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May 28, 2008 11:15 AM

Oct 2007
I hate fillers, regardless how cute Pino is ;_;
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Jun 14, 2008 3:38 AM

May 2008
I don't think there was such an episode for no reason...though when I saw it I was like "WTF did I just watch?"
Note to self:Always expect the unexpected while watching Ergo Proxy. Even cartoon characters! xD"
DarkShinesJun 14, 2008 8:08 AM
Jun 23, 2008 11:05 PM

Mar 2007
HAHA at the obvious Disneyland reference.
I was wondering how the cartoon characters had such emotion then i remember they're just robots.
and LOL @ how the story turns into a Alice and Wonderland story. I can see how they put such a crazy contrast into an episode. Such bright, vibrant, and alive characters against a real drab background. It's pretty dark kind of comedy. I enjoyed it. It was an interesting filler considering how all 18 episodes before this is covered in darkness 95% of the time.

Even with all the brightness it still ends up being an emo episode :P
I liked this one better than the one where Real was in that fake small town.

"What happens when we die?" I know that the ones who love us will miss us.
Jun 26, 2008 10:00 PM

Apr 2008
Wow. This episode was really stupid. I don't mind fillers but this was ridicules. This anime was supposed to be dark.

So far, 2 fillers that I hate.
First. The trivial questions

I am not that disappointed because I knew that the final episodes were going to be fill with fillers. I am really glad I read a lot of reviews before watching this anime.

Jul 25, 2008 5:13 PM

Jun 2008
There is filler and then there is filler. In this case they aren't the worst kind. They were both 'fights' against proxy. The first was a weird episode where we found out quite a bit about the world, infact probably more than in any previous episode. And this was the working of a proxy with an unique ability. The proxy knows he would die in a normal fight so tries to find a weakness and failing that to try and avoid the encounter.
Aug 20, 2008 2:50 PM

Jun 2008
This episode was kind of a mixed bag for me. I hated it at first but along the way I figured "wait, this has to be another proxy" and ended up liking it.
Sep 9, 2008 8:09 PM

Sep 2008
Pino's cuteness saved it.
Otherwise it was kinda meh.
Oct 22, 2008 9:04 PM

Jan 2008
Man, I'm getting tired from watching pointless episodes. I just spent 50min watching eps 25,26 of Eva and now this?? >__>
Nov 5, 2008 5:49 AM

Oct 2008
I liked this episode. Any resemblance with reality is pure coincidence....
Nov 11, 2008 12:21 AM

Jan 2008
I liked this episode. I like how it describes the way a proxy plays God for the world he creates but at the same time how it's not really perfect enough to be a flawless God. A God that has his own fears and despairs. Choosing a Disneyland theme to show how he controls his world and all the references were really clever. I really love how this anime tries different themes in many episodes.
Nov 25, 2008 10:05 AM

Jun 2008
Great movie!!!
Jan 13, 2009 2:23 PM

Dec 2007
really hope they can stop feeding me these fillers soon, its killing me. if i wanted fillers i could just go watch vampire+rosario or something...
Feb 19, 2009 3:10 PM

Jun 2008
I think that this makes anime more original- I'm never sure what to expect, not only next gray and sad episode bot some kind of crazyness and surrealism. This episodes in originla way tell us something more about main plot, I think that is great idea. Try be more openminded !!
Apr 23, 2009 5:01 AM

Feb 2009
I actually enjoyed this, as aforementioned it did portary the role of a proxy within its world, albeit it in a seemingly ridiculous manner, it reminded me of episode 15 (the questioner) which also serves a higher purpose, although this episodes purpose was far more diluted and less on the surface, it still has its place.
May 23, 2009 9:18 AM

Dec 2008
This isn't the worst episode you fools. There is Pino!
Jun 1, 2009 7:29 AM
May 2009
it's funny when eveybody is suprised of Pino's smile ^^

first I thought: "WTF ?!", but than ... well ... it was kinda long but funny :)
Jun 1, 2009 8:16 PM

May 2008
Forough said:
I liked this episode. I like how it describes the way a proxy plays God for the world he creates but at the same time how it's not really perfect enough to be a flawless God. A God that has his own fears and despairs. Choosing a Disneyland theme to show how he controls his world and all the references were really clever. I really love how this anime tries different themes in many episodes.

You have the best explanation for this episode. It is not entirely useless and neither is it a filler nor does it try to bombard you with useless visuals or dialogues.

Like the quiz show of episode 15, it was intentionally meant to let your guard down, they were able to provide key details relevant to the plot from the Q&A part. Though unconventional, when the answers were provided they were quick and if you are not paying attention, you'd miss it. You'd only be able to appreciate it afterwards as the series draws to the end and certain elements are revealed and the answers somehow connect to them.
"We practice selective annihilation of mayors and government officials, for example, to create a vacuum, then we fill that vacuum. As popular war advances, peace is closer"
Jun 1, 2009 11:58 PM

Dec 2008
pointless plotwise episode. but i did like pino's cuteness nonetheless.

it also gave me a very nostalgiac feeling from when i used to watch cartoons when i was a kid.
Jul 24, 2009 10:34 PM
Jul 2009
I lol'd hard when that security guard took off the giant dog head to reveal a smaller dog head.
Jul 27, 2009 10:46 AM

Nov 2008
This was a good episode. Evil Walt Disney meets anime. How often do you get to see that?

This episode hearkens back to the stories about the blonde guy and the shape-shifter. Each of them was like the god of their own town but screwed everything up. Seeing as how Re-l's grandfather (or at least the people who speak for him) want to use proxies as a god, these episodes illustrate the folly of that kind of thinking.

Plus, from a stylistic standpoint, it's good to see the awkward mish-mash of old-school western cartoons and 21st century anime.
Jul 27, 2009 5:58 PM

May 2008
unclesnapple said:
This was a good episode. Evil Walt Disney meets anime. How often do you get to see that?

This episode hearkens back to the stories about the blonde guy and the shape-shifter. Each of them was like the god of their own town but screwed everything up. Seeing as how Re-l's grandfather (or at least the people who speak for him) want to use proxies as a god, these episodes illustrate the folly of that kind of thinking.

Plus, from a stylistic standpoint, it's good to see the awkward mish-mash of old-school western cartoons and 21st century anime.

The recent passing of Walter Cronkite gave me the impression that the Proxy at smile land was more like a mix of Walt Disney and Walter Cronkite! I saw Cronkite's TV shots in the 60's and he does look like someone I saw from a Japanese anime.
"We practice selective annihilation of mayors and government officials, for example, to create a vacuum, then we fill that vacuum. As popular war advances, peace is closer"
Sep 26, 2009 3:06 PM
Jul 2009
This was an okay episode.

But the first 15 minutes, I felt like I was watching some baby cartoon show.
Nov 9, 2009 10:47 AM

Aug 2009
Yes, it has lots of fillers.... so? I still feel like every episode of this anime is worth watching. So enjoyable :3

Disney refereeeence....
Nov 21, 2009 3:12 PM

Aug 2009
Liked it. This anime has some surprises for the viewer.
One proxy can do all this... And Pino was useful for something!

But how can Pino get dizzy?!

Good idea.
May 7, 2010 1:31 AM

Mar 2009
God it was so stupid xD

But Pino is so cute *-*
May 11, 2010 2:42 PM

Jul 2009
Being clever can only go so far and this episode went over the line
Jun 18, 2010 12:24 PM

Jun 2008
wtf is wrong with those mindfuck episodes. make them stop xD
Jun 25, 2010 10:38 PM

Jan 2010
I only liked the part when the dog guard says Holy Biscuit
Jul 1, 2010 8:43 PM

Mar 2009
If this was filler, then every series should strive to have filler this good. XD

Perhaps it didn't advance the plot a lot, but it still had some significant ideas introduced.
Jul 18, 2010 2:11 PM
Jan 2009
Aug 7, 2010 3:20 PM

Mar 2010
Frengers said:
I don't think there was such an episode for no reason...though when I saw it I was like "WTF did I just watch?"
Note to self:Always expect the unexpected while watching Ergo Proxy. Even cartoon characters! xD"

Haha You're right. And even though I think it's weird to be totally off the story for no reason it was a pretty good filler episode.
Aug 18, 2010 5:49 PM

May 2010
Fillers this late in the series? Srsly?

Honestly though, I liked it. The animation of the FUR- ...cartoon animals looked nice, and Walt Disney was a rather great character also.
-z-Aug 18, 2010 5:52 PM
Aug 25, 2010 5:21 PM

Dec 2008
WTF was that all about?!?!?!?
Hated it!
Sep 12, 2010 8:27 PM

Jan 2010
Haha I really think this is a love/hate episode. You either hate roundabout Ergo Proxy episodes, or you love em' . I for one love how random and upbeat the show can be with such a drab background story.

This anime isn't based on manga, so there are no actual "fillers". Everything serves a purpose in this anime :) I love the Disneyland references.
Sep 16, 2010 7:28 PM
Sep 2010
Well, aside from the fact that when proxies meet they fight and eventually one of them kills the other. I think this episode of ergo proxy tries to explain Pinocchio from a different point of view.

The fact that when Pino smiles is an almost unprescedented act in smile world, sets the mood that she in fact is more human than a puppet (of course this is due to the cogito virus). And the fact that the other "puppets" turn into real people at the will of their creator is just screaming Pinocchio.

The fake, unreal, autoreivs or cartoonish people, have to mantain the circus of smiles in order to survive makes the smile world actually a very depressing world. Since there is no laughter without crying, no happines without saddenss. Never really enjoying anything since they're forced to fakelly enjoy everything.

To me, it's a depressing episode, and probably one of the best since the main plot is put a side to put the seed of what it is to be free to feel, act and think to one's accord.

Thats why like Ergo Proxy, it's some deep $h1t
some12bSep 16, 2010 7:33 PM
Oct 5, 2010 2:16 AM
Feb 2008
some12b said:
Well, aside from the fact that when proxies meet they fight and eventually one of them kills the other. I think this episode of ergo proxy tries to explain Pinocchio from a different point of view.

This. Plus, there's a closer look at Pino. We now see that she realizes the worth of relationships.
Oct 13, 2010 11:46 AM

Dec 2009
sunshinesan said:
Pino's cuteness saved it.
Otherwise it was kinda meh.

Although it was still kinda meh. >.<
Nov 6, 2010 2:09 PM

Aug 2010
Really liked this episode. The extent a proxy would go to protect his own territory. PINE SMILES....
Nov 30, 2010 10:07 AM

May 2010
Dec 7, 2010 12:32 AM

Oct 2009
Pretty pointless episode, though it did have good meanings behind it, either way i am bored to death right now =.=zZZ
Dec 27, 2010 2:37 AM

Dec 2010
This episode felt like a space filler, but it did shed some interesting light on the question of pino's consiousness/cogito... Also, this director seems to LOVE shout-outs ( in episode 15, quiz show, was a shout-out/satire of the character "Q" from Star Trek: The Next Generation) and this one seems to show how much he loves disney's classic animation.
Feb 7, 2011 1:20 AM

Apr 2009
Forough said:
I like how it describes the way a proxy plays God for the world he creates but at the same time how it's not really perfect enough to be a flawless God. A God that has his own fears and despairs. Choosing a Disneyland theme to show how he controls his world and all the references were really clever. I really love how this anime tries different themes in many episodes.

You have explained it interestingly there and I agree.

If Will B. Good was a proxy then he just did an "inception" (yes the very same concept in Christopher Nolan's eponymous 2010 film, Inception) on Pino to divert Vincent coming to Smileland.

Besides I'm extremely biased when it comes to Pino. XD :P
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Apr 2, 2011 3:08 PM
Jul 2009
I thought this would be a much more serious anime... But all these "fillers" (or whatever they are) are killing it a bit for me. I really enjoy the series when it keeps to the plot, but all this shit makes me get out of the mood.
May 2, 2011 1:13 PM

Aug 2009
Boring episode, enough with the fillers.
UllusMay 3, 2011 10:01 AM

A man of few words.
May 19, 2011 2:37 PM
Jan 2010
Awesome how Pino realized that something was wrong and protected Vince and Re-l.
Pino the Girl With a Smile
Aug 24, 2011 4:40 AM
Oct 2008
I love the neko security girl! What's her name? Is there any other art with her?
Nov 23, 2011 10:43 AM
Aug 2010
i think this episode was not filler. in fact want show up pinu have a soul. that's why she saw dream.
Dec 22, 2011 4:31 PM

Nov 2011
Forough said:
I liked this episode. I like how it describes the way a proxy plays God for the world he creates but at the same time how it's not really perfect enough to be a flawless God. A God that has his own fears and despairs. Choosing a Disneyland theme to show how he controls his world and all the references were really clever. I really love how this anime tries different themes in many episodes.

Huh. I really disliked it, but the return to normal at the end saved it. It reminded me of Paprika. It was kawaii, and showed an insight into Japanese family life. I knew it was going to be creepy, but I still found it annoying as heck. I didn't want to watch it, but I did.
Dec 22, 2011 4:33 PM

Nov 2011
unclesnapple said:
This was a good episode. Evil Walt Disney meets anime. How often do you get to see that?

This episode hearkens back to the stories about the blonde guy and the shape-shifter. Each of them was like the god of their own town but screwed everything up. Seeing as how Re-l's grandfather (or at least the people who speak for him) want to use proxies as a god, these episodes illustrate the folly of that kind of thinking.

Plus, from a stylistic standpoint, it's good to see the awkward mish-mash of old-school western cartoons and 21st century anime.

I found it really disturbing and annoying. If I want to watch Western cartoons, I'll watch Western cartoons. Then again, it fits into the story. I didn't write the story, I'm only the audience, so I can't really complain. Life is far more disturbing then a cartoon. ;)
Dec 22, 2011 4:37 PM

Nov 2011
Baphomet said:
some12b said:
Well, aside from the fact that when proxies meet they fight and eventually one of them kills the other. I think this episode of ergo proxy tries to explain Pinocchio from a different point of view.

This. Plus, there's a closer look at Pino. We now see that she realizes the worth of relationships.

Ah, so its a given that when proxies meet they fight and only one can survive. Interesting. I still found the episode creepy and disturbing, and not in a good way. I hate it when people tell you to "smile". The thought of "smile land" unnerves me. The adults discussing Pino's smile at the fair unsettled me. Is that why people have children, so they can watch them smile?
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