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Fire Force
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Oct 12, 2019 9:32 AM
Jul 2018
I enjoyed this episode very much. I like this show! And you guys like it too. I like that we all like the same things.
Oct 12, 2019 9:34 AM

Jul 2014
I just noticed how weak this series is for me after it took a 2 weeks break and Im just now remembering it lol. I already forgot their names besides Maki and Shinra.
Anyways nothing much about the show has changed nor was there a memorable moment.
This series is really starting to die down on me. Might drop it soon.
Oct 12, 2019 1:46 PM
Aug 2019
Yautja said:
"I duN wAnA FiiGGht"
"THeN FiGhT mE. MiGhT MaKE RIgHT. IF yOYU DuN WanA FiGhT, PRooVe iT bY FiGHtInG!"
What is this shit? Another anime where the best thing about it is the OP. Jesus Christ... I was stupid for thinking this anime had a chance, having being written by Soul Eater's author I should have known better. What a host of cliche and half-assed bullshit.

Let me quess what happened benimaru had more than just one line he had many lines in this episode where he kinda talked a lot but amongs all this you had to found the one thing like trying to find a needle under a ton of straw.

I am gonna be honest with you man just drop it like i see you trying to hard to convence yourself to the point a character says 10 things but even if those 10 things are decent you will try so hard to find that 1 thing among the 10 where it may be bad and you are acting really weird.

Like if so far you didn't liked this arc dropped it like to you this kinda nonesense line he said was so extreme to the point you say the entire episode is shit like yeah
just drop it you will be free from this.

May i suggest something? Better drop anime in general i see you are tired of this
better start reading some stephen king or some serious author like you are in the point you are so tired of seen and reading this type of childish clitche craps you are about to burst.
Oct 12, 2019 2:57 PM

Feb 2015
Gourmetforce said:
Yautja said:
"I duN wAnA FiiGGht"
"THeN FiGhT mE. MiGhT MaKE RIgHT. IF yOYU DuN WanA FiGhT, PRooVe iT bY FiGHtInG!"
What is this shit? Another anime where the best thing about it is the OP. Jesus Christ... I was stupid for thinking this anime had a chance, having being written by Soul Eater's author I should have known better. What a host of cliche and half-assed bullshit.

Let me quess what happened benimaru had more than just one line he had many lines in this episode where he kinda talked a lot but amongs all this you had to found the one thing like trying to find a needle under a ton of straw.

I am gonna be honest with you man just drop it like i see you trying to hard to convence yourself to the point a character says 10 things but even if those 10 things are decent you will try so hard to find that 1 thing among the 10 where it may be bad and you are acting really weird.

Like if so far you didn't liked this arc dropped it like to you this kinda nonesense line he said was so extreme to the point you say the entire episode is shit like yeah
just drop it you will be free from this.

May i suggest something? Better drop anime in general i see you are tired of this
better start reading some stephen king or some serious author like you are in the point you are so tired of seen and reading this type of childish clitche craps you are about to burst.

Let me guess what you are, a dumbass fanboy who can't take any criticism or deviating opinions. It's stupid dialogue. Deal with it. You watched the episode, you try explaining how those lines aren't at all contradictory or stupid.

I am going to be honest with you, if you don't like comments, IGNORE THEM. Stop telling people to drop shit just because you don't like what they say, stop bitching at every single person who doesn't like what you like, stop trying to convince everyone they're wrong and you're right and that X show is the best show ever, that none of their complaints or criticism are fair, and stop trying to pretend you're smart enough to psychoanalyze strangers on the internet. Because hey, everyone has got that shit figured out but you.

Normally I don't do this because it's low hanging fruit, but for the sake of anyone unfortunate enough to receive a message from you, learn how to punctuate and how grammar works, Jesus Christ. I've seen monkeys dancing on keyboards write better responses.

Funny how the show fits on the other foot.
YautjaOct 12, 2019 3:05 PM
Oct 12, 2019 4:23 PM

Dec 2016
HereticHunter said:
The whole episode was extremely stupid. I really hate how lately these action shounen always have this over the top characters that are really strong but their judgement is clouded by hatred, how the F does these people get accepted as the leader of their squads? The same shit happened with KnY's Hashiras, like, I get they might have gotten through fucked up shit, but an organization shouldn't have these kind of people that are easily clouded by hatred on the top spot.

This episode's conflict could have been avoided easily by talking things out, this just felt dragged for cliffhanger purposes.

I agree on both accounts. The Hashiras in Kimetsu no Yaiba felt so high and mighty with not even a drop of common sense. In Fire Force Benimaru goes against what cemented his character, as a level headed leader that a whole town trusts him with their own lives. But he completely forgets this and acts in the most irrational way with the most basic ruse.

Yautja said:
Gourmetforce said:

Let me quess what happened benimaru had more than just one line he had many lines in this episode where he kinda talked a lot but amongs all this you had to found the one thing like trying to find a needle under a ton of straw.

I am gonna be honest with you man just drop it like i see you trying to hard to convence yourself to the point a character says 10 things but even if those 10 things are decent you will try so hard to find that 1 thing among the 10 where it may be bad and you are acting really weird.

Like if so far you didn't liked this arc dropped it like to you this kinda nonesense line he said was so extreme to the point you say the entire episode is shit like yeah
just drop it you will be free from this.

May i suggest something? Better drop anime in general i see you are tired of this
better start reading some stephen king or some serious author like you are in the point you are so tired of seen and reading this type of childish clitche craps you are about to burst.

Let me guess what you are, a dumbass fanboy who can't take any criticism or deviating opinions. It's stupid dialogue. Deal with it. You watched the episode, you try explaining how those lines aren't at all contradictory or stupid.

I am going to be honest with you, if you don't like comments, IGNORE THEM. Stop telling people to drop shit just because you don't like what they say, stop bitching at every single person who doesn't like what you like, stop trying to convince everyone they're wrong and you're right and that X show is the best show ever, that none of their complaints or criticism are fair, and stop trying to pretend you're smart enough to psychoanalyze strangers on the internet. Because hey, everyone has got that shit figured out but you.

Yautja said:

Normally I don't do this because it's low hanging fruit, but for the sake of anyone unfortunate enough to receive a message from you, learn how to punctuate and how grammar works, Jesus Christ. I've seen monkeys dancing on keyboards write better responses.

Funny how the show fits on the other foot.

Staph it man, he's already on the ground.


Oct 12, 2019 8:28 PM

Oct 2017
Great Episode! I’m glad the show is back!
Oct 13, 2019 12:47 AM

May 2019
I'm starting to get hooked on this. Reading the lyrics of the OP, I had a realisation regarding the philosophy of the show the concept of the finite, and I love how dark it is.

Consequently, all of the long pauses and dark line delivery makes so much sense.

We don't know what kind of people we truly are until the moment before our deaths.
As death comes to embrace you, you will realise what you are.
That's what death is, don't you think?

Itachi Uchiha
Oct 13, 2019 12:55 AM
May 2018
Honestly wasn't super impressed with this episode and kinda felt like it was jumping all over the place, and it seemed like this episodes animation wasn't too great either. Im sad about this... maybe the next episode will be better (imo this has probably been the worst episode). Though it was kinda cool to see Benimaru get pissed!
Oct 13, 2019 2:44 AM

Jul 2017
2 weeks after, it's back.

More probing on the 8th's side on the 7th and Benimaru whilst the Evangelists getting ready for their next act.

But the true act of the Evangelists, Benimaru mistook them for the 8th, it's like he has only brawn with no brains. And there's only an eye for an eye, captain for captain, to solve this issue.

Seems exact as I remember 2 weeks ago of the same slow feel of the narration and action. But hell to Benimaru, his pissed-off behaviour sure is unsightly.
Oct 13, 2019 9:29 AM

May 2018
Good episode, captain vs captain was great. Loved Obi here and he is cool in that armor, even without powers he can fight head on witha captain like Benimaru. Looking forward for more 7th company background, especially Benimaru and Konro.
Oct 13, 2019 10:03 AM

Nov 2011
Have been considering dropping this for a while but this was one of the better episodes, hopefully it can rebound in its second half.

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Oct 13, 2019 4:49 PM

Aug 2015
Waited a very long time and the episode did not disappoint. Loved how we got the see what else the bad guys can do. That fight scene was intense. Getting to know some of the supporting characters in depth is very nice. Wonder when we will see Shinra and his brother together.

Oct 13, 2019 7:51 PM

Jun 2013
Glad Fire Force is back. I think the mini break and unclear direction of the plot is making some people wary about dropping, but I hope most stick around. I hope the anime straightens out in its second half because I feel like it has lots of potential.

For this episode, def agree with those saying the transform into another person thing is super cliché and that the whole premise of the fight was dumb. They probably wanted to have the captains fight one another, but over this? Okay, sure.

Let's get the story back on track, please. Regardless, I plan to stick it out.
MAL Profile (friend me!) | YouTube Vlogs
Oct 13, 2019 11:19 PM
Jan 2019
Great episode! Without a doubt. It was worth waiting two weeks. Damn Evangelist, they set them up. For a moment, I truly believed that Captain Obi and Lieutenant Hinawa had betrayed them, but then the truth came to light, they do not know the great relief that was for me, otherwise, the betrayal would have been a great blow to they. other members of the Eighth, especially for Shinra who has placed his trust in them.
Captain Shinmon is incredibly strong, and that he did not fight with all his strength because he had come to trust the Eighth, yet Captain Obi could face it, but if it were not for Lieutenant Konro, Captain Obi could get seriously injured . In addition, in this episode they revealed the danger of exceeding pyrokinesis, Tephrosis. Poor Lieutenant Konro, he put his life at risk again to avoid further conflict, he is a great person. The end of the episode left me very intrigued, that infernal that appeared in front of Shinmon and Konro really looked like a demon. I was looking forward to more, I will look forward to the next episode. I hope that the serious problem between the Seventh and the Eighth will be fixed, and the truth will be discovered. Damn Evangelists!.

Ps: Next week new OP and ED, I hope they are just as great or better than the current ones.
Oct 14, 2019 12:47 AM

Oct 2016
It's been a while, Fire Force.
-I would understand helping with the repairs, had they been dished purely out by an Infernal, but if these retards want to destroy the town every time someone turns, then count me out. They gotta learn a lesson somehow.
-Besides, I don't really see these guys being able to fix up the town on time every time before the next Infernal attack. How is Asakusa not in a state of constant construction.
-Really cool fight this episode.
-I doubt Benimaru will end up trusting Company 8 again, even if they get their names cleared.
Looks like the villain's may get their way on this one. These guys are some cunning bastards. Hopefully we won't get too many more hiatuses.

FMmatron said:
A touch of Monogatari in this episode.

And we got to see more of Benimaru in action. Merely a fragment of his power again, but I'm looking forward to see him go all out at some point.

Nice episode overall and feels good to have this back.

>A touch of Monogatari in this episode.
That's pretty much every episode more or less, but I definitely felt the Monogatari vibes strongly in this one.

JiangHaoyi1979 said:
Man, it's back of a long hiatus........So, I could have sworn that the Captain of the 8th did said about making infernals.

That was one of the bad guys in a disguise. I hope you're not speedwatching bro.

HereticHunter said:
Smit_Vaidya said:

the literal first thing the show said about the 7th is that they operate outside the organization, the reason he is the captain is because the town trusts him and the town as a whole is antagonistic to everyone else, it hardly a surprise he is too.

Still, if a town trusts an idiot that vaguely accuses people from things they didn't do without doing a proper investigation, let me tell you that whole town and squad are a bunch of retards.

>let me tell you that whole town and squad are a bunch of retards.
I mean, that much seemed obvious with the whole constant destruction thing, haha.
Asakusa in this anime definitely has a 3rd world attitude.

thepath said:
This is probably best episode so far

But one thing I don't like about this anime is that you can't easily remember what is happening. The way anime presents things make it hard to remember. I was wondering who is that Kantaro guy they keep talking about. Then I went back and rewatched 2nd half of episode 11 at 2x speed. It turns out Kantaro is just random guy who become infernal.

Do people here get confused and forget things when they watch this anime like me ???! I still remember a lot of details in Attack on titan and JoJo golden wind, but in this anime I often forget what happened in last episodes.

I haven't had that problem with this show, but I absolutely have that problem often. It always seems to be the most important things too! Like I'll remember some stupid shit like a character's favorite color or birthday, but forget a huge plot-point. Especially if it's been a while since the last episode (like a season in-between)

Yautja said:
Gourmetforce said:

Let me quess what happened benimaru had more than just one line he had many lines in this episode where he kinda talked a lot but amongs all this you had to found the one thing like trying to find a needle under a ton of straw.

I am gonna be honest with you man just drop it like i see you trying to hard to convence yourself to the point a character says 10 things but even if those 10 things are decent you will try so hard to find that 1 thing among the 10 where it may be bad and you are acting really weird.

Like if so far you didn't liked this arc dropped it like to you this kinda nonesense line he said was so extreme to the point you say the entire episode is shit like yeah
just drop it you will be free from this.

May i suggest something? Better drop anime in general i see you are tired of this
better start reading some stephen king or some serious author like you are in the point you are so tired of seen and reading this type of childish clitche craps you are about to burst.

Let me guess what you are, a dumbass fanboy who can't take any criticism or deviating opinions. It's stupid dialogue. Deal with it. You watched the episode, you try explaining how those lines aren't at all contradictory or stupid.

I am going to be honest with you, if you don't like comments, IGNORE THEM. Stop telling people to drop shit just because you don't like what they say, stop bitching at every single person who doesn't like what you like, stop trying to convince everyone they're wrong and you're right and that X show is the best show ever, that none of their complaints or criticism are fair, and stop trying to pretend you're smart enough to psychoanalyze strangers on the internet. Because hey, everyone has got that shit figured out but you.

Normally I don't do this because it's low hanging fruit, but for the sake of anyone unfortunate enough to receive a message from you, learn how to punctuate and how grammar works, Jesus Christ. I've seen monkeys dancing on keyboards write better responses.

Funny how the show fits on the other foot.

Pretty based reply. I haven't seen such a great execution in a while. Respect to you.

Oct 14, 2019 2:31 AM

Oct 2017
Great episode as always. The fight between Beninaru and the 8th was splendid. Also nice time for backstory.
Oct 14, 2019 1:20 PM

Apr 2016
I didn’t really like it, the animation during the fight seem pretty bad. Benimaru seem an interesting character but I think he’s too much impulsive, however he had a good reason this time.
Oct 14, 2019 7:10 PM

Aug 2015
These last two episodes are making me rate the show from a 2 to a solid 4. Let´s see how it goes.
Oct 14, 2019 8:01 PM

Jan 2013
What an intense episode! I wonder if they have some mosquitoes that can bite you and make u hallucinate?
An amazing episode! Can't wait for next week!
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Oct 15, 2019 3:50 AM

Jan 2016
HereticHunter said:
The whole episode was extremely stupid. I really hate how lately these action shounen always have this over the top characters that are really strong but their judgement is clouded by hatred, how the F does these people get accepted as the leader of their squads? The same shit happened with KnY's Hashiras, like, I get they might have gotten through fucked up shit, but an organization shouldn't have these kind of people that are easily clouded by hatred on the top spot.

This episode's conflict could have been avoided easily by talking things out, this just felt dragged for cliffhanger purposes.

You may want to read the dialogues more carefully because what you're adressing is precisely touched upon as a plot point... Benimaru is insecure about deserving the captain title and he thinks Konro should be the captain. He has been chosen as captain by Asakusa and the empire due to his strength but he deems himself not worthy otherwise.
Oct 15, 2019 5:46 AM

Feb 2016
WiselyKamelot said:
HereticHunter said:
The whole episode was extremely stupid. I really hate how lately these action shounen always have this over the top characters that are really strong but their judgement is clouded by hatred, how the F does these people get accepted as the leader of their squads? The same shit happened with KnY's Hashiras, like, I get they might have gotten through fucked up shit, but an organization shouldn't have these kind of people that are easily clouded by hatred on the top spot.

This episode's conflict could have been avoided easily by talking things out, this just felt dragged for cliffhanger purposes.

You may want to read the dialogues more carefully because what you're adressing is precisely touched upon as a plot point... Benimaru is insecure about deserving the captain title and he thinks Konro should be the captain. He has been chosen as captain by Asakusa and the empire due to his strength but he deems himself not worthy otherwise.

If he KNOWS he isn't good at it, why does he get himself into situations he KNOWS he can't deal with? It still doesn't change the fact that it is a very stupid cliché, no matter what.
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Oct 15, 2019 11:46 AM
Aug 2019
Yautja said:
Gourmetforce said:

Let me quess what happened benimaru had more than just one line he had many lines in this episode where he kinda talked a lot but amongs all this you had to found the one thing like trying to find a needle under a ton of straw.

I am gonna be honest with you man just drop it like i see you trying to hard to convence yourself to the point a character says 10 things but even if those 10 things are decent you will try so hard to find that 1 thing among the 10 where it may be bad and you are acting really weird.

Like if so far you didn't liked this arc dropped it like to you this kinda nonesense line he said was so extreme to the point you say the entire episode is shit like yeah
just drop it you will be free from this.

May i suggest something? Better drop anime in general i see you are tired of this
better start reading some stephen king or some serious author like you are in the point you are so tired of seen and reading this type of childish clitche craps you are about to burst.

Let me guess what you are, a dumbass fanboy who can't take any criticism or deviating opinions. It's stupid dialogue. Deal with it. You watched the episode, you try explaining how those lines aren't at all contradictory or stupid.

I am going to be honest with you, if you don't like comments, IGNORE THEM. Stop telling people to drop shit just because you don't like what they say, stop bitching at every single person who doesn't like what you like, stop trying to convince everyone they're wrong and you're right and that X show is the best show ever, that none of their complaints or criticism are fair, and stop trying to pretend you're smart enough to psychoanalyze strangers on the internet. Because hey, everyone has got that shit figured out but you.

Normally I don't do this because it's low hanging fruit, but for the sake of anyone unfortunate enough to receive a message from you, learn how to punctuate and how grammar works, Jesus Christ. I've seen monkeys dancing on keyboards write better responses.

Funny how the show fits on the other foot.

Ok now we went to the classic bullshit since you don't know how to counter my statement you are like "ok let's insult his grammar"
Like you think your's is better. I am betting you are using punctuation checker and you try to play now that your grammar is so amazing!!!!

1rst of all dummy if i was a fanboy of the series, i would had tried to persuade you to keep watching it instead i am 100% realistic

I saw that from episode 1 you disliked it so here you are 12 episodes later you still watch it.

Not only that!!! You never bother to say anything possitive like all you freaking do is just say negatives.

I don't mind you criticizing the negatives but i never read any comment of you where you bother saying something was done decent so you are willgly to admit there are mistakes but you never acknowledge the decent.

I am betting that when you watch a fire force episode you are like: " ok le's find the one thing that will be negative even if that is not that much of a negative just to say some bullshit"

Like look at you do you know how many line benimaru had? and you had to pick out the one specific that you found bad and you are like " ok that 1 line was stupid i am done"

Tell me something if someone you know have a discussion and he says you 10 things and from 10 things he says something stupid are like " ok you are stupid i am done you may said 9 good things but that one thing you just said made me to change my mind fuck off" even if the other 9 were good?

Now i advice you to stop murdering yourself by watching an anime you don't even like since all you do is bitch and bitch and bitch and you pretty much watch the episode, just to bitch and say how you don't like this.

You are like mad because i told you to drop it but hey!!! Continue torturing yourself ,i am gonna bring my popcorns and enjoy you struggling in each episode you keep watching.

I as well found that line none sense but you don't hear me bitching about that because i didn't found it like it destroyed the story structure or somethingbut do you want me to admit it?

I have the balls to do it yes that line benimaru said was stupid

Happy now? You think i won't criticize stuff i don't like? perhaps you didn't saw some of my older comments

I always criticize stuff i don't like how they were done and this show is not perfect but there are some moments where some are failing to realise stuff as they see the tree and they cannot see the forest.

Like with hibana oh boy i remember how 90% of the comments where how hibana was some a stupid character or a simple character or her progression was her start believing in god again or some other bullshits people's came up with as conclusions.

GourmetforceOct 15, 2019 12:07 PM
Oct 15, 2019 12:06 PM
Aug 2019
Kimurah said:
HereticHunter said:
The whole episode was extremely stupid. I really hate how lately these action shounen always have this over the top characters that are really strong but their judgement is clouded by hatred, how the F does these people get accepted as the leader of their squads? The same shit happened with KnY's Hashiras, like, I get they might have gotten through fucked up shit, but an organization shouldn't have these kind of people that are easily clouded by hatred on the top spot.

This episode's conflict could have been avoided easily by talking things out, this just felt dragged for cliffhanger purposes.

I agree on both accounts. The Hashiras in Kimetsu no Yaiba felt so high and mighty with not even a drop of common sense. In Fire Force Benimaru goes against what cemented his character, as a level headed leader that a whole town trusts him with their own lives. But he completely forgets this and acts in the most irrational way with the most basic ruse.

Yautja said:

Let me guess what you are, a dumbass fanboy who can't take any criticism or deviating opinions. It's stupid dialogue. Deal with it. You watched the episode, you try explaining how those lines aren't at all contradictory or stupid.

I am going to be honest with you, if you don't like comments, IGNORE THEM. Stop telling people to drop shit just because you don't like what they say, stop bitching at every single person who doesn't like what you like, stop trying to convince everyone they're wrong and you're right and that X show is the best show ever, that none of their complaints or criticism are fair, and stop trying to pretend you're smart enough to psychoanalyze strangers on the internet. Because hey, everyone has got that shit figured out but you.

Yautja said:

Normally I don't do this because it's low hanging fruit, but for the sake of anyone unfortunate enough to receive a message from you, learn how to punctuate and how grammar works, Jesus Christ. I've seen monkeys dancing on keyboards write better responses.

Funny how the show fits on the other foot.

Staph it man, he's already on the ground.


Who is on the ground? Because he insulted my grammar?

I am get used to be insulted for my grammar it is i won't lost like 1 hour writing a comment just to put (,) or (.)

But how about what i said? He watched an anime where in each episode he always tries to find a needle under a ton of straw to complain.

My point stands and he knows it even if he insulted my grammar on purpose and even if it is not my place to tell him what to do but deep inside he knows that he is murdering himself by watching something he never liked to begin with but he keeps watching it only because i don't know he has an obligation i quess to watch it until the end despite how much he dislikes it?

The whole thing was because he mentioned a specific line benimaru said the thing is benimaru said like 10 or 20 things but because he didn't liked than 1 thing that to be honest it was explained in the anime.

Benimaru says that they respect power so if they would win then it means that benimaru was wrong as it is in the japanese honor or something that the winner is always righteous and the loser wrong.

if he wants to do some right criticism then he should start explaining more than just: that character said that line:".... and yeah i disliked the entire episode because tha one line was weird and i failed to understood it ".

GourmetforceOct 15, 2019 12:11 PM
Oct 15, 2019 6:38 PM

Feb 2015
Gourmetforce said:
Yautja said:

Let me guess what you are, a dumbass fanboy who can't take any criticism or deviating opinions. It's stupid dialogue. Deal with it. You watched the episode, you try explaining how those lines aren't at all contradictory or stupid.

I am going to be honest with you, if you don't like comments, IGNORE THEM. Stop telling people to drop shit just because you don't like what they say, stop bitching at every single person who doesn't like what you like, stop trying to convince everyone they're wrong and you're right and that X show is the best show ever, that none of their complaints or criticism are fair, and stop trying to pretend you're smart enough to psychoanalyze strangers on the internet. Because hey, everyone has got that shit figured out but you.

Normally I don't do this because it's low hanging fruit, but for the sake of anyone unfortunate enough to receive a message from you, learn how to punctuate and how grammar works, Jesus Christ. I've seen monkeys dancing on keyboards write better responses.

Funny how the show fits on the other foot.

Ok now we went to the classic bullshit since you don't know how to counter my statement you are like "ok let's insult his grammar"
Like you think your's is better. I am betting you are using punctuation checker and you try to play now that your grammar is so amazing!!!!

1rst of all dummy if i was a fanboy of the series, i would had tried to persuade you to keep watching it instead i am 100% realistic

I saw that from episode 1 you disliked it so here you are 12 episodes later you still watch it.

Not only that!!! You never bother to say anything possitive like all you freaking do is just say negatives.

I don't mind you criticizing the negatives but i never read any comment of you where you bother saying something was done decent so you are willgly to admit there are mistakes but you never acknowledge the decent.

I am betting that when you watch a fire force episode you are like: " ok le's find the one thing that will be negative even if that is not that much of a negative just to say some bullshit"

Like look at you do you know how many line benimaru had? and you had to pick out the one specific that you found bad and you are like " ok that 1 line was stupid i am done"

Tell me something if someone you know have a discussion and he says you 10 things and from 10 things he says something stupid are like " ok you are stupid i am done you may said 9 good things but that one thing you just said made me to change my mind fuck off" even if the other 9 were good?

Now i advice you to stop murdering yourself by watching an anime you don't even like since all you do is bitch and bitch and bitch and you pretty much watch the episode, just to bitch and say how you don't like this.

You are like mad because i told you to drop it but hey!!! Continue torturing yourself ,i am gonna bring my popcorns and enjoy you struggling in each episode you keep watching.

I as well found that line none sense but you don't hear me bitching about that because i didn't found it like it destroyed the story structure or somethingbut do you want me to admit it?

I have the balls to do it yes that line benimaru said was stupid

Happy now? You think i won't criticize stuff i don't like? perhaps you didn't saw some of my older comments

I always criticize stuff i don't like how they were done and this show is not perfect but there are some moments where some are failing to realise stuff as they see the tree and they cannot see the forest.

Like with hibana oh boy i remember how 90% of the comments where how hibana was some a stupid character or a simple character or her progression was her start believing in god again or some other bullshits people's came up with as conclusions.

You do realize I covered your other bullshit before I covered your grammar? Are you going to pretend the two paragraphs preceding the one covering your grammar don't exist? And yes, I do think my grammar is better than "your's". No I don't use a punctuation checker, I just put in the effort to make what I say readable and actually attended 8th grade English class.

Now, I could, actually did, respond to your bulllshit step by step, but instead of making that the focus (because let's be honest, none of what you said really has any substance), I'll just say this. Perhaps discard your obvious alt troll account that was made like 2 months ago and has almost nothing on it and say all this stupid shit on your main account so we can all know who is this stupid, who the idiot going around harassing people is when that account invariably gets banned.

There's a reason a couple of people have laughed at and supported what I said, telling your dumbass off, and not a single person, even fans of this series, have supported you. It's because your comments, trolls or not, are a bad joke; they are unfunny, stupid, lacking substance and fail to make any coherent point. It's because you yourself clearly have no idea what is going on, and have attitude of a 6 year old throwing a tantrum. Simply put, either bad troll is bad, and needs a hobby. And a life. Or, you're a pathetic and unhinged fanboy who needs a mental hospital and to go outside, because holy shit, it'd be tragic if the comment I'm responding to was said unironically.

Oct 16, 2019 3:04 AM

Mar 2019
Seriously I like this show but the random moments of fan service are just dumb.
Oct 16, 2019 8:41 AM

Jul 2014
The Waka guy is so op, everything was good till that cliffhanger rip
Oct 16, 2019 10:01 AM

Jul 2013
Benimaru is strong. i get him not trusting the 8th's leaders but eh so dramatic to be all "you must fight me then".

the Evangelists are trouble.
Oct 16, 2019 10:45 AM

May 2009
Is translator of this episode a moron? WAKA means "My Lord". It's not name or nickname of Benimaru.
Oct 17, 2019 2:46 AM

Sep 2019
Man, I was waiting for Obi to (kinda... well, I guess "barely" might be more accurate) deal out some ass-kicking. Seriously, I love me some heavy-armoured badasses.

Although, I'm also not a fan of the "pretend to be them to gain mistrust, ho-ho-ho", it just feels... cheap? I just can't see it as effective in terms of entertaining the audience.

Still, glad the show is back, and I can still get a good amount of enjoyment, but I got a feeling No Guns Life might win me over in terms of favour.
"You know you've reached peak quality when a doujin is better than the actual source series." (Eg. To LOVE-Ru)

Just to list a couple of biases.
Likes: A good story, characters, writing, romance, a good plot twist or something that breaks expectations (In a good way), 'backstory' and justice.
Dislikes: Bad romance, too much fanservice, the harem genre, yuri, yaoi, and bad writing.

Oct 17, 2019 11:41 AM

Jan 2016
HereticHunter said:
WiselyKamelot said:

You may want to read the dialogues more carefully because what you're adressing is precisely touched upon as a plot point... Benimaru is insecure about deserving the captain title and he thinks Konro should be the captain. He has been chosen as captain by Asakusa and the empire due to his strength but he deems himself not worthy otherwise.

If he KNOWS he isn't good at it, why does he get himself into situations he KNOWS he can't deal with? It still doesn't change the fact that it is a very stupid cliché, no matter what.

Get himself in situations? Like he purposefully came upon impostors that had lured him into a ploy? Maybe he could just not leave his house ever lol

Edit: also remember that tropes are not bad. Just saying "it's a bad cliché" is not meaningful, you need to explain why it is used in a bad way/has bad results here.
WiselyKamelotOct 17, 2019 11:49 AM
Oct 17, 2019 12:26 PM

Feb 2016
WiselyKamelot said:
HereticHunter said:

If he KNOWS he isn't good at it, why does he get himself into situations he KNOWS he can't deal with? It still doesn't change the fact that it is a very stupid cliché, no matter what.

Get himself in situations? Like he purposefully came upon impostors that had lured him into a ploy? Maybe he could just not leave his house ever lol

Edit: also remember that tropes are not bad. Just saying "it's a bad cliché" is not meaningful, you need to explain why it is used in a bad way/has bad results here.

I did not say it was a bad cliché, I'm saying it's stupid. And I did not mean that he should have known those were impostors, the problem here is that he started a fight and forced them to fight him for something he wasn't sure of, rushing to conclusions and not listening to them when they tried to make him attend to reason.

This cliché not only happens on action shounen but do happen even in romance. Its a terrible cliché to rely on, as it only functions as a device to force drama and most of the times I've seen this it's executed poorly and has little to no relevance to the plot. Hell, even one of my favorite romance has this cliché, but it turns out well because at least the other side deserved the tantrum.
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Oct 17, 2019 9:16 PM

Mar 2019
It was cool seeing captain Obi put up a fight, even though there was no way he could beat Benimaru.
Oct 19, 2019 9:58 PM

Mar 2014
Willing to bet the doppelgangers were using fire or something to perfectly mimic the captain and lieutenant. After that one guy made fucking ICE with fire and sound anything is possible
Oct 20, 2019 3:47 AM

Jun 2013
As much as I like Benimaru, him being my favorite character, that part of him not listening to them was fucking stupid. He let his anger take control. Bad trait as a leader. If his own friend, Konro, didn't step him and try to reason out by sacrificing his own health and life, he wouldn've annihilated them.

Anyways, don't you guys love subtle gay relationships in shounen? The relationship between Konro and Benimaru tho. Even when I read the manga, I was hmm, yep, they're so gay for each other. Neither have girlfriends or wives. They definitely have a thing for each other lol
Oct 20, 2019 7:21 AM

Nov 2014
Rider9530 said:
Stark700 said:
The show's back but no new opening song yet. We'll be getting one next month probably.

They said that the new opening will start on episode 15.
Yah, I've read about that too.

Oct 24, 2019 8:58 AM

Jun 2017
Lol, I got KnY vibes from Benimaru. Iai chop, Seventh form. A good episode all and all, the fight scenes were nicely animated and the comedy is still there.
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”
― Lelouch Vi Britannia
Oct 26, 2019 5:54 AM
Jun 2016
Was a great episode, talking about what make a leader and how they can influence people, and how sometimes we don't realize that maybe we are leaders for someone and we can help them. Be a good leader

The MC scene when he say that even if his power belongs to evil, He'll use it to save people. Another good message.
Nov 14, 2019 2:03 PM
Jan 2018
Go captin obi . Really the only one that can be sympathized with as he has no Powers . He's basically the Batman of this Series ... But not rich or cool gadgets
Nov 24, 2019 11:17 AM

Dec 2016
I loved how that brawl was between two captains, even if one lacks power and the other excels at it the most. It shows that being a captain isn't always about having the flashiest fire control.
I wonder how they could replicate Obi and the lieutenant's bodies. Maybe creating an illusion with fire? Making a play on haze bending? I don't know.
That infernal was very reminiscent of the one from Shinra's backstory.
I wonder if it's the same one, which means that these dudes happened to be at the same place where Shinra was. Or it could mean that Infernals can vary in term of power level, which reflects on their appearance. I don't know.
Jan 6, 2020 1:47 PM

Aug 2017
The fight makes no sense but it was fun to watch. 2/5
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Jan 14, 2020 2:57 AM

Jul 2017
I like how OBI go full batman mode with those gadget he had.
Feb 1, 2020 2:23 AM

Aug 2012
Why did beni leave the people he was accusing of making infernals with his friend all alone lmao.
Mar 30, 2020 9:54 AM
Jul 2018
he is still coool.
Apr 23, 2020 10:03 PM

Feb 2015
The episode was ok, I didn’t like the fact that Benimaru got caught in a trap, and I don’t understand that if he watched the impostors, the real ones appeared in a convenient way to confuse both sides, that scene was unclear, whatever. Banimaru enraged absolutely forgot about how to listen and speak. Out of that, animation was very good.
Jul 3, 2020 11:23 AM

May 2015
That was... differnet. weird cuts here and there
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Jul 5, 2020 5:19 AM

Jul 2019
Please step on me even more! Desu, desu.

Okayish episode. People should talk more instead of immedately start fighting. And why let the imposters go and not attack them immediately? Really weird. Already curious regarding the technique that allowed to imiate them. Is it also connected to pyrokinetics?
Jul 6, 2020 7:43 AM

Feb 2020
Interesting episode. Instead of fighting, the last accident took some responsibility by the sudden arrival of special fire forces of the 8th division. They worked together, seems like everything gonna be smooth. Everyone worked hard to rebuild the traditional village of Asakusa. Even Shinra got so attached by the two chibi's after showing some of his ability. The responsibility got responded by their co lead, Konro, to actually believed the 8th division intentions to search some evidence. Beni finally realized the feeling and decide to helped.

Unfortunately, the cult of Evangelist broke the whole trust and the good bond by having a clone to lied and used some traps of infernal insects to shread the village from inside. They succeeded. It was indeed a surprise matter how easily Beni got fooled there. I thought he just lost his eyesight after the raged hearing that nonsense. He must be had a bad temper control on his personality. Damn, unexpected events after i thought it just a simple fight and won and everything just finished smoothly. No, not like that. With that surprising matter, i gave this episode the saluted for not showing Shinra as op as fuck. However, the nonsense to put the late fight was shame, ofc, but what could i do?

Fortunately, Konro arrived and helped to calming down his captain. And the whole arcs to slained the cult culprit began and arose until they reached the truth behind the reason of human flames. Its pretty interesting, actually. Lets see the next episode....
badabassJul 6, 2020 7:53 AM
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Jul 15, 2020 3:50 PM

Jul 2013
Damn this show is starting to pick up, it's getting better and better.
Jul 18, 2020 9:40 PM

May 2012
why do they have to ruin the episode with that lame excuse for the captain fight?
if you want good story, read novel. if you want good graphic, read manga. anime is beyond that.
Jul 19, 2020 12:24 AM
Apr 2019
sora2eugene said:
why do they have to ruin the episode with that lame excuse for the captain fight?

Dude, I'm saying.
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