This user supports the People's Republic of China and believes any political and social change in China must come about gradually through which the result does not necessarily have to be a Western-style democracy.
I come from HKSAR, China(My family comes from Haifeng county, Guangdong and lived there prior to 1945), and i am interested in history, especially political and military history. I also often research geography, animals and philosophy.
As I am currently studying in secondary school(King george V secondary school, hong kong) I do not have a job yet. I was part of student council 2023-2024(Not an actual job) and I hope to join the PLA(So far the PLANMC is the top choice for me) after I graduate university.
I am currently trying to improve the coverage of Chinese Military units and law enforcement, particularly the PLASOF and PLAN by adding interlanguage links, redirects and more information.
Most of the time my edits are minor, such as fixing typos or adding redirects. I also do recent changes patrols and prevent vandalism
Articles I made/contributed significantly to(in comparison to most of my edits)