53 thoughts on “Poll: Which Pussy Do You Choose?

      1. klawicki

        Not sure of your definition of clobbered, but it was a MUCH closer race than you expected. As was that “blue wave” that supposedly extended the lead in the House. Oh wait…it didn’t happen. And after the census numbers take away several seats from blue states and add them to red ones, the house majority will be gone in just 20 months.

    1. Mr.Loopy

      Just imagine the favors I’d get after sucking Joe off to climax?
      Truth be told I’d do it for free!!!
      Now that would be a story worth repeating on these very pages!!
      I have other stories for sale btw

      1. Spankmaster

        Wouldn’t he have a heart attack, die and then be useless to you?

        I’m not sure what you’d get from that, other than a severe working over from his guards. And we all know you’ve had that before…

  1. Gadget

    How do I put this? If my choice were one night with Britney or getting the other two as my personal sex-slaves for the rest of their natural lives, I’d choose the one night with Britney every time.

    1. Marx

      Where did you get this info from? Britney has been caught buying medication for herpes even. They’re all disgusting so choose your poison and then indulge.

  2. Name

    Britney, because she doesn’t have a fucking interstate’s worth of miles on her like the other two whores. Lindsay and Paris’s pussies are just fucking infinite space at this point, like throwing a hot dog into a canyon

  3. Tom Voigt

    Mr.Loopy/Georgia97/The Real Fame Whore/Fame Whore/James are the biggest pussies we know cuz they can’t handle the fact that they’re all about the cock!!
    Did I miss anyone out?

  4. Eat Me

    I’ll Paris credit for having some hair on it, but Lindsay’s just looks beat to hell. Even 10 years ago. Brit’s got a nice little muffin for the win.

  5. Spankmaster

    I chose Lindsay because of the three of them, she’s probably the cleanest and more akin to wearing underwear than the other two. Hey, I still have some standards to decency, so sue me…

      1. Spankmaster

        Well, you’d know more about that than me, so good luck exploiting the rich and worthless in taste.

        All praise the tea trolley!…

    1. Lex

      Hey, Spanky…. I also chose Lindsay. I am not sure about her pussy on that pic, but in my opinion Lindsay is definitely OVERALL prettier than Britney and Paris. Also Lindsay if I remember correctly has a better pair of tits than other two. Lindsay is a TRUE REDHEAD girl! Lindsay was stunningly beautiful, hot as hell in the past. I doubt Britney and Paris can compare to her in that matter. In each girl’s peak – they were not even close to Lindsay to my opinion. However, it is a subjective thing. Unfortunately now she’s a only a parody to herself. She’s probably the absolute BAD girl among these three. The second place is for Paris. Paris is taller, slimmer and skinnier than other two, I like it. It seems she is more stable and adequate and not such a crazy alco-drug bitch. She has cute breast too. And …. I don’t know. Anyway, Britney seems to have nice pussy and maybe even the greatest among them. But it is obvious that Britney among these three is the best in gaining the WEIGHT. She easier becomes FAT and UGLY. She always looked like ORDINARY TYPICAL american farm girl, and with this weight on her ass, ribs, legs and belly it is more than obvious. It is really hard to choose… I chose Lindsay because obviously you can’t chose only pussy.

      1. Spankmaster

        Such careful philosophy deserves to be rewarded. Thus you will never get a visit from the donkey, as you know the true faith.

        Spankmaster, in written form, has spoken…

  6. Asswipe

    Paris is the richest so I wanna fuck her poosy and once I get her pregnant I can dump her and sue her for spousal support.

      1. Spankmaster

        You guys actually want to stick your dick into that biaitch and have it pump out a sprog that has half your gene pool, while yet again spreading her gene pool back into society, albeit diluted, just for the sake of money? This is the sort of experience that turns straight men into fucked up fags. Well, I will certainly avoid this fucking biaitch like the plague. To rephrase what was once said about the Sex Pistols, she can only be vastly improved by sudden death. Take that philosophy to heart, for everyone’s sake…

  7. Gareth

    Britneys is probably the cleanest of the 3 I’ll go britneys. The other 2 would be like dipping it in acid.


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