'I can't have my birth certificate plastered on my forehead': Obama responds to poll

It may be better all round if he did. He also needs to start eating pork sausages everyday and wearing a Cross to prove he is a Christian and not Muslim, then he can get on with his job.


'I can't have my birth certificate plastered on my forehead': Barack Obama laughs off poll that shows a fifth of Americans believe he's Muslim

President Barack Obama has blasted a poll which reveals a fifth of Americans believe he is Muslim.

In an interview on NBC Nightly News, the U.S. President blamed the confusion over his religious beliefs on 'a network of misinformation that in a new media era can get churned out there constantly'.

He has also faced persistent accusations that he was not born in the U.S.

'The facts are the facts. I can't spend all my time with my birth certificate plastered on my forehead,' he said.

'If I spend all my time chasing after that, then I wouldn't get much done.'

Mr Obama was responding to a poll released earlier this month by the Pew Research Center which showed that 18 per cent of people believe he is Muslim.

That is an increase on the 11 per cent who said the same in March last year. Just 34 per cent believed he was Christian, down from 48 per cent on 2009.

NBC anchorman Brian Williams asked Mr Obama about conservative commentator Glenn Beck's rally - called 'Restoring Honour' - on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on Saturday.

Supporters are the rally raised concerns about the economy and terrorism.

Mr Obama said: 'Given the fact that, you know, in none of these situations are you gonna fix things overnight, it's not surprising that somebody like a Mr Beck is able to stir up a certain portion of the country.

'I have no doubt that we are gonna rebound and rebound strong. But when you're in the middle of it, and if you don't have a job right now, it's a tough, tough situation.'
Re: 'I can't have my birth certificate plastered on my forehead': Obama responds to p

Nah. Not on his forehead. Just show his birth certificate at least once and prove it to be.
Re: 'I can't have my birth certificate plastered on my forehead': Obama responds to p

Holy schnitzel. Are people still on about this? Give it up already.
Re: 'I can't have my birth certificate plastered on my forehead': Obama responds to p

Nah. Not on his forehead. Just show his birth certificate at least once and prove it to be.

He has and it's been independently verified many times. Because he doesn't spend his entire 24 hours in a day showing every lame brain GOPer who will still nonetheless have some lame brain conspiracy theory about it in any event..doesn't mean he hasn't proven the relevant issues surrounding this trumped up controversy.

I don't understand why he's even wasting time addressing this.
Re: 'I can't have my birth certificate plastered on my forehead': Obama responds to p

He has and it's been independently verified many times. Because he doesn't spend his entire 24 hours in a day showing every lame brain GOPer who will still nonetheless have some lame brain conspiracy theory about it in any event..doesn't mean he hasn't proven the relevant issues surrounding this trumped up controversy.

I don't understand why he's even wasting time addressing this.

You can see from his face in the video that he does think he is wasting his time addressing this, what a wate of interviewing time with the President of the powerful nation on Earth :facepalm:


My Penis Is Dancing!
Re: 'I can't have my birth certificate plastered on my forehead': Obama responds to p

People who still do not believe he was born in the U.S. are nothing more than the complete ignorant fuck nuts that have been screwing up this country for the last couple of decades through their own stupidity, short-sightedness, embracing of the lowest-common-denominator and lowest level of intellectual development. It's really too bad they are not capable of studying complicated things like issues, as many of our nation's problems would be eliminated with their departure.
Re: 'I can't have my birth certificate plastered on my forehead': Obama responds to p

People who still do not believe he was born in the U.S. are nothing more than the complete ignorant fuck nuts that have been screwing up this country for the last couple of decades through their own stupidity, short-sightedness, embracing of the lowest-common-denominator and lowest level of intellectual development. It's really too bad they are not capable of studying complicated things like issues, as many of our nation's problems would be eliminated with their departure.


Well said.
Re: 'I can't have my birth certificate plastered on my forehead': Obama responds to p

On a more serious note it doesn't matter if he is or not a citizen at this moment considering he will be booted out in 2012. And he will lose control of the democrats in senate and congress this November in a huge landslide.
Re: 'I can't have my birth certificate plastered on my forehead': Obama responds to p

On a more serious note it doesn't matter if he is or not a citizen at this moment considering he will be booted out in 2012. And he will lose control of the democrats in senate and congress this November in a huge landslide.

I think a huge landslide is overstating things a bit, actually. It isn't as though the Republicans have conducted themselves in such a stellar way of late.
Re: 'I can't have my birth certificate plastered on my forehead': Obama responds to p

Wow I didn't know this was still being bitched about. I think at this point they need to let go.
Re: 'I can't have my birth certificate plastered on my forehead': Obama responds to p

*rubs hands together in moist anticipation for Georges reply*

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Re: 'I can't have my birth certificate plastered on my forehead': Obama responds to p

Are you fucking kidding me? I have no problem with shooting every single person who still disputes that he was born in the United States. And even if he was a Muslim, that does not disqualify him from becoming President.

Christ, I blame the goddamn Tea Party. These fucks are out of control, and they make normal, reasonable Conservatives look like crazy zealots. We don't all think this way, but they seem to be yelling the loudest, and that's what people notice. :facepalm:


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Re: 'I can't have my birth certificate plastered on my forehead': Obama responds to p

It may be better all round if he did. He also needs to start eating pork sausages everyday and wearing a Cross to prove he is a Christian and not Muslim, then he can get on with his job.

Then they'll just claim that under the rules of Jihad he's allowed to break the rules of Islam. He can't win.

What is it they say about arguing with idiots again?

I think it runs something along the lines of:
"Never argue with an idiot, if you do, they'll simply drag you down to their level and beat you with experience".

Anyone see the white costume Palin wore to the rally? As though she was so innocent, this excuse for a woman who doesn't know the constitution, lies about being able to see the Rodina from her house and criticised others for allowing their children to get pregnant, not knowing what her own daughter was up to.
Seriously, why is she still in politics? I thought she'd already been destroyed.
Re: 'I can't have my birth certificate plastered on my forehead': Obama responds to p

On a more serious note it doesn't matter if he is or not a citizen at this moment considering he will be booted out in 2012. And he will lose control of the democrats in senate and congress this November in a huge landslide.
Perhaps he will be empeached by a committing a fault.
Regarding Barack Obama's certificate of birth, just look at these vids and make your own opinion.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Re: 'I can't have my birth certificate plastered on my forehead': Obama responds to p

Perhaps he will be empeached by a committing a fault.
Regarding Barack Obama's certificate of birth, just look at these vids and make your own opinion.

I have a better chance of being struck by lightning 26 times, winning the lottery, and fucking Sara Jean Underwood all in the same day than Obama does of being impeached for his birth certificate. It will not happen. I don't even need to see the videos nor will I waste my time.

If you believe in the Illuminati and don't think we landed on the moon, then I'm sure you don't believe Obama is a US citizen either. Wear your tinfoil hats and fight the power. Rock on, misinformed masses!
Re: 'I can't have my birth certificate plastered on my forehead': Obama responds to p


With the multiple Youtube links, no real evidential information to share and the overwhelming conspiratorial spin you're continuously putting on this case georges you're really seeping into Will E Worm territory here.....


My Penis Is Dancing!
Re: 'I can't have my birth certificate plastered on my forehead': Obama responds to p

So we are to believe a bunch of speculative videos instead of solid proof, like, oh...I don't know...http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2008/06/obama-birth.html


Jesus cock sucking fuck, the extremists are getting to be a dangerous bunch in this country...seriously. I mean, the little cunts are literally trying to tear apart our country, all in order to push their own little weak assed agenda? And when faced with scary things like proof and fact, all they can add is more fear, loathing and a continuation of the rumor mill?
And, yes, while it is your constitutional right to question his birth, it is also my right to look at the facts and call the fuck nut theories "a bunch of fuck nut theories spewed by those who embrace ignorance."


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Re: 'I can't have my birth certificate plastered on my forehead': Obama responds to p

Why does it have the father and mothers race on? If race was that important why not just put mixed race or whatever is applicable (for the baby) on the certificate?


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Re: 'I can't have my birth certificate plastered on my forehead': Obama responds to p

He can't? He CAN'T?! What the Hell ever happened to "Yes we can!"?"