Is He The Son Of An NFL Player? (Marathon) | Paternity Court

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • 1. Casey v. Hatfill - An Illinois man cheated and then married his family member's babysitter, but now he doubts fathering her 16-month-old son.
    2. Moore v. Butler - An Arizona woman says the alleged father of her daughter denies paternity because of his wife.
    3. Nicholas v. Nicholas - A man wonders if he's really the father of his youngest children.
    4. Leigh v Leigh - Is a 39-year-old New York man the son of a late NFL player? His children strongly reject his claim, yet are eager to embrace another man as their sibling.
    5. Chappell v Todd / Cullins - In desperate need for child support, an Atlanta, GA woman fights to prove one man is the father of her child. He is certain there are other possibilities.
    6. Walker v. Royal - Her son expressed paternity doubt to her three weeks before his murder. This heartbroken mother brings his alleged baby’s mother to court to prove that her son is not the biological father of her 15-month-old son.
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    Is He The Son Of An NFL Player? (Marathon) | Paternity Court
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Комментарии • 414

  • @JayDee-ut5yg
    @JayDee-ut5yg Год назад +215

    1:03:35 I really wish Judge would have done a better job with getting these evil siblings together!!!! He was just a child going by what his mom told him and they over there treating him so harshly. Sad!!!!

  • @winklepicking3202
    @winklepicking3202 Год назад +285

    Shame on Miss Leigh’s reaction, not only was she proven right, that means Patrick doesn’t have a dad and has been lied to his whole life, shame on you woman.

    • @OanhSchlesinger
      @OanhSchlesinger 2 месяца назад +7

      I totally agree. I don’t know where the animosity lies with one man & love for the other? Truly sad.

    • @kittiesice
      @kittiesice Месяц назад +5

      Yeah, you can tell they were kind of taking their resentment towards their dad cheating on his wife, and putting it on Patrick.

    • @ethelmallett2811
      @ethelmallett2811 Месяц назад +5

      This was a normal human being. I understand his fame but my word very very disrespectful. Her parents would have been disgusted with that behavior. I hope his mom is still alive to fined out the truth esp since he was given a Surname he obviously was not aware was a lie. Patrick is hurt what does he do now. What Surname does he goes by now honestly. Fame or no fame we all end up in a box like all humans. This does not make him God. What is the problem the root of all evil. MONEY. Care your greed and shouting might give you a heart attack with all that evil on you faces.

  • @latashaberkley7573
    @latashaberkley7573 Год назад +164

    That sister screaming, thank you Jesus like that was pure evil.

    • @CharFrancis-ig7zq
      @CharFrancis-ig7zq 4 месяца назад +23

      I wouldn't want a hug from them evil siblings either, only one with respect is the one sitting.

    • @CynthiaVoice
      @CynthiaVoice 3 месяца назад +6

      Exactly pure evil.

    • @rdmarti82
      @rdmarti82 2 месяца назад

      EVIL sister

  • @rabindrarobinson8959
    @rabindrarobinson8959 Год назад +127

    That man refused to be hugged by a hypocrite, that woman is a hypocrite thanking Jesus!! What a joke!

  • @cuteyalexia
    @cuteyalexia Год назад +285

    In the Charles Leigh case, those loud siblings are angry at the wrong person.

    • @nolanoneal7952
      @nolanoneal7952 5 месяцев назад +15

      Right? The 2 boys they saying ain't his look more like him to me than the others. Idk yet if they are but js.

    • @gdpro3482
      @gdpro3482 3 месяца назад


  • @tiffanyhamilton5208
    @tiffanyhamilton5208 Год назад +199

    How dare she asknto gove him a hug after all of that. That who family is toxic. Be glad young man.

    • @furryplantsandcoins9070
      @furryplantsandcoins9070 Год назад +27

      That was awful!! How can anybody say that to someone when there were supposed to be family!! Hey guess what Family runs deeper than blood!! She just stabbed him in the heart!! Then expected him to hug her!!

    • @yolandascurry960
      @yolandascurry960 Год назад +2

      Mr. Hatfield that baby has your nose, really.🤦🏽‍♀️

    • @crazycatlady4551
      @crazycatlady4551 Год назад

      @@furryplantsandcoins9070 I couldn't have said it better.

    • @vh5636
      @vh5636 11 месяцев назад +9

      I'm sure the father would have felt ashamed of their reaction

    • @nothembajozi2862
      @nothembajozi2862 5 месяцев назад +1

      You're too invested in this. Look how many errors you made. Chill

  • @princessbranch5159
    @princessbranch5159 Год назад +67

    The first case is a hot mess. Worried about cheating when he was married when they got together

  • @tiffanywilliams2831
    @tiffanywilliams2831 Год назад +187

    In the Lee case, I'd just like to acknowledge something...can we give kiddos to the brother that remained seated & quiet the majority of the case? Also, I'd like to bring attention to the fact that when he did speak, he said that no matter the result Patrick was his and that he loved him AND after the result was read and his sister made an even bigger ssa of herself, he was the only one of them that looked genuinely concerned about the emotional turmoil Patrick was experiencing! Lastly, idk why that sister thought somebody would want to hug her after how she had spoken about Patrick(I mean she compared the guy to a stray dog), to him, and yelling out in that courtroom thanking God that he wasn't her brother! Ma'am be forreal.

    • @crazycatlady4551
      @crazycatlady4551 Год назад +28

      I noticed the seated brother and his emotions. It's as if he and the sister were raised by different parents! I hope he remains in touch with Patrick.

    • @tiffanywilliams2831
      @tiffanywilliams2831 Год назад +26

      @@crazycatlady4551 riiiiiight! That sister & older brother are viscous and very toxic!

    • @Jdiehsofy
      @Jdiehsofy 6 месяцев назад +22

      Right?? I mean, what was her thought process?? She's thankful that they're not related and wants to celebrate (thru a hug) with the guy that she's thankful she's not related to?? Despicable hypocrite. Imagine the psychological scars of growing up in a house with a sister that continuously bad mouthed your mother for hitting on a married man (no fault of Patrick) and continuously rejecting him as a brother. Patrick already knew his siblings didn't accept him and now he's got to handle being stripped of the identity of being his late father's son (with that insufferable woman and her brother mouthing off the entire time).

    • @drlovie
      @drlovie 2 месяца назад +5

      Well thought and said. Hopefully she will look at this with immense shame and remorse.

    • @SP-up2xb
      @SP-up2xb 2 месяца назад +2

      She probably wanted to whisper something hateful in his ear.

  • @EricaYE6
    @EricaYE6 5 месяцев назад +27

    She was yelling, "Thank you, Jesus!" because they don't have to include him in the will.

    • @tai4short
      @tai4short 3 месяца назад

      Right then turn around and say I love you people are so fycking fake

    • @drlovie
      @drlovie 2 месяца назад +7

      They may still have to include him bc their father still claimed responsibility by signing the birth certificate

  • @davidsoule1252
    @davidsoule1252 Год назад +87

    The Charlie Leigh story was sad. I had never heard of Charlie Leigh Sr. The judge mentioned that he was a Superbowl Champion. So I did a search of him. Leigh was a Superbowl Champion in Superbowl VII ('72 season and '73 Super Bowl) and Super Bowl VIII ('73 season and '74 Super Bowl) with the Miami Dolphins. He and his wife died way too soon. I feel bad for the defendant as he really thought he was Charlie Leigh's son.

    • @natnathello
      @natnathello 11 месяцев назад +6

      I completely agree

    • @jlseagull2.060
      @jlseagull2.060 10 месяцев назад +4

      I kind of have a vague memory of him. I was a kid at the time. He stood out as a young African American athlete. OJ Simpson was another famous African American football player during the era. They cracked the door open for more AA athletes to follow their steps.

  • @jhonathanulysse4535
    @jhonathanulysse4535 Год назад +71

    The outside son looks more like the father than the legitimate children.

  • @brianm4178
    @brianm4178 Год назад +237

    The Leigh family is NASTY and rude... wow

    • @paulaforney6068
      @paulaforney6068 Год назад +40

      Evil is what they are! Blaming the guy for the hurt their father put their mom through! Just crazy

    • @jennpul1015
      @jennpul1015 Год назад +4

      That might be true, but the guy's mother should have known who his father was. Her lies caused that family a lot of unnecessary pain, and now her son still doesn't know who his father is. Let's call a home-wreking 304 what it is. But her son is the ultimate victim

    • @enchantedaria1104
      @enchantedaria1104 11 месяцев назад +9

      And they should be ashamed of themselves

    • @msawmusic
      @msawmusic 2 месяца назад +4

      @@jennpul1015blame the women and not the married man who was sleeping with her and took her son in… makes sense.

    • @jennpul1015
      @jennpul1015 Месяц назад

      @msawmusic better idea, let's put All Of the blame on the MEN that she was sleeping with, and ZERO blame on her🙄

  • @alanrashid4309
    @alanrashid4309 Год назад +140

    “I just wanna go home for my boys” 😭😭😭

    • @PurpleWolf478
      @PurpleWolf478 11 месяцев назад +29

      That family was nasty!! The poor man still doesn't know who his daddy is, and his momma has also passed. Heartbreaking

    • @joannerochellejohnson2033
      @joannerochellejohnson2033 11 месяцев назад +9

      I feel his pain! He will be okay! ❤️🙏

  • @Redd16
    @Redd16 6 месяцев назад +30

    The siblings are so rude to him and not accepting of him and TBH he looks more like the dad than Them! 😭 on top of that accepting the other brother but not him when he LIVED with them and the father SIGNED the birth certificate. It's just a mess. They never made him feel welcome and I'm glad he walked away from the hugs they were trying to give. Regardless if he was a POTENTIAL sibling, they should've treated him as such. Period.

    • @Blou-
      @Blou- 5 месяцев назад +7

      Yep he was his dad dna does not make a dad sad :(

  • @shantaniquefranklin90
    @shantaniquefranklin90 Год назад +57

    That was a sad case with Leigh

  • @athalia2023
    @athalia2023 Год назад +133

    What's crazy is Mr Patrick looked like the father's twin. You really can't go off of looks but it's very sad that everyone had so much resentment towards him like it was his fault.

    • @Kaytee16
      @Kaytee16 11 месяцев назад +8


    • @Eddayradiant7273
      @Eddayradiant7273 11 месяцев назад +5

      I felt bad for him

    • @blossom122ify
      @blossom122ify 2 месяца назад +5

      He’s an identical image of that man. Something isn’t right the woman don’t even looks like the father 🤨

  • @pebkit6763
    @pebkit6763 10 месяцев назад +56

    If Charles Leigh signed the birth certificate, he is entitled to part of the inheritance.

    • @Quisqueya28376
      @Quisqueya28376 7 месяцев назад +30

      That’s the only reason why they’re being so diabolical and disrespectful towards the young man- they don’t want to divide the inheritance.

    • @shaquandawhite
      @shaquandawhite 4 месяца назад +9

      But by law don't they have to even if they don't want to? I hope so because they were so nasty to him

  • @rosechugsayan1235
    @rosechugsayan1235 Год назад +30

    Love judge Lauren Lake ❤️
    Great fan of her. From Toronto ❤️ 🇨🇦 🍁
    Brilliant judge
    Love her humor

  • @vickeywilkins8052
    @vickeywilkins8052 26 дней назад +4

    This Judge is an amazing Lady. God bless.

  • @vincentgitiva8849
    @vincentgitiva8849 Год назад +96

    Mr Nicholas even if the DNA proves you as the dad, this relationship wont work, the lady is loose.

    • @tracicook5839
      @tracicook5839 2 месяца назад


    • @katie1535
      @katie1535 Месяц назад

      Yeah he had every right to question if he was the father. I wouldn't marry her until a lot of counseling happened

  • @EarthCitizen-1970
    @EarthCitizen-1970 Год назад +33

    My son has 1 kidney and none of my/his family has this...
    It's a defect on itself...
    He was born 9 weeks early and almost died(2weeks in nicu)
    He had reflux of the urinary.
    (Was in Neo for 9 weeks total) The one kidney just stopped growing. He had high blood pressure for almost 3 years. He had medicinal support and grew over it. Now
    ....just turned 24💫

    • @tracicook5839
      @tracicook5839 2 месяца назад


    • @angeltellez740
      @angeltellez740 Месяц назад +1

      Not to mention the mother is obese which the doctor said was a factor

  • @crazysaturdays9724
    @crazysaturdays9724 Год назад +54

    That woman is crazy how are you going to say he is the only guy I was sleeping with and then say at least I know it's not him

  • @Suzi64grad
    @Suzi64grad Год назад +429

    First story…..How you got her is how you will lose her! There will never be trust! I bet the ex wife is laughing her head off! 🤣

    • @nyashawilliams4668
      @nyashawilliams4668 Год назад +12


    • @TanyaDolan
      @TanyaDolan Год назад +40

      Case of when the cheater gets cheated on, when the shoe is on the other foot, Mr. Hatfill didn't like it and then had the nerve to question paternity.

    • @jackielliottcombs4057
      @jackielliottcombs4057 11 месяцев назад +6

      This is what my momma always said too. ❤

    • @laurendelaine3
      @laurendelaine3 11 месяцев назад +18

      Same for him. He cheated on his wife with her (the babysitter) and after he had suspicions about her cheating on him he went and cheated on her.😂 I’m not saying she’s in the right AT ALL. Her story never changed though. He was the one continuing the cycle.

    • @MiriamNonoModibedi
      @MiriamNonoModibedi 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@nyashawilliams4668f 🎉 4for

  • @Sarahmurada
    @Sarahmurada 11 месяцев назад +16

    In second case the man’s eyes were full of sadness and disappointment for what his wife did poor man😢

  • @Mocharocks9966
    @Mocharocks9966 6 месяцев назад +17

    How you scream Ty Jesus and then hug the poor man like you didn’t just say that 😢

  • @EricaYE6
    @EricaYE6 5 месяцев назад +17

    I'm happy he's not related to those monsters.

  • @paulaforney6068
    @paulaforney6068 Год назад +37

    Mrs Nicholas is for the streets 😂😂

    • @vanessanessa7168
      @vanessanessa7168 11 месяцев назад +2

      She really is.......

    • @IndigoRoses7
      @IndigoRoses7 3 месяца назад

      This guy needs to file for divorce. She trivializes practically all her infidelity...she cheated one of the times, and said she did because the other guy looked like the husband.
      There's zero trust. Zero respect. Women like her have no business being married to anyone. She'll keep cheating too
      If they're still married now I guarantee she's cheating on him still
      I kind of was hoping he wasn't the father. Only because this guy needs his eyes opened and apparently the constant cheating alone isn't enough to make him move on. He's got low self worth and self esteem and a big part of the problem is her. What man can feel valued in a marriage like this. I can't feel sorry for him when he's put up with it. Smh

  • @kiimmig2293
    @kiimmig2293 Год назад +56

    I won’t even have to say what family I’m speaking of, but that brother & sister are horrible excuses for humans much less what they call family.
    Blood doesn’t make family and that woman thanking Jesus will be judged by accordingly when it’s her time.😢😢😢😢

  • @lumailisa
    @lumailisa Год назад +82

    All men need to understand if you don't use protection, pregnancy is ALWAYS a possible outcome. No good saying "she was supposed to be on birth control"

    • @perthgirlwa2407
      @perthgirlwa2407 Год назад +4

      They were married weren't they ?
      Who uses condoms in a marriage ?
      Who goes off BC WITHOUT discussing it as a couple ?
      A wife shouldn't make that decision herself, it should be a joint decision to plan a family.
      Both need to want them & be ready for them not just the wife who thinks she'll make sure she can keep him by having a baby. That's insecurity.

    • @meganr9280
      @meganr9280 Год назад +2

      @@perthgirlwa2407they were NOT married at that time. They got married after the pregnancy was well under way

    • @perthgirlwa2407
      @perthgirlwa2407 Год назад

      @@meganr9280 they were in a relationship then.
      Only a selfish, conniving woman goes off her BC without at least telling her partner but most would discuss it & agree together to try for a baby. Not just go ahead & have one.
      But it didn't work for her. His FB page shows they separated soon after this episode was made.
      So she set out to use a baby to concrete their relationship & she ended up another single mother. & goodluck to her finding another man, christ knows what he saw in her.

    • @AnonyMous-v1u4p
      @AnonyMous-v1u4p Месяц назад

      @luma well said

  • @shirleywhitney8849
    @shirleywhitney8849 Год назад +39

    Home girl clapping her hands like a
    Walrus clapping it's flippers.

    • @shaquandawhite
      @shaquandawhite 4 месяца назад +2

      This comment 😂😂😂childish😂😂

  • @Chrissy0325
    @Chrissy0325 10 месяцев назад +8

    1:54 THIS is when I realized he was definitely the father. They both do that nose thing 😂 cute.

    • @RY-os9vw
      @RY-os9vw 4 месяца назад

      😂😂😂😂😂😂 I hadn’t even noticed until this comment! Thank you so much!

  • @KimberlyS-k3i
    @KimberlyS-k3i Год назад +11

    I am so glad that baby is her grandchild.

  • @lifeinbeautifulbrown8552
    @lifeinbeautifulbrown8552 Год назад +36

    The Asian couple HAS TO BE paid actors

    • @AlbertisFamily
      @AlbertisFamily Год назад +10

      I know 😅 but they are American obviously, only American men stay in a marriage where the woman is cheating😅 that’s crazy

    • @allbrown401
      @allbrown401 3 месяца назад +2

      The case of the Sushi Thot 😅😂😅😂😮😮

  • @AlbertisFamily
    @AlbertisFamily Год назад +22

    10 different guys 😮😮😮😮 they are paying actors for sure

  • @BonnieNash-ft9bx
    @BonnieNash-ft9bx 11 месяцев назад +12

    Her being so happy to be the side chick 🤢

  • @Blou-
    @Blou- 5 месяцев назад +11

    I don’t understand sleeping with a married man and expecting idk loyalty ? respect ? support ?

  • @mdd6896
    @mdd6896 11 месяцев назад +15

    The 2nd story. Oh my lord, How that guy can say that little girl look's nothing like him hahaha. That little girl is his twin. hahahaha so funny

  • @queencharles3527
    @queencharles3527 Год назад +83

    They need to start making new episodes. Come Back!! We need new episodes, Judge. Pls Come back!!! The world is ratchet, more than ever..

    • @sunflowersblooming4581
      @sunflowersblooming4581 6 месяцев назад +1

      What happened to the judge???

    • @queencharles3527
      @queencharles3527 6 месяцев назад +1

      @sunflowersblooming4581 I think the judge is fine.They stopped filming the show, that's all.

    • @sunflowersblooming4581
      @sunflowersblooming4581 6 месяцев назад

      @@queencharles3527 oh.. Why..

    • @21Sweetz21
      @21Sweetz21 5 месяцев назад

      I think they lost the funding for th4 show or something. Im not 100 percent sure though @@sunflowersblooming4581

    • @drlovie
      @drlovie 2 месяца назад

      Real talk

  • @peggybaby0894
    @peggybaby0894 Год назад +11

    These two deserve each other!!! 😂😂😂😂😂❤😊

  • @LynnFrangeoAsia
    @LynnFrangeoAsia Год назад +11

    Case #5: wow😂whattt?😱 What was that?😂🤣😅

  • @Pa-pi-o
    @Pa-pi-o Год назад +13

    These cases are being spoilt by being cut off too soon after the results have been announced , seeing and hearing more of the participants reactions at the end would make each episode far more entertaining and interesting .

    • @lolarose70
      @lolarose70 4 месяца назад +2

      Exactly I said the same thing

  • @MAArch-ec7se
    @MAArch-ec7se 8 месяцев назад +11

    Mr. & Mrs. Leigh, deceased NFL family were toxic & despicable people. They treated the outside child horribly. The big gigantic woman who screamed “thank you Jesus” for the reason of hurting that poor guy was disgraceful. I wish the man well. He did did not deserve the toxic hate from the adulterated man family. .

  • @Fleefromsin
    @Fleefromsin Год назад +11

    The offended life is a bitter one. The offended life is a lonely one. The offended life is a cynical one. As much as lies within you this year, do not cave into bitterness. Fight it with every ounce of strength within you. Choose faith. Choose hope. Choose love. Choose Jesus.

  • @MsAchampion
    @MsAchampion 3 месяца назад +6

    Mr Hatfields baby looks just like him. 😊

  • @LadyCrystal-b6p
    @LadyCrystal-b6p Год назад +4

    Judge, My Honour , you are SUPERB .... in Every Aspect.
    Salute you. So so much of wisdom. I watched alot

  • @Hamlet12341
    @Hamlet12341 Год назад +7

    In the first case-As soon as I saw the child of the Slayton sister I knew it was vampire boy’s baby 😂

  • @christyneoliver6613
    @christyneoliver6613 7 месяцев назад +9

    The Nicholas couple still act like they're in high school... just add children. 🤦🏻‍♀️

  • @angelamirales5295
    @angelamirales5295 Год назад +83

    Lady you thank Jesus for what? Selfish you and your brother.

  • @Camey71073
    @Camey71073 8 месяцев назад +7

    When you are in a marriage and their partner sits there and belittles and betrayed you on live tv, it's time to go. Separate and learn to co-parent.

  • @bigboostable
    @bigboostable Год назад +7

    Mr. Buttler looked creepy at 31:25 like he had seen a ghost. His response afterward was even creepier.

  • @robkelly3013
    @robkelly3013 11 месяцев назад +13

    I hate it when it comes out that "you are the father" and all you hear from the woman is "I told you". Girl you were cheating on the dude non stop of course he not gonna believe you. Don't act like you in the right when you being crawling around the streets on other men

    • @Chrissy0325
      @Chrissy0325 10 месяцев назад

      I totally HATE that too

    • @RY-os9vw
      @RY-os9vw 4 месяца назад

      Not “crawling around in the streets” 😂😂😂😂😂 that visual is too funny but I know what you mean.

  • @pleonard9222
    @pleonard9222 2 месяца назад +4

    This big heffa talking about she was the side piece and now she’s the main piece….with a big smile on her face. Trifling on another level. YOU LOSE THEM HOW YOU GET THEM. 😂😂

  • @malikasampson7673
    @malikasampson7673 11 месяцев назад +7

    All that noise and the man ain't the father? 😂😂😂😂😂

  • @lydiameza4028
    @lydiameza4028 8 месяцев назад +6

    Mr. Nicholas needs to leave that woman. She don't love him. She cheated 10x not once not twice 10x. Ain't no way I could stay

  • @joyparker3116
    @joyparker3116 Месяц назад +1

    I am so sorry for your loss!!!! We lost our child at 25 yrs .old!! Hardest thing in parenting. Missed all of life and no grandchildren!! Love 💕 is all 😊!!!!

  • @mlm1916
    @mlm1916 Год назад +9

    @26:42 That li'l girl has his whole face‼️🙂🙂

  • @shannonh5347
    @shannonh5347 6 месяцев назад +7

    That grown wicked lady / sister Leigh- karma has her and those brothers address!! How incredibly cruel 😢

  • @annettethompson2723
    @annettethompson2723 7 месяцев назад +2

    Amen !! ALL THINGS sometimes it takes a major painful trial to spend us around ❤❤❤ praying for your union in time I believe everything will grow even better. On the person some are ignorant some afraid Some do not have empathy is all

  • @vincentgitiva8849
    @vincentgitiva8849 Год назад +21

    Why is she emotional with the numerous cheating, thats going to break that man

    • @RayneZaleska
      @RayneZaleska Год назад +7

      If you are talking about the 3rd case, he cheated just as much, just look at his expression when she mentions it. Also, staying with another woman to 'talk about his relationship' and sleeping in her bed? They're both shady as can be.

    • @diedrapalmer2997
      @diedrapalmer2997 11 месяцев назад

      That has already broken that man. He's pathetic. He should have left looong ago.

    • @vincentgitiva8849
      @vincentgitiva8849 11 месяцев назад +2

      @shadowkissed2370 I feel for the innocent kids, this two are not done with the cheating,

  • @courtneyjones-xxxxx1716
    @courtneyjones-xxxxx1716 Год назад +16

    "I'm not controlling. I let you go out with your mom," LOL. I mean.... I get his distrust, I really do but that behavior is the definition of controlling.

  • @traceyhenton4261
    @traceyhenton4261 11 месяцев назад +8

    This is something else because the kids wait until the parents pass away. Which is the people that can truly answer the questions they won't.
    Yeah, you need to let it go( The parents didn't deny any of them.)So the kids shouldn't.
    It's probably a money thing, smh

  • @teriblaiz
    @teriblaiz 2 месяца назад +3

    I hate the " I TOLD YOU!" When we can clearly see they were nervous as heck b4 the results.

  • @PurpleWolf478
    @PurpleWolf478 11 месяцев назад +8

    It takes a lot for me to get angry or have emotions on a video on the interwebs, but that Leigh family sister & brother had me shocked. It wont even spit on them of they were on fire. Nothing that did was a normal reaction. I hope they get help for their deeply creepy personalities

  • @OanhSchlesinger
    @OanhSchlesinger 2 месяца назад +3

    Mrs. Leigh’s & her brother actions are evil. She treated that young man terribly. It broke my heart. The young man needs to consider himself lucky not to be related to this family. The other love child proves their father DID step out of his marriage.

  • @MszInfiniteBliss
    @MszInfiniteBliss 10 месяцев назад +6

    The last case … a 36 yr old potential Grandmother who’s child is gone 😢 & the baby momma look about 32 herself

  • @peggyroane2092
    @peggyroane2092 Год назад +24

    In the first case, the doctor stated that a obese woman could have a baby with one kidney.

    • @perthgirlwa2407
      @perthgirlwa2407 Год назад +3

      & it would be surprising if there isn't a lot more wrong with him too.

  • @justnette4151
    @justnette4151 Год назад +8

    "Kissing is cheating???"...... giiiirrrllll 😮 🙃
    These two are so immature

  • @kandise040
    @kandise040 11 месяцев назад +6

    Already pregnant mothers sleeping around while pregnant is so wild to me. Its absolutely disgusting behaviour

  • @patticakes6532
    @patticakes6532 7 месяцев назад +9

    Shame on her rejoicing

  • @rebeccanechesa8009
    @rebeccanechesa8009 6 месяцев назад +4

    That Patrick case was very sad.

  • @Mary-f5s9k
    @Mary-f5s9k 3 месяца назад +3

    If that woman haven't acted like a fool maybe he would have gave her a hug 😢

  • @vibewithkadian6742
    @vibewithkadian6742 10 месяцев назад +3

    I could never follow a man to a paternity court saying I don’t believe the baby it’s not his

  • @michelleblacklock
    @michelleblacklock 11 месяцев назад +9

    " I told you " " I told you " .... says the wife that admitted she had affairs with at least 10 men ...

  • @ciarasosa7185
    @ciarasosa7185 10 месяцев назад +4

    Yes ladybug !!! Handsome baby and he looks just like his father but with his mothers complexion . Beautiful young lady , and we share the same nickname lol R.I.P ❤️‍🩹

  • @maceyari7514
    @maceyari7514 2 месяца назад +1

    The last story is so sad and the ladies are truly nice

  • @UzumakiNaruto-le4zj
    @UzumakiNaruto-le4zj Месяц назад +3

    Proper grammar has been dismissed before any of the cases even started. 😬

  • @shantaniquefranklin90
    @shantaniquefranklin90 Год назад +17

    The second case was crazy because she kinda look like him

  • @JohnAjewole-we4ge
    @JohnAjewole-we4ge 5 месяцев назад +2

    Judge lauren lake is one of the best judge in the world.I hope to meet her in person one day.I love her dearly.

  • @mskyle4564
    @mskyle4564 6 месяцев назад +3

    That’s Lee family needs Prayer. I Pray Patrick finds the information he needs to find his real father.

  • @JessTheBestNeverTheLess
    @JessTheBestNeverTheLess 7 месяцев назад +6

    “They look just like you” “well so does the other guy that you slept with”

  • @MrsCrandon
    @MrsCrandon 11 месяцев назад +3

    Baby Jacob is a cutie potato omg ❤❤❤

  • @NickiSixx1
    @NickiSixx1 Месяц назад +1

    Why having a baby with somebody you say is mental Miss? Why do you want him to be the dad if he’s mental?

  • @AllHailKingRose
    @AllHailKingRose 3 месяца назад +1

    14:40 Look at his lil nose, he looks agitated 😂

  • @stevenschreiber6487
    @stevenschreiber6487 Год назад +9

    I appreciate the wife in the second case wants him to be a father. You can tell he didn’t want to be the father.

    @MRLUTHOOOR 5 месяцев назад +2

    Mom and dad’s genes can come together and something random happens. Kinda definition is that.

  • @1927su
    @1927su 7 месяцев назад +6

    Some of the Leigh sibs are really being aholes

  • @cooblur
    @cooblur Год назад +16

    The size difference between men and women this episode😮... is equivalent to grapees to grapefruits

  • @Lady-BriChanel
    @Lady-BriChanel 3 месяца назад +2

    Patrick Leigh should be thankful every day that he does not share DNA with that vile group of people. Their father was a cheat and clearly didn't know where he left his seed. He disrespected their mother over and over and over. How is that Patrick's fault? Sad that he had to be raised with them. Foster care would have been a better option. I hope he has found peace.

  • @ImJustGoingToSay.....
    @ImJustGoingToSay..... 10 месяцев назад +7

    This judge lets them all shout over each other 🙄 you wouldn't get that on JJ

  • @CharFrancis-ig7zq
    @CharFrancis-ig7zq 4 месяца назад +3

    The Leigh siblings are evil, only one with respect is the one sitting. I wouldnt want to hug them either.

  • @SharonCooper-p1w
    @SharonCooper-p1w 7 месяцев назад +4

    Why does judge drag it out

  • @JustBeYouooh
    @JustBeYouooh 2 месяца назад +1

    I laughed out loud wen the doctor walked in with her lab coat…umm you didn’t have to wear it to court to prove you’re a doctor mate!

  • @MAArch-ec7se
    @MAArch-ec7se 8 месяцев назад +3

    Mr. Nichols is quite handsome. He’s insecure from being a chubby kid; but he is quite a good looking guy now.

    • @Queenbae34
      @Queenbae34 2 месяца назад

      He deserves so much better

  • @lataundriahunt9325
    @lataundriahunt9325 Месяц назад

    9:29 his little face. He’s sick of them both. 1:03:35 that was horrible 1:34:31 so happy for her.

  • @1927su
    @1927su 7 месяцев назад +4

    Boy I sure feel sorry for the child of the third bunch.. what a bunch a screamers of immaturity

  • @angec4186
    @angec4186 6 месяцев назад

    Thank you for taking me on your travels. I can't wait for Singapore 😂

  • @IyaPatsyOriginalEgunlady
    @IyaPatsyOriginalEgunlady 11 месяцев назад +3

    Moore vs Butler . He’s too cheap to pay for a hotel

  • @kimhernandez1221
    @kimhernandez1221 Месяц назад

    The way they kept saying “your honor” was pmo😂😂

  • @ladyzellia
    @ladyzellia Год назад +4

    baby Delante actually look like more of his grandma than his daddy or mommy

  • @SP-up2xb
    @SP-up2xb 2 месяца назад

    That mother in the fushia jacket near the end is stunning. Just beautiful!