Engineering and Design Principles
[edit]Engineering is defined as the practice of using natural science, mathematics, and the engineering design process to solve technical problems, increase efficiency and productivity, and improve systems. As technology and science advances everyday, the need for engineers increases along with it. When working in the field of engineering and design, adaptability, efficiency, ethics, and good management are all required skills to be successful in the field. Innovation and sustainability drive the work of engineers as they push to create new materials, research developing science, and maintain and improve the functionality of different systems. While all engineers apply these basic principles to their individual work, the applications of engineering are vast. There are several different sections and areas of engineering and design that all focus on more specific elements of science and technology, allowing for a deeper understanding of the specific field.
The purpose of this project is to collect information and research about a few different types of engineering and design and provide a better understanding of how these different areas of engineering and design are both similar and different from one another. The glossary terms for each area gives the reader insight common science used in the field, the pertinent programs give examples of different computer systems these engineers use in daily life, the social ways to engage provide ways to potentially get involved within each engineering discipline on a deeper level, and the articles provide recent news, research, or discoveries within each area. Through these entries in the project, the reader gains a better overall sense of what each engineering discipline does and how the basic engineering principles apply to that specific field.
While several disciplines of engineering and design are explained within the wiki, the information there covers little of the enormous scope of the topic. Today, engineering is used in nearly every aspect of society, and as such, only a few of the larger subcategories were explained in detail. To fill in some of the gaps in the Wiki, more areas of engineering and design could be added, and the existing ones could be described with more detail. It would be nearly impossible and quite impractical to cover the entirety of engineering and design in one article, and as such, our final product serves as a reference point for deeper learning after a brief overview.
Although there are numerous engineering and design disciplines, for the purpose of this project, each member was assigned a discipline that they have some sort of experience within. These disciplines are as follows: aerospace engineering, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, industrial design, and optical engineering.
The first discipline of this article is aerospace engineering. Aerospace engineering is the discipline of engineering that deals with the design, creation, and testing of aircraft and spacecraft vehicles. The field has two major overlapping branches: aeronautical and astronautical engineering, with the first dealing with systems inside the atmosphere and the second dealing with systems outside the atmosphere. Aerospace engineers cover everything from guidance and navigation to robotics and communication, with most of their work dealing with improving vehicles to study the world above the ground.
Chemical engineering is the discipline associated with chemical processes and creating systems to balance these processes and produce new chemical material. Chemical processes are commonly used whenever making a product that has been physically or chemically altered in some sort of way. Chemical engineers design large-scale systems to encompass the chemical processes and ensure that the correct amount of product is formed, no reactants or energy is wasted, and the system runs at a reasonable rate.
Electrical Engineering is the engineering discipline that relates to the design, creation, and implementation of systems and devices that use electricity. Electrical Engineering is a very diverse field, and is often divided into smaller sub-fields, such as Computer Engineering, Systems Engineering, and Power Engineering, to name a few. Furthermore, it often overlaps with other fields. Electrical Engineers work with components as small as nanocircuits to systems as large as a country’s power grid and are crucial to the continuation of today’s technology-based society.
Industrial design is a creative discipline that consists of sketching, modeling, and developing concepts and designs for the manufacturing of physical and digital products. It typically incorporates designing and shaping objects and interfaces to improve their functionality, usability, and aesthetics while ensuring they are still suitable for mass production. Industrial design aims to create products that are innovative, efficient, and appealing to consumers.
Optical engineering is the field that involves the design and construction of devices that utilize electromagnetic radiation, commonly in the range of wavelengths that constitute visible light. The technology that optical engineers produce is used in many applications, including communication, astronomy, electronics, and more.
Aerospace Engineering
[edit]Glossary Terms
[edit]Aerodynamics refers to the study of how an object moves through a fluid, most commonly, air. The interaction between the moving object and the air is studied closely and helps engineers create systems that can fly through the air at different speeds. The rules of aerodynamics dictate how anything moves through the air, from a simple kite to a rocket. For most aerospace engineers, there are 4 distinct forces that come from aerodynamics that need to be looked at while designing and creating some sort of aircraft. These forces include:
- Lift
- Lift is the upwards acting force that helps an aircraft move vertically through the air. For planes and gliders, this lift is mostly generated through the wings of the aircraft but can also be generated through rotor blades or through buoyancy principles.
- Weight
- Thrust
- Thrust refers to forward acting force that helps propel the aircraft through the air. Usually thrust is generated by a propulsion system, which is powered by the engine of an aircraft. Thrust is necessary to keep the aircraft moving in a certain direction and to overcome drag.
- Drag
- Drag is the force that acts opposite to the relative direction of thrust. Drag is generated through the contact of the aircraft with the air, and is found at every part of the aircraft.
[edit]Aerostructure refers to any manufactured part of an aircraft's frame or structure. Although there are many different kinds of aircraft, each with their own systems of flight and different components that help it maintain flight throughout the air, most can be categorized into one of four sections:
- Planes
- Planes are the most common type of aircraft and consist of many different parts. While each plane may be built differently, almost every one has these components[1]:
- Fuselage- Main body of the plane that holds the passengers of the plane
- Wings- The wings are the large fins that help produce lift for the plane. These can come in many shoes and designs depending on the job of the plane.
- Empennage- Also known as the stabilizers, the empennage helps keep the plane in flight. Usually these are tail fins near the end of the plane.
- Flight Control Surfaces- Flaps controlled by the pilot to help steer the plane.
- Undercarriage- Helps the plane move on the ground
- Planes are the most common type of aircraft and consist of many different parts. While each plane may be built differently, almost every one has these components[1]:
- Gliders
- Gliders have a similar aerostructure as a plane, but usually contain longer and more sleek designs to experience less drag. As the name implies, these vehicles “glide” longer distances and use less engine power than a plane.
- Rotorcraft
- Rotorcraft refers to most vehicles with vertical takeoff systems, such as helicopters of VTOL’s. In order to take off and move through the air, they use rotor blades, which are long, thin pieces of metal that rotate in order to produce lift. They also can include horizontal rotors to control other directions of movement.
- Lighter-Than-Air Vehicles
Pertinent Platforms
[edit]OpenRocket is a free and fully featured model rocket simulator, created by Sampo Niskanen in 2009. Once downloaded on their computer, phone, or tablet, the user will be met with a list of common rocket parts, a part directory, and a workspace that displays the current rocket in the making. The rocket parts are simulated with the dimensions and measurements of their real-life counterparts, and as such, these dimensions and measurements are used when calculating the test flights through the simulation tab. After creating a rocket with all the necessary parts, the rocket can be displayed within the workspace and can be modeled in both 2D and 3D. Multiple simulations can be run through Open Rocket, with certain launch conditions being set as well to help predict the motion, path, apogee, and time of the rocket's launch. Data can be displayed in the form of graphs and tables to help ease the process of data collection. Open Rocket not only helps lay a foundation for creating a base model rocket, but it can also be used to predict and collect data from a launch without having to spend actual money designing and building a real-life model.
Aircraft Design Software
Aircraft Design Software, also known simply as ADS, is a conceptual designer for lighter aircraft developed by Optimal Aircraft Designs. The program allows a user to not only design a base aircraft from scratch but import certain models in order to dissect and analyze certain parts of real-life aircraft. The creation portion of the application allows a user to build a custom aircraft with parts and designs from aircraft in use today, while the analysis portion breaks down certain parts of real-life aircraft to be used for further inspection. Models both user-created or important can then be easily moved to a 3D printer to be printed out. Similar to OpenRocket, dimensions and measurements used can be used in order to collect data, which once again can be displayed in ways to easily read it. However, different from OpenRocket is the ability to collect certain R&D data provided by real companies. Cost analysis, production costs, and operating costs are all visible to whoever wishes to know more about those aspects of the aircraft.
Social/Cultural Engagement
[edit]AIAA Design/Build/Fly Competition hosted by Textron
[edit]The AIAA (which stands for the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) Design/Build/Fly Competition is an annual competition held in Wichita, Kansas. The teams for the competition, which consists of both undergraduate and graduate students, come together in order to design and create a remote-controlled aircraft that is able to perform certain tasks. Some example tasks are included below:
- Deliver a payload to a marked section of the track
- Complete a certain number of laps within a given time frame.
- Land accordingly at certain pit stops located on the track.
The aircraft must be able to perform these tasks, while at the same time demonstrating good flight handling qualities and meeting distinct standards. While designing their aircraft, teams must also take into account certain requirements. For example, for the 2023 competition, the wingspan could not exceed a limit of 5 feet.[2]
The flight course itself is an oval-shaped track with a 360 degree turn halfway through the course. The team that flies their plane the best on this track while accomplishing the tasks earns cash prizes.
[edit]ASCEND[3], which stands for Accelerating Space Commerce, Exploration, and New Discovery is a multi-day experience focused on sharing ideas and perspectives about the aerospace industry, addressing challenging issues facing aerospace companies, and providing information through the form of workshops. The event also provides networking opportunities for both companies and consumers, as job-expos take place during the event.
Over the span of 3 days, ASCEND aims to cover multiple topics, each detailing certain aspects about aerospace engineering. Some of these topics for the 2024 year include:
- Space Economy
- Space Exploration and Infrastructure
- Space Security and Protection
- Space and Society, Education, and Workforce
- Space and Sustainability
- Space Traffic Management
For each of these topics, sessions are divided up, with multiple leaders in the aerospace industry taking charge to both teach and learn from others within their field. Leaders can include global experts, entrepreneurs, or simply knowledge enthusiasts from all over the globe. By having a diverse population at the event, ASCEND facilitates new and bold perspectives, and thus pushes the industry to higher places.
[edit]Design Search and Optimization in Aerospace Engineering
Design Search and Optimization in Aerospace Engineering, by A.J. Keane and J.P. Scanlan discusses certain designs found within aircraft and highlights the most optimal aspects found within them. The paper starts by reviewing the modern-day method of design search and optimization (also called DSO) and narrows in on certain examples found today. For example, the paper inspects the structure and weight of wing shapes, while at the same time examining their performance and manufacturing costs, something that is always taken into account within the industrial engineering sub discipline. The paper states that this example goal of a wing having a low drag and a low cost is the starting point, but then other factors are taken into account. Structural strength, weight, and dimensions must also be taken into account and must be placed somewhere on a hierarchy. Keane and Scanlan develop this hierarchy throughout the paper, ending with a graph that showcases what they believe to be the best optimization strategy.
Aerodynamics, Computers, and the Environment
Aerodynamics, Computers, and the Environment, by P.G. Tucker and J.R. DeBonis is split into five main parts, with the first being an introduction highlighting rising environmental concerns. The article then dives into certain components of aircraft and their effect on the environment, with the first being about aeroengines. The paper targets the CO2 emissions, NOx emissions, and noise levels of aeroengines, and states that simulations of aeroengines are the key to enhancing our understanding of the pollution these engines can cause. The paper mentions how certain problems within engines are being tackled and notes that environmental concerns must also be taken into account. The next part of the article deals with airframes and more specifically, the airframes located within the aircraft of transport companies. The exploration of flow control is noted and is referred to as ways companies are looking to reduce emissions. The final main part of the article deals with the computer aspects of aerospace engineering. The paper states that in order for pollution involving electrical processes to decrease, grids and systems need to be optimized so that the physical size and intensity of the grids can decrease. The paper ends with a conclusion emphasizing again the importance of studying how aircraft components affect the environment and notes that if certain changes can be made, the future can look brighter.
Chemical Engineering
[edit]Glossary Terms
[edit]Material/Energy Balance:
[edit]In chemistry, there are two important laws concerning mass and energy that help engineers develop processes: conservation of mass and conservation of energy. These both state that mass or energy cannot be created or destroyed, and therefore the mass/energy going into a system must equal the mass/energy leaving the system. A material/energy balance is a tool that allows for chemical engineers to track mass and energy flowing through a system in order to design/modify processes needed for various functions. For example, if a scientist wanted a process to produce 100 kg per hour of a chemical, he would need to ensure the proper amount of mass is added to the process in order to produce the 100 kg mark. He would also need to ensure enough heat energy in the form of temperature is added to the process to ensure the reaction proceeds. The mass and energy into the system must equal the mass and energy leaving the system, and by using a mass and energy balance, the scientist can ensure he has enough reactants and products to perform whatever function is needed.
Fluid Mechanics:
[edit]Fluid mechanics is defined as the science concerned with liquids and the response to forces exerted upon them. By understanding how fluids behave and react to various forces or fields, chemical engineers can design reactors that optimize heat and mass transfer within them. Many reactions that chemical engineers deal with are in the fluid phase [4] (especially reactions involving water), and therefore an understanding of how fluids interact with their surroundings is vital. When mixing two fluids, being able to efficiently transport them through piping using fluid mechanics optimizes production of the mixture. Also, the fluid may also be concentrated with some dissolved compound (salt, acid, etc.) which changes the mechanics of the fluid, and this must be accounted for when setting up and designing a process. Understanding fluid mechanics for different liquids allows for processes to be built with greater efficiency, minimizes the error in the system, and makes it easy to design changes inside a reactor as a whole.
Pertinent Platforms
[edit]The Aspen HYSYS program is a chemical process simulator that models various chemical processes and systems, from small-scale unit operations to larger refineries and plants. The platform is used by chemical engineers to mathematically design processes, optimize performance and efficiency within a process, and manually control different aspects of the process to observe what effective changes they cause. The program is heavily used as an intuitive program to aid engineers working in oil & gas production, gas processing, petroleum refining, and air separation industries[5]. There are two built-in modes in the program that allow for multiple applications. Steady-state mode provides a simulation where there is no accumulation within the system. Dynamics mode introduces a time-dependence model into the mass or energy balance. Other user-friendly tools within the platform include detailed flow charts and distillation columns. While Aspen HYSYS is widely used for model development, it is also a leading tool for business planning and asset management due to the equipment simulator that tracks process machinery costs[5].
[edit]CHEMCAD is a process simulation software that allows users to simulate processes in chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, thermodynamic models and contains a database of thousands of components for gases, liquids, solids, and electrolytes[6]. Compared to other process simulators, CHEMCAD is one of the most user-friendly with its high customizability, appealing graphics, easy integration into chemical or computing environments, and personalized tech support[7]. Key features of the program include workspace to create and manage PFD’s (process flow diagrams), side panes for easy access to process units or navigation through the system, and various pieces of equipment used in different simulations. Compared to other process simulation software such as Aspen HYSYS, CHEMCAD is more for engineers who are beginning to understand how process simulation works. While the program may not be as advanced as others, there are plenty of studies, data calculations, and economic reports in CHEMCAD that make it a very useful platform for facilitating larger projects and managing smaller projects[7].
Social/Cultural Engagement
[edit]AIChe, or the American Institute for Chemical Engineers, is the world’s leading organization for chemical engineering professionals, with more than 60,000 members from 110 different countries[8]. The three main pillars for this organization include innovating for sustainability, pioneering excellence, and unlocking potential within the members. Over the course of the year, several conferences and meetings are held between AIChE members to present new research, highlight different engineering approaches in the workforce, and learn about new applications of new technology and programs. Many of these conferences are more directed towards advanced chemical engineers and members who have abundant experience in the field. However, colleges and universities offer smaller scale meetings between graduate and undergraduate students within the major. These meetings allow younger members to learn about the applications of chemical engineering, hear presentations about future internship/co-op opportunities from companies seeking chemical engineers, and meet alumni and company leaders in the major to help students begin networking and making connections within the field.
[edit]Founded in 1922, IChemE, or the Institute of Chemical Engineers, is the UK based and internationally recognized qualifying body and learned society for chemical, biochemical, process engineers[9]. Members of this organization can be found in many different industries and in various points in their career. This international organization is licensed to award outstanding chemical engineers with certain registrations and statuses within the field, which allow the person to advance farther in their career. IChemE is focused on expanding the knowledge of the chemical engineering major and its members by hosting conferences centered around new research and innovations and giving members nearly unlimited access to articles, books, and the e-library containing over 300 chemical engineering titles, databases, and problem-solving tools[10]. The process for becoming a member of IChemE is one of many steps. The organization is mostly suited for well-developed engineers who have vast experience in the field. Experience and qualifications must be presented in order to become a member, meaning that it is difficult for undergraduate students to become members early on. However, the experience of the organization allows for better transfer of knowledge and a deeper collective understanding of chemical engineering.
[edit]Chemical Engineering and its Industrial Significance, by W. E. Gibbs, discusses the importance of chemical engineering within a vast array of industries. Chemical engineering, compared to other forms of engineering (mechanical engineering, electrical engineering), deals with chemical processes. Chemical processes involve changing the physical or chemical state of a material and transforming it into an entirely new product. No other form of engineering involves chemically changing the composition of material, which makes chemical engineering vital in any industry concerning chemical processes. The field of chemical engineering is not confined simply to chemical industries. These engineers are required in agriculture, lumber, and food industries along with chemical industries. While being knowledgeable in chemistry and mathematics is required, those are not the only skills chemical engineers need. Experience in economics, business, and commercial operations are required for most engineers. Being able to adapt to certain economic requirements and situations is crucial when creating a chemical process. Overall, the skills held by these engineers are vital in several industries due to the differences between chemical engineers and other forms of engineering[11].
Defining Professional Boundaries: Chemical Engineering in the 20th Century, by Terry S. Reynolds discusses three main points: why chemical engineering faced problems when creating boundaries with its associated science, why chemical engineers wished to create an identity separate from chemistry, and how these engineers became independent of chemistry.. While other fields of engineering emerged from weaker, less-developed sciences, chemical engineering developed from a well-established science, chemistry. Because of this, chemists felt no need to extend the definition of a chemist to fit the role of a chemical engineer, let alone create an entirely new profession. However, with the rapid growth of the chemical industry in America, chemical engineers became required to bridge the gap between chemistry and large-scale production of chemical materials. Chemical engineers feared the declining status of analytical chemistry along with mechanical engineers who were taking roles belonging to chemical engineers in the workforce in the early 1900’s, which is why there was a push to further separate the field from chemistry. The creation of AIChE in 1908 helped set boundaries between engineering and chemistry, but the term “unit operations” accomplished much more. Chemical engineering became defined as its own science dealing with unit operations for chemical processes on a large scale, making the field distinct from simple laboratory processes in chemistry.[12]
Electrical Engineering
[edit]Glossary Terms
[edit]Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs)
[edit]Printed Circuit Boards, often abbreviated as PCBs, are the baseboards used to construct electronic components. Some version of a PCB is used in almost every electronic device. The purpose of a PCB is to mount much smaller electronic components and link them into a larger circuit to create a more sophisticated component.[13] PCBs are highly customizable and relatively inexpensive to create, making them crucial to the work of Electrical or Computer Engineers. Typically, a PCB is constructed of alternating layers of conductive metal, typically copper, and nonconductive, insulating material. Components mounted on a Printed Circuit Board are linked using copper conductors, which can come in many forms, most famously as copper traces. Components are fastened onto the PCB through the use of soldering.[14] PCB manufacturing has evolved significantly in recent years, allowing for higher wire density, smaller components, and therefore more compact PCBs.[13] PCB manufacturing has become a significant field within Electrical Engineering due to its integral part in most electronics, and this trend is projected to continue in the near future[15].
[edit]Batteries are devices that intake, store, and release energy. Batteries come in many different forms, most commonly as chemical batteries, especially Lithium-Ion batteries. [16]These can be seen throughout society - in devices, cars, and even power grid energy storage.[17] Chemical batteries use chemical potential energy obtained from chemical reactions. They contain two terminals, a cathode and an anode, and a chemical material separating the two called an electrolyte. When ions move from the cathode to the anode, the battery charges. When they move from the anode to the cathode, the battery releases energy. [16]
There are other types of batteries that are less common, such as gravity batteries. These batteries use gravitational potential energy instead of chemical potential energy, and are sometimes found in grid energy storage.[18] Unlike gravity batteries, chemicals within chemical batteries are toxic, and their disposal can release toxicity into the air, ground and water sources.[19] However, they are becoming increasingly more necessary due to the movement towards clean energy.[17]
Pertinent Platforms
[edit]Altium Designer
[edit]Altium Designer is a software program that is frequently used by engineers to design and layout Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs). It was released by the company Altium Limited in December 2005[20], and has since become one of the leading PCB Design Softwares.[21] Altium Designer is extremely versatile, with a range of built in functions, allowing Engineers to develop a variety of different types of PCBs. It is able to support every phase of a project’s design, from early prototypes to the final product.[22] Altium Designer is used alongside Altium365, a complementary program that allows collaboration on a project, connecting a user to a massive network of like minded Engineers. Users have access to a large library of usable components, feedback on their projects, and direct collaboration on a singular design, typically used between members of a project.[23] Altium also provides many different ways to view a user’s design, from a simple schematic, to a 3D visualization of the PCB.[21]
[edit]MATLAB, short for Matrix Laboratory, is a programming language designed to analyze complex data, algorithms, data matrices, and more.[24] MATLAB was designed by Mathworks, a company that makes mathematical computing software. MATLAB for PC first debuted in December 1984.[25] It combines computation, visualization, and programming into one system, making it of great assistance to Engineers of all fields.[26] It is relatively easy to learn, an impressive fact for such a capable program. MATLAB can interact with other programs and languages, such as Java, can extract data from a variety of sources, and is even capable of being used to support Machine and Deep Learning. As a language, MATLAB is constantly evolving, which is why it is able to support such a wide range of languages, inputs, and functions. MATLAB also has a group of, as of now, 63 Toolboxes. These Toolboxes are application specific solutions, MATLAB functions that extend the capabilities of MATLAB in order to solve a specific type of problem.[27] This makes it incredibly accessible, cementing it as the forefront of mathematical computing software.
Social/Cultural Engagement
[edit]Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
[edit]The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, often shortened to the IEEE, is the world’s largest technical professional community, dedicated to advancing technology through the collaboration of its members, and using these advances in technology to benefit all of humanity.[28] The IEEE also provides resources to help Electrical Engineers, whether it be in the advancement of their careers[29], protection of themselves and their family through insurance[30], or if they are in danger of losing their job[31]. Founded in 1824[32], there are over 421,000 IEEE members in more than 160 countries, and the IEEE publishes a third of electrical engineering, computer science and electronics technical literature. It is also responsible for the development of international standards in multiple different fields that fall under Electrical Engineering.[28] The IEEE hosts a multitude of conferences, dedicated to sharing advances in Electrical Engineering.[29] At one such event, the December 1984 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control in Las Vegas, the mathematical computing software MATLAB was presented.[25] Many universities also have their own iterations of the IEEE, such as Georgia Tech IEEE, which work closely with the IEEE itself. [33]
Georgia Tech Ramblin' Rocket Club
[edit]The Ramblin’ Rocket Club is a student-led organization at the Georgia Institute of Technology. It is the largest student organization associated with the school of Aerospace Engineering, consisting of approximately 160 dues-paying members. These members range from BS students to Ph.D students, and are derived from many majors beyond Aerospace Engineering, such as Electrical Engineering. [34]The Ramblin’ Rocket Club is divided into four clubs, each with their own unique objective.[35]
Georgia Tech High Powered Rocketry:
[edit]Georgia Tech High Power Rocketry helps students build and subsequently launch their own high power rockets. They also assist in the obtention of certifications from the National Association of Rocketry. Students work on every part of the rocket, from propulsion to avionics, and the rockets typically fly between 5,000 to 15,000 feet and range in height anywhere from 4 feet to 10 feet tall.[35]
Georgia Tech Experimental Rocketry (GTXR):
[edit]GTXR is a team with the focus of building the first collegiate large multi-stage rocket to reach the Kármán Line, 100 km above the ground, the edge of space[36]. The project is divided into multiple sub-teams, including Propulsion, Avionics, and Procurement. [37]
High Altitude Balloon:
[edit]High Altitude Balloon tests and launches Space Weather Balloons designed by Georgia Tech students. Furthermore, this team offers a platform for other Georgia Tech research groups to run tests in the upper atmosphere.[35]
Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GNC):
[edit]GNC is the newest team within the Ramblin’ Rocket Club. This team aims to develop a high-powered rocket with precise maneuverability during flight, using various methods such as canards, thrust-vectoring, and jet-vanes[35]. [38]
[edit]Electric Vehicle Batteries: Addressing Questions about Critical Materials and Recycling, by Hanjiro Ambrose and Jimmy O’Dea, published by the Union of Concerned Scientists, discusses the availability, ability to recycle, and sustainability of battery materials. This is an especially important topic in the modern world, where Battery Electric Vehicles are becoming increasingly common in an effort to combat pollution and global warming emissions. Many materials crucial in the creation of Lithium Ion Batteries are deemed critical, i.e. they are crucial to battery performance, yet their supply is at risk. An example of this is lithium, a material that is extremely important in the production of batteries, yet is produced primarily by four countries: Australia, Chile, Argentina, and China. As demand for Electric Vehicles grows, so will the demand for these critical materials, beyond sustainable levels. The authors of this article argue that an adjustment to recycling spent Lithium Ion Batteries can meet a significant portion of the demand for critical materials in battery production, potentially 30 to 40 percent. This also addresses a significant amount of the “upstream” pollution (meaning pollution caused by the extraction of materials and creation of components) caused by Electric Vehicles by bypassing the extraction of the materials itself. It also reduces the dangerous toxic pollution caused by the disposal of Lithium Ion Batteries. Implementing wide-scale battery recycling means that a wide range of barriers will have to be overcome, however, the authors argue, that process will be worth the effort.[39]
Clean Fuels for the Midwest: Expanding the Use of Clean Fuels Will Deliver Economic and Climate Benefits, by Jeremy I. Martin, published by the Union of Concerned Scientists, argues that Clean Fuel Standards will promote the use of biofuels and wind energy, and will be extremely beneficial to the environment, reducing the pollution of creating and using transportation fuels. The author of this article argues that the increased use of biofuels and wind energy will heavily support the economy of the Midwest. This is because this region produces the most biofuels and cleaner fuels, for example, the states of Iowa, Nebraska, Illinois, Minnesota, Indiana, and South Dakota produce 70% of domestic ethanol. Ethanol, at minimum, produces 20% less emissions than gasoline. The midwest is also greatly improving their production of biodiesel, renewable diesel, and biomethane. Furthermore, the midwest contains an abundance of wind energy farms, and has the capability to expand. As of now, the midwest uses a significant amount of coal energy, but this number is falling consistently. The author argues that if this continues, and if Clean Fuel Standards are implemented, the pollution produced in the midwest can continue to fall, and the economy of the midwest can continue to grow. [40]
Industrial Design
[edit]Glossary Terms
[edit]DFM or Design for Manufacturing is an important part of design in which products and their components are designed specifically to be manufactured or mass produced. This process typically aims to create better products at lower manufacturing costs and faster production rates. This is accomplished by simplifying the design and allocating the part breakdown to maximize machine and factory output. This process typically begins early in the design process, and is an important consideration throughout iteration and prototyping. DFM evaluation is usually a cross-discipline procedure, incorporating reviews from designers, engineers, contractors, suppliers, and manufacturers to ensure that the design is optimized and the overall cost and production time are minimized. There are several important considerations during each part of the design process that can help optimize the manufacturing process. The design itself is the most important aspect of this including components such as constant wall thickness, textures, and tolerances. Deciding on the material is also a vital decision[41]. Properties such as mechanical, thermal, electrical, flammability, and even color can greatly impact the manufacturing procedure. Finally, the chosen manufacturing process itself must also be determined. High-cost processes such as injection molding[42] aren't necessary when something such as thermoforming would suffice. DFM is an important consideration throughout the entire design process, and helps maximize the profit and margins of commercial products.
[edit]User Interface/User Experience (UI/UX) is a type of design that focuses on the interaction between the human and the product. This design is primarily applied for digital products such as websites, mobile apps, software applications, and other interactive platforms. UI design focuses on the visual aspects of the interface such as layout, colors, typography, and other graphical elements[43]. It aims to create visually appealing and intuitive interfaces with which users can easily navigate and interact. UX design focuses more on the overall experience that users have when utilizing and interacting with a product. This includes features such as usability, accessibility, and the ease of use. This design aims to maximize the overall satisfaction of the user, and therefore UX designers work to understand the needs, behaviors, and motivations of the users and customers in order to design interfaces that meet those needs most effectively. Both of these types of design are centered on the user experience, creating simple and enjoyable interfaces and interactions between the product and the customer.
Pertinent Platforms
[edit]Fusion 360
[edit]Fusion 360 is a cloud-based computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), and computer-aided engineering (CAE) software developed by Autodesk. It combines design, engineering, and manufacturing capabilities into a single platform, providing many versatile tools and features to assist in product as well as other forms of design. While Industrial Designers primarily utilize the CAD features of the software to create products and other designs, it does supply three fully flushed out features.
CAD (Computer-Aided Design): Fusion 360 offers a wide selection of tools for 3D modeling, allowing users to create intricate designs for various purposes such as mechanical parts, products, and buildings. It supports parametric modeling, which enables users to easily modify designs by changing parameters.
CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing): Fusion 360 includes CAM functionality, allowing users to generate toolpaths for machining operations directly from their CAD models. This allows for an easy transition between design and manufacturing processes.
CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering): Fusion 360 integrates simulation capabilities, allowing users to perform structural, thermal, and modal analyses on their designs. This helps to evaluate the performance and behavior of products under different conditions, allowing for more optimal designs.
Adobe Suite
[edit]The Adobe Suite, officially known as Adobe Creative Cloud, is a set of software applications developed by Adobe Inc. These software packages are usually used for graphic design, video editing, web development, modifying images, and other creative projects. It provides a large set of tools designed to meet the needs of professional, students, and hobbyists a large selection of creative fields. Some of the most popular and refined Adobe software include:
Photoshop: A raster graphics editor primarily used to modify images and photographs.
Illustrator: A vector graphics used to create illustrations, logos, typography, and other graphics.
Indesign: A desktop publishing software used to format and layout digital and printed media.
Premiere Pro: A professional video editing software used for post-production video modification.
After Effects: A visual effects software used to create animations and other motion graphics.
Acrobat: A software used to create, edit, modify, view, convert, and sign PDF documents.
Social/Culture Engagement
[edit]IDSA or The Industrial Designers Society of America is a professional organization that represents the interests of industrial designers and other design professionals throughout the United States. It was founded in 1965 and currently serves as a hub for individuals working in the field of industrial design. IDSA provides resources, education, advocacy, networks, and events for professionals to connect and share ideas. IDSA's mission is to promote the practice and understanding of industrial design by advancing its value and influence in society and strengthen the industrial design profession. Their members demonstrate the boundless impact of design within business, culture, and society. The organization also offers various programs and initiatives to support its members. These include workshops, webinars, conferences, and large events such as the annual International Design Conference (IDC) which helps professionals stay current with industry trends and continue their education[44]. IDSA also provides networking opportunities, and facilitates connections between designers and other industry professionals. Finally, IDSA supplies recognition and helps advocate for people's names and designs by hosting the International Design Excellence Awards (IDEA), one of the most prestigious design competitions in the world. These awards go out to those who achieved excellence in design and allow for recognition to outstanding achievements in the field.
Bredendieck Award
[edit]The Bredendieck Awards are a prestigious and long-established recognition system that honor the great contributions of Hin Bredendieck to the School of Industrial Design at The Georgia Institute for Technology[45]. These awards not only celebrate Bredendieck's lasting legacy, but also underscore the significant and direct connections between the Industrial Design program at the Bauhaus and the program at Georgia Tech.
The Bauhaus, renowned for its revolutionary approach to design, emphasized the importance of understanding user context and the role of iterative design processes. This involved continual refinement and experimentation, along with the use of a diverse array of materials for prototyping. This innovative approach has greatly influenced Georgia Tech's Industrial Design program, which continues to prioritize user-centered design and creative problem-solving in line with the Bauhaus tradition. By acknowledging these connections, the Bredendieck Awards help to emphasize the enduring impact of Bredendieck’s work on the school's current design philosophy and practices, and new designs are constantly being created in that spirit.
[edit]Making Use of Design Principles, by Leona Kruse, Stefan Seidel, and Sandeep Purao discusses the results of a study which looked into how design principles are implemented in design practice. It argues that design principles have recently begun to be the primary way to record and understand abstract knowledge about the design information system (IS). Working as design science researchers, they think that practitioners in the field will utilize the outcome and results of these studies. Their evidence comes from their analysis of the thought process of designers as they commentate on it during the design process as they implement their set of design principles in a new context. Through this analysis, they identified five primary categories for conceptualizing the use of design principles. These categories are: interpreting scope and content, matching with problem space, guesstimating missing information, projecting into solution space, and implanting into design process. It was determined that design principles do not limit a designers freedom or creativity, but rather encourages them to act in a conscious, deliberate manner as they proceed through their design.[46]
Design principles for sustainability: Tearfund’s expanding international development approach by Nicholas Simpson and Madleina Daehnhardt dives into the role that design principles play in Tearfund’s approach to international development practice. The increasing degradation of economic and environmental foundations for many people's lives worldwide has raised concerns for development processes. Because of this, Tearfund, a faith-based international Nongovernmental Organization (NGO) operating in more than 50 countries, has expanded their design philosophy with the aim at answering some of these issues that people are facing. Tearfund is now creating and developing a new set of design principles that aim to take steps towards greater ecological integrity as well as economic and social imperatives when working with impoverished communities internationally. They work to integrate sustainability and look at optimal ways to translate these principles into practical design. They extend these principles to incorporate holistic development more effectively, especially working in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).[47]
Optical Engineering
[edit]Glossary Terms
[edit]Electromagnetic Radiation
[edit]Electromagnetic radiation is the flow of energy simultaneously through electromagnetic waves and quantum particles. These particles are known as photons, but classically, electromagnetic radiation can be categorized in terms of its wavelike behavior by measuring its wavelength (or inversely, frequency). The electromagnetic spectrum represents all possible wavelengths of light, with categories from largest to shortest: radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays.[48] Electromagnetic radiation is most commonly emitted and absorbed when electrons change between energy levels in their atom.[49] This process results in very specific possible emission and absorption wavelengths for a given element. The ways in which an electron gains the required energy to emit electromagnetic radiation can vary, and different sources are given different names. For instance, photoluminescence is ‘powered’ by matter absorbing other electromagnetic radiation.[49] Other examples include chemiluminescence (source of chemical reactions), electroluminescence (source of electric current), and bioluminescence (source of biological processes). [49]
Digital Image Sensor
[edit]A digital image sensor is an electronic device used to record images from electromagnetic radiation. Digital image sensors work by using a semiconductive material (usually silicon)[50] to detect photons and convert them into electrical signals. This semiconductor is broken up into a grid of photosites, and when a photon strikes one of these pixels, electrons are released in a quantity proportional to the amount of light received.[50] These electrons are then transported, measured, and converted to a readable signal in order to be displayed as a digital image. The two main types of digital image sensors are charge-coupled devices (CCD) and complementary metal-oxide-semiconductors (CMOS).[51] CCD technology moves all electrons to a single electronic converter, while the faster CMOS has a converter for each pixel.[51] Semiconductive photosites alone would only produce a monochromatic image, and the most common technique to produce colored images are color filter arrays, which use a checkerboard pattern of red, green, and blue filters to allow adjacent pixels to receive only one fundamental color.[50]
Pertinent Platforms
[edit]Ansys Zemax
[edit]Ansys Zemax is officially described as “an optical design software tool, used to conceive imaging, illumination, laser systems, and more.” Some of its key features are: ray tracing, lens design, tolerance analysis, optimization, interoperability, and multiphysics simulation.[52] Ray tracing refers to computer simulation of electromagnetic radiation, which can be extremely useful in designing optical components.[52] Lens design includes the manipulation of shape, size, material, and any other property of a lens that will manipulate light.[52] Tolerance analysis is a more general engineering term, which describes the process of ensuring that a product is both within specifications and manufacturable. Optimization tools, like those of tolerance analysis, are provided by Zemax to allow the user to match their product as closely as possible to project requirements. Interoperability refers to the ability of a software to interact with other engineering tools. Finally, multiphysics simulation allows the simulation of the effects of other physical processes on optics.[52] By packaging these features and more into a single software program, Ansys Zemax serves as a powerful tool to optical engineers.
Code V
[edit]Code V is an optical design software tool developed by Synopsis, Inc. Some of its key features are: accurate beam propagation analysis, artificially intelligent Glass Expert, built-in libraries of optical system models, comprehensive graphics capabilities, and compatibility with the LightTools software.[53] Beam propagation analysis, like ray tracing, models the behavior of electromagnetic radiation in varying environments.[53] The Glass Expert is an especially powerful tool that uses artificial intelligence to take project requirements as inputs and output an optimal set of glasses to use in that project.[53] Code V’s built-in optical system libraries are made available to help the user learn specific features of the software.[53] Graphics capabilities allow for pictures, data plots, and other displays to visually represent properties of an optical system. LightTools is another Synopsys software that serves as a companion to Code V by improving its abilities to process color and illumination.[53] These capabilities and more make Code V a respected software tool within optical engineering.
Social/Cultural Engagement
[edit]SPIE (International Society for Optics and Photonics)
[edit]SPIE, the International Society for Optics and Photonics, is an organization that “brings engineers, scientists, students, and business professionals together to advance light-based science and technology.”[54] Each year, SPIE organizes roughly 25 events across multiple continents, bringing together thousands of minds to showcase progress in the field.[54] Such innovations can be published in the SPIE Digital Library, which is the world’s largest archive of optics and photonics research with over half a million entries.[54] SPIE also supports members through funding and recognition. In the former, the organization has contributed over $20 million in the past five years through grants, scholarships, and other forms of advocacy.[54] In the latter, SPIE has recognized over 20 individuals in the optics and photonics industries yearly since 1959.[54] Additionally, SPIE aims to benefit its industries by campaigning for beneficial programs in government, economic, and professional institutions.[54]
Optica (Optical Society of America)
[edit]Optica, formerly known as the Optical Society of America, is stated to be the society dedicated to promoting the generation application, archiving, and dissemination of knowledge in optics and photonics worldwide.[55] Founded over 100 years ago, Optica claims to have been “the world’s leading champion for optics and photonics” since 1916.[55] Its core values are stated as the four I’s: innovation, integrity, inclusivity, and impact.[55] Optica serves as a parent to several sub organizations including: the CLEO Conference, the FiO+LS Conference, the GEMM Initiative, and the National Photonics Initiative.[55] In order, CLEO is a yearly Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, FiO+LS is a yearly conference on the Frontiers in Optics and Laser Science, GEMM is the initiative for Global Environmental Measurement and Monitoring with the goal of creating global collaboration to combat environmental and climate issues, and the National Photonics Initiative is an American group with the aim to increase funding and investment into photonics. By supporting these organizations and many more, Optica serves as a powerful force in the optics and photonics industries.
[edit]Photonics by Christopher J. Rhodes serves as a general overview of the titular field. This paper is broken into five body sections, listed in order: introduction and overview, applications, nanophotonics, photonics masts, and recent research in the field of photonics. The introduction explains that the term ‘photonics’ encompasses any science or technology that utilizes the photon; though the entire electromagnetic spectrum is included in photonics, the field most often utilizes the spectrum between infrared and visible light. The applications section describes the huge number of fields that photonics has applications in, including computing, spectroscopy, medicine, agriculture, and telecommunications. In the following section, nanophotonics is thoroughly explained, with Rhodes noting that it involves using infrared through ultraviolet light to observe interactions with objects of nanometer scale. In the penultimate section, the application of photonics in submarines’ periscopes. Finally, the paper is concluded with a list of recent photonics research and an in depth explanation of some of the content. [56]
Looking to the Future of Quantum Optics by Ian A. Walmsley is a dive into the current topics being worked on in the field of quantum optics and their possible applications in the near future. A main focus of this paper is quantum light, which is distinguished from classical light in the fact that its phase and photon number cannot be determined simultaneously, and that two beams of quantum light can be entangled so that multiple properties could be related. It is explained that quantum light can currently be made in two ways: through emissions from single atoms and careful quantum detection, or through splitting a classical beam. Both methods are said to face challenges in efficiency and scaling. A few applications of quantum light are mentioned throughout the paper, including data encryption, creating non-classical states of matter, and quantum computing. The article is concluded with the note that, by developing technology in quantum optics, many unenvisioned discoveries will likely follow. [57]
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