THE CLOSURE DNA SHOW: Catching up with St Mary's Mother
- Опубликовано: 28 мар 2025
- Welcome To The Closure DNA Show
The Platform Of Realities!!!
Season 7 Episode # 15 ST MARY'S 2, CHITUNGWIZA
Paternity DNA Testing
In this episode The DNA Man revisits the mother from St Mary's Chitungwiza.
Second 🧬DNA tests were done on the Second Mentioned alleged father to see who the real father of the child is.
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After all has been said and done I would like to thank this mother for coming back with another man for the tests she is not selfish she did this for her daughter may you be blessed mama next time just be cautious... I also liked how understanding this man is the fact that he accepted to be present even with his face covered it shows kuti ane interest nemwana Bless him
Very true nice words
Very tru coz vazhinji kashoma kudzoka zvinobva zvatorova zvakadaro mwana asingazive baba vake
@@kudzaimud6886 so true veduwe nekuzotambura kunoita vamwe kutsvaga mubereki
Yaàa vakaratidza hushingi zvakaoma kudaro yaisava nyore kudzoka uku
Chibaba icho chichatodya bota futi.
@ Tinashe Mugade. Next time you do a follow up episode its advisable to play a summarized clip of the 1st or prevoius episode so that viewers can easily relate.
True even to put a picture on corner, if took me a bit of time to remember cause the lady adzoka ne different hairstyle 😄
So true
True ipapo shuwa
Ahhh imi manga mamushaya Juriet uyu
This commendable of the mother I respect this woman for doing this for mwana wake
respect hure?
All the parties concerned have really gained peace of mind. This is a very good iniciative from Global DNA
It's a motivation to some other women.hakuna mwana anozvarwa pasina baba kune vaye vanoramba vachit baba ndivava iyo DNA ichit havas .🥳
Taura hako. Dzinenge dzingori nharo for convinience asi vachiziva havo chokwadi
True dea
Just a suggestion. For follow up episodes please put link in description for the first show.
Yebo...or a little clip of the previous episode
@@sindisomoyo6026 true mina I was even lost yazi, I have watched all the episodes mpela kodwa I've forgotten this lady
Mina ngaibona yaz
It's from the episode last Saturday yemurume wekumasowe.видео.html
Well done kumukadzi ku corrector mistake achiri mupenyu dear tinashe wose angoita 0% this time dzoka ne part 2 mwana azive dzinza rake 1 thing for sure akuna mwana adonha kubva kudenga vakadzi ngavadzidze kutaura chkwd
Imagine being gulez, watching this show and your husband saying there's a possibility yekuti achadzokerana na baby mama if the results are positive 🤦. Then results obuda just like that, haaaa unosvika pachikamu chekuzora Wani.
Nonetheless, mwana awanawo dzinza rake. Well done mainini for doing the right thing for your daughter.
Aaah ndirini handirwadziwi nehure rakadayi vanozongomutsana chete nekuti haazoregi chihure chake nekuti adzokerana nemurume ihure mkadzi uyu
@@luckymazhambe8211 kikkkkk 🤣 kuzvishingisa kugara nehure remurume... This kinda guy ndiye asingamire chihure. That's why most women are dying of disease or getting mental health issues. Hawurwadziwe nehure iwe uri kukumurira selfish hure everyday. That guy only loves himself and lifestyle Amai vari kumba gives him.
@Yvonne even akasadzokerana nababy mama avo its not the end of wifey's troubles...... There is more in the past, present and future kikkkk
@@chiyenyumba7135 yaaaaah kkkk true chihure haaregi shuwa kana iye mkadzi uyu haana direction anoti angagarwe naye achiita zvakadai
@@luckymazhambe8211 looks like mkadzi uyo achangoita continue nababa avo for sake of her baby... As the guy said she went to mpostori for better prospects unfortunately itwas too late as this guy had already scored. The real person in trouble is the one washing that guy's under wear 😩
Mai ava vakanyarara nhema 🤣🤣🤞🏾🤞🏾 katsotsi chaiiko chokwadi kusiya Madzibaba hezvo vave Sweden 😂😂😂
Dai vakazvibata vachitori ku Sweden shavi reurombe kkkkk
Vakanyanya kuhura nemunhu anemhuri yake varipamurume yopakaipa
Ishavi renhamo kuzvarira munhu ane mukadzi wake uchitadza kuzvibata vacharamba vachitambura vari mumbare mavo imomo
Siyabonga Mugabe muhle umsebenzi wakho baba. I'm always delighted at your zeal to go deeper into the issue and leaving no stone unturned. Mother i'd like to commend you for doing what's right for your children regardless of what people will think and say about you or the situation. Umwe aizonyarira kure asi you were bold enough to bring another person to ensure you got it right. Well done.
I salute this woman . She did the right thing. After all its not about her its about the child. Mwana wave nababa. I respect you mainini. But please don't go pabarika chengetai zvenyu mwana pamwechete naBaba but siyayi maiguru nemurume wavo
Kana barika richimuitira rega aende
@@tanakachikwaviratamia3977 Aiwa ngavarambe vachiita zvekuba izvozvo,kusvika nzenza iyo yapihwa mumwe futi
Well done for bringing closure to this episode, l so wish that other mothers who came on earlier episodes would return again to seek closure and really find out the real father of their children.
if "selfless was a person!, thank you mama for going this far kuti mwana azive baba vake
Thumbs up for the Men, other men they could take chances and punish the mother for leaving him before. Thanks baba nenguva yenyu
He is a real man
vakadzi vakaoma anenge achitiziva muridzi weMwana but kunyepera kuzungaira ha zvakaoma hazvo
Well-done Tinashe and crew you are helping lives...
"Mwana kwababa mwana kumuridzi,"singing zvangu the powerful stanza of the song.Thanks Mr Mugabe continue to find closure in cases like these.Pursue the cases kusvika kumagumo.
Pasara forongonya tinashe asi vakazoudzwa kuseri wega takaimirira isu
Tinashe tinashe tinashe urikutibirira paforogonya apa vapedza
this is a real man. owning up to your deeds. i have learnt
Madzibaba Blessed he is now in Sweden God s Wonderful
Dai zvikavafambirawo ikoko vangadai varikutotumira mari from Sweden vachichengeta mwana asiri wavo vachiti ndewavo.
Are you sure?
Hi Tinashe, i think its worthwhile to pin the previous episode for the benefit of those who did not see it or have forgotten.
Chokwadi we need a link of the previous episode
Magona amai kuti mwana aziwe baba wake
Very true yazi
Chokwadi coz ini ndatorasika haisi yamadzimai here mundebele vaye
You are the best Tinashe I really like this show
Watching from.Southafrica
Makorokoto Mr Tinashe nekubvumirwa kuenderera mberi nebasa nehigh court.
Airamba ndiwo matsotsi acho. Vari kutyakubatwa.
Chero ndazoona chachimunya ndangofadzwa nekuuya Kwa bba vechi 2 mwana akuziva dzidza rake thank u Mr Mugabe nema follow up.amakaita
Thumps up to the sister, dont worry about what pple say, u have done the right thing for the child, ikodzero emwana wese kuziwa dzinza rake
What a man of understanding may God bless you the good one are taken my Sisi only misoro bhangu ndo Ari available
Saka vakatosara Ku Sweden
Thumbs up for doing the second test with the alleged father. Mwana achakura achiziba dzinza rake
Ariku Sweden ndiyani pandirasa please help
@@lydianzarayebani1289 alleged father vekutanga, watch episode that was aired before this one
@@lydianzarayebani1289 neniwo ndarasikawo ipapo
As much as it seems embarrassing she did the best thing. All the best to the mom. I think it's better she start her life over. She's pretty she'll find someone
You can say that again. She is pretty and she must realise kuti there is more to life than dating a married man. She is young as well.
AT least the mother has got PEACE OF MIND
Watching from Malawi
Tinashe you're the best
I wonder if the previous alleged father had a dream or he knew this guy. Thank you woman for not resting until the truth came out. Nhasi makadzikama fani. Baba avo vanoda munhu wavo
Hure chairo apa ane mukadzi..ibwa yemunhu chaiyo
@@maiyeukai9346 kuzoti toona maresults abuda
Watching from Mexico, l love this show Mr Mugabe. Good job
Hesi Margaret. Warova sha
Ndaito kufunga the other day Posi, am so happy to connect with you again
@@maggiedom I'm glad too sis
Ndokuti amai uku she make mistakes and fixed her mistakes by giving her child the biological father pakadai wozonzwa vanhu vachiti global DNA ndeyefake this is good news # proud of you mama
Watching loud and clear from Gaborone 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Respect 🙏 for this woman for not being selfish
she has already been selfish to the 1st guy, she lied and cheated on the 1st guy... why do u want to paint that white
Nhai vanhu kukurudzira hunzenza
I love these 2 theyare old enough to handle in a calm loving way
I am pleased with the results because mwana awana family yake, the father sounds reasonable.
That's a great thing for the traumatized mother n a positive answer too
Hope ladies get the correct advise on having two lovers at the same time
traumatised how?
Weldone to both of you for your baby musikana handimushore akaedzaewo kuenda kune aive asina mukadzi
Dai mwari akomborera the first guy ku Sweden kwaakaenda ikoko ,and hopefully one day achawana mukadzi kwaye
The previous guy described the actual father the exact way he saw in the dream👌
Muroti kkk
He saw his photo muphone yaaMai uyo or saw him during double dipping kikkkkk 🤣
@@chiyenyumba7135 Ha ha ha
He saw incriminating messages mufoni yenjapisi yake. Hazvinei neMweya izvi. Zvekuzoti Mweya what what izvo ingoriwo nonsense yekuti agovhara vanhu mari nayo.
@@babava2263 baba kune vanhu vane zvipo vanoratidzwa kana kurota madzidza akasiyana anoramba matakanana koitawo mamwe akatonhora zvawo
Ndozvinoita mwari wausingade ndiye ankuzvarisa kuita confusion yekurara nevarume 2 mazuva akafanana
Thanx Mr Mugabe program yenyu yabatsira vana zvikuru kuti vaziwewo vana Baba vawo
The way people are having unprotected sex in Zim is alarming. I feel for the current generation if ever they will live a normal sex married life. Vakadzi ndivo vanechimuti mudzimba umu. Akomana ka. People be faithful out there both men and women. Yah Neh
true hey
It is scary , vanhu havachatyi zvirwere chavakutotya inhumbu zvakaoma
Love you Mom despite what happened🙏
Well-done Amai,, mwana awana Baba vake,, vaya vekunamata Mwari akazova jekesera kut hazvichaiti kut murambe muchigara mese, coz vaiti Mwari achavaudza way forward,, muzvichengete Amai life Goes on hanti
}ndizvozvo they is life ahead
Lol futi
Aaa ndange ndarasika kt part 1 ndeipi ha pamazonyora kudai ndarangarira
Watching from Czechoslovakia
Thanx Mr Mugabe
Thanks mama for being open kuti pane umwe wamaifambidzana naye pa same time . unlike mamwe ma episodes ekuti vanamai vano hapana umwe yet maresults anenge ati excluded/0% probability.thanks also Mr Mugabe ne follow up case keep doing so Ku similar cases.scientific evidence has conclusive results
Yes thanks makugona bota father terai verse nana Forogonya
Breathed a sigh of relief panzi "alleged father is not excluded". Was wondering what she was going to say if the result was " alleged father is excluded" again! Madzibaba talked sweet in front of the cameras and said he 'might' continue with her but with strict laws, then after 2 weeks kwakurovesa munhu road! Kkkkkk
She was going to approach this other guy who just ate the porridge but just once
He was professional to say that
his first wife also cheated on him so imagine what he must have been going through
He did not want to take her to Sweden coz he knew the next child would be musanganiswa!
Voice ndariziva iro🤗
Hatinga tange kutsvaga dzimwe kodzero it's a big tune 🎶
I have observed kuti kana maresults ari positive Mr DNA doesn't take time to announce them.Kana ari negative panomboita a moment of silence...
Anenge achimboprocesser manyepo angaachitaurwa😂😂😂
Thus very true. He will be happy to announce
Very good show, ndafarira ma results !BUT vaMugabe please kana muchiita part two imbotipaiwa ka short clip from the past kuti tigambirane. Seni ndato vakanganwa mai avo
Thank you Mr Mugabe chokwadi chazobuda. Zvino maiguru vachiona kuti vanhu ava vanogona kudzokerana since pane mwana mskana aidiwa, I feel sorry for her
Watching from mutare... ikodzero yemwana kuziva dzinza rake
Well- done amai magonera mwana wenyu
I’m just happy hangu kuti the mother did the right thing now mwana achakura akuziva baba vake @ least haazotambure kutsvaga baba kana akura like zvatiri kuona vamwe vana varikuuya on this show
Welldone DNA TEAM mwana awana dzinza rake...kuna amai tinoti magona kutaura chokwadi mwana haazotamburi asingazivi vokwake..but zvekuda kudzokerana nababa ava sezvo muchiti hamudi kuparikwa madii machengeta vana venyu vamuinavo coz zvehusahwira zvamavakuda izvi muchipamha zve umwe mwana mozodii paye...mmm handioni sezvakanaka hangu
Kudos to Mr bota watching from Namibia
Now all parties involved have gained what we call peace of mind. 😁
Ma1 atanga to the child's father's wife...Yapera peace..
ndanga ndatomushaya ini ko azorukwa 👏👏 thanks DNA man neupdate
Akabva atosiya masowe😂😅🤣
@@selinalembani9816 kikkkkk 🤣 🤣 🤣
Kikikik aaah veduwe kudenga kure shuwa 🤣🤣🤣🤣
No more madzimai...varukwa kare
@@sithembisompofu7153 vanga vari kufadza mutengi kikkkkk 🤣 so now mutengi wavave kufadza ndewe Dread haasi madzibaba
Muri kubata basa aMugabe aitochengetwa baba vasivo. Thank you DNA man 👏🏽👏🏽
Haaaaaa Mugabe morova basa baba mabatsira mwana uyu shuwa and thanks to amai kuva nehushingi to test the other guy.
Aikaka ndi madzimai avo vane ma oyi oyi vakabva varasa nguwo vabva vaita sevasirivo wena saka madzibaba hanzi vakatorwa na Tatilicious ku 🇸🇪 at least mwana awana dzinza rake nuff respect
At least mwana Awana Baba vake ,the way the mother was reacting like Havana chokwadi zve kuti mwana ndewa Baba ava but better chokwadi chabuda thanks DNA man
Heinz dzirikurohwa left right and centre raw futi, hanz ndinongozvitambira..unozvitambira sei kana kusina umwe munhu
@@Frank_Bros taura hako she not quite certain kuti iyeye ndiye chaiye kureva paitove nemumwe
Pane aonawo here ruoko rwababa panzi "mama baba ndivo muridzi wemwana". Ndaona sekuti dai tangatisipo pane zvanga zvichaitika chete
Mr Bota leaves no stone unturned big up
Watching from Scotland Tinashe Mugabe pamberi newe
After results i smell paper 2 of the relationship 😀😀
Thanks very much but I didn't see the first episode.
Pakuti ndotambira negative results it clearly means in the game there were more than 2 men.
Ka confusion kamai ava ndokane vakadzi vakawanda panze apa. Imagine life without DNA test most ladies wre going to walk away with murder.
Aita zvakanaka mai awa for the sake yemwana
Wonderful great episode coz the follow up happened so quickly it really brings closure to both parties especially the child l would wish if all episodes will have follow ups a lot are still pending
Mr Bota Bhoo here murikufugura zvakavanzika well done ✅ good job Sir Bota
Thanks for coming back
Kamushini ka mugabe ako usaende nako kumbare unokabirwa ako ukazoona Ana kinna nana calaz vakutotestawo wega
watching from Sweden , tiripa Sowe namadzibaba
Vari kutiiwo madzidaddy kkkkkk
Tatelicious aripowo pasowe here? 😂😂😂😂😂
Batsiraiwo namadzibaba vane chipo chakanaka
Ah nhasi madam wauya wakarukwa ndange ndawashaya kaini
It's the questions for me kkkkk thank you for giving people closure Mr Mugabe
Kkk Tinashe kaa,hanz makazongoerekana mashaikwa pa map
Mkadzi uyu akanaka hake. Akawana good food anonyatsobuda mushe. Isuper model iyi😄
But pfungwa hapana hapo
Proudly bota family pamberi nebasa va Mugabe
Truth thats the key to heaven
@dna Please include a recap of the previous dna results presentation, zvinotibatsira kufambirana. Apa taakutonotsvaga futi video
Masahwira muri sei kkkkkkk.I like this lady anombozama kutaura havo hanzi ndogoda sasahwira
Hha this woman....she lost my respect nekudanana nemurume wemunhu. Sisterhood. I didnt lije the results..this means another family will NEVER be the same just as her daught knows the father. Haa honestly, people are suffering in marriages. How can a man does this to his wife and kids. Thats why she suffered.nxa
You can't fake genetics sure ndatenda hangu ,I'm happy the baby found the real father.but the mother seems as if she is not happy with the results.
Kkkkkk kupererwa bt better coz zvaizonyadzisa otanga futii kutsvaga vamwe ari kufunga kuporonga dai ✈️✈️✈️achitoflayawo
Hoooo munotoenda pabasa pavo😂😂😂😂😂😂 Tinasheka!! And the way he keeps his cool makes me lose my cool😂😂😂😂
Hure rekumbare iri..i wanted so for themarried father not to be the father
Thanks Tinashe for further finding out who is the father
We are getting a bit lost especially on second testing in the event there's a follow up
Vatoo kuSweden baba vaye l think vakatonyamurwa nekamwe kasingle mother Kari serious 😛😛😛
Thank u bamunini nekubvuma kuuya kumatest.
Thank you my sis mwana awana closure
Thanks Tinashe mwana aziva.dzinza rake
Ndoda # dzako
Watching from Nyajena Makumbe Mundoga village
Thanks my sister wabuda pachena... vamwe havataure kuti mwana ndewani kusvikira mukufa nenhau yekunyara vanhu zvozonetsa mwana mangwana... wagonera mwana wako wako
Kkkkkkkk Umwe anenge ari wababa kana kut brother hazvitaurike kkkkkkkk
Mwana kwababa mwana kumuridzi ❣
Totenda DNA shuwa. Njapisi hadzichabudirira sterek kuchengetesa varume vana vasiri vavo. Handifungi kuti madham ava achagona kurega katsika kake kekutemesa zvinhu nevarume vevanhu. Manjemanje anenge ava pa4 vana from different fathers.
Asi imwe Shongrish inombhotaurwa naTinashe soo ka🤣🤣🙌🏽? Ndofunga akadzidza paCherutombo Secondary skuru.
This woman moves fast like wifi havasi kuda kuita mukadzi wechi 2 but she has hope that something might happen zvakaoma
Ihure remakoko mbwa chaiyooo
@@maiyeukai9346 😂😂😂
I almost mistook the young man”s calmness for integrity. Integral man do not take off their paints everywhere. I will applaud him if he restores his integrity by doing the right thing, i.e. cutting intimate ties with the mother, care for his daughter and genuinely apologise to his wife. This is a sad story. There is something sad abt it.
Its very sad especialy to the wife and kids. The calmness of the man and audecity to go for tests on national tv without your wifes knowledge😳😳. Im so pained for his wife and kids
@@maiyeukai9346 Mufunge vasikana. I hope the wife does not get to see this. Hanzi ndaida kumuita second wife, apa mukadzi wacho achibvunzwa zverudo hanzi hazvisati zvanyatsobuda but zvinogona kudaro. This is painful mufunge.
Kkkkkk DNA man musadaro hanzi kukwazisana nemaoko chaiwo asi ka🤣🤣🤣nway thanx mainini nekupa mwana kodzero dzako
2 weeks mother mangamatoonda neattitude yese yaenda.manje mungadai makatoenda Sweden nababa chihure chikati noo.
Kkk hapana anoda kugara nepfambi
Sweden imagine futi ummm vanga dai va diaspora or kuzotevera
Mr Tinashe since the results are positive show his face , because that child might need this video as evidence maiguru vakumunyima pfuma in future. Ku court they will say they can not see him .