The Future of the Solar System: A Graphic Journey to the Destruction of the Sun
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- This video shows the complete future of the Solar system, and it is inspired by Algol's video ( • History and Future of ... ). However, some important details are missing, and the events letters are too small to see, so I made the video to educate you guys.
Music (In order in the video): Ascending the Vale, Kevin Macleod; Wrong Path, Hans Zimmer; Stage of Grief, Kevin Macleod
Download link:
*I would like to note some another minor issues I found* :
1) I think you've put watery Mars image too early, when it was at ~ -40°, and the message about water *on equator* showed up later
2) During Sun's subgiant stage, it still said "Late Main Sequence" until it becomes a Red Giant.
3) Temperatures stabilize and don't change at:
at 4:11 on Mars,
at 5:47 on Mercury (dramatic effect? - last 2 MY before destruction)
at 5:53 on Venus.
4) Orbits shrinking at 7:38 - shrink and stabilize (3.43 to 3.2 years for Earth) and only then to zero.
5) When the Sun has almost faded away, its luminosity in 10^-5, 10^-7, 10^-9, 10^-11 present-day Suns is written (as I think) not in the correct way, with 0.xx in significand and being divided by 100 a few times.
?) When Sun becomes a White Dwarf, the Habitable zone doesn't shrink for a little while, but planetary temperatures and luminosity begin to fall immediately. May there be some effect from the solar nebula?
I think these are not very important (maybe except 5) so you haven't paid much attention to them. M i right?
Yes, all of them are issues, and I would like to address them to everyone. 1-4 are mistakes in my video editing. For 5, however, is something that I can't fix. My website producing number parallax effects ( can't just transform numbers instantly, and if I were to change the exponent of them in 10s, then the numbers will stay almost constant and become meaningless. For ?, the habitable zone actually did shrink for a bit (probably not really visible), but for the first few hundred thousand years, the Sun's luminosity only decreased a bit due to the high levels of X-ray radiation it emits in its first years in its white dwarf stage, so the shrinking of the habitable zone is barely visible. Thx for addressing the issues my friend, will fix them in a future video if many people want me to make one:)
Also, disclaimer to haters: I said the video is inspired by Algol in the description, but I didn't steal Algol's videos, just made a video to improve that one. Did Algol's video have habitable zones? Planet Nine? Habitable Mars? Ringed Neptune? Temperatures of the planets? No. And if you accuse me of copying Algol and hate, then by this definition, all of your recording are copies of Jawed's video and your minecraft videos are copied from PewDiePie.
I think u Put the Earth Too late to be no water.... it should be 600 MYFN
KEVIN FENG yep, and to no.3 (1), I explained it to Minh nguyen (down in the comment)
Dsiahrz no, the Earth will be about 30 degrees, not enough for even the equatorial water to vaporize (water vaporizes at 100 degrees)
@@mrplasma7094 you mean 120 degrees because I tested that in universe sandbox and it is correct
Fun fact: As Jupiter and Saturn warm up, the hydrocarbon clouds break down from the warmth and heat. Over -20°C, water clouds take over and the planets take on a pleasant looking blue and white coloration.
So they’ll look like Venus with the creamy bluish color
Uranus Not Venus.
7 BYFN mars lost 1% of water 4:53
0:00 Start
0:11 Lyapunov time begins/Pretext gone
0:52 Earth Complex life gone
2:31 Earth got greenhouse effect Like Venus have but more heat
2:51 Milky Way/M31 collision/Late Main Sequence
4:11 Subgiant (still late main sequence)
4:41 Mars got terraformed
4:51 Sun become degenerate
5:00 Red Giant Phase/Venus atmosphere destroyed by the solar winds are becoming fierce
5:03 Earth atmosphere destroyed by the strong solar wind
5:48 Destruction of Mercury
5:52 Red Clump
6:03 Stable Asymptotic Giant Branch
6:18 Thermally Pulsing Asymptotic Giant Branch
6:37 White Dwarf
7:27 Black Dwarf
7:28-7:43 Planets got ejected/Crashed into sun
8:04 End Credits
8:38 End
8:39 End (mobile version)
Got all timestamps but better than @JlJoJo_2021
(Better Version and fixed mistakes)
Reply if there mistakes
How do u know that?
I was just looking.
@RyanSMP its not wrong
Nice real experiment
Dont ask if its wrong i will just fix it
5:58 the ‘although Venus will probably survive this phase’ text, along with the music, makes this feel like the sun is a final boss or something
yeah there there still is a 20% chance it gets eaten at that phase and when the sun dies venus has a 90% chance of being swallowed (thats why u can see venus faintly after sun dies)
3:48 5,400 MYFN: The sun increases luminosity; the Earth lost quarter of it's mass now.
Thank you so much for the legible text! I really really appreciate it! A lot of these timelapse videos have really small text that blends in with the background which makes it hard to read for me. You did a great job on that one. Thanks again!!
Everybody gangsta till Neptune in the habitable zone
for a few hundred milliseconds it will actually be inside the habitable zone
Pluto is Planet then. Water and maybe life
well, triton will be habitable, so I will gangsta more untill neptune is in red zone (5:51)
@@JackPomi triton would have crashed into neptune a long time ago
0:00 Start
4:46 Sun is an (expanding) subgiant star
5:20 Sun becomes degenerate
5:27 Red Giant Phase (Sun is expanding just look at the luminosity and diameter)
6:03 Habitable zone expands
6:08 Peak in red giant phase
6:14 Orbits expand
6:15 Mercury disappears
6:19 Red clump
6:30 Stable AGB (Sun)
6:46 Pusing AGB (Sun)
7:03 White Dwarf (Sun)
7:15 "Frozen Age"
7:56-8:09 Planets Disappear
8:23 Sun disappears
8:38 End
At least i think
Your wrong
that was on the enceladus reacting to this video
Is it possible 8:39 End
I love that Mars might have enough time in the sun to develop its own life if it's lucky.
It wouldn't last long due to the sun increasing in luminosity and This would cause mars to recieve to much sun light cooking the planet and life on it
Sadly not, mars don't seem to have much water anymore, it got striped away when the magnetic field weakned. It can support humanity, but new life is very unlike to emerge again
I like how it shows Venus cooling down too. It shows what Venus' temperature would be if they survived.
Mars:Yay, Ring
Saturn:NOOOOOOOOOOO, NOT MY RING???!??!!?!?!?!!!???
Don't forget the... Other warmer version of Venus?
Earth: **is hotter than venus**
Venus: *Wait that’s illegal*
another LOL
lol x3
This is a cool, updated video from Algol's one. I must applaud.
thx for the visit friend, but actually this video is meant for graphics improvement, not an update, as Algol's texts are small and doesnt show the temperature
@@mrplasma7094 but also the age monitor
@@mrplasma7094 Yeah, I had trouble reading Algol's text.
It's kind of nice to know that nothing can avoid 'death'
It may happen in much longer time scales. But even the universe will 'die' and then all will be 'at peace'
It's quite beautiful.
Its beautiful but sad
That’s deep man
I was thinking that too
Beautiful but sad, to think that one day the universe will be complete darkness.
If we humans ever make it, we need to find a way to avert that fate - or even find new universes.
Nothing can last Forerver...
0:15 Saturn “ where are my rings “
Actually 5 Sec = 25 Myrs
Saturn: i’m about to cry like gonna cool
@L Jax Saturn: Oh......... they crashed to titan or me
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo xd
Earth and Mars: **Gets Colder Than Uranus**
Uranus: Wait.. That's illegal
neptune; -extremly colder then uranus-
@@vivichen3531 Ophadamia: *is colder than space*
Space, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Eris: *#E**¥, ##@#'$ |//€G@/!*
@@ophadamia2579 the sun; more colder
@@ophadamia2579 #E lol
When Neptune's average temperature is above 0 degrees Celsius, you know sh*t is happening.
lol I was like 50C for a sec
Imagine being the last humanity seeing all galaxies become dark universe...
There is an episode of Doctor Who like this, they travel to the end of the universe and one of the last living specials is from men, around the last living star of the universe, even Doctor says something like "not surprised to see them (men) here , they never give up)
Algol said that the suns's red giant phase didn't show it's outer layers peeling, and neither the effect it would cause in the planets rotation around the sun (It would cause them to slow down and be pulled inwards). That effect I missed.
I think a sun diagram showing it's core composition would be super nice too. But other than that, it's a good video. Thanks for making it. =)
Thanks for the information bro, I thought that the Sun's expansion will cause all of the orbits to expand, because of the lessened gravity. You are right bro, the Sun's atmospheric friction could cause the orbital speeds to slow down and spiral into the Sun. In this case Earth will have a possibility of being destroyed. However, I think mars and everything beyond will be safe because their current orbits are far away from the Sun's visible surface when it is in its red giant peak. Thanks bro, definitely learned one for thing from you today. By the way, I also loved Algol's wonderful animation, but Algol missed several details like the habitable zones, the texts are too small to read, and several factual mistakes in that video occurred, so I made this video:)
Also, I acknowledge the video isn't perfect either, as there are several factual mistakes too, like that Uranus and Neptune's temperatures are increasing at speeds that intersect with each other's by a lot. However, after researching, I discovered that Uranus will increase its temperature at a rate consistently higher than Neptune's rate when the Sun is still expanding because it is closer to the Sun and is more affected by the Sun's luminosity, and I probably put the data in with mistakes. Also, Uranus will increase its temperature slower than Saturn because it is farther from the Sun, so sorry for those mistakes:(
Luis Henrique so you would like a video about the Sun’s core composition? I think I might make it🤔🤔🤔
@@mrplasma7094 ABSOLUTELY! Would be terrific :D
The orbits of the planets would first move outwards first. Then, when the sun gets really big, the planet nearest to it will be dragged into the sun.
@@dolfyrantsparodies608 true
Noticed some of your videos getting great views now. I remember you telling me you wish you had a video with nearly 2k views when I did. You are ahead of me now bro
thanks bro, my videos are getting views now, hope u will blow up soon bro
MrPlasma maybe one day
I’ve just had a message off reigarw 😁😁😁😁
Watching videos like this always leave me thinking and giving thanks that we are possibly in the best phase of the sun and the earth. Thank you very much for this incredible video. ❤
0:00 Start! -
🟩 = Other events
🟥 = Martian events
⬛️ = Mercurian events
⬜️ = Solar events (Sun)
🔵 = Hadean (Planet nine) events
🟦 = Terran (Earth) events
🔷 = Uranian events
🟤 = Jovian events
🟠 = Venusian events
🔹 = Neptunian events
🟨 = Saturnian events
YRS = years
YFN = years from now
🟥 = Too Hot
🟩 = Habitable
🟦 = Too Cold
Planet Profile: Earth
Part 2:
Btw what is that near invisible orange orbit?
That is venus' orbit
Earth's temperature when it reaches 20 degrees at 0:18 :This is unbearable. Earth's temperature when it reaches 2000 degrees at 4:59 :this is fine.
3.3 billion years in the future: *Mercury would like to talk to you about your extended warranty*
“ I was the nicest one and you won’t even remember”
@@Osmar61.GDMusic he means that you had life for almost 6 billion years
@@Robbie-pc1dl ok
@@Osmar61.GDMusic nah this is unacceptable I’m the one and only earth. Don’t listen to this fake earth.
@@Osmar61.GDMusic Real earth here sup
Mistake: Great Red Spot on Jupiter is lasting billions of years.
When planet nine has light on its surface, you know shit's gonna be real
Fantastic bro! Well over 100k views. And now ads rolling. This masterclass deserves it 😍
if it wasn't you then the video would have gotten just 1000 views probably🤔
MrPlasma I didn’t help the video bro. What helped the video was the sheer awesomeness of it. You deserve credit and are getting it.
@@DataWatch. nah ur endscreen shoutouts helped a lot bro
btw im still helping u by stopping these kangal fanboys or baby lion lovers
MrPlasma I’m sure they do and pinned comments and stuff but, this video is where it is on merit, not shoutouts
@@DataWatch. i love conversations like these lmao
Damn, didn't think I'd be crying by the end of this
The fact that neptune became habitable is insane
Neptune would not be habitable for human, But habitable for aerial life
To become more insane, in 5:59, Europa (Moon Jupiter) Enceladus (Moon Saturn), Tethys (Moon Saturn), Titan (Moon Saturn) Will become habitable, Also Moon Saturn Dione it could be habitable because there ice too but less, And Umbriel probably become habitable because there many ice, but i think still moon icey because far away from sun, Then 6:15 umbriel habitable, also Umbriel will be the last object to be habitable in the Solar system, then all life is die (Umbriel is a moon of uranus)
@@Idontknowhaattoputinmyhandle Neptune is not a water planet, it's a gas dwarf. It's made of gas.
@@raidenfumo74 i know, but the neptune has contain water, i dont know if that water is plasma or other, but i know there
@@raidenfumo74neptune is actually kind of a water planet, it’s an ice giant with an outer layer of gases like hydrogen, helium, methane, etc. then a thick "mantle" of sorts composed of fluid water, ammonia, and other elements; whereas gas giants like jupiter and saturn are comprised more of just hydrogen, helium, and other gases
4:43 Earth: What the heck mars you stole my Grass!
Mars: I’m Sorry I want Life to come back to me I’m Not Stealing your grass I’m just borrowing *Gets No Life* AWWW MAN I JUST WANT LIFE
Sun:I want kill earth and mars
@@vivichen3531*neptune gets life* neptune: oh sh-
*Pluto gets life*
also pluto:why in the kuiper belt tho?
Coldest temperature on each planet:
Mercury: 167.11
Venus: -273.15
Earth: -273.15
Mars: -273.15
Jupiter: -191.00
Saturn: -197.00
Uranus: -238.00
Neptune: -224.00
BRUH mercury be like H O T
Idk if Jupiter is really that tempature
Why did you Forget Planet 9?
2:35 Actually, Neptune’s ring system has become larger.
yeah, you're right
i agree
**My rings become larger**
@@ArthurMapper You're Rings will Become Larger than J1407B's Rings
@@ArthurMapper nice
Everybody gangster until earth is the hottest planet in the solar system instead of venus
6:20 - 6:35
Too Hot:
Too Cold:
*Planet Nine*
Planet colliding with Uranus
nice groupings:)
here’s one more:
*Fifth Giant*
@@jasonnilsen4990 AKA Planet Nine-
6:30 Venus: Why do I hear boss music
*sun turns in red giant*
Earth:red giant sun
Because venus gonna die soon
It's Wrong Path Hans Zimmer
Sun: *cools off*
Planet 9: aight, I'ma head out.
yea the sun will be less massive and close stellar encounters are inevitable on this vast timescale which means another white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole may come within 1,000 AU from the sun which will eject the hypothetical planet nine
@Khalyx Varilla wait you have twice the amount of subscribers as me
@Khalyx Varilla and you subscribed to prestonplayz
@@mrplasma7094 Why Didint planet nine get any events only until the end of the solar system
4:38 Mars gets photosynthesis and grass
An animation for the red giant phase of the Sun with a slower timestep would be nice.
You know there is a pause button
@@jason66801 lol
There dots thing (or vidoe settings if on PC) > playback speed > 0.25
Wow, Earth and Mars died together as siblings, that's so sweet
underrated comment 🤣
Highest Temperature of Outer planets
Jupiter = 476.75°C
Saturn = 261.91°C
Uranus = 121.94°C
Neptune = 52.94°C
Planet Nine = -177.91°C
nice spotting
Mercury = gone
Venus = 2306.6 c
Earth: 2900 c
Mars = 1241
And also theia has left the chat
Jupiter = 476.75 c 5
This video is the best solar system future video I’ve ever watched! Even better than Algol’s video
Nusrat not nursat
Good Evening MrPlasma. I just drove around town today. It's so sad seeing everything closed or looted. My feelings are still hurt til this day from not being able to see my daughter get to walk for her graduation. What has the world came to? Sorry I'm venting hope you had an amazing weekend
Very sad that everyone are looting. Also I am deeply saddened by you being unable to see your daughter's fateful day, Mrs. Jdubb😰
And upsetting that Trump is getting hated for "overreacting" these riots, but it's even more upsetting that u can't see your daughter's graduation sis
Best wishes for you Mrs. Jdubb!
@@mrplasma7094 ty
MrPlasma l
@@mrplasma7094 ////
7:26- sun cools below the draper point.
Venus in assolute zero at 2.8T years from now
And earth and mars both have hit absolute zero temperature
@@windowsuranusSP5 nope, venus mostly wouldn't survive the AGB phase tho, it have a really high chance to get dragged in by the sun
What we learned from this video:Planet nine is the solar system's Switzerland
XD tru
So, it's being kicked out by Jupiter is like Vienna Congress of 1815 then?
@@JackPomi xD
If we fail to develop technology good enough to colonize other star systems by then, I think we deserve this.
it’s billions of yeare into the future, and we’ve only truly experienced a few thousand
we are absolutely going to develop that tech way way way before
@ArlxGaming judging by your spelling of physics you don’t know what you’re talking about
also no, it’s not impossible, in fact its very possible, just not at FTL speeds
It's impossible deal with it.
physicks go brrr
@@zakuro8532 nah
MrPlasma: Can I Copy Your Homework?
Algol: Yeah Just Change It A Bit So The Teacher Doesn't Notice
The Homework:
this vid
and who is the teacher? the youtube team i guess? (ik this is a joke btw)
Probably The Comments
@@zer0zang0ose34 yes lul
The teacher is the deadly sun lazar/laser
@@Potato69420e bill wurtz
3,500,000,000 years later
*D o w n g r a d e d*
yea our home planet will be the hottest:(
R.I.P Earths life and ocean 1=like=1 prayers for the earth for life too come back
@@mrplasma7094 will we live on titan
Sun will be a red giant!!!
*downgrading to stage 1*
Venus:NOOOOOOO *flips table*
6:36- sun's highest luminosity.
6:38 sun's highest temperature
6:36- sun's widest size.
0:11- sun's heaviest mass
thx for the menu
What see at 6:36 see closely more more at the luminosity of the sun most luminosity is 2.784.34 suns
^ ^ ^ ^
| | | | 1
| | |10
| | 100
@@ThatGuywithNoFacecam actually 3100x of brightness
After 2 years of journey, this legendery video hit's 1M views
❤️ " Congratulations " ❤️
Not anymore there's a blanket
*never mind it's gone*
That was part of a video that I watched. I'm pretty sure you watched it too.
Bill wurtz
i know you from scratch.
I feel bad for poor Mercury.... all of the other planets were habitable at some time (except for planet 9) he doesn’t have an atmosphere and he is tiny compared to the other planets ;-;
@@Potato69420e yep no planet nine is bigger than earth but smaller then Neptune or Uranus
Maybe Jupiter saves him with the 1% ejection chance. He'd just float around in the Milky Way on his own, and maybe get captured by a star and becomes part of a new Solar System.
He poor also before Mercury was born he was bigger than this he got hit and make him small .
@@viviangomes8694 Yes i am bigger than earth but smaller than Neptune
Everbody gangsta until Neptune Reaches 50 ᵒC
yeah when the sun reaches its peak in its 1st red giant phase even Neptune will be too hot, and the people are saying that titan will be habitable in the sun's red giant peak, which is a flat-out lie
@@mrplasma7094 No,Titan will be habitable because Saturn is about 800 million miles from Jupiter so the sun will be further than Jupiter will not affect Titan.
@@mrplasma7094 Also, Neptune loose Triton. Even if Triton was alive, crust and outter mantle would melt and boil in space
@@pba4591 No, look at my newest debunking video for evidenceвидео.html
@@Flutterzancelight Yep, like mentioned in the video
No better idea than giving myself existential crisis at night
Makes me feel sad, but it makes me happy that we'll have maybe a billion years tops to get out of Earth if we can - technology will probably allow us to survive even when conditions become too unbearable.
And then a few billions years in Mars.
Honestly, if we can't find another solar system by then, we sorta deserve to get rekt.
Heck, we might be advanced enough to avert all this.
Actually we have a 100 million years because of a mass extinction
We really only have 100 million years or so.
But thinking about it, look how much humanity has achieved over the past thousands of years. Hell even the past hundred years we've accomplished so much.
So basically the earth has about 500 million years left before it becomes a useless ball of rock.
And since there's currently no way of knowing if we ever find interstellar travel workable, our time has a deadline.
But at least we can camp out on mars for a while longer to think about that.
We have a lot of time, it's not a big deal. Our current problems are.
We have more than sufficient time to solve that problem, we just need to not destroy ourselves some other way first.
How do you not have more likes?
@@IndescribableBlackScreenBecause view video
3:31 when everyone expected for the Sun to turn into a red giant,but nope it's still a main sequence.
We would be living in by years
0:06 start here
4:46 Mars
5:23 Jupiters Moons For A Little
6:11 Saturns moons Again.. For A Little
6:15 Uranus's Moons For Again A Little
6:18 Neptunes Moons
7:03 Live Near Habitatible Zone As Close As Possible
@@Robbie-pc1dl no one asked
@@Gaberme_180 NO ONE ASKED YOU
@@Gaberme_180 bro why would somebody ask about laughing
@@toasted_bread_remadebro why would you ask about asking about laughing
Mercury: Listen kid
Mercury: I don't have much time
Mercury: The only way to have life on your planet is...
0:37 the sun : no more C02 for your plants
Humans : Hold our beer
5:34 mars turned into my over heated marshmello
5:08 Didn't know Earth can cool down that fast
Earths atmosphere got destroyed and the atmosphere made more heat stay on the planet but now it's gone earth cooled down
2900 °C to about 300 °C is crazy
Fun fact: If the chance of Venus surviving the Red Giant phase is 10%, that is the same chance of YOU surviving a gunshot to the head.
Suns: *expands in first red giant phase*
Mars: ight imma head out I'm the inner solar system
3:03 We live in mars lol
@@beverleybramwell1024 no you don’t you live on me
0:00 Intro
0:08 Main sequence
4:14 Subgiant
5:02 Red giant
5:52 Red clump
6:06 Stable AGB
6:19 Pulsing AGB
6:38 White dwarf
7:20 Red dwarf
7:28 Black dwarf
7:57 Black hole or evaporated by proton decay
8:11 Outro
This is from present day to when the sun becomes a black dwarf. Well done.
How did you make this?видео.html this is how i made this
Earth: Becomes Hotter than lava and fire
Lava and Fire: Wait, that is illegal
Stolen joke
@@nickyboy9317 Bruh
The massive atmospheric density increase on earth is just like I have remembered when I uploaded a vid that I’ve stolen without credit from another youtuber which was a stupid thing since I was 11 (I deleted it)
Also I like how you put in the temperature of planets it’s pretty much better than Algol tbh
yea I really liked Algol's video but there are several possible improvement so I did it:)
MrPlasma yea
Mars' temperature stopped at 24 deg in 4:11 for a while, even though the Sun was still increasing its luminosity and diameter, compared to how fast the other planets are heating up esp. Earth shooting up to 1700 C. At that point in time, shouldn't Mars' temperature be already at around 30-50 deg or more actually, thus life had already ended at that same period? But what happened was, at 4:54 Mars was still teeming with life at around 30 C.
The graphics and animation was superb though, just a few inaccuracies.
There was an uncertainty due to the effects of the not understood atmosphere of mars
@@shebahammy there is also a question of life because there is no magnetic field
Atmosphere in general. The general consensus is that Mars had oceans billions of years ago, but with the weakened magnetic field, the solar radiation striped the atmosphere, boiled away the oceans, striped the water molecules, and when the temperatures droped, just the remnant CO2 became ice, now in the polar caps. Mars future is very grim, not much of life to evolve on it after it warm up again
Saturn says: sorry Jupiter we just have to do that I’m 190 degrees too.
Build The Uranus Image
What do you mean by that!?!?!?! (Same comment in the other one)
3:12 The animation of the planets' orbits froze at +4,500 myrs
yes a bug in my slideshow
to make it not too complex
It's also at 4:13
For now lets just appreciate that two neutron stars emerge and form this system without the stars we wont be here and lets take care of our planet because someday everything will be gone and vanish and have a -good- wonderful day!
Yes, just like Earth should love Venus
Earth and Mars really took “ride or die” to a new level
I wonder, if humans or some other technologically advanced sentient species were on Earth by 600 million years from now, if the carbon cycle disruption could be delayed, and for how long until no amount of technology can save the biosphere.
Yeah, I was thinking the same. We can genetically engineer plants to become C4 photosynthesizers.
Well, we could use Solar Shades to weaken the sun's heat, perhaps find a way to move the planet outwards to a more comfortable orbit. That saves the carbon cycle while keeping water on Earth's surface. Which should give us a few extra million years to move the planet outwards or migrate. The core will cool eventually, but there might be a solution there.
But eventually, we would have to migrate Earth to Mars orbit and beyond. Should last us until the sun starts to degenerate. Then... yeah, we would have to go visit the Outer Solar system.
Considering that point, if we or something like us is still around, then honestly we/they should feel pretty embarrassed that we haven't turned Earth into a planetary spaceship or the like, allowing us to move our planet until the red giant phase is over, then leave this solar system for the next.
@@Swenthorian 1.5 - 2 billions years at best. Tectonic shutdown will be Earths demise since it won’t be able to recycle material after that. Even if we or they are able to stave off high temperatures and UV rays, it’s only a matter of time until resources are depleted and everything dies off.
Could always put Earth in another orbit. Then again, if the species exists for so long that we still can't leave the Solar System after this, we probably deserve to go up in smoke
Sun at the end of the agb : Yes, yes, I am the biggest, baddest, meanest, most powerful I'll ever be!!!
(Runs out of fuel at that exact moment...)
Sun : Wait a min..... NOOOOOO!
Everyone : *Earth exceeding Venus in temperature and Mercury eaten by the Sun*
Me : *Concerned that Planet Nine was there over Pluto just because Planet Nine was never discovered unlike Pluto*
It is very sad to know that the solar system ended in such a horrible way.
but thats how its meant to end so its not a horrible ending for the solar system
nuetral ending
Everyone watching this video will probably dead in like 80 years, so dont care about it at all 😂
2018: History of the entire world
30,000,000,000,000: History of the entire sun
300000000000000000000000: history of the entire omniverse
the history of infinity
~4,000,000,000 years is the history of the earth and sun
When venus and earth's atmospheres are destroyed, mercury is the hottest since it now matters with distance
Yeah ofc. Mercury does have an atmosphere mostly made of Potassium, Helium, Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Oxygen I think. So Mercury and Mars are the only planets with atmosphere that are terrestrial.(Well in the Solar System)
In the video.
@@obbyistgamez6431 It's too thin.
@@obbyistgamez6431 Wrong!
a thing i found that i think its weird:
1:46 if you look at planet nines temperature it says *-226.08°C*
but if you look planet nines temperature in 7:27) it says *-226°C*
and 1:46, the suns temperature is 5,830.37 kelvin, but in 7:27, it says 769.40 kelvin
(also in 0:16 somehow planet nines temperature is -226.19°C)
By that far future, the Sun is expected to become a white dwarf and cool down, it's ok
But why is 9 warmer than now - that's a question... Maybe an error?
sry it was another small error, it should have been more like -227C
Neptune is temperature of earth!!??! 6:33
I think there was a mistake with the sun being 256x larger and swallowing venus because if the sun was 256x larger than today it would only have a radius of 1.19 AU while venus will orbit 0.13 au from the red giant sun. So im pretty sure it would grow to be 300x larger which would be about 1.4 AU in order to swallow venus.
Well, the orbits doesn't factor in atmospheric friction. Due to the fact that Venus will orbit so close to the red giant sun, it will suffer enormous friction inside the Sun's atmosphere, which will slow Venus's orbital speed and cause Venus to spiral into the Sun.
Nobody knows its fate here.
If venus survives this it will be nothing more than a charred rock. And when the sun becomes a planetary nebula it will cause friction on the orbits of venus, earth and possibly mars causing their orbits to decay crash or get ripped apart by the sun leading to the destruction of all of the inner planets and possibly some asteroid belt objects.
The sun's predicted peak width is 256 solar radii
Love it, man! Great effort!
thanks bro:)
@dolfyrantsparodies608 Bro why your video is so bad
Can I combine your history of the solar system and future of solar system videos? I will credit you for making the original videos.
@@cdngiznarim you should credit algol aswell
I had to watch 2 unskipable ads to watch this
6:36 size peak (pause)
me love among us
This is not white dwarf this is a Red giant
@@mrplasma7094 I know These Three music's are better
nice timing bro
5:22 I think Mass of sun is still the same when Reach Res Giant stage
All planets except pluto: Why do I hear epic music?
Pluto Huh?
Sun at 5:15: AHHHHHHHHH
Planet x in the background: the show is about to start **grads popcorn**
Btw the music is called wrong path.
Earth: Gets hotter than Venus
Venus: Wait. Thats illegal
But, why is illegal
There is no way...
Just say:because people killing Earth
the sun: allright time to eat earth
earth: are you sure
the sun: what
earth: you will become a white dwarf :)
the sun: uh oh
the sun: *becomes white dwarf*
also the sun: NOOOOO
The Milky Way:kick the sun out.
Earth:i will survive due to my orbit being bigger
the milkdroma galaxy:lol
@@Robbie-pc1dl a weird name for a galaxy
Sun its cool down turns into the black dwarf
Human:"Climate change is a real thing!"
Sun: "sURer"
@@OoIDC planets:what?
@@ThatGuywithNoFacecam p9: not me im too cold
@@notasuperiordrag neptune says what
When the planets were closer than the red zone, it probably means that they were likely get destroyed by the sun later on.
red zone means hot
green zone is just right
blue zone means Ahhhhhh so cold
0:00 mid-main sequence Music name: Asending the vale
2:51 late-main sequence
4:11 subgiant Music name: Wrong path
4:59 red giant
5:52 red clump
6:03 AGB
6:36 white dwarf Music name: Stages of great by Kevin Mcelhold
7:19 red dwarf
7:27 black dwarf
7:28-7:42 planets get ejected/planets crashed into the sun
7:57 R.I.P sun 4.6 bya-10^43 YFN
We have to go back to the past where our solar system formed.
yes, and i actually made this video after i made the history
2:52 *Uranus colder than Neptune* Neptune: how did I heat so speedy fast
When Uranus and Saturn’s decimal places are synced
4:52 Mars’s dream of becoming new earth is coming true!
and earth became venus
@@isaacroansison2539 true
I love how mercury doesn't change at all until the sun becomes a super giant star
Earth: hotter than Venus
Venus: Ō👄Ō
Venus pls kiss earth
game over
@@gabrielalmeida6917 earth is a girl
Sun: Ill creep up on you Venus
Earth: Brother? I’m scared.... it’s just us two alone, the people who I hosted... they left me to go somewhere else, I’m lonely, where is Jupiter? Saturn? Uranus??
Mars: Don’t worry little brother, they went away on their own terms, I’m sure they are very happy now, just like your humans, they probably colonized the whole Milky Way at this point, you have done a great job for them.
Earth: But brother... we’re getting too close to the sun, it’s becoming hot. I don’t like it!
Mars: It’s fine, it’s not painful, we will see sister Venus and cousin Mercury if we go inside there.
Earth: ...will it hurt...?
Mars: No little brother, it won’t, now just close your eyes, it will all be over soon.
Earth: See you on the other side.
Should Earth date Venus or Mars?
Gabriel Gamer Nei they’re siblings-
Mars probably is younger than earth
Earth: Not in my plans
Venus: *has 10% chance to survive*
Sun :