Brian Setzer - Buddy Holly Medley (1988 PBS) "Rock Around With Ollie Vee" & "Oh Boy"

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • Brian Setzer - Buddy Holly Tribute Medley "Rock Around With Ollie Vee" & "Oh Boy" (1988 PBS). From my Sunday Night Hall of Fame Show tapes and my VHS Buddy Holly collection:
    This video features a performance by Brian Setzer of The Stray Cats that was taped for the 1988 PBS special: “Buddy Holly and The Crickets - A Tribute”
    As always, Setzer was in fine form on this show as he sings a couple of Buddy Holly songs: “Rock Around With Ollie Vee” and “Oh Boy”.
    ‘Nuff Said!.
    Buddy Holly and the Crickets became one of my favorites in 1957 when I first heard “That’ll Be The Day” on my radio. I started writing, producing and hosting tributes to Buddy, Ritchie Valens and the Big Bopper as early as 1969 on WEEX - AM 1230 in Easton, Pa. That was the tenth anniversary of the plane crash and coincided with the Coral album release “Buddy Holly - Giant”. At first I called the special tribute show “Three Star Special”, as influenced by a 1959 hit song “The Three Stars” by Tommy Dee. After Don McLean’s dedication of “American Pie” to Buddy, I started calling the show “The Day the Music Died”. My tribute shows continued throughout my broadcast radio career in the Lehigh Valley, PA and Northwest New Jersey area. The last time my five-hour special aired was February 3, 1999 on WODE - Oldies 99.9.
    To Recap: This video features a segment from the 1988 PBS special: “Buddy Holly and The Crickets - A Tribute”. The video and audio track have been restored from a VHS tape that I recorded off the air in 1988 as broadcast by WLVT-TV, PBS Channel 39 of the Lehigh Valley, PA.
    The Sunday Night Hall of Fame Show was broadcast from 1980 to 1992 on WAEB - AM 790 and WKAP - AM 1320. My show returned between 1999 and August 2001 on WODE “ Oldies 99.9”. All stations were located in the Allentown - Bethlehem - Easton, PA area, AKA: The Lehigh Valley.
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Комментарии • 64

  • @joegongora2200
    @joegongora2200 11 месяцев назад +17

    Brian Setzer did a splendid job with his tribute to Buddy Holly. After all Buddy Holly was one of his main influences in becoming a Rockstar.

  • @rhythmrivertrio
    @rhythmrivertrio 11 месяцев назад +13

    Stray cat pop but love them, they got me into the real rockabilly

  • @KittyGrizGriz
    @KittyGrizGriz Год назад +9

    Love Buddy Holly and the Stray Cats, deluxe here xxx ❤ Sing! it Brian!! Play that 🎸, Whew !! He’s so dang hot !!! 💃

  • @hmackie6823
    @hmackie6823 6 месяцев назад +6

    Brian was born for this as was I...we love this music.

  • @hmackie6823
    @hmackie6823 6 месяцев назад +6

    never heard this but as a Buddy and Brian Freak,I know I'll love it...Ollie V

  • @チンカス·インティライミ知恵遅れ


  • @jimlutz8092
    @jimlutz8092 Год назад +24

    There are no two people I would rather hear doing Buddy Holly songs than Brian Setzer and John Fogerty. They both captured his songs and his voice perfectly. Fogerty was like listening to Buddy himself, but with an even more powerful voice, and Setzer was too vocally, but with even better guitar playing than most people in electric guitar history can match. Both great tributes to the Man, with flawless performances.

    • @Mncrr
      @Mncrr Год назад +3

      With one exception. Marshall Crenshaw. Possibly the finest interpreter of buddy Holly.

    • @davidrice3337
      @davidrice3337 Год назад

      neither one can hold a candle to Joe Ely - check out his live version of "Oh Boy"
      John and Brian aren't even close

    • @arvantis
      @arvantis Год назад +1

      I LOVE BH too, but I have to throw in a vote for Marshall Crenshaw. His cover of "Crying, Waiting, Hoping", is A+.

    • @NMagChiTown
      @NMagChiTown Год назад +1

      True but I hate 80s versions of early rock tunes lol Setzer at least played it old-school, which is why the Stray Cats were successful. They sound old school. Didn't really like Fogerty's versions on this particular show.

    • @Russell-hd1pm
      @Russell-hd1pm Месяц назад


  • @pennywise8182
    @pennywise8182 7 месяцев назад +4

    This was during Brian's "Live Nude Guitars" era......That album is a classic.👏👏👏

  • @hmackie6823
    @hmackie6823 5 месяцев назад +5

    I've seen the best heard thebest yet turns out a kid one year older than me from Long Iland New York is my Musical Hero!

  • @davidg.9932
    @davidg.9932 Год назад +13

    Friday March 11, 1983 CU Events Center, Boulder, Colorado. C.U. Homecoming Dance.
    I still have my ticket. They played Oh Boy on the second encore.
    No seating on, "The Big Dance Floor". We danced through the whole show.
    Thanks for posting this video.

  • @bobcarter6869
    @bobcarter6869 5 месяцев назад +4

    What an excellent tribute to the great Buddy Holly

  • @kurtb8474
    @kurtb8474 Год назад +10

    Going to see Brian live later this month.

  • @jeremiahrose4681
    @jeremiahrose4681 Год назад +12

    Love the Stray Cats, love Buddy Holly. Shows how much influence Buddy had/has on music artists.

  • @AthelstanEngland
    @AthelstanEngland Год назад +10

    [cough] Mr Kristofferson... The Stray Cats started a rockabilly revival in the UK took years for their own USA to recognise them.

    • @tonyrubush288
      @tonyrubush288 Год назад

      We had Robert Gordon way before them.

  • @hmackie6823
    @hmackie6823 6 месяцев назад +4

    I have no doubt I heard tyhe music when my mom listened as I was in the Uterus.I popped out asking where the radio was!!

  • @Moe-lq6kf
    @Moe-lq6kf Год назад +7

    I like hearing Gary Busey do Buddy Holly music he actually done all the singing in the movie. None of that was lip-synching he actually played the guitar.

    • @KittyGrizGriz
      @KittyGrizGriz Год назад

      Tulsas Gary Busey “made” the Buddy Holly Story movie, phenomenal movie/actor.

  • @hmackie6823
    @hmackie6823 5 месяцев назад +4

    weheard all the same music growing up,Brian plays everything I like

  • @hmackie6823
    @hmackie6823 6 месяцев назад +3

    Read something recently about the tour Buddy and the Rest of the acts were on.Later to be named the tour from Hell,had them traveling in Wisconsin Michiigan Iowa,in dead of Winter.Was noted that their bus drove past the venue they played more than once,forcing them to travel 100's of miles out of their way.

  • @lawrencetaylor4101
    @lawrencetaylor4101 Год назад +7

    Merci. From Lubbock to Allentown...rock on.

  • @hmackie6823
    @hmackie6823 6 месяцев назад +5

    Buddy died at the young age of 22 February 3rd,1959...he had recorded OVER 50 songs.

  • @stefanruppert1842
    @stefanruppert1842 Год назад +5

    Brian setzer spielt in seiner eigenen klasse -> weltklasse!!!😊😊

  • @hmackie6823
    @hmackie6823 6 месяцев назад +4

    Brian and Ihave similar musical interests because we heard the same songs as children,where we r mostly influenced.

  • @spaceace78801
    @spaceace78801 Месяц назад

    Buddy Holly the REAL King of Rock-N-Roll! Elvis couldn't even tune Buddy's guitar...

  • @Kahuna54
    @Kahuna54 Год назад +7

    Brian is a very talented player and singer! Just try covering some of his music!

  • @petewills2390
    @petewills2390 7 месяцев назад +4

    Absolutely love this!

  • @redline296
    @redline296 Год назад +7

    Probably should’ve done a biography/movie with Setzer in it back then

  • @wademarchand4441
    @wademarchand4441 Год назад +6

    First time seeing this was a lot of fun. Well done!!

  • @jdaniel9804
    @jdaniel9804 Месяц назад +1

    Long Live Buddy Holly!!

  • @MarkkuKoljonenwTinja
    @MarkkuKoljonenwTinja Год назад +4

    Thanks! 😎😎😎Tinja&Markku 🌹

  • @geraldking4080
    @geraldking4080 Год назад +7

    Thanks!!! Totally bitchin' rockabilly.

  • @Menyhard
    @Menyhard Год назад +5

    Wow nice

  • @hmackie6823
    @hmackie6823 5 месяцев назад +5

    is 1st Buddy Holly song I learned
    oH Boy

  • @hmackie6823
    @hmackie6823 6 месяцев назад +5

    Imagine what he could have done,in a Full life?1

  • @davidmoellenberndt6887
    @davidmoellenberndt6887 Год назад +6


  • @SteveK77536
    @SteveK77536 Год назад +4

    This is great. Like Hendrix doing Chuck Berry.

  • @officialclairegmusician
    @officialclairegmusician Год назад +5

    Really moanin that voice 🤘👍

  • @wecu2751
    @wecu2751 Год назад +7

    Wow!!!😃 Thanx!!!💜👍

  • @Jimmy-toothless
    @Jimmy-toothless Год назад +3

    Well done MR

  • @josephlemko3027
    @josephlemko3027 10 месяцев назад +5

    Setzer is outstanding! 😎🎵🎶✌️

  • @hmackie6823
    @hmackie6823 6 месяцев назад +3

    Chris wrote many songs including Me and Bobby MaGee

  • @MasterSly10
    @MasterSly10 Год назад +6

    rock n roll best music ever

  • @kristopherguilbault5428
    @kristopherguilbault5428 5 месяцев назад +1

    If Ollie vee married buddy holly she would have been Ollie Holly

  • @martinleicht5911
    @martinleicht5911 Год назад +3

    😎 👍 🔥🔥🔥

  • @isaia1100
    @isaia1100 3 месяца назад

    Brian Setzer has a kind of rack on top of the amplifier, does anyone know what Rack it is?

  • @marcdelente2456
    @marcdelente2456 Год назад +2

    Non pas ok Brian peut tout chanté blues country rockabilly et aussi des ballades des mélodies ce mec que je suis depuis 55 ans de ma vie je l ai vu démarrer avec les Stray Cats et après ces autres j'ai fait plusieurs pays du de vegas a Berlin de Austin a Tokyo a Paris Brian est le plus grand guitariste du monde et Eddy qui est au ciel le et est fière de lui.
    Que dieu protège Brian et ces musiciens. La dernière grande légende et en plus bien vivante.

  • @GgM-bs1fu
    @GgM-bs1fu Год назад +4

    Hi, would you be able to post the entire PBS special, including the funding credits?

    • @rodwolfeoldiesradiodj6545
      @rodwolfeoldiesradiodj6545  Год назад +5

      Hello, I've tried in the past to upload the whole tape, but always had content blocked. I do plan to try again in the future. If there are any funding credits on my VHS it would be WLEV FM 96 radio in the Lehigh Valley. Anytime I recorded something this special to me, I rarely would just let tape roll, I would rather watch live to make sure I was getting it all with no disruption. I would also hit the "pause" button during breaks, so much of the in between segment chatter was not recorded.

  • @MrRichardsanthony
    @MrRichardsanthony 2 месяца назад

    Nice guys! Was that a small Philip Sayce tribute at 5:25?

  • @TheThomasmoon
    @TheThomasmoon 2 месяца назад

    R.I.P. Kris Kristofferson

  • @kristopherguilbault5428
    @kristopherguilbault5428 5 месяцев назад

    R.I.P Kris Kristofferson

  • @carllawler2837
    @carllawler2837 Год назад +2

    John Lennon did well with Holly covers ....

    • @peteraustin370
      @peteraustin370 Год назад +3

      Could never play guitar like Brian Setzer though...!!!!!!!

  • @seanmcelroy5522
    @seanmcelroy5522 3 месяца назад
