[ENG SUB] PLAVE Pico Park ("Don't do anything! Just breathe!" - Han Noah)

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025

Комментарии • 314

  • @staralways5
    @staralways5 3 месяца назад +634


  • @ace_4311
    @ace_4311 4 месяца назад +1044

    It's either the other 4 members are testing Eunho's patience because of their impatience or its Eunho testing their's😭😭😭

  • @madison_rose1289
    @madison_rose1289 3 месяца назад +514

    Eunho being unhelpful for 40 minutes 😭😭

  • @KuzuFanG
    @KuzuFanG 4 месяца назад +1194

    OMG 40 minutes subs?? Thank you so much for your hardwork 🧡

  • @iluvsnoo_
    @iluvsnoo_ Месяц назад +82


  • @BangtanPeuldoong
    @BangtanPeuldoong Месяц назад +109

    eunho is so annoyingly adorable in here, purposely stressing everyone is his enjoyment hshahahahshsaha

  • @CrisellaEats
    @CrisellaEats Месяц назад +64

    Eunho sitting next to bamby and bamby giving death glare to eunho 😭😭

  • @Sandco481
    @Sandco481 4 месяца назад +248

    17:46 "Nam Yejun, NAM YEJUN!" "Bamby-ah😀"
    I really love Berriez omg😭

  • @rookrynrynx8469
    @rookrynrynx8469 4 месяца назад +184


  • @Aaissy
    @Aaissy 4 месяца назад +526

    22:46 the main part of this video 😭

    • @Freminet-x4v
      @Freminet-x4v 3 месяца назад +12

      Petition for this to be pinned, . 😂

    • @saimanafis7060
      @saimanafis7060 Месяц назад +4

      The editing was genius here 🤌🤌🤌

  • @lackingmyface
    @lackingmyface 3 месяца назад +140

    Nolighting is very strong in this. Luckily he's part of the hyung line.

  • @kaitlinseq
    @kaitlinseq 3 месяца назад +164

    Noah: Ahhhhhhrrrrrgghghghhh
    Hamin: Are you shooting with your mouth??
    Took me out 💀💀💀💀💀

  • @yoonx_x3
    @yoonx_x3 29 дней назад +40

    eunho being a menace is so ENTP of him

  • @heiryung1
    @heiryung1 4 месяца назад +279

    Totally didn’t expect that ‘What If’ FMV at the end 😂😂 😂

  • @PinayGrl926
    @PinayGrl926 4 месяца назад +465

    This took me more than 40 mins because of how chaotic it was. I was laughing nonstop at everything. 😂

  • @amaanda6361
    @amaanda6361 4 дня назад +3

    the way that noah and bamby kept calling out eunho LMAOOOOO they won't let him survive 😂😂😂

  • @sajsakura
    @sajsakura 3 месяца назад +134

    I'm not even a stan, but here I am watching this whole video because they're so funny 🤣🤣🤣

  • @sjxxrdan
    @sjxxrdan 2 месяца назад +54

    22:43 i can't LMAO this was such a perfect cut it get funnier the more i repeat it 😭

  • @jilianprgn
    @jilianprgn Месяц назад +22

    25:57 lmao look how fast eunho was pressing the keyboard when he heard solo match😭😭😭😭 bamby got target locked

  • @chocoffeeblood
    @chocoffeeblood 4 месяца назад +198

    Having the subtitles near their pico park character made this chaotic live easier to read and enjoy 😌
    The pause with the bgm when someone dies gets me every time 😆 It's amazing how you can catch what they're saying that's not even translated in the official subtitles!
    And that mini k-drama at the end?? Wow 😂👏🏼 Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into translating this live ❤️🔥

  • @greentea_icecream
    @greentea_icecream 4 месяца назад +91

    22:46 I legit snorted hahaha
    39:00 thank you for the pico park what if mv

  • @pjwave9026
    @pjwave9026 3 месяца назад +121

    dear pink maltese i just want u to know on twt i've read multiple tweets of ppl become plave fans specifically bc they watched this video and i hope you get a paycheck by vlast soon xoxo

  • @dane5171
    @dane5171 4 месяца назад +66

    The "What If" montage with their in-game characters acting out the lyrics was PURE GENIUS, I could not stop laughing HAHAHAHAAHA thank you so much

  • @BangtanPeuldoong
    @BangtanPeuldoong Месяц назад +16

    eunho's is too excited and got impatient, which made other lose their patience. his character is all over the place hhshshshshshs

  • @okmehgame8067
    @okmehgame8067 4 месяца назад +118

    31:30 10 out of 10 protection hahaha

  • @haihello9523
    @haihello9523 4 месяца назад +169

    22:47 AHAAH i laughed so hard at this 😭😭 thank u for subbing ❤❤❤

    • @kaitlinseq
      @kaitlinseq 3 месяца назад +4

      Sudden shower playing as well 😭

    • @bbluealuna8729
      @bbluealuna8729 Месяц назад


  • @soraoi_011
    @soraoi_011 28 дней назад +14

    Yejun is like a frustrated mother 😭😭😭

  • @03mariyahh
    @03mariyahh 4 месяца назад +102

    ever since I knew they play games on their live broadcast I've been waiting for them to play this game, because I know their gameplay will be so funny. TY FOR THE SUBS!

  • @S.Shoko.
    @S.Shoko. 4 месяца назад +112

    39:30 This is situation is a little bit too accurateee 🤣🤣🤣

  • @kkirose
    @kkirose Месяц назад +13


  • @mangoqrwslk92vina
    @mangoqrwslk92vina 3 месяца назад +63

    Why is the stance that Yejun is playing in so hot/handsome?????? Meanwhile Eunho is using both of his hands for pico park 😂😭

  • @quakzvc
    @quakzvc Месяц назад +11

    6:37 the way eunho looks at bamby is so funny😭

  • @mysarraazmi
    @mysarraazmi Месяц назад +30

    27:03 Hamin: Hyung why don't you move
    Noah: I did but below me.... Yejun-aaahh
    Yejun: Why me..
    Yejun and Noah give off such parent vibes when their son throws a tantrum 😆

  • @RinZack
    @RinZack 3 месяца назад +34

    The endgame for 22:09 play killed me 😂 what a big misfortune

  • @JHMlMI
    @JHMlMI 2 месяца назад +40

    This PLAVE content popped up on my RUclips recommendations, and now I kinda want to stan them hahaha. They're so chaotic and funny! Also, 22:47 had me crying 😭

    • @MorbidHexe
      @MorbidHexe 2 месяца назад +2

      They are amazing! You should watch their glitches compilation. Of course their music is the best part!

  • @blissfullyalluring
    @blissfullyalluring Месяц назад +9


  • @HannieBee1004
    @HannieBee1004 15 дней назад +5

    22:46 I lost it when Eunho fell + Sudden shower (Lovely runner OST) played out of nowhere 😭

  • @nurhanis1837
    @nurhanis1837 4 месяца назад +27


    @PLAVE_DASH_ON_LOOP 4 месяца назад +45

    I still remember the vibes that night on pllitwt 😆
    I thought they're gonna end live when pico park is finished !! but they continue playing the they actually did the live for 3 hours because noah couldn't win one round yet 😂😂
    Plli artist keeps dropping plave arts that night, my timeline full of plave pico park and kart rider arts. My eyes was blessed ❤
    One of the my favourite live & this live actually included in my recap game moments on youtube 😂
    This is plave 💙💜❤️💗🖤 their chemistry is undeniable 😌
    Thank you for uploading this edits 🤍

  • @Chan.Geobug_271
    @Chan.Geobug_271 4 месяца назад +6

    Edit1st :
    They say they will clear this game by supporting each other and working together? What they say again?? "SUPPORTING EACH OTHER and WORKING TOGETHER"???
    Me proceed to look at 2:11 screens above the subtitles and be like : Are you all f*ckin' hilariously kidding me?!! 😂😭😭 You are all BACKSTABBING one another, DUH!!! 👹👹👹
    38:53 Those because the game was fun to play by them also it was fun to watch by us.
    If I want to express, the game livestreaming PLAVE do up until now that I like to watch and put them to the favorite list is like these :
    1. Kartrider Drift
    2. Supermario Jamboree Party
    3. Pico Park (However this game will torment PLAVE more like 6+ hours if they want to succeed it and considering that all of them isn't a proplayer, let alone include even Eunho's troublemaking matter)

  • @Chan.Geobug_271
    @Chan.Geobug_271 3 месяца назад +9

    Timestamp of my reaction on their torment hohoho~
    2:53 As always YATAZ's bickering 😅😊
    4:16 Lol Eunho's being uncooperative 😂
    4:28 Bamby's getting revenge because of the 'past trauma' 😂 4:34 Bamby's satisfied lol 😆
    4:48 Noah's tragic falling lol 🤣
    4:57 Wow they're merciless lol poor princess is left alone suffering lol 😂 4:59 BYE! 🤣🤣🤣
    5:25 Another annoying burden loader 😑
    6:01 Noah's tasting a bit of headache experience like Bamby's past trauma 🤭
    8:57 Eunho, actually it didn't work just because you push it like that way 😅 (That's my guess after I watch other our local vtuber doing this game livestreaming once)
    9:13 Eunho's attempt to being a troublemaker again 🤪
    12:23 Poor Yejun get locked up 😂 12:27 Bamby the berry is on the rescue 🥺😘😍 12:42 Unexpectedly Hamin the ye-line take the lead to save Yejun first lol 😆
    13:08 Welcome to the gate of TORMENT HELL!!! 👹👹👹👹👹
    13:27 the Yejun's first "AIYAAAKK!" got me grrrrr! ❤😳😬😍👹 I want to squeeze him all out! 🤤
    13:58 🐶 BARK! 🐶 BARK! 🐺 AWOOOUU! Yejun's "AIYAAAKK" again?! 😱 LEMME GET HIM!!! 👹
    16:15 Bamby's happiness 🤭 before being hit by reality check .... 😏😌
    16:20 Literally highlight the RED EYE's resort on backstabbing others 🤡
    16:36 YATAZ's bickering lead to backstabbing again 😌
    16:48 🌚🌝 YATAZ~ 🙉🙈🙊
    18:08 🌝 Eunho's exaggerated bluffing, then .... 🌚 18:11 He's truly troublemaker ...., right? 😌🙂🤡🤡🤡
    18:25 Yejun's kidnapped by Eunho from Noah 😱
    18:32 Hamin's (truly) tragic falling 🥲😭🙈
    19:50 Poor princess Noah couldn't take it anymore all the torment to endured 😿 I feel you, Noah 🤧 Just hold on a bit more okay 🤗
    20:02 Bamby began to doubt but then composed himself "we can do it" however .... 🌚 20:17 Bamby ... unfortunately the TORMENT HELL didn't joke either. Also, you shouldn't blame us .... We aren't guilty for your despair 20:19
    20:30 😂 Lol Bamby's so desperate now
    22:21 🐶 BARK! 🐶 BARK! 🐺 AWOOOUU! LEMME GET HIM! LEMME GET HIIIIIMMM!!!!! ┻⁠━⁠┻⁠ミ⁠\⁠(⁠≧⁠ロ⁠≦⁠\⁠)
    22:27 Actually I think the scout actual function is like pulling the aggro, so he should taunting the enemy on the very first frontline diving earlier, so the DPS shooter can kill all the foe in the furthest back securely without worrying about the scattered enemy's attack shower upon them
    22:46 The plot twist is so "MWAAAH!" very chef kiss 😘 23:02 *OMG! My poor ears Lol 🤣🤣🤣
    23:35 "... are you ... tarzan 🦧?"
    23:49 I think this is a moment in a while that Noah admit his 'mistake' *remembering all noslighting lol*
    24:06 Now me instead of barking : sluuurrp~ *lick the screen at Yejun*
    24:19 Oops! .... 24:26 *WHY DID YOU LEFT ME BEHIND!!!* (That's rough buddy 😂) 24:33 Well, Hamin should take it out on Eunho actually, instead of Yejun fufu 🤭🌝
    24:40 *Uuuuggghh ...!* 💘
    25:19 Uwoh that almost gave me a heart attack 😱😔
    25:41 FINALLY 🤗😊☺️😌🙂🙃🙂😏😈 NEXT TORTURE OF TORMENT HELL!!! 👹👹👹
    (This timestamp will be updated next time soon, I'm tired now lol 🥴)

  • @pancontamal9269
    @pancontamal9269 3 месяца назад +8

    Bamby being so done with Eunho is hilarious

  • @PinklyCake
    @PinklyCake 4 месяца назад +65

    no way pink maltese, dolphin cat and LAssGo uploaded subs on the same dayy

    • @-angie
      @-angie 4 месяца назад +2

      ikr!!?! i literally combusted when i realized

    • @craftcrave6244
      @craftcrave6244 3 месяца назад

      PLLIes that help and catch us into Plave

  • @hanifarufaidah5568
    @hanifarufaidah5568 4 месяца назад +35

    THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST FUN LIVE THEY DID!!! THANK YOU FOR THE SUBS they're so hilarious I laughed so hard

  • @bluexalien
    @bluexalien 21 день назад +3

    when Hamin said with a soft voice 33:28 I can't, he's too nice and sweet and cute and just 😭

  • @MspufCio
    @MspufCio Месяц назад +5

    eunho and yejun free riding at the end lmao

  • @alexy_08
    @alexy_08 Месяц назад +4

    the editing definitely makes everything funnier thank youu

  • @Illgetalongwithyourmomforyou
    @Illgetalongwithyourmomforyou 3 месяца назад +13

    I laughed so hard, i choked and saw the angels coming for me 😂 this is sooo funny every minute is legendary
    I rewatched it again and these part are my top picks
    31:26 Eunho's heroic "i'll protect you" and bamby dying right after and the queen of tears ost is hilarious
    33:22 Hamin's fatal "i was attacked" (yes it's fatal, fatally cute ㅠㅠ) followed by Noah's "who did?" like some neighbor trying to instigate a fight, and bamby's tiny confession. These rally convo got me cracking lmao
    33: 32 Eunho caught in 4k and Noah's "Eunho-ssi" is my roman empire
    34:31 Noah yelling at eunho to stop blocking his way infront of him. plot twist: no one is infront of him.
    This game is basically just noah blaming anyone for his death. Plot twist pt.2: it's his own fault
    37:22 Yejun and eunho just breathing at the corner being glued at each other is my lifeline lol

  • @kookiejeon2897
    @kookiejeon2897 27 дней назад +8

    i cant breathe from laughing too much

  • @strawberryichigo426
    @strawberryichigo426 4 месяца назад +23

    holyyyyyy ---- 40 minutes?!?!?! i havent finished watching it yet but I really love how you put subs like they were reading through your script lmaoooo thank you for your hard work!

  • @watermelanie6268
    @watermelanie6268 Месяц назад +3

    The ending was a perfect way to end it

  • @foreigner2608
    @foreigner2608 14 дней назад +3

    34:28 "There's no one in front of you, hyung" XDD

  • @li11iaa18
    @li11iaa18 4 месяца назад +13

    31:29 is the highlight of 2024 for me😂

  • @twilight-mood
    @twilight-mood Месяц назад +5

    They finally succeeded the last stage when the tactic became to protect the royal family while danraz play knight xD so cute. As a 1 week old PLLI I am very thankful for your subbed videos!!!!

  • @xyraaaaaaaaaaA
    @xyraaaaaaaaaaA 17 дней назад +4


  • @renten17
    @renten17 3 месяца назад +6

    The time difference between every other level and the 6-2 level is insane 💀💀

  • @Moe87ou
    @Moe87ou 2 месяца назад +12

    23:01 I'm just laughing like nonstop at 2 am.

  • @rambutketiak
    @rambutketiak 4 месяца назад +65

    I love it 🤣🤣🤣 4:47 18:31 22:46
    And the tragedy at 31:25
    Nyangnyangz fight 😭 32:04 33:59

    • @sumayyahEr78
      @sumayyahEr78 Месяц назад

      I love watching the parts where that white hair guy testing pink hair guy's patience.. include everyone patience too😂😂

  • @jasheline
    @jasheline 3 месяца назад +3

    17:47 yejun: nee~ bamby ah~
    so cute 😣✨

  • @yujiii_ars177
    @yujiii_ars177 Месяц назад +6

    27:54 Bamby whines at papa Jun-ah 🤭🤭🤭

  • @Itsmeodie
    @Itsmeodie 4 месяца назад +11

    Thank you for your subs!!! After their MAMA performance, I’m positive plave will have lots of new fans wanting to learn more about them ☺️💗

  • @katie0511
    @katie0511 4 месяца назад +8

    This is such an insane labor of love to do!! This long of a subbing project and to do it with such care and clarity is just 🤯🤯🤯You're absolutely amazing and I hope everything comes right back to you!!

  • @Hi_Im_belle
    @Hi_Im_belle Месяц назад +4

    I'm back at it again! This made me so happy with all the probs going on rn. Thanks for this sub!

  • @xyraaaaaaaaaaA
    @xyraaaaaaaaaaA 17 дней назад +2

    22:27 they spent half of their life clearing level 6-2 😭

  • @starhoshibyul
    @starhoshibyul Месяц назад +5

    Just wanna say, I watched this with my sister like 2 months ago & since then everytime we heard 'What If' playing we would be like "Pico Park!" lmao like that edit at the end had become like the unofficial MV tattooed in our mind 😂😂😂

  • @stbeyi
    @stbeyi 2 месяца назад +6


  • @angelopouIos
    @angelopouIos 3 месяца назад +24

    Noah's such a diva i love him HAHA

  • @jore_
    @jore_ 18 дней назад +2

    Eunho keeps on dying and killing bamby😂😂😂

  • @eunhojp
    @eunhojp 4 месяца назад +24

    27:54 i love this part sm i keep rewatching it lmao XDDDD

    @MANDUNlM 4 месяца назад +7

    this was the funniest sub i've ever watched 😭 the edits were beyond funny i literally shrieked like a freaking tyrannosaurus lmao i hope babypllis would find this vid and fall in love even more with the boys and their antics! thankyou very much for the masterpiece ~ it must've took so long.. thankyouuu

  • @kkenmaxx391
    @kkenmaxx391 4 месяца назад +80

    18:30 "uri bada galka"
    21:39 "goodbye"
    22:47 😭😭😭
    the edit at the end oml

  • @you3793
    @you3793 3 месяца назад +5

    32:10 noah and haminnie two cats bickering here is so cute i cant😭

  • @donghae941107
    @donghae941107 4 месяца назад +23

    thanks for your hardwork

  • @jess_cha
    @jess_cha Месяц назад +6

    i have been only listening to their songs and covers but this live made me a fan HHAHAHAH

  • @aikoajibana
    @aikoajibana 4 месяца назад +4

    the noah's scene of what if ending fit the lyrics a bit too perfectly im crying

  • @TAN_simpxiao
    @TAN_simpxiao 3 месяца назад +7

    I literally felt off my bed watching your edit🤣🤣🤣

  • @shiro2669
    @shiro2669 2 дня назад

    i appreciate subs like these so much, the colors to determine who's talking makes it so clean 😩❤️

  • @myiyi
    @myiyi Месяц назад +3

    im crying with you editing in the script 😂

  • @rahmaaziz97
    @rahmaaziz97 Месяц назад +5

    38:20 sambil komat-kamit Han Noah baca mantra 😂

  • @shella6192
    @shella6192 4 месяца назад +51

    31:25 that "I'll protect you" maybe hamin want to do it too at 31:55 😂

  • @ftthifa
    @ftthifa 4 месяца назад +15

    The editing makes it more funny 😂 Thanks for the subs 💙💜🩷❤️🖤

  • @yujiii_ars177
    @yujiii_ars177 Месяц назад +7

    26:58 junie junie junie yejunie🥰

  • @Pikageyama
    @Pikageyama 3 месяца назад +3

    22:46 had me rolling for 15 minutes straight omfff 😂😂
    i hope only the best things comes your way, thanks for this

  • @irises24
    @irises24 4 месяца назад +5

    your edit makes it 10x better 😂 thank you for the engsub as always 🥰💙💜🩷❤️🖤

  • @anifnm
    @anifnm 23 дня назад +2


  • @dolplling_9
    @dolplling_9 Месяц назад +3

    this is my 3rd time rewatching, and i still laughed a lot like it's my first time seeing this lol i can't this live is so funny, and ur edits make it more funnier😭😭🤣🤣🤣

  • @elainekim8924
    @elainekim8924 3 месяца назад +3

    Just became Plave's fan a few weeks ago, I keep browsing for random plave videos and i kid you not, this video is like a treasure XD
    Thank you so much for the edit! I laughed so much throughout the video

  • @rosierangerblargh
    @rosierangerblargh 3 месяца назад +5

    The way I GASPED when Eunho fell though LOL

  • @Biyoo0_0
    @Biyoo0_0 4 месяца назад +6

    Omg I really love your editing, it's more fun and exciting to watch 😂❤

  • @예술예술
    @예술예술 4 месяца назад +4

    thank you so much! always being a fan of your videos and i treasure it a lot. hope you always healthy and happy~~~

  • @apocylpse
    @apocylpse Месяц назад +3

    thank you so much for such a fun and pretty sub!!! i enjoyed it so much ❤

  • @treasure7192
    @treasure7192 3 месяца назад +2


  • @Justme-p7g
    @Justme-p7g 20 дней назад +2

    Its so fun to see them play games and even the games look so fun !!!

  • @hyudaeki
    @hyudaeki 4 месяца назад +7

    the ending is hilarious hahahaha thank you for the subs! i love how you edit the video!^.^

  • @DihLyne
    @DihLyne 11 дней назад +1

    The Pink Maltese channel alone is making me a fan of the group. Thank you for the subtitles.

  • @Sparkle_lash
    @Sparkle_lash 4 месяца назад +6

    This is so funny! I stopped watching the lives because the subs take so long, but edits like this are the best way to catch up!

  • @nalsahira
    @nalsahira 3 месяца назад +2

    OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH you made it funnier lolll i really enjoyed watching it!!!

  • @farahhania1912
    @farahhania1912 3 месяца назад +1

    OH PLEASE this editing is a legend. Thankk youuuusm !!!

  • @PinklyCake
    @PinklyCake 4 месяца назад +3

    plave are natural comedians but the editing made it 100x FUNNIER I can't stop laughing!💙💜💗❤🖤 thank you so much!

  • @xing5eki890
    @xing5eki890 3 месяца назад +1

    Thank for the wonderful subs and the hilarious editing!! My stomach hurts from laughing too much...
    12:42 Noooo not that "Got second lead-ed" note!! HIts deep in my second lead syndrome soul, hahahaha. ( ─︣ ‿ ─︣ )
    14:11 The escalating screams of impending doom, I caaan't! (ᕑᗢूᓫ∗)
    18:44 20:19 If Bamby says it's our fault, then it's our fault.
    25:53 That instant Berriez attack from No-line at the sound of solo match loool.
    38:57 Best MV thus far. Petition to make it official!