soooo fucking sad... I too watched Dueces Wild a few weeks ago and was treated to another one of Brad's awesome performances. If anyone wants to see Brad in an intensely powerful film, check out Bully

He will be missed...
^^ Same here...and "Bully" didn't do anything to subside it. I was saddened by his death, but not shocked as he'd been dealing with that monkey for quite some time.
Why is this in celebrity endowments?

He was a movie star and would certainly be classified as a celebrity.
By posting it here, perhaps some lucky person might have inside info on what he was packing. Surely someone grew up around him and maybe saw him in the showers?

I 've wondered about his cock ever since I first saw him on the screen.