LOL @ Keith Olbermann...

2 things. I guess this blows a gaping hole in the theory that MSNBC is the left equivalent of Fox since Fox would have not only tolerated this but has probably instructed their 'reporters' on how to get away with it.

Secondly, why is Olbermann still considered a reporter? Clearly he's a commentator and not a 'reporter'. The rules Scarborough lives by should be the same Olbermann should live by IMO.

They're 2 sides of the same coin.

But..but but...this is something that would never happen a Faux..:1orglaugh..coz they are the network who actually sued to ensure they had the right to lie in their 'news' pieces.:o
2 things. I guess this blows a gaping hole in the theory that MSNBC is the left equivalent of Fox since Fox would have not only tolerated this but has probably instructed their 'reporters' on how to get away with it.

Secondly, why is Olbermann still considered a reporter? Clearly he's a commentator and not a 'reporter'. The rules Scarborough lives by should be the same Olbermann should live by IMO.

They're 2 sides of the same coin.

But..but but...this is something that would never happen a Faux..:1orglaugh..coz they are the network who actually sued to ensure they had the right to lie in their 'news' pieces.:o

Um, I completely understand people not likeing the commentary on Fox. But saying the news segments "lie" is a stretch at best.

Back to the topic, my first thought when I heard about this is REALLY? MSNBC just found out this guy gives money to DEMOCRATS? :dunno:


My Penis Is Dancing!
Only proves to me that MSNBC holds their personalities to higher standards than Fox does.
Um, I completely understand people not likeing the commentary on Fox. But saying the news segments "lie" is a stretch at best.

Um, well..I'm not making this up.

This is aside from the countless times where they've 'unintentionally' tried to misinform the public on the amount of people attending 'rallies'.

It's a good thing there were people watching their network who could actually see where they attempted to doctor footage to create news.:nanner:
So its okay for the network as a whole to have an obvious bias and provide media attention for certain canidates, but its not okay for him to give money to them? And good for him for only giving to a few democratic canidates rather than giving the money to the democratic party as a whole.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
Olberman, similar to what Bill Hicks and other commentators of the past have done, is pointing out the hypocrisy of it all. Unfortunately, the masses are waiting for a punch line instead of listening to the message.
What's funny is how GOPer shills jump up and down when MSNBC actually does what they're supposed to do with their on-air employees about politicking but in the next breath they deride MSNBC as some nonobjective, liberal sounding post while cheering Faux for being overtly slanted.

Like I always say...expecting consistency from these shills is like expecting someone riding a pogo stick to stay up or down.
Only proves to me that MSNBC holds their personalities to higher standards than Fox does.

Bullshit. It's ratings. Trust me, if Sanchez got ratings, he'd still be at CNN. If Beck's ratings plummeted, he'd be out on the street with his thumb up his ass.

Go ahead and paint a holier-than-thou argument if you must, but don't bellyache when it's met with laughter. MSNBC is a left-leaning medium, but anybody with a brain realizes that ratings matter most. I predict Olbermann will say the same damn thing when his attorneys give him the thumbs up to yell out his boo-hoo war cries.

And wait, is anybody arguing that MSNBC isn't left because of that horrid Morning Joe show? Nobody watches that shit. Fox dominates mornings ten fold. That's like saying that Fox is neutral because they give Geraldo a show when Family Guy airs.
Olberman, similar to what Bill Hicks and other commentators of the past have done, is pointing out the hypocrisy of it all. Unfortunately, the masses are waiting for a punch line instead of listening to the message.

Kieth Olbermann is nothing like Bill Hicks. Kieth Olbermann would fight in order to get to promote orange drink. Bill Hicks was no fucking shill.

And feller469 in the worst. person. of the world!
Only someone that wants to sniff O'Reilly's socks would say something that obviously wrong.

Yeah, I wanted to sniff his socks. Way to be creative. I never said he was smarter or more accurate..or more sincere. I said he knows how to do it much, much better and, if you disagree, then you don't factor in things like ratings, book sales or relevance. So I suppose your lone opinion sets precedent.

I'd say "intelligence," but the truth is, there's more left-minded contrarians who watch O'Reilly.
I probably deserved that. Moment of weakness.

I apologize.

I'm not sure if you're being sincere, joking or being sarcastic, but either way, I match your apology by ejaculating a wax dart into the vagina of Barbara Bush.

All hail Bill Hicks. He's dead and Dane Cook isn't. Talk about injustice...


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
More conservatives tune in to Fox than liberals tune in to MSNBC and somehow that proves O'Lielly is "better"? Hardly, friend, it just proves that Fox has more sheep. Popularity doesn't make one right or good at what they do.
More conservatives tune in to Fox than liberals tune in to MSNBC and somehow that proves O'Lielly is "better"? Hardly, friend, it just proves that Fox has more sheep. Popularity doesn't make one right or good at what they do.

Jusus Christ, are you completely daft? Obviously, the term, "better" is applied to ratings; as in grabbing ratings..which is the purpose of cable news prime time punditry.

Besides, I pointed out that more liberals tune into O'Reilly than they do Olbermann. The classic Stern effect. But this seems to be over your head as I couldn't have been any more clear in my original statements.

Here's a tip; Read twice, comment once.
Keep drinking the Fox News koolaid, pal.

Here's some background on why this happened to Olbermann today.

You're encouraging an argument that doesn't exist. I don't like Fox News, I can't fucking stand Bill O'Reilly, but when I point out that Bill-O has the better on Keith-O in ratings and influence, you want to paint me as some some shill that I'm not.

Damned be things like like facts. Let us all determine reality by our gut and and gumption.

Feel free to post all your prog battle cries, but I beat you to ther punch and the fact remains; if Olbermann delivered, this wouldn't be an issue outside of Fox News' Red Eye, which broadcasts at 3AM. Ya gotta love the mentality that fabricates corporate failures into political victims.

Funny, Maddow still has a job, even after proclaiming Republican Right Wing terrorist insiders. I suppose it has nothing to do with her prime time lead in.

So Maddow stays because...?


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Olbermann isn't gone. You're arguing a story you don't even understand.

My point is that I don't care how popular O'Reilly is.