Pietro boselli

OMG just catching up with this thread after Christmas and New Year holiday... No one has mentioned he's smoking a cigarette! I mean, the daring, the bravery in that action. After years of teasing his fans who've been gasping for it, Pietro has finally shown us his... cigarette!

I'm gonna go jerk off now, and then unwatch this thread.

Nothing like a mickey finn, a cigarette and a jerk off
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OMG just catching up with this thread after Christmas and New Year holiday... No one has mentioned he's smoking a cigarette! I mean, the daring, the bravery in that action. After years of teasing his fans who've been gasping for it, Pietro has finally shown us his... cigarette!

I'm gonna go jerk off now, and then unwatch this thread.
My first time seeing him too
They'd better make more pics with bare bum than so many pubic hair showoff
Buy a mag with 50% of images with bare chest and pubic hair
Even for big magazines usually there is no budget for models or photographers in editorial works. I mean the magazines pay for travels, hotels and stuff like that but they don't recive something for the pictures. But for this kind of magazine I really hope models will be more smart and ask for something because is not the type of magazine that can help your career as a fashion model giving u exposure for clients, unless you are a cam/OF models lol
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