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Feb 14, 2021
Oh boy, the story on how to turn a okay-ish anime with potential into complete garbage with later seasons.
When I was going into Re:zero I was thinking that it was going to be the second coming of christ, (considering it portrayed that way) but oh god I was wrong. And instead of coming out of the anime instead of being emotionally touched, I was actually infuriated that I had wasted my time with this piece of garbage.
Story - 2/10
All I can really say is that they tried.. they tried really hard to make this a compelling, touching, & emotional story, but the way its presented
makes nearly everything about this anime fall flat on its face. The story Re:zero is nowhere near unique, but that isn't really the problem that I have with it. It's more of how they poorly executed the story actually was, let alone the entire anime. The story of Re:zero is a isekai romance between 2 horrifically bland characters on how they touch bodies and how they learn to communicate with each other and live the life of someone stuck in a video game. When the story is supposed to be a roller coaster of emotions when it actually feels completely rushed and almost nothing about it even seems remotely real. They could have done a lot more and I see what they were trying to do with this film, but this further supports the theory that Nagatsuki, Tappei completely lacks the ability to write anything compelling.
Art - 8/10
I mean good animation is always a plus, to be completely honest they had really good production. Almost everything about the art style was pretty in some way but that doesn't really change the fact that good animation cant save a poorly executed story. To be completely honest the animation is the only reason to watch this anime and nothing else. But if you're only really looking for something that has an amazing animation you'll probably be better if you found something else as it isn't hard to find things that are prettier than this.
Sound - 6/10
Not much to really say here as it doesn't really sound all that amazing or all that bad either. Nothing really stood out to me as that amazing for the sound production. The music was pretty cool I guess? But honestly, I can't really remember anything that was absolutely groundbreaking.
Characters - 2/10
Oh boy, and the Characters where do I even start. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is even remotely interesting or unique about the characters in Re:zero. Jesus Christ like at least try and make them unique. Both of the main characters are your average cookie cutter male and female anime protagonists. There is NOTHING about either of these characters that stand out. They don't have funny or even interesting personalities. They try to make them funny and quirky, with witty dialogue and it comes off just as PURE CRINGE. It honestly amazes me how anyone can relate or even feel anything towards these characters. But I find it hard to believe with how many fans this anime has that anyone could find any commonality between themselves and Subaru the masochist Simp.
My Personal Enjoyment - 1/10
I've never actually been angry after finishing something of any sort. If its bad then I kinda just tend to brush it off, forget about it and move on, but as I said earlier I was actually infuriated because of this sorry excuse an emotional romance anime. I tried really hard to like Re:zero trust me I tried really fucking hard to enjoy it, but I honestly just couldn't do it. Almost everything about this anime seemed poorly written and rushed which led to an awful experience. And if I wasn't watching it with a friend I honestly would have stopped halfway through. And honestly, I should have instead of wasting my time when I could have been doing something else.
Overall - 1/10
I don't really know what else to say the real only redeeming factor was that the animation was good and literally nothing else stood out. it was a poorly written, bland story with even more bland characters. It honestly baffles me on how anyone can think this is anywhere near a masterpiece. I wouldn't even recommend this to anyone who wants even a little bit of good storytelling. Maybe to people that want something pretty so they can turn off their brain and be distracted for 15 hours.
If you are a hikkimori who fantasizes all day about shipping imagined characters together and think le funny crossdressing man is good content then by all means, this anime is for you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jan 1, 2021
Stein's Gate is a good choice for you if you're looking for a plain anime about the circumstances of time travel and the fact that time doesn't wait for nobody. It becomes a bad choice if you expect it to do anything noteworthy with its concept, because it tries to focus on showcasing something any series to feature time travel does as its core theme.
As a anime, there's nothing particularly wrong done in it. I even think that it succeeded in what it did try to portray for its core theme, which is that time travel can be dangerous and leave serious repercussions due to
how every action changes how things will go and so on. And it also tries to explain that time waits for no one and to deliver this lesson through its story, that there's no better moment than now to act. But these are themes that in any story medium that has featured time travel elements, have been explored, while doing a lot more things than just this. To the point my viewing experience of this anime was this: Oh yeah, using your time travel powers irresponsibly will cause bad repercussions, thanks 9154th story that told me that. You opened my eyes. TIME WAITS FOR NO ONE? Does that mean that every single day that passed in my life, each day I have lived, on each of them... I got one day older?
I can't really fault the anime for what it did. It didn't really have any faults in almost every technical aspect and I think it did get its point across, regardless of whether or not every other show I watched also did.
What I fault it for is its lack of ambition.
Its characters are the most barebone essentials in order for them to work. The group dynamic of its main characters are a clutzy girl, a serious guy and another guy that is foolhardy, the most generic japanese childhood friend trio ever. The personality of each character is generic and easy to sum in a couple of tropes. Whoever doesn't have a trope to be assigned to them, doesn't have an inkling of a personality. There's nothing interesting about any of them.
The way the power is introduced is as accidental to the person and with a lot of clock and time indications along the way in case you have not read the title of the anime you're watching. It's called Stein's Gate. You're welcome. And when she gets to the point of talking to someone about her powers, that person describes what it is like they completely understand it, because I assume they also had that power. And because it's a really easy way to just explain it. By the way, did I ever tell you that this movie is called Stein's Gate. Yo Clocks.
It doesn't really go into any other theme than the irresposible use of time travel might fuck up your life and that of your friends. Like none at all. I mean I guess it tries to build a romance but I can't get interested in that when the characters are just bland, but the romantic tale plays out into the time waits for no one bit, so I can't say it's something out of turn here. Even then, it plays into the time waits for no one bit.
These are pretty much the ways in which the anime just doesn't seem to be trying anything other than being adequate.
As far as its romance goes, it's basically trying to hit you with the "I regret I never hooked up with one of the friends I got along and now I'm 40 and single." It doesn't really strike me, I typically find indecisiveness and lack of assertiveness stupid, but I guess there's some people to which this can appeal to, so all I'll say about it is the type of romance it features is that of lost opportunity.
Other than that, there's not a lot to say about the animation, it does what I expect it to do in a anime, featuring a lot of detail and a vivid world, despite the fact that it looks bland, through the fact that there's usually some things happening in the background or actively. Sound wise, I guess the best compliment I can muster for it is that for the most part it didn't feel intrusive. Other than that, nothing noteworthy to mention, negative or positive.
The best person I can recommend this for is someone that is looking for the type of romance I've had mentioned and doesn't really know anything about time travel stories. But I can't really recommend this movie to literally anyone else, because I couldn't in good faith recommend something that feels like is just a raw ingredient, when there's so many plates with so much welldone cooking, that feature this ingredient and many others. If you're specifically looking for just the things this anime does, then you can go for it. The name of this movie is Stein's Gate. Yo Clocks.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Sep 12, 2017
This anime is severely underrated for its place in the MAL rankings. Other than the length of battles, there is not much to complain about. The battles tend to feel cut short and skipped over. (akward transition)
The protagonists, Alicia Melchiott and Welkin, can also be a bit annoying. Alicias character is portrayed as more tsundere than in the game. Welkin is also made to be a bit of a moron who can’t take a hint. While the protagonists aren’t the greatest, the supporting cast is very well done. They aren’t given a lot of focus, but their likeable personalities are shown though short dialogue scenes
which are satisfying. The portrayal of the these supporting characters really helps to invest you in the story of squad 7.
Spoilers: The villains in this anime dont get enough screen time though. Each single one of the villain's aside from berthold gregor who is a stereotypical destroy the good guys villain. The others have their motivations and its believable. Selvaria is a rescued valkyria from the main villain maximilian. She has an everlasting bond with him because he saved her from experimentation and abuse. Little did she know he had no feelings for her and was just using her for her power. She did not know this which is why she blindly defended him ( life debt ). Jaeger was the comic relief villain, he only fights for the empire because he is guaranteed to have his home city returned if he performs his duties well as a general. He is not evil at all like maximillian who is hell bent on conquering from his narcissism.
There is alot to like about this anime along with a few problems with the main characters and shortened battles. The soundtrack is good too and the supporting roles are very likable.
Story: 8
Art: 7
Sound : 8
Characters: 8
Enjoyment: 8
Overall: 8.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 12, 2017
When I first started this anime and heard the epic opening and absolutely fantastically dubbed characters, I was really hyped. I am personally a fan of the early-mid 1900s America and to see an anime do it was refreshing. The anime is no doubt a unique one, but terrible execution and story. The anime starts off great because everything feels realistic, until the story ruins everything.
What could have been great is soon ruined when you start to realize there is alot of fantasy involved. You start to realize ( Explained later eps ) that there is alot of time skipping, events dont take place chronologically.
When you start to feel like you are starting to understand whats going on, they thrown in invincibility and time travel. ( Potion drinking from earlier in history ).
Maybe it is just me but this anime didnt need to become a mafia train ride from hell with 20 things going on at once. Following like 5 different characters while time skipping and having all these past lore thrown in your face makes it a non-enjoyable mess.
Character:8 ( Ladd russo and the rail tracer are terrifying )
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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