
Dec 9, 2018
Honestly bro- I don' think the devs have a clue when a2 will release. They have been saying one more year since years ago and the goal post keeps moving.

I don't think it is intentionally malicious false advertising- rather just some combination of overconfidence / ignorance / optimism. Throw in some speed-bumps with the writing team (personnel roller-coaster / low production from a few of the writers / side fluff content to train new writers on) and you're looking at what still needs written in game one you are still looking at maybe another full year or two of releases before you get a whiff of act2.

Pay attention to the bulk of the next release. It will be the second release since the team got 3 new writers. Will prob showcase how development might go over the next bit.


Aug 14, 2017
I think it is pretty questionable to say that in any of the ending the Orcs are loyal to Rowan over the twins. At best I would say they have a favorable view of Rowan in the other paths. Although I would entertain an argument that Tarish has already proven herself willing to use underhanded means to betray her bosses in the past, and might be convinced to do it again if she sees enough of a benefit to herself.


As an aside I regularly see arguments that Rowan should have made a smarter moves here or there because he is a "master tactician." But I feel like people are loading too much in to the word "tactician" and think he should be some sort of Machiavellian genius who should never make mistakes.

First of all tactics is a much narrower field than people think it is. For example a "tactician" is not a "strategist." Strategy is more big picture like, these are the tasks that need to be done to achieve our goal. Tactics is how to go about achieving those tasks. For example a strategist would say we need to take that hill to achieve victory. The tactician would say okay troops, this is how we take that hill. Or to use an example that is directly relevant to Rowan: a master strategist would be able to determine the steps that need to be taken to escape the twins, the master tactician would figure out how to achieve those steps.

And in fact, this is how the twins use him. They don't tell him "please make a plan for us to conquer the world." They say "figure out how to take over Reave keep." "Now figure out how to recruit that giant orc clan." "Now figure out how to repel this encroaching army." "Now figure out how to take over the City." They make the strategic plan and give him the tasks. Then he comes up with the tactics to achieve the task.

Also, being a master tactician does not make you and expert at social intrigue or maneuvering for power. In fact I would argue that he explicitly is not skilled at that. If he were, he would have actually been treated like a hero instead of cast aside after the war. In fact he regularly get out maneuvered when it come to intrigue. Even Cla'min out maneuvers him in this field. Which is why he needs to team up with someone that is good at it in Rastadel.

I have to disagree with you on Roland not earning that general spot. I agree on the master tactician thing, but Roland is more than that. Cla'min is better at social shit but she is a merchant and very good at reading the crowd. Roland is a born peasant, which means that type of knowledge would never reach him. Hell, peasants don't even get access to books because the nobles fear them gaining higher education. The reason he couldn't become a noble is because the entire whole of nobility was against it. If he wasn't a hero, he would end up like his fellow commoner generals and be harassed, his actions wiped from history, and possibly assassinated. The nobles were terrified of the dirt general Roland because he practically carried the war without any powers or special abilities. He wasn't someone born of high blood, he was just a peasant. I honestly don't see how Roland could become a noble without inciting a civil war, which would likely turn the other heroes against him.

Roland is a great general who is both a strategist and a tactician. If was literally his plans and strategies that held off the demon lord for 4 whole damn months at Krast. And his planning and skills is what lead to the demon lord's defeat. The pretty much anyone with interactions with the demon lord or been in the war realized how much of a threat Roland was. Skorded straight up said that roland's strats and tactics broke the dark lords will long before the six heroes fought him.

Also the twins are not good at strategy at all. None of their plans or really thought out and they throw roland at it. Where he comes up with his own strategy and tactics to properly tackle the problem. The twins are so damn incompetent, they can't plan watching paint dry without fucking it up, but they reap the benefits from roland's success. They talk so much shit to him, but if they couldn't regenerate and have super demon skin, Roland could easily handle them. Even with their magic. He almost killed Jezera twice and overwhelmed Andra in a one of one fight. The major advantage they had during the prologue was that Roland was ignorant of them and their abilities. They had his wife, had the place surrounded by orcs, and initially had the element of surprise. BUT HE STILL GOT AWAY, the twins are a fucking joke man and anyone with a brain in story story sees them for what they are, Pretenders.

The twins rely far too much on their innate abilities and when that fails, they rely on their supernatural bodies to pick up the slack. He can't beat them if they are together, but he is a both a major boon and major threat to them. The problem is that they don't see it and are childish man-babies who can't handle being wrong and have no respect for Roland. It's mind-boggling to constantly belittle and bully the guy who your entire goals of world conquest depends on. Not to mention trying to fuck and corrupt the one and only thing that keeps him loyal to you. Like the power really went to their heads, especially Andras that red skill fuck boy. I hate his damn guts man, he's one of those guys who would dm the girl you broke up with to try to "comfort" her and get in her pants. And it's sodamn obvious. Atleast Jezera is somewhat tolerable, but that's only because Andras is so damn bad.

The story basically nerfs Roland because this is Act 1 and you are not supposed to win yet. So nothing you do for your war against the twins has any clear impact in act 1.
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Active Member
May 13, 2018
A headless Thompson gunner whose wife was really into Andras.
Well that explains why I never heard of this week Roland and his cheating wife before since I has only been able to play with my Chad Rowan and his faithful wife Alexia, it must be some kind of secret character you can unlock or something.
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Feb 18, 2018
Obviously, I would have liked to have Act I finished by now, but I will be the first to admit there was far too much scope creep, and writing issues have slowed things down, unfortunately. That being said, we are now approaching the end, and I'm hoping to be done by the end of the year or early next year at the latest. After a discussion with the writing staff, here is a good indication of the content left on the slate before we can move on to Act II:

Astarte - New War Council: Currently at 40%/100%
Updated Pre-Battle: Currently at 20%/100%
Updated Battle: 0%/100%
Updated postBattle: 0%/100%

Epilogue - One very large multi-state event similar to Astarte

Goblin arc - Che-Lin - 4 + 1 (4 Route events and a short debrief event)
Zii-Zii - 1 (short debrief event)
Tue-San - 1 (short debrief event)
Wedding - 3
Post-Wedding short events: 3

Fae - 2 Heartsong Events
1 Whitescar event
1 Aryzl event
Arzyl Finale/Whitescar Finale (scenes would be released simultaneously but be separate)

Andras NTR - 2
Jez NTR - 1
Jez - 2
Hel - 2
X'zaratl - 3

Ygrisse Chaos Incursion - 3-5
Portal Events - 5 (Short events for unlocking the portal for the first time)
Shrine events - 3 (Three written events about finding shrines to Solansian gods in Rosaria)

Rastedel edits
Continuing Helayna events rework (5 events) and folding mindless events into a repeatable menu (six short events)
Half-time. How far did it go? 30%? 20%?


Aug 14, 2017
Why is there so much hate towards Andras? I love his scenes the best with both Alexia and Rowan...he gets me real wet
That's your kink and that's fine. The simple answer is that Andras is a bad (Not exactly as in badly written, I won't get into that.)character and the least threatening of the twins.

I just think he and Jezera are dumb. And if Alexia isn't a literal bimbo, she wouldn't fall for Andras scheme and let him fuck her. The only time it makes sense is at the beginning of the game where she is kidnapped for literal months and her husband is imprisoned, so Andras tries to prey on her vulnerability. I just can't rationalize Alexia doing anything for him unless it was forced. Andras has no subtly and he quickly drops his mask of 'caring' about alexia frequently. Sure, she's just a peasant girl, but that doesn't/shouldn't make her blind to the situation. Her feelings of frustration at her situation are understandable. She has to sit back and be a hostage in a scary castle with dangerous and lewd people who would kill/rape/torture/brainwash/etc if they got the right to. While her husband is forced to serve them because they have her,He's gone for weeks at a time and she doesn't know when or if he'll even come back. She's stressed, lonely, and has no-one to trust. Not to mention that it's clear the things the twins make Roland do weigh on him, but he refuses to share so she can't even get some form of closure. It's neither of their faults and they are both trying to protect one another in their own way, which makes their relationship so interesting and worth investing in. Jezera makes sense, she at least tries to lure people into a sense of security before she pulls the rug out from under them.

Maybe It's just me, but I always tend to avoid the corruption/ntr stuff with Alexia because I see her as much more intelligence and resilient than the twins take into consideration. Like her husband, they underestimate her and see her as a easy target they can twist and make into another toy. But she isn't, she's loyal to her husband and while she can be frustrated with his actions because she's a thinking, feeling creature, she understands that he has to make tough decisions and is forced to do these things.

I can't respect or fear Andras because he has no charm or true intelligence. Sure, he shows that from time to time he isn't just a brute, but he always regresses to ooga bunga when push comes to shove. I wouldn't even call him a good fighter. He's like Wolverine but without any character to get you invested. He just tanks attacks because he relies on his body. He has;t earned his strength or his ego. He got a little bit of power and it went completely into his head and traveled down his dick. He has some bouts of him not being an asshole that I like, only because it's a break from all the mind-numbing, face-palm-inducing scenes he is in where he just has a tandem or fucks something up colossally and then shifts the blame to others. He's like homelander but without any traits you could actually like or enjoy about the character. At least Homelander is funny at times with his childishness. What makes homelander so scary is just how powerful he is, like he's the strongest character in series/show or at least one of them. Andras is overall just a bully and a stupid one at that. I don't care much for ntr, but this guy offers nothing other than fulfilling a kink. He's a literal detriment to his own goals.

I don't like Jezera either but again, not because of bad writing the game just does well to show you the antagonist's flaws. And whew boy is there a lot. What makes the great so great to me is that most of the twin's competent "Allies' know who is the real brain and threat behind the operation, Roland. The twins head's are just so far up their asses that they tend to forget that antagonizing the foundation that keeps the structure afloat is kinda bad? Like if roland was just a goon, i'd get it. But your entire plans for world conquest rely on him. Time and time again has shown that their other plans don't work because they don't see a bigger picture then being on top with no equals because they are the smartest, strongest, bestest people around. Have some damn self-reflection, Jesus.


Jun 17, 2017
Maybe It's just me, but I always tend to avoid the corruption/ntr stuff with Alexia because I see her as much more intelligence and resilient than the twins take into consideration. Like her husband, they underestimate her and see her as a easy target they can twist and make into another toy. But she isn't, she's loyal to her husband and while she can be frustrated with his actions because she's a thinking, feeling creature, she understands that he has to make tough decisions and is forced to do these things.
you are forgetting that roleplaying as good rowan isn't only way. rowan can be terrible to his wife and vice versa.
you are playing version of story you like but it isn't only story that can be told in game or even most realistic one.
don't forget real hero rowan died in prison or will die in Astarte battel.

also while twins aren't are as effective as rowan they can still achieves there main objectives even if rowan dose not help like recruiting orcs and i think you judge them to harshly.

especially jezara she is very good at making allies and in the end it's most necessary trait for ruler and can also delegate

main character name is rowan not Roland


Aug 14, 2017
My personal favorite dynamic is a (relatively) innocent Rowan and a highly corrupted but still loyal Alexia. I like to imagine Rowan sticking to his principles and thinking he can get out of this situation without sacrificing anything. Meanwhile Alexia is taking the more pragmatic route and doing anything she needs to to keep them both save, morals be damned. I have both characters sleep around but with different criteria. Rowan sleep with (mostly) safe NPCs that either seem to be mostly on his side or seem like they can be won over. Alexia sleeps with NPCs that can potentially offer protection or some other benefit for herself or Rowan, even if they are not "safe."

It is worth mentioning though, that there is no way to see all the content of this game in a single playthrough. While there is generally more sexual content if you throw caution to the wind and fuck everyone you can, there are a number of scenes or scene variations that require the character to have low corruption to trigger them. Plus there in a certain amount of RNG to many scenes as well so they might not even show up on a given run.

Personally, I would say that if you really like the game it is worth playing through 2-4 times picking drastically different choices. You can fast forward through previously seen text so it doesn't take to long. Then just pick you favorite paths as your personal canon for the story.

Looks like you encountered a bug. For most of these error screens it is safe to press "Ignore" and continue on. But I would recommend PMing Rein (one of the game devs) and reporting the error. If you choose to report it, try to include as much detail as possible about what lead up to encountering the error.
My favorite dynamic (my view on the characters in my playthrough) is a Completely loyal and devoted Alexia with a loyal but corrupted Roland. Alexia isn't naive and knows that the twins are trying to break them apart. She understands that all the pain and frustration that she and roland feels is the twins fault. That they don't see them as anything other than toys and she won't give either the satisfaction of playing in their games. She isn't pure of heart or anything I used the console to give her corruption to show that she has become much more pragmatic and cold then she was before. She was kidnapped and a lot more kinky. She secretly is a cuckquean, but hides it better than Helayna. She gets off on the idea of roland fucking her in front of someone who is envious or her position or wants her. She isn't some innocent peasant girl who can be pushed around, while she does have a friendship with Grey and The Succbus matron, she is more than willing to sacrifice that for her husband. She tends to play into the dumb and harmless peasant girl act because that makes people let their guard down around her and they tend to reveal their true nature more often due to it. She is hateful towards the twins and bitter that she and roland can't just be together in peace. That they have to try to pervade their every moment together. Helayne was the start of her corruption, she had to bend to ensure she wouldn't break at the idea of her loving husband being forced to sleep with another woman to keep her safe. Her feelings towards Helayne are complex, she is sadden that she has been reduced to how she is but she also know her even since she was a teen and knew he had a crush on her husband. Perahps that's what made Alexia so brazen in showing off that Roland chose to be with a peasant like her than arrogant noble brat who thinks she could steal HER husband. Sometimes she wonders if Helayne is just putting on that horny act to keep roland from her, but Alex knows her grip on Roland is stronger than Helayne could ever contest.. She knows what Roland can do and trust her husband to accomplish his goals, but she won't just sit back and let him do all the work, that will surely overtake him. So he does jobs, plays dumb, learns, and apparently has magical potential. She'll keep her cards hidden and built her strength so she can support her love and make those uppity twins suffer for ruining their lives.

Roland is absolutely going through it. He is 100% corrupted, but not out of disloyalty to his wife but more so because he is willing to use/sell his body to benefit his goals of eventually turning the tables on the twins. I like to see his story something of tragedy like Oedipus. In his attempt to destroy the evil of the Twin's he going to become a worst and much more terrifying evil than them when he truly only wanted a simple life with his wife.

He knows he isn't the strongest hero and outwardly shows himself as humble in his achievements. Karn may have been beaten by his plans, but the guy was still pretty much unkillable and no amount of tactics could give him the ability to stop someone like him without the help of the other heroes. He does have a lot of pride of his accomplishments deep within, but he buried that because he was happy with his life with Alexia until the Twins. The war for the realms planted a seed of chaos(get it?) with roland's heart. He secretly enjoyed killing the demons and causing someone like Karn so much grief, it brought a sick pleasure to him because he viewed the demon lord similarly to the nobility of his kingdom. Self, pompous, assholes who step on the men and women whose labor is what keeps them in their position but something they refuse to acknowledge or care for. Leaving crumbs from their plate for them to barely survive. Roland deeply wanted to uproot them for their cruelty and disrespect towards his fellow commoner and dirt generals. But he realized that if he did that, the commoners would suffer the most. What would he even do or establish or the nobles were overthrown? He was a commoner at the end of the day, commoners were denied knowledge, he didn't know how he'd raise another, better kingdom. Not to mention how other realms would respond. Jumping from one war to another just to soothe his feelings of injustice didn't seem worth it when he made Alexia wait all this time for him. He only went to war to protect her and his village, he suffered all that just for her. He might have lost his way from time to time, but Alexia was his guiding light that kept him going. Without her, he would have most certainly died like all the others in the battle that started his legend. Roland is a devoted lover and if he could choose he'd love no-one but Alexia.

Roland is only playing the twin's game because they have his wife. As long as she isn't harmed, touched, or more he will play their game. But the second he even thinks they hurt his wife, the deal is off. He knows how incompetent the twins all and takes joy in knowing that even if he dies to them, they will soon follow due to their helplessness without them. He sees Jezera as a volatile brat who sees herself as more intelligent than she is, even though when push comes she relies on the very same brute strength and power she looks down upon as something only males rely on. Andras, Roland doesn't take him seriously.He's an upjump punk who is too used to street brawls and doesn't understand how to really fight or the point of skill and tactics. Roland had him on his knees when he threatened to fuck his wife and if he had more knowledge about the extent of Andras unnatural constitution, he would have dealt with him. But roland is always trying to think ahead there were too many variables to go through with it due to lack of knowledge of whether Jezera would be able to react in time, how the amulets worked, or the orcs and demons around him. He does see Jezera as more dangerous than Andras, so he does try to win her favor as long as it doesn't go to far or involve his wife, while he doesn't give a damn if Andras like him or not. He uses sex as a means to an end because of the people around him, he is always trying to learn about others and their motivations so he can use it in his favor. Most of the people he has sex with, he doesn't particularly care for. Some have his affection, but that's about it. He isn't like Jezera who is an amateur who relies on drugs and magic items to "liberate" people into getting what she wants. One of the reasons he is so well-liked by his allies is because he does treat them with respect and sees them as intelligent. Like Draith and Liurial, he plays into what they want from him while ensuring they grow more attach to him.

The two wench in his plans was Greyhide and Helayna, he honestly didn't expect himself to fall for the Minotaur or his student and felt this was a deeper twisted knife in the relationship between him and Alex. His other actions he could write off as being for the greater good. But he genuinely loved and cared about both of them. He couldn't stand himself after he Jezera forced him to fuck Helayna and drugged him with Greyhide. It was only through Alexia's words of love and comfort that he didn't off himself from all the guilt. Guilt that is constantly eating himself up every time someone bothers to remind him of his name. This made him outwardly cruel with his words, projecting his own bitterness and self-loathing outwardly. He won't kill orcs as greedily as Andras but he'll make them wish he did if they cross him. He understands his troops and while he does hate them with a passion, he uses their strengths effectively. Headcanon, they fear Roland more than Andras. Sure, Andras could punch their head off or rip them apart but Rowan, who has been fighting their kind for years knows how to systematically destroy and cripple them. Him killing you is a mercy.

I like the idea that he's constantly on the edge of a mental breakdown. Always pushing himself and his limits for his beloved, sacrificing everything and everyone for the hope of them somehow returning to a calm and peaceful life that will never be. Other people can see that madness barely hidden in his eyes. Alexia keeps that insanity reigned in. She's the metaphorical chain that both protects roland and others from himself. But she is slowly letting it fall from her soft hands, growing to further love her husband even as he is drenched in evil. She won't just support him, she'll love him regardless of what he becomes. What is true love after all, if not with a hint of obsession?


Aug 14, 2017
I have my doubts it's the direction the devs have planned for Helayna, but I'd actually really enjoy the idea of her becoming a dark knight. If Rowan allows her to train again, her becoming a knight in the Twins army and a commander for the Orcs / Goblins. Following in Rowan's footsteps as an increasingly sadistic fiend I think would be a far more interesting story for her than just another sex slave.

Furthermore it's a nice reflection on how far Rowan has fallen under the twins as well. Watching and or encouraging his former disciple But even if Rowan has stayed mostly good, watching him fall to despair if Helayna embraces the corruption as a way to stave off the effects of her curse is still an interesting story.
Bro yes, I want her knighthood to reflect Roland's corruption. With her being more pure of heart and righteous if Roland is. Or her being a cruel and brutal warlord who will cut down anyone she even remotely sees as a threat to roland.
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Mar 21, 2019
I feel like you would be a great addition to the Venus Noire team cause damn you can write! I think Rein could definitely use your help in writing the story :ROFLMAO:


Jun 17, 2017
She's so good at making allies that she murders the dark elf queen during negotiations and costs you a bunch of potential allies... Both of the twins are demented and need some anger management counseling.
every one in castle is there because of her and they are very important for bloodmons day to day operation maybe even more then rowan.

maybe better phrasing should have been that she is good at finding and recruiting subordinates not allies.
because in the end there plan is world domination there cant really be any allies


Active Member
May 13, 2018
don't forget real hero rowan died in prison or will die in Astarte battel.

also while twins aren't are as effective as rowan they can still achieves there main objectives even if rowan dose not help like recruiting orcs and i think you judge them to harshly.
You kinda contradicted yourself here, "real hero" Rowan could also notice that potential danger to the world that the Twins represent and choose to "sacrifice" his past as a "real hero" so he could control the damage to a certain extend and gather what he needs to put an end to the Twins ambitions when the opportunity appears.

A good example of that are all the villages you can conquer along the way, without the "semi-hero" Rowan to reach a peaceful outcome those would must likely end up in flames without any survivors by the hand of the temperamental Andras and since this doesn't look like the kind of business Jezara wants to get involved with that is basically unavoidable.


Jun 17, 2017
You kinda contradicted yourself here, "real hero" Rowan could also notice that potential danger to the world that the Twins represent and choose to "sacrifice" his past as a "real hero" so he could control the damage to a certain extend and gather what he needs to put an end to the Twins ambitions when the opportunity appears.

A good example of that are all the villages you can conquer along the way, without the "semi-hero" Rowan to reach a peaceful outcome those would must likely end up in flames without any survivors by the hand of the temperamental Andras and since this doesn't look like the kind of business Jezara wants to get involved with that is basically unavoidable.
Except most incompetent rowan rowansservice to twin always makes them much more stronger and causes much more misery then otherwise would have happened especially after astarte battle
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