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The Mustersan age is a period of geologic time (48.0–42.0 Ma) within the Eocene epoch of the Paleogene, used more specifically within the South American land mammal age (SALMA) classification. It follows the Casamayoran and precedes the Divisaderan age.[1][2]



This age is named after Lake Musters in the Golfo San Jorge Basin.


Mustersan is located in South America
Locations of Mustersan formations
bold is type
Country Basin Notes
Sarmiento Formation  Argentina Golfo San Jorge Basin
Abanico Formation  Chile Abanico Basin
Andesitas Huancache Formation  Argentina Golfo San Jorge Basin
Chota Formation  Peru Bagua Basin
Geste Formation  Argentina Puna Plateau
Paracas Formation  Peru Pisco Basin
Pozo Formation  Peru Ucayali Basin
Soncco Formation  Peru Eastern Peruvian Andes
Vaca Mahuida Formation  Argentina Neuquén Basin
Ventana Formation  Argentina Neuquén Basin
Yahuarango Formation - Santa Rosa fauna  Peru Ucayali Basin


Group Fossils Formation Notes
Mammals Antepithecus brachystephanus, Guilielmoscottia plicifera, Kramadolops mayoi, Propyrotherium saxeum, Pseudhyrax eutrachytheroides, Eomorphippus sp. Sarmiento
Chlorocyon phantasma, Ignigena minisculus, aff. Ernestokokenia sp., Borhyaenidae indet., Oldfieldthomasiidae indet. Abanico
Archaeopithecus cf. rogeri, Asmithwoodwardia subtrigona, Bardalestes hunco, Gashternia ctalehor, Greniodon sylvaticus, Henricosbornia lophodonta, Homalostylops parvus, Palangania cf. brandmayri, Polydolops rothi, P. unicus, Prostegotherium cf. astrifer, Amphidolops sp., Marmosopsis sp., Notostylops sp., Pauladelphys sp., Protodidelphis sp., Riostegotherium sp., Stegosimpsonia sp., Borhyaeninae indet., Caroloameghiniinae indet., Hathlyacininae indet. Andesitas
Antofagastia turneri, Bonapartherium serrensis, Parastegosimpsonia cf. peruana, Parutaetus punaensis, Prostegotherium notostylopianum, Pucatherium parvum, Punadolops alonsoi, Punahyrax bondesioi, Punapithecus minor, Punatherium catamarquensis, Reigia punae, Suniodon catamarcensis, Astegotherium sp., Callistoe sp., Colbertia sp., cf. Ernestokokenia sp., cf. Pampahippus sp., Propyrotherium sp., cf. Utaetus sp., Astrapotheriidae indet., Interatheriidae indet., Isotemnidae indet., Litopterna indet., Notohippidae indet., Notostylopidae indet., Notoungulata indet., Oldfieldthomasiidae indet., Typotheria indet. Geste
Eobranisamys riverai, E. romeropittmanae, Eodelphomys almeidacomposi, Eoespina woodi, Eoincamys ameghinoi, E. pascuali, Eopicure kraglievichi, Eopululo wigmorei, Eosachacui lavocati, Eosallamys paulacoutoi, E. simpsoni, Hondonadia pittmanae, Incadolops ucayali, Kirutherium paititiensis, Kiruwamaq chisu, Micoureus laventicus, Parastegosimpsonia peruana, Patene campbelli, Perulestes cardichi, P. fraileyi, Perupithecus ucayaliensis, Rumiodon inti, Sasawatsu mahaynaq, Wamradolops tsullodon, Wirunodon chanku, Yuruatherium tropicalis, Guiomys sp., Scleromys sp., Sipalocyon sp., cf. Microsteiromys sp., Acaremyidae indet., Chiroptera indet., ?Gondwanatheria indet., Glyptodontinae indet., Hystricognatha indet., Interatheriinae indet., cf. Notohippidae indet. Yahuarango
Birds Perudyptes devriesi Paracas
Psilopteridae indet. Sarmiento
Presbyornithidae indet. Vaca
Reptiles &
Boidae indet., Sebecidae indet., Testudines indet. Geste
Shelania laurenti Vaca
Boinae indet. Sarmiento
Insects Acanthocephalonotum martinsnetoi, Archimyrmex piatnitzkyi, A. smekali, Madres delpueblo, ?Atalophlebia sp., Stratiomyidae indet. Ventana
Flora Agathis zamunerae, Atherospermophyllum guinazui, Embothrium precoccineum , ?Embothrium pregrandiflorum, Fagus subferruginea, Lomatia preferruginea, Retrophyllum spiralifolium, Blechnum sp. Ventana

See also



  1. ^ Mustersan at Fossilworks.org
  2. ^ Woodburne et al., 2013
  3. ^ Dozo et al., 2014, p.241
  4. ^ Acosta & Tambussi, 2005, p.128
  5. ^ Godoy et al., 2012
  6. ^ Muñoz et al., 2006
  7. ^ Tejedor et al., 2009, p.6
  8. ^ Chacaltana et al., 2015, p.2
  9. ^ a b Castro Medina, 2010, p.53
  10. ^ Ciancio et al., 2016, p.577
  11. ^ López & Bond, 1995, p.92
  12. ^ Clarke et al., 2007, p.11545
  13. ^ Antoine et al., 2016, p.56
  14. ^ Castro Medina, 2010, p.54
  15. ^ Carlotto, 2016, p.522
  16. ^ a b Shelania at Fossilworks.org
  17. ^ a b Wilf et al., 2005
  18. ^ Campbell et al., 2014, p.13
  19. ^ a b c La Gran Hondonada at Fossilworks.org
  20. ^ Sierra Chaira at Fossilworks.org
  21. ^ Engelman et al., 2018
  22. ^ Tapado at Fossilworks.org
  23. ^ Goin et al., 2012
  24. ^ La Barda at Fossilworks.org
  25. ^ Ciancio et al., 2016
  26. ^ García López & Babot, 2014
  27. ^ a b Antofagasta de la Sierra at Fossilworks.org
  28. ^ Pozuelos salt flat, Quebrada El Paso at Fossilworks.org
  29. ^ Bond et al., 2015
  30. ^ Ciancio et al., 2012
  31. ^ Santa Rosa fauna at Fossilworks.org
  32. ^ MD-67 at Fossilworks.org
  33. ^ Quebrada Perdida at Fossilworks.org
  34. ^ Vaca Mahuida Facies at Fossilworks.org
  35. ^ Confluencia locality at Fossilworks.org
  36. ^ Quarry RP3, Río Pichileufú at Fossilworks.org
  37. ^ Pilcaniyeu road, near Río Pichileufú at Fossilworks.org
  38. ^ Río Pichileufú: quarry RP3 MEC dup at Fossilworks.org
  39. ^ Río Pichileufú at Fossilworks.org
  40. ^ Cerro Coihué at Fossilworks.org


  • Woodburne, M.O.; Goin, F.J.; Bond, M.; Carlini, A.A.; Gelfo, J.N.; López, G.M.; Iglesias, A.; Zimicz, A.N. (2013), "Paleogene Land Mammal Faunas of South America; a Response to Global Climatic Changes and Indigenous Floral Diversity", Journal of Mammalian Evolution, 21: 1–73, doi:10.1007/s10914-012-9222-1, hdl:11336/31253, retrieved 2019-02-15
Sarmiento Formation
Abanico Formation
Andesitas Huancache Formation
Chota Formation
Geste Formation
Paracas Formation
Pozo Formation
Soncco Formation
Vaca Mahuida Formation
Ventana Formation
Yahuarango Formation