Tattooed Asian Centerfold

I'm looking for this Asian-American centerfold/pornstar who was sort of an 'alternative fashion' sort of woman, who was covered with tattoos. She was normally a centerfold, but about a year ago I saw her in a hardcore straight video which took place in a small room with some window behind them. They made a big deal that it was her first scene in it too. It was on one of the more mainstream subscription sites, and I want to see if she's done anymore but can't remember her name.
Holy hell, I asked this question years ago (on a now defunct name -completely lost the password) and didn't expect any answers!

And of course, did not expect the lovely Nina Mercedez to reply either! haha You are absolutely amazing :]

But after reviewing those models and searching once again, I still can't find what I was looking for. :/


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Doesn't Tera Patrick now have several tattoos that run the length of her arm? Just like Janine Lindemulder??

....Hmmmmm.??!! Copy cat....

Masumi Max maybe or Gianna Lynn

Hey Nina - Is Gianna Lynn still apart of your network along with Sophia Santi? :)

Anyway, speaking of Gianna Lynn... she is a very good choice. Gianna has a very nice dragon on her right hip. Great detail. Then another tat on her back, one on her lower back and another, that looks like vines on her left hip.