Ballet pirouette tips that do not go around "muscles you want to be aware of" erector spinae muscle

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • This time, I will talk about muscles that I want to be aware of in a rotating system such as Pirouette.
    If you are doing ballet, you may be wondering if there are any tips to turn around in a rotating system such as a pirouette.
    The other day, I had an event at a famous ballet shop.
    From those who met there
    "I'm good at first in the practice of rotation, but when I keep going, when the eyes turn around, it's better to fortify the semicircular canal? Is there anything you can do, or something like using it here?"
    I received a question like this.
    ・ Where to use, anatomical reason
    ・ What kind of measures are there?
    If you know this, it will be a hint for the lesson.
    It’s Google Translation.

Комментарии • 3

  • @حسانحواط
    @حسانحواط 3 года назад +1

    تحية طيبة
    تحية كبيرة

  • @TheNidese
    @TheNidese 5 лет назад

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