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Mar 26, 2020 7:54 AM

Nov 2011
Heh Richard and Seigi have come a long way now. In the series finale, they actually speak more heart to heart.

While the case in this series' finale didn't commit as much as in jewels as the other episodes, it still had the uusal storytelling feeling. Going to kinda miss this anime tbh.
Mar 26, 2020 9:37 AM

Apr 2018
I thought it was going to be bad but no, it was really entertaining and interesting !! I'm pleasantly surprised.
Mar 26, 2020 10:04 AM

Jul 2017
Seigi's father SUDDENLY coincidentally meeting him? Looks like Seigi is also facing his own family issues as well: an estranged father with the son that doesn't care enough for his family. That, to the worse extent, doesn't forebode well when the divorced father begins to stalk him LIKE MAD.

The ONLY place he could run to now is Richard's jewlery shop with safe protection. And indeed the Tanzanite of Reincarnation, is assumption for a wish in becoming someone different.

Even he knows about Seigi's problems, the latter is commiiting the EXACT SAME mistake as the former in the London issue, and then now. But as is with their reconciliation in London post-family issue, Richard is now giving Seigi his push to do what's right, together. And getting Seigi's friend in the act does for a pretty believable resolution.

All's well that ends well, with a renewed Seigi working with Richard.

Mar 26, 2020 10:13 AM

Jul 2017
well that was a nice ep albeit completely random. Kinda like Mayo Chiki with how the 2nd last ep felt like the final one.

Overall though this show wasn't really that great imo. Some of the cases were not as enjoyable as others and it was just repeating some things a lot of times. The last bit with Richard's past was pretty interesting though

Kinda conflicted on giving this a Homura is best girl/10 or failed marriages/10 probably will go for the latter
Mar 26, 2020 10:22 AM

Dec 2014
I had wished that he had reconciled with the girl...hmmm but overall good show
Mar 26, 2020 10:39 AM

Oct 2017
Seigi's father was a complete trash, not a bit of sympathy for him. Thou I liked Seigi's step father, he had a short but strong apperance.

Okayish anime overall, pretty forgettable show tbh. Not bad but didn't find any memorable stuff or anything charming at all. Also no development with Tanimoto san at all sigh.
Mar 26, 2020 10:52 AM

Jun 2008
MegamiRem said:
Also no development with Tanimoto san at all sigh.

That was never going to happen anyway because she doesn’t feel romantic love
hirahiraJul 4, 2020 9:09 PM
Mar 26, 2020 10:52 AM
Sep 2015
Seigi's new dad is so hot!!! so DILF!!! though I'm wondering if he's working oversea or something prevent him from coming back to home and see Seigi?

Nakata Seigi won't stay too long before changing to Seigi de Vulpian ;) or Richard Nakata?
Mar 26, 2020 10:55 AM

Apr 2009
what the fuck was this trainwreck. Who finished the anime on the weakest episode. It should have stuck with the crystals and slow gay stuff. The "dream" kill cliche made this such trash.

what was with all the queerbaiting? There was no point for it, no resolution.

They better had it finished on the episode Richard left. At least the plot would have had some proper ending.
Mar 26, 2020 11:05 AM

Jun 2008
jTiKey said:

what was with all the queerbaiting? There was no point for it, no resolution.

There was no resolution because the novels are still ongoing and the way this case ended in the novel was way gayer

Mar 26, 2020 11:12 AM

Apr 2009
hirahira said:
jTiKey said:

what was with all the queerbaiting? There was no point for it, no resolution.

There was no resolution because the novels are still ongoing and the way this case ended in the novel was way gayer

Why did they censor it then? Imagine a Romeo and Juliet series where they would be just friends. It doesn't make much sense. It's 2020 already. Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai has gay sex scenes and it's shown in cinema.
Mar 26, 2020 11:27 AM

Jun 2008
jTiKey said:
hirahira said:

There was no resolution because the novels are still ongoing and the way this case ended in the novel was way gayer

Why did they censor it then? Imagine a Romeo and Juliet series where they would be just friends. It doesn't make much sense. It's 2020 already. Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai has gay sex scenes and it's shown in cinema.

Saezuru is something that has the BL label though so that’s quite different. But still, it’s very disappointing that the anime has an episode about not discriminating and then cuts as much of the content that could be perceived as gay as they possibly could. And not just that
hirahiraMay 10, 2020 6:07 PM
Mar 26, 2020 11:33 AM
Jul 2019
Seriously, Seigi call his mother by her frist name instead of "okasan?"

man, why is Seigi such as pussy to tell his otosan to "Bugger Off" or since his otosan is an old man why can he just kick his ass???
Mar 26, 2020 11:52 AM
Jul 2013
Horn_dawg_2019 said:
Seriously, Seigi call his mother by her frist name instead of "okasan?"

man, why is Seigi such as pussy to tell his otosan to "Bugger Off" or since his otosan is an old man why can he just kick his ass???

thats pretty simple, his dad is an abusive asshole and seigi has always been afraid of him and TURNING into him. This ep cut like what? good 50% of what the novel offered. And one of the scenes was about
So its honestly no surprise he couldnt deal with that situation alone.

Overally i feel pretty sad about how they handled most of the stuff in this anime bc the novels are so interesting and entertaining. But unfortunately they couldnt translate that onto the screen. And sadly with all the cuts as well as avoidance of most of the gay content this will be labeled as queerbait when the books are clearly meant to be Seigi's journey on discovering himself, which largely includes his feelings for Richard.

Edit: oh but im glad they at least didnt pull any punches with Richard straight up saying "Becuase I love you so much [...]" lmao
Mar 26, 2020 12:19 PM
Jul 2019
Ultimately a frustrating show that wouldn't or couldn't decide what kind of story it was trying to tell, and just ended up as half-baked queerbait. I wanted to love this anime like I loved the characters, but the story was such mush. 6/10 for me
Mar 26, 2020 12:39 PM

Aug 2011
just came here to check if this was gay and thus worth picking back up again ._.
Mar 26, 2020 12:41 PM

Jun 2008
stand said:
just came here to check if this was gay and thus worth picking back up again ._.

If the novels ever get licensed, you should check them out.
hirahiraOct 25, 2020 4:04 PM
Mar 26, 2020 12:48 PM

Aug 2011
hirahira said:
stand said:
just came here to check if this was gay and thus worth picking back up again ._.

If the novels ever get licensed, you should check them out. You might just get what you want. The anime is such a watered down version of the real story.

Thanks! I just might because as expected... anime rarely lives up to it's novel counterparts.
Mar 26, 2020 1:09 PM

Dec 2015
Short_Circut said:
Kinda conflicted on giving this a Homura is best girl/10 or failed marriages/10 probably will go for the latter

Kinda weird how they had Homura this episode considering what they cut last episode. (If you don't know what I mean, go read last week's discussion thread.) Poor Homura.

Horn_dawg_2019 said:
Seriously, Seigi call his mother by her frist name instead of "okasan?"

man, why is Seigi such as pussy to tell his otosan to "Bugger Off" or since his otosan is an old man why can he just kick his ass???

Kinda hard to explain, but basically Seigi felt like they've been through so much after his mother left asshole father that he can't call her mother anymore (implied because they're closer to each other than that).

And for the second point, it's because he's afraid that if he really hurt his father, he would turn out to be a violent monster like asshole father was.


Okay, I really wall of texted hard for this episode, so I'll put most of everything in spoilers otherwise this is going to be even more of a huge post than it already is.

Ah, last episode today... I'll miss my comfy show- wait. This episode wasn't all that comfy. D: anime-onlys, did it blindside you? I knew it was coming but still, dang.

This episode adapts volume 6 part 4, which is also the end of Arc 1 in the novels. To be really honest, I highly doubt we'll get a season 2 for this anime; it really screams "please read the novels" to me, and we hardly see anime with more than 1 season unless it's a shounen hit or a classic (eg Fruits Basket), not counting the rare few exceptions like Natsume Yuujinchou. But I'll be glad to be proven wrong!


And it ends on a brighter note in the end, as Seigi has his coming-of-age ceremony - which means he's 20! I'm mad that Papa Nakata didn't mention his birthday, though; I'll drop it in spoilers later since I got quite a few people asking me about their ages for some reason. Seigi looks sharp in his suit <3 they make quite the power couple, don't they?


On the official/meta side of things:

- Volume 1 anime BD/DVD and volume 1 of manga have been released!

- We're getting six drama CDs!!!! They will adapt 6 chapters across volumes 1-6, the link has short summaries for each chapter but be warned you may be spoiled. Nothing past volume 6 will be adapted, sadly... Will arc 2 get any adaptation at all? I personally love arc 2 more than arc 1 so I'm sad

- Also, if you ever wanted to tour London, you can now do a pilgrimage tour for Jeweler Richard at the same time. No, seriously. I can't believe they're actually doing something like this! (Do note that this may be cancelled depending on the coronavirus situation, though.)

Actually, I do think the anime did a fairly good job in adapting the novel content, even if I keep mentioning 'they cut this from the novels'. I can't really explain why this series speaks to me, to be honest; but I think it's partly because I love the social commentary from the author (the LGBTQ+ friendly atmosphere, the author not fetishizing the lesbian couple, the de Beers diamond critique, and even some more socio-political discussions in the novels, which I wasn't expecting out of a novel series revolving around gems). Here's hoping there will be an official translation for this series!

It's been a good ride, folks! The anime may end, but the series has managed to etch a place in my heart, surprisingly, so I'll continue to read the novels and await volume 10 and the drama CDs with bated breath. Till next time!



This section will be split into 2 parts: novel content for this episode, and the whole relationship status for Seigi/Tanimoto and Seigi/Richard as of the latest novel volume as well as other questions I've gotten in DMs.

No doc for today's episode. I've been surprisingly busy, unfortunately. For anyone who wants more translations from me, please feel free to DM me! Please note that I DO NOT ACCEPT TRANSLATION REQUESTS - I work off whatever Chinese translations exist, and while there's quite a bit of stuff translated so far, not everything has been translated yet.

Haven't read v6c4, the chapter adapted in this one, so no exact translations, just some specific parts.


And for the Big Questions that people might want to know:

Are Seigi and Tanimoto together in the novels?

From volume 6, 9 and the official fanbook:

Are Seigi and Richard together in the novels?

Spoilers all the way up to volume 9 and the official fanbook, you've been warned.

The short answer is

Is this series BL?

No - it's officially a josei (manga is shoujo, though). While Seigi and Richard's relationship isn't explicitly stated at this point, it can absolutely be read in a romantic manner, and you don't even need fujo goggles for that when Seigi just keeps declaring he likes Richard every so often. I don't consider it fujobait either, mainly because the author has taken pains to put forward a very LGBTQ+ friendly mindset in this series - recall what Richard mentioned about how the shop doesn't discriminate against sexual orientation? Recall how literally the second episode (and the second chapter of volume 1 too) was about a lesbian struggling against societal norms? And other things in the novels and official fanbook as well. It's all very deliberate on the author's side, and I'll be damned if this wasn't purposeful. The only things that might be of concern is 1) "a relationship without labels" - that is, nothing is ever explicitly stated because Japan seems to love this quite a bit. I'm actually okay if the novels end with their relationship being beyond labels though, because it's very clear at this point that they mean the world to each other; and 2) the author literally can't make them canon because of publisher limits. Now this has no basis except just me being worried, but it's a valid concern since we've seen how higher-ups can and will de-gay stuff coughsseikaisurukadocoughs but since that's out of anybody's control, there's nothing more I can say about that.

Where can I read the novels?

There are no official English translations, if that's what you mean. There are fan translations for volume 1, just google it. No more English translations exist past volume 1, but there are plenty of Chinese translations out there, if you want to try using Google Translate. (Results may vary; some work well with Google Translate, but not all.) There are also a few readers reading the original JP novels who have shared some stuff here and there. If you want to know, here's a list compiled by a user in the JR discord server!

I do have some snippets translated from the official fanbook and volume 9 final chapter if anyone's interested. (SPOILERS, obviously.) And I'm always open to anyone who wants to chat about Jeweler Richard, feel free to DM me anytime!
starlightshineMar 26, 2020 1:18 PM
Mar 26, 2020 1:50 PM

Apr 2009
jTiKey said:
hirahira said:

There was no resolution because the novels are still ongoing and the way this case ended in the novel was way gayer

Why did they censor it then?

Hard to say. It's an adaptation, so" people" (Read: Producers, etc) know what they were getting, so I doubt it was a case of not wanting to adapt homo stuff. Then again, the director may not have been a fan of the homosexual angle and downplayed it. But it's pure speculation, really. The anime is still a tad too homo for the average watcher anyway.

Given how much stuff they cut according to novel fans who post stuff here every week, I'm willing to bet it's more of a case of bad adaptation more than anything, which it's fairly common especially with this number of episodes.

Coincidentally, I think even the novel writer commented on twitter to watch read the novel if people are liking the anime, since many scenes got cut.

Mar 26, 2020 2:18 PM

May 2015
It wasn't that bad but some episodes weren't quite interesting in the first half.

Gay or not, I like the way their relationship progresses. It doesn't have to have any resolution because they can already actually talk and have the utmost respect for each other. It's not like anything would change if they kissed or something. It's probably even better the way it is for now, with more focus on just deeper human connection.

Overall, I can't say I'm impressed with the anime all that much. It had its moments but maybe the characters or themes explored weren't something I could truly get invested in.
Mar 26, 2020 2:41 PM

Jul 2017
@starlightshine maybe he just wanted to flex on all his haters who doubted him :P
Mar 26, 2020 2:56 PM
May 2019
The queerbaiting is really gross. We literally just had Given smashing the charts despite a gay kiss AND gay sex and these producers think people aren't ready for a gay anime.
Mar 26, 2020 3:54 PM

Apr 2017
I love you cliché NO HOMO
ant-climactic ending I thought there is episode 13
Mar 26, 2020 4:05 PM

Sep 2014
I should start to read the novel
Mar 26, 2020 4:11 PM

Sep 2011
I'm so happy with the way things ended that I feel reborn myself. I was so worried when that scum showed up and started to harass Seigi like that. Trying to force himself into his house and following him even in his university. I was also afraid that he was going to manage to steal Richard's white sapphire. Seigi tried to deal with him by himself too. He was really affected and almost did something that he wouldn't be able to take back. But I'm really glad he didn't dirty his hands with that man who simply isn't worth it. He pushed his friend away, pushed Tanimoto away, and tried to push Richard away, but I'm glad that he loves him enough to intervene even if he didn't ask for his help. There truly are things in this world that we can do nothing about, but Seigi doesn't have any obligation to stand that man. He is no father. I thought that only Richard would stand up for Seigi though, and I believe that would have been enough, but I was really pleased when his stepfather, his real father, showed up and said all that. I was under the impression that Seigi distanced himself from his mother so she could be happy in her new marriage. Possibly because her husband didn't want or liked him, but no. He was there to watch and support Seigi while he grew up. I'm really moved. Blood doesn't mean much at the end of the day, but love, support and mutual respect do mean a lot. I'm sure that man will think twice before bothering Seigi and his family again. Now Seigi can go on with his life with his mother, his father, Richard, and his friends without that shadow hanging over him. He now knows that he isn't alone.
Mar 26, 2020 4:19 PM

Jun 2008
solidss said:
I love you cliché NO HOMO
ant-climactic ending I thought there is episode 13

I don’t get why people call this a no homo ending. It’s open ended but there’s nothing that sinks the ship

I wonder if there would be less screeching about queerbaiting if the anime had kept the way this case ended in the novel or if there would be more...
hirahiraMar 26, 2020 4:42 PM
Mar 26, 2020 4:55 PM

Apr 2009
hirahira said:
solidss said:
I love you cliché NO HOMO
ant-climactic ending I thought there is episode 13

I don’t get why people call this a no homo ending. It’s open ended but there’s nothing that sinks the ship

I wonder if there would be less screeching about queerbaiting if the anime had kept the way this case ended in the novel or if there would be more...

For some people there is no middle ground, either two people fuck each other on screen or it's 100% not gay, doesn't matter anything else.

Ironically you could argue this anime feature straight baiting, Seigi has a clear crush on a girl... that goes nowhere, and she turns out to be asexual. Poor girl doesn't even get a proper goodbye!

Mar 26, 2020 4:59 PM
Apr 2016
Man, this series finished strong in my opinion. I feel like after the first 3 or 4 episodes the series really picked up and episode 11 ended the first arc nicely. Episode 12 feels like it should have been the beginning of a second season or OVA. This episode left me wanting more and given how little "fanfare" and hype this series received, there probably won't be a second season, which is unfortunate.
Mar 26, 2020 5:41 PM

Jun 2008
Jin_uzuki said:

Ironically you could argue this anime feature straight baiting, Seigi has a clear crush on a girl... that goes nowhere, and she turns out to be asexual. Poor girl doesn't even get a proper goodbye!

Yes, exactly! They tried their hardest to make Tanimoto look like a legitimate love interest when in the novel
hirahiraOct 25, 2020 4:06 PM
Mar 26, 2020 6:24 PM

Mar 2016
I bawled like a baby! I'm sure many of you can relate but watching an abusive parent continue to be an absolute dildo and not learn their hits home.

"His blood runs through my veins" "Then why not carry that weakness with you?" That shit hit home. This hit too many wavelengths for me XD

But it was great! Wish we'd get a season 2 but I'm def reading the manga now regardless!
Mar 26, 2020 6:59 PM

Jun 2008
Wallanimx said:

But it was great! Wish we'd get a season 2 but I'm def reading the manga now regardless!

It's actually based on a novel. There is a manga adaption too but it's only covered up to case 2 so far. The manga is a much more faithful adaption of the novel though so it's worth checking out.
Mar 26, 2020 7:05 PM

Mar 2016
hirahira said:
Wallanimx said:

But it was great! Wish we'd get a season 2 but I'm def reading the manga now regardless!

It's actually based on a novel. There is a manga adaption too but it's only covered up to case 2 so far. The manga is a much more faithful adaption of the novel though so it's worth checking out.

Thank you for the information!!!! I really appreciate it!!! <3
Mar 26, 2020 9:20 PM
Jul 2018
I legit thought he killed his dad, but in the end it’s good he didn’t. Also why don’t they just kiss already.
Mar 26, 2020 9:45 PM

Dec 2015
CashJackson said:
The queerbaiting is really gross. We literally just had Given smashing the charts despite a gay kiss AND gay sex and these producers think people aren't ready for a gay anime.

Given is BL, this isn't.

zimmercj said:
Man, this series finished strong in my opinion. I feel like after the first 3 or 4 episodes the series really picked up and episode 11 ended the first arc nicely. Episode 12 feels like it should have been the beginning of a second season or OVA. This episode left me wanting more and given how little "fanfare" and hype this series received, there probably won't be a second season, which is unfortunate.

In the novels, this episode marks the end of arc 1, actually! But of course since more volumes are coming, it ended pretty open-ended.
Mar 26, 2020 11:01 PM
May 2019
starlightshine said:
CashJackson said:
The queerbaiting is really gross. We literally just had Given smashing the charts despite a gay kiss AND gay sex and these producers think people aren't ready for a gay anime.

Given is BL, this isn't.

zimmercj said:
Man, this series finished strong in my opinion. I feel like after the first 3 or 4 episodes the series really picked up and episode 11 ended the first arc nicely. Episode 12 feels like it should have been the beginning of a second season or OVA. This episode left me wanting more and given how little "fanfare" and hype this series received, there probably won't be a second season, which is unfortunate.

In the novels, this episode marks the end of arc 1, actually! But of course since more volumes are coming, it ended pretty open-ended.

Except this is BL. The novel is fucking BL.
Mar 26, 2020 11:25 PM

Oct 2008
full mad respect for this episode!
scum dads are SCUM for all eternity!
shame it ended...i wanna be it like 24 episodes of Richard suaveness and Seigi inevitable gayness to be turned to! lolz!

Mar 26, 2020 11:31 PM
May 2016
I like the message that blood doesn't necessarily equal family. I'm going to miss this show, I hope it gets licensed for boy ray release. I also wouldn't mind a season 2, but I don't know anything about the source material
Mar 26, 2020 11:45 PM

Jun 2008
NG_Chloe said:
I also wouldn't mind a season 2, but I don't know anything about the source material

Act II of the story is very different from Act I but it’s really, really good. I don’t expect it to get animated though since it will probably be a few years before the novels end.
Mar 27, 2020 1:05 AM

Mar 2016
The dad is such a shitty man!

I loved Seigi's relationship with Nakata-san. I really like it when step parents aren't evil. They may not be related to a child by birth, but they can still grow to love them.

It was nice how—in this last episode—Seigi, who has always been the one saving people, gets saved by other people.

I know this anime will never get a second season, and that fact is too painful! It will be hard finding an anime that is going to be as good as this. :(
Mar 27, 2020 1:29 AM

Dec 2015
CashJackson said:
Except this is BL. The novel is fucking BL.
Dude, I meant it in the technical way. The novels are published under a josei publisher, and are not marketed as BL. You can't call something BL just because they're extremely gay for each other. That said, you don't need the BL label to have actual gay couples, so there's still hope. I'm just hoping the novels will go the No.6 route in the end.
Mar 27, 2020 5:02 AM

Apr 2009
CashJackson said:
starlightshine said:

Given is BL, this isn't.

In the novels, this episode marks the end of arc 1, actually! But of course since more volumes are coming, it ended pretty open-ended.

Except this is BL. The novel is fucking BL.

Leaving aside the novel doesn't fall under BL, it's bait but also BL according to you? How does it work?

Mar 27, 2020 6:07 AM

Aug 2017
Wow what an ending! My Fujoshi heart can't help but scream 🤣🤣🤣. I am hoping for a season 2 but this anime is not for all, so I might look for the LN. My heart is still fluttering.

Mar 27, 2020 8:25 AM

Jan 2016
I'm glad I decided to watch this anime. I really like how Seigi and Richard's relationship seems simple but it's also pretty complicated. And with this episode, it comes to an end. Seigi's blood dad really pissed me off though.

"You hit her!" "No, she hit me." "That's because you hit her!" "That doesn't make it okay to hit someone."

tHaT dOEsN'T MaKe It OkAy tO hIt SoMeOnE bitch I will hit you.

But yeah, based off of what the novel readers say, I think it's a bad adaptation, but that doesn't make it a bad anime, it was relatively good. It just cut a LOT of content from the novels, and it's kinda understandable considering the amount of content that would be needed to be put in 12 episodes. Still kinda disappointed tho.

hirahira said:
Jin_uzuki said:

Ironically you could argue this anime feature straight baiting, Seigi has a clear crush on a girl... that goes nowhere, and she turns out to be asexual. Poor girl doesn't even get a proper goodbye!

Yes, exactly! The anime did straight bait a lot. They tried their hardest to make Tanimoto look like a legitimate love interest when in the novel

YOOOOO she's asexual??? Maybe I didn't watch it properly, or the anime horribly adapted that part. I probably don't watch anime that much, since I don't know any asexual character in anime. I wish they adapted her character more properly. Now I'm definitely gonna read the novels once they get officially licensed.

phantomfandom said:
Seigi's new dad is so hot!!! so DILF!!!

I have to admit... I agree with you.
Mar 27, 2020 11:17 AM

Sep 2017
Huh. I could say a lot of things about this episode. Mostly negative, but if I had to give it a word it would be disjointed. The story felt pretty watered down and I bet would have been a lot more encapsulating and convincing if they kept in all the details from the novels.
Mar 27, 2020 11:59 AM

Jun 2019
I really wish this series didn't feel as niche as it seems to so there would be greater chances of a season two. I don't know what its ratings were on television in Japan or how they gauge or account for that there (if it's something like the Nielsen system in the U.S. implemented years ago or if it's something more modern and different entirely), but I cannot shake the feeling that even if future adaptations of the novel are to follow that another season would be several years off at best.

I wasn't as much a fan of the second half of the season as the first half when they went in a more serialized direction with the storyline. I know generally audience preference today is for the serialized stories over the "monster of the week/gem of the week/case of the week/etc." more episodic format and mine actually is as well, but I was more interested in the history and side stories around individual gems (and them serving as stand-ins analogous to diverse human attributes, personalities, and circumstances) than the romance subplot.

Part of what I dislike about the structure of these 11, 12, or 13 episodes shows nowadays is that they feel very rushed in parts and lacking more substantive characterization which seems glossed over. Like, even though I'm not a yaoi fan, I would be perfectly willing to watch and get invested in a hypothetical series like this where romance, even homosexual romance, was a major subplot, but to care about the romance I feel like either every single scene of the show would have to be devoted to it directly or indirectly, or it would have to be a much longer show of 24-26, if not 50+ episodes. It's one of those series which exist in no small number where even as a non-reader of the original material, the sense of only getting a cliffnotes-style version is palpable.

That notwithstanding, I definitely appreciated how this show was very tranquil, subdued, and understated in parts with a relaxing pace, how characters didn't feel the need to shout everything in a heavily dramatized and stylized fashion, and how it did fill a very unique void I didn't know existed previously, which is Slice of Life + Mystery with iyashikei, Coming-of-Age, and a modicum of Drama as well. Even the measured and methodical manner in which gems were laid out and customer interactions were conducted in Etranger's quiet apartment office in the early evening were very calming.

The topic of gemstones, their history, economics and market forces around them, symbolism associated with them, etc. was all very interesting when it was focused on, but it wasn't focused on enough in my opinion - particularly in the series' latter half. I would love to see more series utilize its hushed tone and atmosphere. It would be great if more future series, even with a completely different premise and story, borrowed this from it.

I read somewhere that its manga adaptation is running in a magazine that serves as a mixed Shoujo + Josei publication and if that's the case, it definitely feels that way and I want to see more in this vein away from all the Shounen shoutiness.

It's a 7/10 for me. Yet one of the series in which I can definitely tell the base ingredients were there and if several factors were tweaked like being much more developed in character writing which could come as a result of it simply being much longer, like triple or more its length, it would easily be an 8/10 or even 9/10. I wish it didn't have the weird disconnect in parts between being pleasantly slow-paced and yet still abrupt in parts from cutting corners plot-wise.
WatchTillTandavaMar 27, 2020 12:02 PM
Mar 27, 2020 12:40 PM
May 2016
hirahira said:
NG_Chloe said:
I also wouldn't mind a season 2, but I don't know anything about the source material

Act II of the story is very different from Act I but it’s really, really good. I don’t expect it to get animated though since it will probably be a few years before the novels end.

oh, thank you. That's good to know.
Mar 28, 2020 10:10 PM
Jan 2018
I have to say it was a very unique series for me i loved it! Alzó seigi's biológicas father was crazy and kind of scary, i really thougt that seigi used that knive on his dad i was like omg really
Mar 28, 2020 10:14 PM
Jan 2018
I know that the novel is better but i really liked the anime
Mar 30, 2020 12:24 AM
Dec 2011
[/quote] Tanimoto being aroace was also quite downplayed in the anime. They hetbaited hard and that was super annoying[/quote]

That wasn’t really baiting tho... She straight up said she wasn’t looking for that...
it’s baiting when they’re professing how much they love one another with tears in their eyes before accepting it with a handshake and proceeding with the day as normal :/
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Poll: » Housekishou Richard-shi no Nazo Kantei Episode 6 Discussion

Stark700 - Feb 13, 2020

26 by Sun_Chan »»
May 29, 2024 11:54 PM

Poll: » Housekishou Richard-shi no Nazo Kantei Episode 5 Discussion

Stark700 - Feb 6, 2020

34 by Sun_Chan »»
May 29, 2024 11:49 PM

Poll: » Housekishou Richard-shi no Nazo Kantei Episode 4 Discussion

Stark700 - Jan 30, 2020

47 by Sun_Chan »»
May 29, 2024 7:22 AM

Poll: » Housekishou Richard-shi no Nazo Kantei Episode 3 Discussion

Stark700 - Jan 23, 2020

48 by Sun_Chan »»
May 29, 2024 12:58 AM

Poll: » Housekishou Richard-shi no Nazo Kantei Episode 2 Discussion ( 1 2 )

Stark700 - Jan 16, 2020

71 by Sun_Chan »»
May 29, 2024 12:39 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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